Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 26/01/2020 à 22h05

Hold the line, please xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbf Both the AGA and Poker Players Alliance have long advocatedfor a federal online gambling bill allowing for a larger, moreuniform market, but efforts in Congress have stalled. Two newfederal bills have recently been introduced in Congress asstates move ahead to pass their own laws. mukkta k xnxx Ankara has been one of the strongest backers of the rebels in the 2-1/2-year uprising against Assad. While it denies arming them, fighters including militant Islamists have been able to cross its border into Syria. bugboobsalert “When a youth doesn’t have joy and feels skepticism in life … where does he go to find a little serenity, a little peace?” the Pope asked. “You know, (to) these merchants of death: to those that sell death, that offer you a way for when you are sad without hope, without faith, without courage.” beeg keleyar The movement's hostility to euro zone bailouts and call to cut weaker southern members loose from the currency area resonated with many crisis-weary voters and may act as a brake on Merkel's conduct of European policy. sogostosashp Rouhani's resounding June election victory gave him a popular mandate to reverse Iran's confrontational foreign policy and attempt to win relief from international sanctions imposed over concerns Iran may be seeking a nuclear weapons capability.

le 26/01/2020 à 22h05

It's funny goodluck www tltsme us Naegleria fowleri causes the disease primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), a brain infection that leads to the destruction of brain tissue. In its early stages, symptoms of PAM may be similar to symptoms of bacterial meningitis. mad "I'm a believer in the power of connectivity even at the bottom of the pyramid, but I don't know if the ambition of connecting 5 billion people is realistic when you consider the fundamental challenges facing it," said David Rice, professor at New York University and Africa adviser to the Milken Institute. hanime123 The potential sale comes after the world's largest foodgroup said last week that divesting low-performing businesseswas a top strategic priority. CEO Paul Bulcke said that somebusinesses had been a drag for too long. The dollar dropped against the euro and the Japanese yen, continuing a recent slide. The dollar index, which measures the U.S. currency against a group of other major currencies, has declined for five days. yuvtuu Earlier this summer, my office kicked off a three-year project in partnership with Ontario's Ministry of Health to help parents of children 12 and under with obesity, writes U.S. News blogger Yoni Freedhoff. The program's extensive. It's one year in duration and involves unlimited one-on-one access to physicians, registered dietitians, clinical social workers, exercise specialists and, when needed, 10 hours of support from a clinical psychologist.

le 26/01/2020 à 22h05

The manager renalto xnxx First the Northeast U.S. power network and Ontario weredisconnected from the rest of the United States and Canada.Seconds later this giant electrical island broke apart intodozens of smaller fragments. pornifidelity The term Tea Party may have been hijacked by modern politics, but Boston's out to reclaim it. The newest buzz-maker in living history is winning popular votes in its first summer for its innovative treatment of textbook U.S. history. Visitors step off Congress Street Bridge in Boston and board a ship, where they get a rousing refresher course in colonial politics and Revolutionary War-era strife. The experience incorporates some Hollywood-style effects, some hands-on participation and, as often as possible, the kind of rousing waterborne theatrics that Vegas has employed for 20 years. cache Inside, behind several doors, he can choose to escape to the old American West, a Chinese Wuxia (martial arts) adventure, a gory haunted house or a cartoon wonderland - but only for 45 minutes at a time. myesha boulton xvideos Director James Mangold’s take on the comic-book movie is admirable and solid — at least until it degenerates into another video-game-inspired boss battle between a superhero and a computer-generated robot. oi.myclassboard The companies said some of the reporting was erroneous, so they want to reveal, for example, how many of their users are encompassed in surveillance demands and the total number of compulsory requests under specific laws.

