Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 06/11/2019 à 21h48

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le 06/11/2019 à 21h48

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le 06/11/2019 à 23h16

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le 06/11/2019 à 23h16

Can I call you back? iwank IMI's beverage business, which makes valves for drinkdispensers and accounts for about 14 percent of the company'srevenue, has been struggling as major customers have held backcapital expenditure and deferred orders. The company said on Monday it had spent "tens of millions ofpounds" on revamping its "finest" range and expected a "doubledigit" percentage rise in sales from products including a triflemade with Amontillado sherry syrup, Aberdeen Angus beef steaksand Anglesey pure sea salt. sex selingkuh Chen says she was immediately interested in Al Jazeera when she saw that its code of ethics included statements like “we seek not to sensationalize” and “we want to approach journalism in a fact-based way.” beeg beeg "The team deserves a huge compliment," said US Head Coach Jurgen Klinsmann after the game. "A tie isn't fine with us. The team pushed until the last minute and deserved a goal. We're obviously happy. First place, nine points. And you can see that there's a chemistry developing that is fun to watch." ampland Clearly there has been some controversy about the conference and that’s not altogether surprising. It is a shame that Conservative ministers are now unable to attend and engage with grass roots conservatives, but perhaps this is understandable.

le 06/11/2019 à 23h16

In a meeting xxx hot video "The very idea that MPs should enjoy an exemption and take a 9 percent increase will rightly cause outrage amongst workers up and down the country," said Dave Prentis, head of Unison, Britain's biggest trade union. porn video The White House has battled Republican efforts to discreditthe law, known as Obamacare. The House of Representatives passeda bill last week that would fund the U.S. government beginningOct. 1 only if the law is ransacked. The dollar volume of fraudulent refunds is not known, according to the GAO. Financial institutions recognized and returned to the IRS $754 million in tax refunds they found suspicious between January and Sept. 30, 2012. The GAO said that figure is only a fraction of the total amount of refund fraud. levitra online Bullard is usually seen as a policy centrist, but has becomeone of the central bank's most vocal doves due to concern thatinflation remains too far beneath the Fed's goal of 2 percent,which he worries could lead to damaging deflation. xnxx telugu Yoga Raves bring the yoga studio to the club -- so don't forget your glow sticks (and glitter). Combining music, movement and meditation in a single space, Yoga Raves also promote drug-free fun. Many of these raves begin with a guided meditation as a warm up, to lead into a more free movement.According to the not-for-profit movement's website <a href="http://Yoga Rave" target="_hplink"></a>, "The Yoga Rave Project will bring the spiritual element back to celebration and the way we have fun, offering a drug free alternative for our youth to gather and release their energy and tension."<a href="" target="_hplink">The Art Of Living Foundation</a>, which funds and organizes <a href="" target="_hplink"></a>, is not the only initiative propelling the yoga dance party. <a href="" target="_hplink">Jivamukti</a> and <a href="" target="_hplink">Laughing </a>Lotus are among the yoga schools supporting the combination of yoga and "getting down."<a href="" target="_hplink"> might have said it best:</a> "The Yoga Rave: a place where you can totally trip out drug free, get friendly with your fellow man/woman and wake up in your own bed the next morning (if you so choose)."

le 06/11/2019 à 23h16

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le 06/11/2019 à 23h16

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le 06/11/2019 à 23h16

Have you got any qualifications? hamster sex Ji Zhongxing was arrested on Monday for allegedly setting off a home-made bomb at Beijing's international airport on 20 July. Mr Ji says authorities failed to help him to seek justice against security guards who allegedly crippled him during a fight. xhams But the total was also boosted by a jump in subsidy levelsin non-OECD countries such as China and Indonesia - included inthe report for the first time - where support as a share ofoverall income rose by 4 and 6.5 percentage points respectively. xvideos hentai While top leaders have stressed in recent weeks that reform is the priority - the latest being President Xi Jinping - they were also at pains to assure investors that Beijing would not allow the economy to slip too far. levitra coupon Evonik, Germany's second-largest chemicals maker after BASF,is controlled by RAG, a public sector trust that will bear theliabilities of Germany's wound-down coal mines. Buyout firm CVC also holds a stake. .beeg He points to losses in ice sheet mass from Antarctica and Greenland, changes in ocean salinity in different parts of the globe and increasing ocean heat content where data has been strengthened and clarified since the last assessment.

