Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 06/11/2019 à 00h59

Thanks for calling xnxx The PLA Navy may soon be comparable in strength to the Spanish or Italian fleets, but launching an aircraft carrier isn’t enough to make it competitive with the top powers, [Ralph Cossa of the Pacific Forum in Hawaii] said. xhamster Olivia Haywood, an education consultant for Oxbridge Applications, which was set up to help students negotiate the admissions process, said: “Places at Oxford and Cambridge have always been hotly contested, but with increasing competition from a flood of talented international applicants, the battle to win a place is fiercer than ever.” xvideos New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg, the oldest U.S. senator and the chamber’s last World War II veteran, died on June 3, 2013 from complications of viral pneumonia. The 89-year-old senator was known for authoring laws to ban smoking on airplanes and raise the drinking age. xhamster I have also since met a lot of the people who were involved in helping to create and facilitate her look and sound (even the man who first suggested the beehive) during the making of that album. All miss her terribly – they still look stricken, even tearful when her name is mentioned. Who knows what she would be creating now? I wish she was still here. sex videos Children were went undervaccinated for three doses of DTaP were 18.56 time more likely to have received a diagnosis of pertussis than children who received the recommended number of doses for their age. Children who did not receive any of the four doses of DTaP were 28.38 times more likely to contract pertussis.

le 06/11/2019 à 00h59

What qualifications have you got? xnxx Republican Rep. Jody Laubenberg of Parker outlined the bill that would require doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, only allow abortions in surgical centers, dictate when abortion pills are taken and ban abortions after 20 weeks. Exceptions to the ban would only be allowed when the women's life was in imminent danger. sex videos Though currently stationary, Ingrid, the ninth storm of theAtlantic hurricane season, strengthened during Friday and couldbecome a hurricane before hitting land late on Sunday or earlyon Monday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. xxx The 2014 Malibu, which starts at almost $23,000, in place oflast year's hybrid eAssist engine now features stop-start enginetechnology that saves fuel by allowing the car's engine to shutoff when the vehicle is at rest and restart when the acceleratoris pressed. boobs Spiegel also reported that Finance Minister WolfgangSchaeuble had already asked experts to draw up plans on raisingthe top tax rate - currently at 45 percent on income over250,000 euros - to between 46 and 48 percent. His ministrydismissed the report. porn Under the 50-year plan, China would eventually control three million hectares, an area equivalent to Belgium or Massachusetts, which represents nine per cent of Ukraine's arable land. Initially 100,000 hectares would be leased.

le 06/11/2019 à 00h59

Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account? xvideos The favoured solution involves RAG, a German state-ownedtrust that controls chemicals maker Evonik. It isexpected to buy shares itself or lend money to the KruppFoundation to preserve the blocking minority. But first,Hiesinger must seal the Steel Americas deal. boobs Analysts and traders said the euro may struggle to make asustained break above $1.38. However, it could get a boost ifU.S. weekly jobless claims numbers at 1230 GMT are on the lowside, following below-forecast non-farm payrolls on Tuesday. xvideos The point of the conference was to revive a plan adopted last year in Geneva. At that time, Washington and Moscow agreed on the need for a transitional Syrian government, but left open the question of whether Assad could participate in the process. xvideos More than three weeks after the roll-out of the insurance exchanges, the administration is still struggling with a home-made embarrassment, to put it mildly. That will certainly not restore confidence in Obamacare, but will certainly fuel additional Republican attacks on the health care law in the near future. xxx "It's an honour to be even with Roger," said Williams. "He's been such a great champion throughout the years, and he's just an unbelievable competitor and he's still playing, and he can probably still win more."