le 26/01/2020 à 22h05

What's the exchange rate for euros? pornolab fityoungmen What is even less clear is the ability of the U.S.Department of Health and Human Services to operate a federaldata "hub" that underpins both the state-run exchanges and the34 state exchanges that fall under the purview of theadministration. bugboobsalert "We believe that this issue is in large part attributable topoor record keeping as a result of an older property managementsystem, as opposed to equipment being lost. Many of the radiosat issue had previously been declared obsolete and were beingphased out of circulation in favor of newer technology," Wadesaid. rtiava Low deal flow has put pressure on loan pricing as banks bidaggressively on deals to win loan business, encouraging some ofEurope's top borrowers like SAP to refinance early to securefuture liquidity at cheap pricing levels. damplie Yvonne Keefe, spokeswoman for the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s Office, confirmed Wednesday that a “very large investigation” into the party was underway. Police believe 200 to 400 young people were at the party, but investigators aren’t commenting on the role social media is playing in the probe, she said. mnhentao Smith has shown enough flashes that have given hope to the organization, but it’s now time for him to elevate his play during a pivotal two-game stretch against the Bengals and Saints that will go a long way toward determining whether the 4-3 Jets are a legitimate playoff contender.

le 26/01/2020 à 22h05

I hate shopping xnxx lana rohods I put my money on Michael R. Bloomberg's money, in a July2012 column titled "How Bloomberg can still run Washington"because he seemed like such a logical buyer. Unlike Bezos,Bloomberg already owned a media empire comprised of a newsservice, a cable channel, a weekly magazine, and more. UnlikeBezos, Bloomberg had toyed in semi-public with the idea ofbuying either the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, orthe Financial Times. Unlike the 49-year-old Bezos, who has beenbuilding spaceships and an eternal clock with his mad money, theaging (71 years old) Bloomberg seemed to need one last greatgesture in his career before called to paradise. He wasn't evergoing to be president, a campaign he had gamed out. As forrunning the World Bank, a job Bloomberg was reportedly shoppedto fill, well, that would be a step down from Emperor of NewYork City. www tltsme us On her People magazine blog Tuesday, Hartsock wrote, "He never expressed those concerns with me until it was too late. I was completely blindsided and heartbroken by his exit." However, she added, "I am relieved now that he was honest about his feelings and that he was brave enough to address them before taking the relationship further." rishia ivyred hentai “In Spokane, the bags come up and the bellman comes up, a black fellow, and he says he’s 28 years old,” Cosby recalls. “He says, ‘You were here four years ago. I brought my father. You started talking about things, and you did father and son characters, and my father and I were laughing because that was the two of us!’” bazzz literotica The creatures are as thick as a human torso and can grow up to a length of 56 feet. They are found in all temperate to tropical waters, but because they dive to great depths they are rarely seen and remain largely unstudied. xxxxwwwcn And ERJ has been mercilessly Pairs Traded with Bomber for about two years now, ERJ Long, Bombardier Short. Those doing it are deep-pocketed, if not a particularly large group (all Shorts are only 4 percent of the float). But they have skewed both stocks so immensely, it is by now a sort of joke.

le 26/01/2020 à 23h46

Where are you calling from? boobsaler Western observers are barred but the African Union and Southern African Development Community have nearly 500 monitors between them. More than 7,000 domestic observers are also accredited and tallies are to be posted outside each of the 9,735 polling stations in a bid to prevent vote-rigging. nhentao futanari The boom of two cars colliding on Ocean Avenue woke me out of my maternal reverie and into a terrifying present. I have a single lamppost to thank for protecting me and my soon-to-be-born daughter from mutilation or worse. pornhdvideos net video 1238 office xxxx karna Penney's shares have been on a wild ride in the past three days: plunging on the Goldman research, and declining further on the Reuters report about a capital raising, before recovering some of those losses on the company statement about trading conditions and the CNBC report. The shares fell again on the share sale announcement on Thursday, and continued their slide on Friday. www pornhdvideos net video 3267 video anak smp xxx porn Any holidaymakers due to visit the country who do want to cancel or rearrange their trips will not be able to do so free of charge. All those tour operators contacted by Telegraph Travel - except Abercrombie and Kent, which said it would look at requests on a case-by-case basis - confirmed that “normal booking conditions” would apply unless the Foreign Office chose to issue a complete warning against travel to Kenya. miakhalifahdporn Former newspaper owner Eddy Shah has claimed underage girls who “just go out and have a good time” are to blame for being abused, in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal and subsequent Operation Yewtree investigations by Scotland Yard.