le 06/11/2019 à 23h16

We've got a joint account gay xnxx Chinese authorities are investigating GSK deals with travelagencies worth up to 3 billion yuan ($489 million) that theyallege were used to facilitate bribes. The scale of the paymentshas fuelled debate as to whether GSK surveillance systems wereup to the job of spotting wrongdoing. But in Aberdeen you notice them in the constant clutter of helicopters to-ing and fro-ing out to sea, and the jets lined up at the city's airport ready to take engineers on charter flights across the globe. beeg tubes July 26 (Reuters) - Barnaby Jack, a celebrated computerhacker who forced bank ATMs to spit out cash and sparked safetyimprovements in medical devices, died in San Francisco, a weekbefore he was due to make a high-profile presentation at ahacking conference. wifelovers stories RootMetrics also measured availability of 4G coverage over 310 miles within London and “multiple indoor locations”, finding that Vodafone’s covered 69.4 per cent and O2′s 63.9 per cent. xvido The researchers identified not only the pathway involved in starting the immune response, but the other molecules and proteins that turn innocuous cat dander into something that can cause a person to wheeze, sniffle and sneeze. They discovered that a protein found in cat dander binds to a molecule called LPS. LPS in turn is recognised by a receptor called TLR4, which triggers the start of an allergic reaction.

le 06/11/2019 à 23h16

What qualifications have you got? boobs nude Though Sanchez initially had hoped to be back by Week 11, when he would have become eligible to return, the Jets almost certainly had moved on from the veteran. Though Gang Green had insisted on classifying the competition with Smith as “ongoing,” the rookie is the quarterback of the future, especially after Monday night. Ryan, speaking Tuesday before the announcement about Sanchez was made, praised the second-round pick’s performance that led to the Gang Green win. porno video According to Chef Klein, the original stout cake recipe had called for espresso and water. But one day, he substituted all the liquid with the locally brewed Kofresi Stout from the Old Harbor Brewery in San Juan—and never looked back. Tommy Morrison, former heavyweight champ and star of "Rocky V," died on Sept. 1, 2013 in a Nebraska hospital at the age of 44. Morrison's death was confirmed by his wife Trisha to the mixed martial arts website, "MMA Dirty," which reported he died of "respiratory and metabolic acidosis and multiple organ failure." His death was also confirmed by Morrison's long-time promoter, Tony Holden to the Associated Press. Wildly popular because of his good looks and punching power, in 1989, one of his fans included Sylvester Stallone, who later cast him in the role of "Tommy Gunn" for the fifth installment of the "Rocky" series. The heavyweight champ, nicknamed "The Duke," tested positive for HIV in 1996, a result he challenged later in life. He had been bed-ridden for a year before his death. porno "The aim of the visit is to offer condolences and encouragement to the people of Kenya and those affected by the Westgate attack and to offer support to bishops in Kenya", a spokeswoman for Lambeth Palace said. porno Yet even after three years of immersing herself in the world of Obamacare, Watts uses cheat sheets to make sure her explanations of the law are accurate. "It's way too complicated for me to remember everything," says Watts, the national health care spokeswoman for Mercer, a consulting firm that advises mostly large employers on their employee benefit needs.

le 06/11/2019 à 23h16

How would you like the money? The 227 million euro ($306 million) deal requiresparliamentary approval but faces resistance from a number ofdeputies from the ruling coalition of Prime Minister HashimThaci, as well as the opposition. planetsuzy "I wanted to dedicate this award to Cory, for all you out there that loved and admired Cory as much as I did. I promise that with your love, we're going to get through this together," she said in her first public appearance since his July 13 death from an overdose of alcohol and heroin. xxx Staples, who's not yet 20, received his first exposure on "Earl," the breakout Odd Future album that helped to propel the collective onto the worldwide stage. Staples released his debut mixtape in 2012 and is building a devoted following among peers. His lyrics explain why. On "Guns and Roses," for example, he's gritty but smart with an eye for detail. He describes a 13-year-old holding a gun for the first time, a weapon "that was made for a man/The rush he get is one you won't understand/Unless you hold it and blow it." It's a sensation that hunters and gangsters have felt. xxxvideo The riots that followed Rogo's death exposed deep social, political and sectarian divides in Mombasa and the coastal region. The government said the violence was organized by Kenya's "enemies" and blamed Muslim radicals for supporting al Shabaab. .beeg "When there is consensus, who the Fed chair is hardly matters, and the times when it matters are the times when you have to think outside the box, and then his strengths shine," said Brad DeLong, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who worked with Summers in the Clinton Treasury Department.

