Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 09/11/2019 à 14h07

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le 09/11/2019 à 15h30

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le 09/11/2019 à 15h30

No, I'm not particularly sporty bokep barat ibu vs anak Immediately after the signing, Franco headed over to MCU Park, where Doug Wells, president and general manager of Mercedes Benz of Brooklyn, was throwing out the ceremonial first pitch. Franco, quintessential Brooklyn wise guy, said “Better not bounce it. It’ll be very embarrassing if you bounce it.” He kept riding Wells, hollering as he walked towards the mound. tube galor Even though the approach to the unprecedented milestone didn't generate a lot of buzz in the United States because it doesn't count in the record books, players have great respect for Suzuki's accomplishment. xxx video download He refused to comment on Ed Miliband's call for a 20-month price freeze if Labour win the next Election. But Mr De Rivaz told a conference in London that Labour's call to split energy companies in two - and separate generation from household supply - would only add to costs. hamster xxx Chisora could be next in line to fight the winner if he has the European belt strapped around his waist tonight. Gerber, 23 wins, one loss – to British heavyweight Michael Sprott – faces Chisora (17-4), who competes for the European crown for the second time. xnxx After all, her husband, Bill Clinton, didn't compete in the Iowa caucuses in 1992, proving a Democratic candidate can bypass the first-in-the-nation vote and still win the White House, Iowa activists noted Friday.

le 09/11/2019 à 15h30

Could you tell me the dialing code for ? xhamster "I think investors feel that the Fed could possibly staywith the QE program for a bit longer than September, when mostanalysts are expecting tapering," said Stan Shamu, a marketstrategist at IG in Melbourne. Gerald Uden, 71, and Alice Louise Uden, 74, were quietly living out their senior years in the rural Ozarks near Springfield, Mo. Now they face extradition to Wyoming — to answer allegations authorities say have gone unpunished for more than 33 years. xvideos video downloader The scientists then sampled 10 more healthy human brains, ranging from 41 to 89 years at the time of death. Once again, the amount of RbAp48 protein declined with age in the dentate gyrus. They next confirmed that RbAp48 protein was also less abundant in the dentate gyrus of old mice compared to young ones. The pontiff noted the influence of athletes, especially on youth, and told the players to remember that, “for better or worse” they are role models. “Dear players, you are very popular. People follow you, and not just on the field but also off it,” he said. “That’s a social responsibility.” xnxx mom Ielpi is slight, soft-spoken, gentlemanly but tough; he was a soldier in Vietnam, after all, and a firefighter in Brownsville during the burnt-out 1970s. Now, he steels himself and reports to the Tribute Center every day, surrounded by artifacts that still whip him into an elevated blend of grief for his losses and joy for his memories.

le 09/11/2019 à 15h30

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le 09/11/2019 à 15h30

Do you know the address? www.ixxx The inability to pass on the rising costs of powergeneration has also hit utilities, including Adani Power Ltd and Tata Power Company Ltd, both of whichposted losses in the first quarter of the current fiscal year. sex videos Yet the most memorable passages are those which describe the pre-war English countryside before suburbia encroached upon “the flowers that room in the meadow on the copse – flax and larkspur, buttercups, corn poppies, red campion and oxeye daisies”. Above all, it’s a book about the act of reading itself. As you read it, it asks you to think about your expectations of plot and outcome. The reader desires happiness for certain characters and Atkinson both challenges and rewards that tendency. sextubes Saif, 41, was among 38 senior regime figures who appeared in different courts in Libya on September 19, all charged with attempting to suppress the popular uprising that ended his 42-year rule in 2011. xhamster mature " 'Come here my little whore!" he said as he opened his arms. "Come on, don't be afraid!" Afraid? I was far beyond any fear. I was going to the slaughterhouse. I was dreaming of some way to escape but knew that Mabrouka was lying in ambush behind the door. I remained motionless, so he leaped to his feet and with a force that took me by surprise he grabbed my arm, threw me on the bed, and flung himself on top of me. I tried to push him away, but he was heavy and I couldn't manage it. He bit my neck, my cheeks, my chest. I fought back screaming. He shouted, 'Don't move, you dirty whore!' He beat me, crushed my breasts, and then after pulling up my dress and pinning my arms down, he brutally penetrated me." xxnxx We value thoughtful comments representing a range of views that make their point quickly and politely. We make an effort to protect discussions from repeated comments — either by the same reader or different readers.

le 09/11/2019 à 16h53

I'd like to apply for this job tranny porn Cyclospora, the one-celled parasite that causes diarrhea, stomach cramps and other symptoms normally associated with a viral stomach bug, is common in tropical regions like Latin America, but isn’t typically seen in the United States, according to the CDC. Most of the people affected were in Iowa, Nebraska and Texas. New Jersey, Minnesota and Ohio are the latest states to report cyclospora cases. xnxx He repeated past pledges to put any accord to a national referendum. Opinion polls reflect majority Israeli support for a two-state solution with the Palestinians, though less so for removing Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank. beeg sex Cholera has killed 50 people in northwest Nigeria in the past week, health officials said Monday, in the latest outbreak of the disease which has claimed thousands of lives across the country since 2010. But the book on Walter, his meth-dealing partner Jesse Pinkman and their booming drug empire, is about to close. On Aug. 11, AMC will premiere the second part of its Emmy-winning series' fifth season -- the final "Breaking Bad" episodes. .beeg But some investors said the move was symbolic and likelyrepresented, in the short term at least, relief for heavilyindebted state-owned enterprises (SOEs), big private-sectoremployers and local government financing arms.

le 09/11/2019 à 16h53

Photography tamil xnxx She said: “One of the reasons for the difference (between men and women) may be attitudes towards seeing a doctor. We tend to be reluctant to 'waste' the doctor's time - men are especially likely to put it off. Every evening after our meal we’d sit out on the terrace with drinks and some entertainment was arranged – anything from line dancing to cowboy bingo. My favourite was a campfire cookout under the stars, being serenaded by a guitar-playing cowboy, toasting marshmallows on the fire, then rounding the evening off with a horse-drawn cart ride. xxx videos hd This is how one Syrian, Abdullah Omar, describes the US proposal to carry out limited strikes against the regime of Bashar al-Assad in the wake of a suspected chemical weapons attack against civilians last week. generic levitra online He said his induction to the job included no references to severance pay and a media briefing he was given before the publication of the annual report said pay-offs to Mr Byford and former marketing boss Sharon Baylay were "contractual payments". levitra 20mg Maybe we should have everyone carry one bullet to be kept in the pocket like Barney Fife. That makes about as much sense as some of what I've read here. How about that sequester thing going on? You folks that want smaller government and lower taxes have that now. Feel safer?

le 09/11/2019 à 16h54

I'm in my first year at university xxnn Industry sources and sources familiar with the talks say that they still expect that any substantial tie-up could still result in savings of several hundred million dollars annually, depending on the details of a deal. tna flix The details of the Prince’s meetings with ministers come after a decision from the Attorney General Dominic Grieve last month to prevent the disclosure of letters sent between Charles and members of the Government. 4tube com Tickets have sold out, but the 20 July performance will be beamed live to thousands of spectators on a giant screen in Manchester and to theatres around the world as part of the National Theatre's NT Live broadcasts. txx ‘The relatively high risk trajectory was not, however, matched by an appropriate management approach. Instead, the programme suffered from weak management, ineffective control and poor governance.’ japan xnxx The chemical weapons demolition plan and last week's Security Council resolution that made it legally binding were based on a deal reached last month in Geneva by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

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