le 26/01/2020 à 23h46

We work together boobsaler Dr. George Tiller’s Women’s Healthcare Services clinic was the best known of the country’s few providers of late-term (third trimester) abortions, which account for fewer than one percent of all abortions. Tiller was bombed in 1985, shot in 1993, and, finally, murdered in 2009. After his death, only four late-term providers remain: Dr. LeRoy Carhart (located in Bellevue, Nebraska when the film begins, though he is eventually forced to relocate to Maryland), Dr. Warren Hern (in Boulder, Colorado), and Dr. Susan Robinson and Dr. Shelley Sella (who share duties at a clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico). Directors Shane and Wilson divvy up the film fairly evenly between the three practices, and while they have some understandable interest in the kinds of people who would put themselves in, quite literally, the gun sights of the extreme anti-abortion movement (“When I walk out of the front door of my office, I expect to be assassinated,” Dr. Hern says), they’re more interested in the women who come to see them. pornhdvideos net video 1238 office xxxx karna In the quantum interpretation of reality, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead until the experimenter "knows" whether an atom inside the box has decayed - and thus emitted a particle that tripped the hammer and smashed a vial of poison. It was Schrodinger's playful jab at the prevailing interpretation of the indeterminate behavior of fundamental particles: a quantum particle exists in many possible states until the moment we observe it. lama linkss "Vikings: life and legend" is the first major UK exhibitionin 30 years to explore the impact of the sea-going Scandinavianswho pillaged, traded and travelled from the Arctic circle toNorth America in the 8th to the early 11th centuries. July 30 (Reuters) - Cubist Pharmaceuticals Inc hasagreed to pay up to $1.6 billion for Trius Therapeutics Inc and Optimer Pharmaceuticals Inc, expanding itsheft in antibiotics at a time when the number of drug-resistantviruses are on the rise. vlxx.comxyz "This is a real tragedy," North Bay Village Mayor Connie Leon Kreps told WSVN-TV. "Shuckers has been here for many, many years. People come from all around to enjoy the view and the food. This is really unfortunate."

le 26/01/2020 à 23h46

I need to charge up my phone xxxcviop But in tone and subject matter, "The To Do List" should not be written off as a rom-com or a chick flick. Its stellar cast – which also includes Bill Hader (Carey's husband), Andy Samberg and Donald Glover – further widens its appeal. Besides, at some point or another, almost everyone has felt anxious about sex. what is bukakay Former general insurance chief Mario Greco left a year agoto become head of Italian insurer Generali. The headof Zurich's life insurance arm, Kevin Hogan, quit to join AIG in August, the same month Zurich's chief of staff AnnHaugh left after just a year in the role. The big question though would be whether the price tag of Rs 24999 would be seen as too expensive for a price-sensitive market like India where Android smartphones with far better specs on paper retail for less. Among other violations, the lawsuit alleged that Chase broke Illinois' consumer fraud act, which prohibits the printing of Social Security numbers on mailings. Several states have passed such laws to help combat identity theft. nudevistax More importantly for Wall Street analysts, Apple's event on Tuesday will provide investors and fans with a product roadmap for the rest of the year. Until Apple pushed its latest iPhones last month, the company had largely been silent.

le 26/01/2020 à 23h46

Go travelling Police helicopters circled above shortly after the initial assault as armed police shouted "Get out! Get out!" and scores of shoppers fled the sand-colored stone building. Smoke poured from one entrance and witnesses said they heard grenade blasts. odisxnxx The crisis comes as the government grapples with problemsranging from strained public finances to the fate of big firmsincluding Telecom Italia and national carrierAlitalia, both embroiled in complex takeovers. valentina jewels randomactofblowjob "Thank God Yellen will be nominated under the currentcircumstances. You don't want a change at the central bank rightnow," said Dan Fuss, a portfolio manager at Loomis Sayles inBoston. "This Yellen news is one uncertainty lifted from alreadynervous markets." lama linkss Since leaving his breakfast show, he has been enjoying the lie-ins (“though my body-clock tells me I’m a lark, so I tend to get up early”), but he misses his team and, of course, his listeners, the beloved Togs (Terry’s Old Geezers/Gals). desmond piaray "The data add to evidence that the pace of economic recovery has clearly picked up since earlier in the year, and there are encouraging signs that momentum will be sustained as we move into the second half of 2013."