le 06/11/2019 à 00h59

I'm not sure xxx “What do you do?” Sanchez said in a quiet moment after practice Monday. “What should I say? I can’t sit there and pout. There’s no point. That’s not going to get me anywhere. The more time I spend worrying about that, maybe I don’t realize why I threw the interception. . . . If I’m getting booed, I’m not going to change anybody’s opinion in the 30 seconds I’m allowed to pout. . . . It’s this spiral. Why even go down that road?” xhamster Trust & investment fees declined by $218 million whileinvestment banking fees were also lower (similar to JP Morgan - JPMalthough this was more or less expected as the brokerage businessis seasonally lower in Q3). xhamster A gold-lame-attired Brunnhilde, sung vividly by English soprano Catherine Foster, pretty much stole the show in the second act, vowing revenge as the woman scorned after her lover, the hero Siegfried, is stolen away from her with a magic potion. xxx "There are a lot of things I'm going to miss, but there are some things I'm not going to miss," Blake explained. "The constant travel; living out of a suitcase; my body aching a little more than it used to; just not being able to recover the same way; playing a long match and then the next day not really feeling like I am sure my body will be up to the challenge the next day the way it used to." xvideos Apple CEO Tim Cook - who has presided over a 20 percent dropin the California-based company's share price so far in 2013 -blamed the shortfall partly on the economy and said he remainedbullish on China.

le 06/11/2019 à 00h59

Not in at the moment xxx “Let’s just say Olbermann thought Valentine would be a bit of a challenge to work with,” the source said. “In my opinion, the two have plenty in common. They are both off-the-wall kind of guys.” xhamster The nightmare inning began with a walk to Wainwright and Matt Carpenter followed with a single before post-season slugger extraordinaire Beltran cleared the bases with a long, towering home run into the second deck down the right-field line. xvideos So no matter how you slice it, it sounds like this couldn't have been both widespread on ongoing. Either it was limited to a certain run early on and has been shelved as a bad idea, but the NSA just doesn't want to run a risk of recurrence no matter how small; or, alternatively, it could be that bugged Lenovo machines were part of a specific operation against the NSA and there is and never was such a program at Lenovo in general distribution. It's even possible the malware was added somewhere between it leaving the Lenovo general assembly line and being on the test bench in the USA. xhamster "He gave us what we needed," said Tigers manager Jim Leyland, who had left-handed relievers warming up and looked close to removing him. "He made a great pitch to Drew to get out of that inning. We stuck with him and he came through." xhamster In the previous two years, AIM had lost nearly a quarter ofits value against its blue-chip sibling as the heavy presence ofmany early-stage resources firms, which often require repeatedcapital injections, deterred investors.

le 06/11/2019 à 00h59

What university do you go to? xhamster Wednesday's move takes markets' view of the BoE rate outlookback to where it was in late June, just before Canadian MarkCarney became BoE governor and called a rise in short-term moneymarket rates "unwarranted." porn "Savings made as a result of proposed changes to ouroperational model will be passed on in the form of pricereductions, ensuring our medicines are more affordable toChinese patients," Hussain added. xnxx Abdesslam is a Salafist, part of a fast-growing movement among Sunni Muslims worldwide who believe Islam should be practised as it was by the first followers of the Prophet Muhammad in the earliest days of the faith. porn I was amazed to discover several decades ago that there is no mandate or presumption in Contract Law that the parties will negotiate or deal with one another in good faith. There is no legal penalty when they don’t in most cases. porn "We were relatively happy with where we were on the line but they managed to get a bit of momentum at the start. A little bit frustrating," said New Zealand skipper Dean Barker. "The Oracle guys had a polished race that time and there were no opportunities to get back into it."

le 06/11/2019 à 00h59

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le 06/11/2019 à 01h43

How much is a Second Class stamp? toro porn Until the revelations, Weiner was ahead in the mayoral race. On Wednesday, Quinnipiac University released a poll - conducted before Weiner's news conference - that found him leading Democratic candidates with 26 percent of the vote. City Council Speaker Christine Quinn followed with 22 percent, and former City Comptroller Bill Thompson had 20 percent. xxx 2002 “It’s difficult for us to really know that, in terms of how much they grieve, “he said. “Obviously, we know they’re very intelligent animals, but as far as the level of emotion that they feel, it’s not something that we can really speak to.” free xnxx The cancer has since gone into remission and she couldn’t be more excited to celebrate her 6th birthday. But there is one thing Liliana requests to help mark her big day: birthday cards from you. hentai Mr Kerry said the UN resolution had to be “forceful, accountable, transparent and timely” and added that all the countries involved, including Russia, had agreed to impose measures under Chapter 7 of the UN charter in the event of non-compliance. beeg Everybody knows that Saturday Night Live has been the paragon of sketch comedy for nearly 40 years. Looking back on more than three decades of comedic genius, it’s clear that the talent was key to the show's success. But without brilliant writing, true comics like Chevy Chase and Kristen Wiig wouldn’t have much to deliver. To craft the show's iconic skits, SNL’s proven teams of writers had to draw inspiration from everything and everywhere possible.

