Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 06/11/2019 à 06h34

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le 06/11/2019 à 06h34

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le 06/11/2019 à 07h07

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le 06/11/2019 à 07h07

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le 06/11/2019 à 07h07

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le 06/11/2019 à 07h07

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le 06/11/2019 à 07h07

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le 06/11/2019 à 07h07

We need someone with qualifications porn Erich Priebke, a former SS captain, lives under house arrest in the Italian capital after being sentenced to life imprisonment in 1998 for the massacre in the Ardeatine Caves near Rome where 335 civilians were killed in March 1944. sex videos As a result the health board asked Professor Brian Duerden, emeritus professor of medical microbiology at Cardiff University, to conduct an independent expert review of infection controls, and to recommend improvements. porn For Gaza's vulnerable economy, hit by years of closures, the sharp drop in cheap fuel and cement from Egypt is most damaging. Gaza Deputy Economics Minister Hatem Awaida said the economy has lost about $235 million as a result of the new closures. This likely includes a direct loss to the Hamas treasury — millions of dollars in taxes normally imposed on tunnel goods. boobs In all honesty, in the past, France and USA/UK have not got a very good history of making accurate Judgements on WMD’s as we very well know. Lets be honest here folkes USA and UK (NATO) haven’t got a clue who the rebels are and where their Tax Payers money is going. Russia has financial ties and ordinance vast intelligence of Syria and all NATO seems to do is get their back up. I see grave problems for Europe here, we have learned in history not to annoy Russia, especially when they provide a massive amount of natural resources for the area. Take heed. beeg Her conservatives delivered their strongest result in over two decades in the September 22 election but fell several seats short of a parliamentary majority. Exploratory talks with the Greens collapsed last week, allowing Merkel to focus on opening formal negotiations with the SPD.

le 06/11/2019 à 07h07

I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh levitra 20 Alibaba's founders and senior management have been lobbyingthe Hong Kong stock exchange to stay in charge ofdecision-making even after the IPO, but the regulators have inthe past rejected corporate structures that failed to treat allshareholders equally. you jizz At 41-years-old, Brooke Burke is putting starlets half her age to shame with her incredible rock-hard abs. The TV personality (and mother of four!) flaunted her enviable, washboard stomach wearing little more than a white sports bra following a grueling workout in Malibu on March 3, 2013. Need another reason to be jealous? The gorgeous fitness enthusiast looks like she hardly broke a sweat! free porn For all the complaints about the NSA, neither Snowden nor any of his enablers in the media have pointed to any illegality or wrongdoing, a far cry from the daily excesses of the Stasi, which operated at the behest of a dictatorial political system not beholden to any sort of democratic will. md porno Smith was now on top of the world. It was his “coming out party” And damned if he didn’t show there was at least one New York quarterback who could still engineer a fourth-quarter comeback. Hallelujah, there would be meaningful games to be played the rest of the season. xnxx telugu So far, the centre-right government has stuck to the goalsand ruled out any need of a new programme, but political supportfor more front-loaded austerity has eroded, especially after aninternal rift in the ruling coalition last month threatened toderail the bailout altogether.

le 06/11/2019 à 07h07

Another year porn National guidelines say foetal heart rates should be checked at least every five minutes. After unsuccessful attempts to pick up a heart rate by midwives, the problem was then compounded as the doctor on duty was not called in to assist. xxx “Let’s get the facts, let’s get the intelligence and then a decision will be made on whether action should be taken, if action should be taken, what action, or no action,” he said. xxx The three nuclear new build groups said they could jointlybuild around 16 gigawatts of new capacity by 2025, a target thatnow looks ambitious after Japan's Fukushima crisis delayedregulatory progress and added to mounting nuclear plant bills. xnxx North Korea, analysts say, has previously used detained Americans as bargaining chips in a standoff with the United States, which has long pressed Pyongyang to abandon a nuclear program estimated to have a handful of crude atomic weapons. xvideos It’s upsetting that my audience doesn’t always find them as gripping as I do. So you can imagine my delight when in 2011, Gransnet, the website designed specifically for DGs like me – there are currently 14 million grandparents in Britain – was launched by those thoughtful Mumsnet people. It’s a wonderful online forum for advice and discussion and now there’s a book as well: The New Granny’s Survival Guide, with a foreword by Janet Ellis – presenter of Blue Peter in the Eighties and now granny to three boys (she should get a Blue Peter badge herself for all the hours she entertained my children back then).