le 26/01/2020 à 23h46

I'm a trainee yuvytu For years, Tourre said he couldn't remember why he describeda meeting he attended between ACA and Paulson as "surreal," yetafter being shown documents by his lawyer last week, said itreferred to Paulson's separate strategy of betting against WallStreet banks at the time. sakshi chaudharyxnxx U.S. District Judge Laura Swain said she would make publicher reasoning for denying ABC's request after the parties have achance to address whether certain portions of the decisionshould remain sealed. bfxxxxxw "The first thing to do was to respond to the emergency. I went straight home, when I arrived, my son was hysterical and in the back of an ambulance, so got in the back of the ambulance, he was hysterical, did my best to calm him down," Usher said. "I was just reacting, I was in father mode. ... I still didn't understand the severity of the incident. Once I did, I took a moment to call her." freeuseporn downloader China's decision means that all G20 countries now haveagreed to cooperate on tax avoidance, a priority set by globalleaders to address the causes of the 2007-2009 financial crisisand to help combat corruption. defloration prontex "We can now confirm that 75% of county councils and 60% of city councils have decided to introduce smoke-free playgrounds in response to our request. This is a most positive response and we fully appreciate that this initiative has been taken voluntarily by these bodies, not requiring any changes in local or national regulations," explained Dr Ross Morgan, chairman of ASH.

le 27/01/2020 à 00h49

Have you got a telephone directory? nhentau fate Our Classified websites (Photos, Motors, Jobs and Property Today) use cookies to ensure you get the correct local newspaper branding and content when you visit them. These cookies store no personally identifiable information. boliy4u ** L'Oreal SA has offered to buy Chinese facialmask maker Magic Holdings International Ltd, a movethat would put the world's largest cosmetics group in the leadof the fastest growing sector in China's $15 billion skincaremarket. hdsix dividend Still, many Malians complained their country wasn’t ready to hold the election. In the past week, local media reported technical and logistical problems ranging from voter ID cards gone astray to the difficulty of staging an election across vast and inhospitable terrain. nicolette shea dafysex Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but a statement it gave media outlets including Agence France Presse confirmed it had handed over information enabling the identification of the authors of some posts. egostatis With regard to China, Glaxo said it believed the alleged bribery there involved senior Chinese staff who did an end run around internal controls and were potentially defrauding the company as well as cheating the Chinese healthcare system.

le 27/01/2020 à 00h49

The United States xnxvibos Porter, of Browning Street; Mullings of Farringdon Street; Powell, of Burnside Road; Webb, of Saltersford Road; Carter, of Franche Road, all in Leicester, and Jeffers, of Buslingthorpe Lane, Leeds, were present for the four-minute hearing. xtoroporno It remains unclear whether high premiums may coax additionalgrain supplies into the market. Farmers who sold most of lastyear's diminished haul last summer, when futures hit recordhighs, can now afford to gamble with the remainder. Some mayhold out, hoping prices will rise as the squeeze intensifies. wwwsexdosticom About 72,500 abortions are performed annually in Texas, according to the state Health Department. The busiest clinics do up to 4,000 a year. Now the remaining surgical centers will have to conduct about 14,400 each year. swatinayuduxxx "Based on the strong fan response to the preview screening at Comic-Con," said Albrecht, "we felt an early order for a second season would allow the writers, cast and crew enough time and space to continue crafting such unique and epic storytelling." FranceAgriMer, part of the French Ministry of Agriculture,said the 2013 harvest would be one of the worst in 40 years and blamed cool temperatures and heavy rains both the poor qualityand lower quantity of grapes.

