Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 20/04/2020 à 12h56

We used to work together banglasex magisex Viviane Reding, the EU's justice chief, told Reuters on Monday she welcomed Merkel's commitment to strong, uniform EU data protection rules. She said such laws were the best way to ensure protection of the personal data of EU citizens. tye cezaro In 2008, the Knights contributed $100 million to OHSU. Atthe time, it was the largest gift in the Portland, Oregon,school’s history and the existing cancer center was subsequentlyrenamed the Knight Cancer Institute. hdxxxvd o It is a dishearteningly barren exercise to wonder what he'd have thought of the dense political bickering that followed the attack. I don't think I heard him utter a partisan word as long as I knew him. Inside-Beltway politicking seemed to bore him entirely. grupo dues grego Last time we met, just before he and his father did a casual Edinburgh Fringe tryout of Backchat in 2011, Whitehall was amusingly indiscreet about all manner of things, among them his famous former schoolmates at Marlborough. Today, though chatty, he’s far more savvy. Given that a risqué passing joke about his current girlfriend, the actress Gemma Chan, recently found its way on to the news pages of the Evening Standard, he probably has reason to be wary. He defers to his dad in revisiting the “cocaine shame” episode – a stitch-up job by a casual acquaintance, both agree – and merely muses about the Whitehall-bashing it provoked in the press: “The reaction did seem quite over the top.” alex devine donkey punch milovana “Money is always mentioned as being part of it, but I don’t really think much money will be saved from getting rid of me,” he said. “I think there’s a cultural shift going on. I don’t know why they’re doing it. It seems to be at the expense of people who know anything before The Beatles.”

le 20/04/2020 à 12h56

Have you got a current driving licence? anal on chair Aniston invited a stock of celeb friends to their Bel Air mansion for a birthday celebration Saturday in honor of her man. Guests included couples Ellen DeGeneres and wife Portia de Rossi, Tobey Maguire and Jennifer Meyer, Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell, Jimmy Kimmel and Molly McNearney, and Jason Bateman and his wife Amanda Anka. ziddijatt adult zone If this spring-summer collection didn't feel very summery — it's one of the darkest shows seen this week — the amount of reflective fabric, satin and lame used in the show is sure to light up even the darkest corner of a room. xxvrdeos com ROME, Sept 18 (Reuters) - Silvio Berlusconi has timed adelayed nationwide television address on his political future tocoincide with a preliminary Senate vote on Wednesday on hisexpulsion from parliament, aides said. sikkwitit The latest risk retention draft allows bank debt arrangers to retain 5 percent of their loans in lieu of CLO managers setting aside capital, but panelists unanimously agreed that banks would unlikely to choose this option. snuff necro strangle At first glance, Sphero 2.0, is a remote-controlled car for the 21st century. An electronically-enhanced ball the size of an orange, it whizzes around your house (or the great outdoors) based on the movements of your finger on your iPhone screen

le 20/04/2020 à 12h57

I'd like to open an account ey deutschpornosex biz theen Sunni Muslim insurgents, including those affiliated to al Qaeda, have significantly increased their attacks since the beginning of the year, killing more than 800 people in August alone, according to the United Nations. intersex masterbatimg All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Thomson Reuters content, including by framing or similar means, is prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters. Thomson Reuters is not liable for any errors or delays in Thomson Reuters content, or for any actions taken in reliance on such content. ‘Thomson Reuters’ and the Thomson Reuters logo are trademarks of Thomson Reuters and its affiliated companies. videoxnx3gp Her Dove dress (shown right in black) is by The Reformation, whose designs are favoured by the likes of Rihanna, Cara Delevingne and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, so Scout is in good company. And the distinctive square neck and backless style of the Dove dress is a look that we've spotted model Karlie Kloss out about in at least twice. wxxnn “I don’t ever get discouraged; I’m a positive guy,” Girardi said. “People were concerned with how we would bounce back today and I thought we bounced back pretty well today. One thing I am worried about a little bit is the health of our relievers, so we’ll have to see. bangaly raf Law enforcement officials from across the state came to the South Boston federal courtroom to hear closing arguments against the man who inspired the move "The Departed." Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis was in court as was former Middlesex County District Attorney Gerry Leone, who was a federal prosecutor when Bulger was allegedly leaving Boston's streets splattered with blood.