le 06/11/2019 à 07h07

I'm interested in xxx video hindi Milliner, who will take his conditioning test on Tuesday, spent the spring rehabbing from offseason shoulder surgery, so there will be some level of intrigue when Jets trainers eventually clear him for contact at practice in the coming days. www.xnxx "This attack was intended to demonstrate that they are still there. But it's also a demonstration that they are losing the war against the security and stability of Yemen," the minister, Abu Bakr al-Qirbi, told Reuters. xxx bp Multiple sources close to the matter have told Reuters BlackBerry is in talks with Cisco Systems Inc, Google Inc and Germany's SAP AG among others, about selling all, or parts of itself. The potential buyers have all declined to comment. elephant tube Although forecasters do not expect record-breaking temperatures this week, the National Weather Service issued heat advisories and warnings Tuesday in parts of Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as well as most of Connecticut and Rhode Island. blood gas interpretation Britain's power prices are higher for a variety of reasonsincluding dependence on gas, less interconnection with othercountries, lower deployment of zero marginal cost renewablepower and the carbon tax.

le 06/11/2019 à 07h07

I'm in a band xxx Speaking at his Moscow hotel on the penultimate day of the world championships, Diack considered the Moscow event a success and was unperturbed by the backdrop of Russia's controversial anti-gay propaganda law. beeg He said: “The RaboDirect will be covered by Sky and other broadcasters too in the next few years and that broadcaster exposure is one of the elements – but not the only one – in what is quite a broad deal with Scottish Rugby.” xnxx Bochy squashed any idea that he picked Harvey to start because the game was in New York by saying during Monday’s press conference, “What a tremendous year he’s had. Really wouldn’t have mattered what city we were playing in with the year that he’s had, the impressive numbers that he’s put up. He would have been the starting pitcher.” xvideos Those differences may still hamper talks where both sides must agree on how to finish writing a new constitution, on when to hold elections, and on other issues such as the composition of a new electoral body to oversee any vote. xnxx Panther Energy Trading LLC and sole owner Michael Coscia will pay $4.5 million to U.S. and U.K. regulators to resolve allegations that they used high-frequency trading algorithms that manipulated commodities markets.

le 06/11/2019 à 07h07

Gloomy tales xnxx "Sometimes we might encourage the candidate to think through whether the person they selected would be willing or able to reveal the information they sought (and we allow plenty of time for the candidate to change the issue they want to find out about, and reconsider their choice of person)." beeg In both cases, the forged paperwork included motions from prosecutors to correct "illegal" sentences, accompanied by orders allegedly filed by Perry within the last couple of months. The orders granted a 15-year sentence. Perry is best known for presiding over the Casey Anthony murder trial in 2011. beeg This image provided by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department shows O.J. Simpson's booking photo at the Clark County Detention Center after being found guilty on all charges in his Las Vegas kidnapping and robbery case on Friday Oct. 3, 2008. xxx "Yet there seems to be nothing in the promised Bill to tackle problems at border control, which is getting increasingly shambolic, nor deal with long delays in getting electronic checks in place, or the UKBA [UK Border Agency] bureaucratic failings that have prevented foreign criminals being deported. sex videos Monteith, a native of Calgary, Alberta, left school at 16 for a life of crime and then turned to drugs. He spent his first stint in rehab at 19, but continued with counselling for his dependency issues.

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