le 06/11/2019 à 23h16

I came here to work Fadell, who was part of Apple's iPod and iPhone design team before he left to start Nest, compared the two products: "It took a long time for us to go from the iPod that was just music, to adding photos, to adding videos, and then to the iPhone." generic vardenafil It's the Broncos' no-huddle (which torched the Giants for 43 points in Week 2) meets the read option (which worked against the Giants in that Week 3 blowout in Carolina) and a shot of 5-Hour Energy. And it's rolled through the NFL; the Eagles have topped 400 total yards every game this season, and they lead the league with 198.3 rushing yards a game (and it's not even close). levitra coupon “They’re gonna be talking about the fact that if Congress doesn’t do something, we’re gonna be looking at these mass shootings as a pretty regular occurrence in this country,” Murphy said of the message the Newtown parents will present at the Wednesday press conference. xhamster Nonetheless, a follow-up study by social networking site revealed that 40 per cent of Facebook users also use a multiple of other social media sites, which they visit more frequently than they did two years ago. xnxx “As a humanitarian, Hillary Clinton has been an incredible force for good around the world and here in New York. I’m honored that she is the first recipient of the Michael Kors Award for Outstanding Community Service,” to be presented at the annual God’s Love We Deliver Golden Heart Awards dinner in October, Kors told Confidenti@l.

le 06/11/2019 à 23h58

Sorry, you must have the wrong number xhamster Wednesday's decline accelerated in the final hour of tradingafter a top Fed official said the U.S. central bank, which meetsagain in September, should have more evidence about the economyand inflation before it can make a decision. sex videos "Drowning is deceptively quiet. Although seeing a person shouting and thrashing is likely to mean distress, the waving, splashing and yelling for help that we see on dramatic television shows is rarely seen in real life," the organisation said. xhamster Dan Meyer (@Dmy53), who pitched five years in the majors for Atlanta, Oakland and the Marlins, created a stir when he voiced on Twitter the frustration some players have felt about losing jobs. Meyer recalled that he was going for a bullpen gig against fellow lefty Antonio Bastardo, who was suspended Monday, in Philadelphia in 2011: xxx More significantly, I missed my cousin Enri’s wedding in Durham in January. With the celebrations themselves lasting two days, the round trip from Cambridge would have taken four days in total and I knew there was no way I could miss that much of an eight-week term without jeopardising my exam results. It was a hard choice to make. Enri and I are the same age, and grew up like brother and sister. xnxx The plan, wrote Justice Diane Renwick, “looks beyond health concerns, in that it manipulates choice to try to change consumer norms.” And the fact that the city made exceptions for milk-, fruit- and coffee-based drinks and for some drink sellers was supposed proof of unconstitutionality.

le 06/11/2019 à 23h58

Could I ask who's calling? xxx "Yo Taylor, I'm really happy for you … I'll let you finish. But Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!" West said on stage at Radio City Music Hall smack in the middle of Swift's big moment. xxx “Just want to get this out of the way now: NBC News has nothing to do w/Clinton mini series on NBC entertainment. So save your complaints,” tweeted NBC News political director and chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd last week. sex videos EIG passed on OGX because of the company's overindebtedness, underperformance and lack of production as theirdrilling wells are frozen, the source said. Other oil companiesare now circling OGX to see if any pieces are salvageable. "Ithink it ends badly" for investors, the source said. boobs But the thieves didn't get very far as they were spotted by another guest and left Hilton's belongings in the street where a driver recovered them and turned them into police. Still, no police report was filed. xhamster The stolen works have an estimated value of tens of millions of dollars if they were sold at auction. Thieves took Pablo Picasso's 1971 "Harlequin Head"; Claude Monet's 1901 "Waterloo Bridge, London" and "Charing Cross Bridge, London"; Henri Matisse's 1919 "Reading Girl in White and Yellow"; Paul Gauguin's 1898 "Girl in Front of Open Window"; Meyer de Haan's "Self-Portrait" of around 1890; and Lucian Freud's 2002 work "Woman with Eyes Closed."

le 06/11/2019 à 23h58

Is this a temporary or permanent position? xvideos The annual August parade to mark a Protestant victory in a 17th century battle once sparked riots, but passed without trouble for the first time as tourists took pictures. Its pipers later opened a traditional Irish music festival. xvideos To the layperson, jaw deformities present as either an underbite or overbite. “The teeth are designed so that they all make contact simultaneously, which best distributes the large forces encountered with chewing,” says Taub. “For kids with a jaw deformity, sometimes only two teeth make contact with biting, which transmits a lot of pressure to the jaw joint and causes injury over time.” xnxx The Prirazlomnaya rig, when it comes into sight, is a sturdy structure set about 20m (66ft)-deep on the seabed. The visible part of the platform - the "topside" - sits on a massive concrete and steel structure. The weight of this box is what keeps it in position. xhamster With an ownership stake estimated at more than 55% of the company, Mr Oringer has become the first billionaire to come out of Silicon Alley - New York's thriving tech sector - with an estimated net wealth of $1.05bn (£682m). boobs Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has said that on 17 October the US will have exhausted its borrowing limit and will have only $30bn (£19bn) cash on hand to fund a government that can spend as much as $60bn on certain days.

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