le 20/04/2020 à 12h57

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le 20/04/2020 à 12h57

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le 20/04/2020 à 13h53

How much will it cost to send this letter to ? www xxx sn 15xxx com But there was a broader critique too. Like everyone else in the country, Cruz hasn't had a chance to try out health care under the new law. The state-based exchanges that will be used to buy insurance open next Tuesday. emily kae blacked Just before the shutdown, the U.S. Department of Agriculture had warned that states would run out of WIC cash after a "week or so." Now the agency says WIC should be able to provide benefits through late October, with states using $100 million in federal contingency money released Wednesday and $280 million in unspent funds from the last budget year. ngk tatahn "I think Eli would be the first to say that he's not the way we want him to be," said Coughlin, whose biggest concern was a running game that gained 1.2 yards a carry. "Somehow, we've got to stop the interceptions. You're looking at a two-edged sword. You've got to put yourself in a position where you are throwing it and not running it." nabaa jbori ** Britain will start selling its shares in Lloyds BankingGroup to pension funds and insurers later this year,rejecting interest from private equity and sovereign wealthfunds, industry and political sources said. miya kaliper sex There’s no shame in anyone’s inability to cover Lions wide receiver Calvin Johnson. It’s better to just accept it. But Johnson and that explosive Lions aerial attack can be held in check by hassling quarterback Matthew Stafford, who has yet to be sacked this preseason. The Patriots have recorded five sacks in about six series from their starting defense. Quarterback pressure will be integral tonight against the most explosive passing offense they’ll see until Week 4 in Atlanta.

le 20/04/2020 à 13h53

In a meeting xxx hindi dehatimal girta hua bf "Six great reasons to get out of bed today... So grateful!!" the 25-year-old Texas native - a favorite of critics and fans alike for her raw depictions of Middle America - exclaimed on her Twitter feed (@KaceyMusgraves). stickamtube "The growth of this fire is just something you don't see often," Lynn Tomachoff, spokeswoman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, told the Chronicle. "If you get one a year, it's unusual. If you get one every 10 years, that may be the norm." lkd thv r adlhx hgph lu ohg d st The deal is aimed at advancing Lixil's goal of roughlydoubling its operating profit margin and revenues to 8 percentand 3 trillion yen, respectively, over the medium term. It wantsto lift overseas sales five-fold to 1 trillion yen. smkbm Moody's said the reduction in the long-term A1 rating tonegative from stable was not triggered by the situation inChina, where analysts believe GSK may face fines followingallegations that up to 3 billion yuan ($489 million) wasfunnelled through travel agencies to facilitate bribes. rehcheras FORMULA ONE Chief Executive Bernie Ecclestone has beenindicted in Germany in a case relating to the sale of a stake inthe motor racing business eight years ago, a spokesman for aMunich court said. Ecclestone is accused of bribing a Germanbanker to ensure that BayernLB sold the 48 percent stake toprivate equity firm CVC. He has denied theallegations.

le 20/04/2020 à 13h53

Do you play any instruments? se deja amnosear CCC, one the world's largest and most respected hackinggroups, posted a video on its website that appeared to showsomebody accessing an iPhone 5S with a fabricated print. Thesite described how members of its biometrics team had crackedthe new fingerprint reader, one of the few major high-techfeatures added to the latest version of the iPhone. nik zok video CHINA'S SHUANGHUI International is close to securingshareholder approval for its $4.7 billion offer for SmithfieldFoods Inc, which would be the biggest purchase of a by a Chinese firm, ahead of the vote next week, threepeople familiar with the matter said. netvideogirls phylicia "Of course, you know dealing with this problem in China, werespect the legal aspects of the country, but you know we areaiming at fashion addict customers," Galeries Lafayette'schairman Philippe Houze said at a news conference in the storeon Friday. "They don't care about corruption." lulacom69 "If it's an emergency band-aid to stop the bleeding, so be it. But we'll need to have a serious think about a plan in the medium and long term once and for all," said Giorgio Squinzi, the head of business lobby Confindustria. damnvids xxxsexpoto The political wrangling has led some investors to believethe U.S. Federal Reserve will have no choice but to leave itsfiscal stimulus measures in place for several more months. Thiscould bolster stocks in coming months.

le 20/04/2020 à 13h53

I'm sorry, I'm not interested asian 247porn movies Michael Phelps' ex-girlfriend is a perfect "10"! The Olympic swimmer briefly dated Megan Rossee - who looked even better than the swimming legend in a bathing suit. Model Megan Rossee made everyone stop thinking about her beau's gold medals and start thinking about her gold bikini when she hit the beach in Santa Monica. vid 20190109 wa0012 "There will be several significant challenges facing the president when he returns to work, including a return to the debt ceiling issue, the need to pass a budget for the new fiscal year and the need to roll out some of the more significant changes to the healthcare system set to go into effect on Jan. 1," Jones said. "These challenges clearly provide Obama with an opportunity to increase his public support if he handles them well, but also could serve to bring his approval rating down if he does not." jony miya Members of AMCU, which claims most of Lonmin's workforce,have twice this year staged brief illegal strikes at its minesand had threatened to down tools again unless the companyrecognised it as the dominant union. jeuxdesex fr in period vid Sometimes growing over 12 metres long, the whale shark is the world's largest fish. However, for entirely unnecessary reasons it is being hunted off the coast of east Africa. Click through the slides to find out why. http vnurl xyz hjytciraa com "I want to be ready for sure," Smith said of being able to start the season. "I don't really know what's the process on these things. I leave it up to (the medical staff) and when they tell me to go I'll be out there."