le 06/11/2019 à 01h43

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le 06/11/2019 à 01h43

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le 06/11/2019 à 01h43

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le 06/11/2019 à 01h43

I'll text you later https // “Great feeling you know? Finally got it out of the way,” d’Arnaud said. “It was definitely weighing on me a little bit, but all my teammates just kept telling me to relax and I was just listening to them and I’m thankful for that.” hot young sluts So scientists largely depend on retrospective trials, where the results are muddied by factors such as class, wealth and education. After ticking off the major risk factors — taking drugs, smoking, drinking more than a few units of alcohol a week — a huge grey area remains. xnxx sex video I spent quite a bit of time looking at the 4C at Geneva, sitting in the car, getting a full overview. The thing that struck me is just how similar it is to my supercharged Elise. The size is almost identical, the power about the same, the luggage space about the same. Yes, it has a bit lower sills which made getting in/out easier but you came away thinking that Alfa designers had used the Elise as their benchmark. yuvutu tube mobile Outside of being drilled by Roger Clemens, Piazza’s most memorable Mets moment came on September 21, 2001, when he belted a two-run homer in the eighth inning against the Braves, lifting the Mets to a 3-2 win over Atlanta in the first game in New York following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. beeg mature Not involving actual fish, but cashing in on the adrenaline rush, are ABC’s entrepreneurial competition show “Shark Tank,” returning this fall, and “Mako Mermaids,” a good-natured Australian fantasy adventure series that just dropped on Netflix.

le 06/11/2019 à 01h43

We were at school together planetsuzy A recent government-funded study of 100 surrogate mothers in Delhi and Mumbai found there was "no fixed rule" related to compensation and no insurance for post-delivery healthcare. It cited cases where surrogates were implanted with embryos multiple times to raise the chances of success. xxx Secretive North Korea allowed in a large group of foreign journalists last week to cover Saturday's lavish celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the truce that ended the 1950-53 Korean War, which North Korea says it won. A rebound in developed market economies and the more stablemacroeconomic environment have encouraged investors to buy equities this year. The S&P 500 has hit record highs severaltimes in recent months, aided by strong company earnings. xnxx The Fed minutes published on Wednesday revealed so many divergent opinions on the conditions, timing and even direction of any change in monetary policy, that all the recent speeches and press conferences on tapering could reasonably be described as white noise. porn videos --QB Matt Ryan completed 36 of 45 passes for 319 yards with two touchdowns and a 111.0 quarterback rating against the Jets. Monday night marked just the second time in his career that the Falcons have lost a game when Ryan records a passer rating of 100 or better. Atlanta owns a 33-2 (.943) record in those games. Ryan has thrown for 300-plus yards in four of his last five games and posted a rating above 100 in 10 of his last 15 home games.

le 06/11/2019 à 01h43

Will I get travelling expenses? Yes, Iran has hundreds of advanced centrifuges – but it turns out that they are only being used to enrich uranium to the lowest level needed to supply nuclear power stations. As for that stockpile of uranium enriched to 20 per cent purity – close to the level needed for nuclear weapons – Iran is converting much of it into harmless fuel rods. big bouncing boobs Nearly one-third of Americans - 32 percent - say Republicansare responsible for the shutdown, up from 26 percent a week ago.About 4 percent said Democrats were mostly at fault for theshutdown, down from 5 percent. Sixteen percent blamed Obama, upfrom 14 percent. xnxx cina Barrick, the world's largest gold producer, announced a deallast month to sell three of its high-cost mines in Australia for$300 million. The company is looking to improve returns in theface of weaker metal prices and ballooning costs. "The biggest risk to the program is prematurely eliminating competition," Phil McAlister, director of commercial spaceflight development at NASA Headquarters, told an advisory committee meeting on Tuesday. www xvideos com new 1 “We are definitely the underdog. They have home-stream advantage,” LaVorgna said, adding that it was tough finding rafters willing to make the four-hour trip from the city. “What we learned, shockingly, was that when your entire staff resides in New York City, you don’t have many people who raft,” he said.

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