le 27/01/2020 à 00h49

I'm self-employed tumbazila Yahoo's stock has surged more than 85 percent since Chief Executive Marissa Mayer took the reins one year ago. Much of the gains have been due to aggressive stock buybacks funded by Yahoo's earlier sale of a portion of its Alibaba stake, as well as anticipation of an Alibaba initial public offering. andreas nilsen myvidster NEW YORK, Oct 10 (Reuters) - The dollar rose to a two-weekhigh against major currencies on Thursday as optimism grew thatlawmakers in Washington might reach a deal to avert a potentialU.S. debt default. rai_bae mega DDB Chicago is the longtime lead agency for McDonald's, which will be one of the largest clients for the new Publicis Omnicom Group. Former DDB Chicago CEO Peter McGuinness, who left the advertising agency this month after less than two years at the helm to become chief brand and marketing officer at Chobani yogurt, sees strength in numbers for the expanded holding company in Chicago. twitch.comtv/activate For the uninitiated, Twerking involves a person shaking her upper and lower hips in an up and down bouncy motion that makes everything jiggle, wiggle and "quake." The trending dance moves have inspired everyone from Nicki Minaj to high school seniors to post photos and videos on social media of themselves Twerking it. And according to, moms are documenting their bouncing hip action too. bigboobsalrt A burst of gunfire in the early morning broke hours of calmon the fourth day since militants of the al Qaeda-aligned alShabaab group stormed into the Westgate centre during a busySaturday lunchtime, spraying bullets and tossing grenades.

le 27/01/2020 à 00h49

Can I call you back? riketrube The provincial council was created in 1987 as an alternative to separation. But the Tigers — the strongest of the rebel groups, and eventually the de facto government across much of the north and east — rejected it as inadequate. The fighting that followed prevented the council from functioning. pornhubselec China Rongsheng climbed 3.1 percent in Hong Kongwhile Guangzhou Shipping surged 7.8 percent inShanghai after Xinhua reported that China's cabinet issued athree-year plan to upgrade and restructure the shipbuildingindustry through 2015. mansirfer Earlier, Labour's pensions spokesman, Gregg McClymont, told BBC Radio Scotland's Good Morning Scotland programme that "vague promises" had been made about the future, but the most difficult realities of an ageing Scottish society had not been faced. dinothbe Landing an NBA All-Star Weekend, essentially a showcase of skills competitions and exhibitions culminating in a game which pits top players from the NBA's two conferences against each other, offers big business benefits to the host city. hentaihaven irg Energy UK, which represents the industry, has warned that a price freeze would also would cut-off the money available to build power stations and threaten the jobs of 600,000 people,  energy shortages and price rises.

le 27/01/2020 à 00h49

What sort of music do you like? The requests to postpone trials and deadlines for writtenbriefs had been expected after the Justice Department cautionedon Monday that non-critical civil matters would fall victim to alack of money. Only U.S. government matters that were deemedessential were allowed to go on until Congress allocates moneyfor the fiscal year that began on Tuesday. rai_bae mega The unrest began last year in the western state of Rakhine — home to Sittwe — where Buddhists accuse the Rohingya Muslim community of illegally entering the country and encroaching on their land. The violence then spread on a smaller, but still deadly scale to other parts of Myanmar, leaving more than 250 people dead — most of them Muslims — and sending another 140,000 fleeing their homes. "I don't see anything changing without some bigmacroeconomic shift to the downside. Absent that, you have afair amount of portfolio managers trailing the indices and Ithink it's going to continue to be a performance chase," saidMichael James, managing director of equity trading at WedbushSecurities in Los Angeles. nxxxdehati We also know that credit growth is a lagged indicator ofgrowth in the real economy, and so we do expect credit trends toimprove, but with - with a certain delay with respect to theimprovement of - in the real economy. WHEN Cuadrilla Resources, an oil and gas company, first started exploring for oil in Balcombe, a pretty village in Sussex, a picnic was held outside the drilling site. The village has a history of quiet protest: high in the trees outside the station hang Countryside Alliance posters urging locals to fight the 2004 act banning fox-hunting. But for the past two weeks locals have been joined by more vocal demonstrators. Banners exclaim against hydrocarbons and capitalism. Protesters at a march on August 18th, some of whom sported the Guy Fawkes masks popularised by computer hackers and the Occupy movement, chanted slogans through megaphones to the patter of drums.

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