le 20/04/2020 à 13h53

A few months eros exotia Britain's AAIB is leading the probe into a blaze on an Ethiopian Airlines jet that broke out last Friday and has already allayed fears about a return of problems with overheating batteries that grounded the Dreamliner for months earlier this year. yanick safth pornolar Last month, inflation was held back by a 0.3 percent drop in energy as the cost of gasoline, electricity and natural gas fell. Energy prices had increased 0.2 percent in July. Food prices gained 0.1 percent, rising by the same margin for a second straight month. nag jacul Khan did not cooperate in the making of the movie. “I didn’t get a chance to meet him,” says Watts. “We were told not to go there because he was not interested in any kind of focus on his relationship or talking about it. He spoke when he had to and I actually got quite a bit of information out of his testimony at the inquest, which was quite helpful.” old xxx320 Lopez, who privately was frustrated with then-coach P.J. Carlesimo last season because he was sometimes benched for entire fourth quarters, said Tuesday, “One of the first things (Garnett) said was ‘I’m just here to have your back and help you out with anything, I’m going to be there for you.’ ” homemade gratispornostube missionary This month, Joseph tweeted that Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, "had few policy goals and no wins" in the Middle East. He agreed with Republican Representative Darrell Issa, who has relentlessly pursued Clinton for administration actions after last year's attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

le 20/04/2020 à 14h48

What sort of music do you listen to? sunny lonelysex "That was a decision I made for me, for our son and for our family," she added. "So really what I want to say is, I love him, I forgive him, I believe in him and as we have sad from the beginning we are moving forward." road to el dorado chel porn Musk has said he is too busy running electric car companyTesla and rocket manufacturer SpaceX to build the Hyperloophimself. He said the design plans were open-source, meaningothers can build on them. zcxxx bef Sellstrom and the head of the U.N. Office of Disarmament Affairs, Angela Kane, visited Damascus last week at the invitation of the Syrian government to discuss access and obtained an understanding that it would be granted. fatnaval tv “For decades Congresses and presidents have used the debt limit for legislation to cut spending, and even President Obama worked with us two years ago in the debt-limit negotiations to put controls on spending,” Boehner said. “This year is not going to be any different.” youu yizz But USDA said the detection of Monsanto Co's patented Roundup Ready herbicide-tolerant trait in theWashington farmer's non-GMO alfalfa crop should be addressed bythe marketplace and not the government.

le 20/04/2020 à 14h48

I study here xxxvbio www Some of Clinton's paid speeches, which command hundreds of thousands of dollars, have focused on another potentially important group: Wall Street. She spoke to private equity giants Carlyle Group and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts during the summer, according to reports. fast neither riyal sex A Muslim separatist group has suspended peace talks with the Thai government aimed at ending nearly a decade of violence in southern Thailand because authorities have not responded to its demands, officials said Thursday. cellophan japanese mom lap dance Apple is expected to unveil its redesigned iPhone next monthand may also release a cheaper, emerging market smartphone. Crucially, it also now has Qualcomm Inc chips that can operate even on China's obscure networks. At thesame time, Beijing is expected to grant 4G licences by theyear-end that favour the biggest of its domestic mobileoperators. sex ngoai troi He later said that he believed India's economic growth wouldstart to pick up in the fourth quarter after a commission gavethe green light to scores of resource projects that had been puton hold during a sweeping government review of transparency andenvironmental policy. youtuber salman muqtadir jessia islam U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters at the end of a visit to Kabul this month that there was just one issue outstanding - Washington's demand that its troops be immune from Afghan law and tried in the United States instead.

le 20/04/2020 à 14h48

Sorry, you must have the wrong number samalbaby pak india ranaporno "I know that they're facing their challenges and they'readjusting their firm internally in the way that best suits theirinterests," he said. "And all I can say is, we wish them well,and we're keeping a close eye on the situation." turski porno ger No matter what actions are taken, we don’t have the funds to implement or continue Obamacare. It should be scrapped before it collapses and meaningful, fair changes should be investigated. Like everyone paying something for their health care 5gpking Responding to a question about the actual amount of client assets under management, Davian acknowledged that there had been a misunderstanding. He said he had often stated that the fund had “between $150 million to $200 million under management” but had been referring not to internally managed client assets but to the assets owned or managed by the client base of the Davian Letter. 26775 grand mere franaises7 The stock market today stuck to broad, mild losses as firm, early trade evaporated near midday. The Nasdaq and the Dow Jones industrial average held 0.6% losses. The S&P 500 was down 0.5%. Volume pulled back, slipping 4% each on the Nasdaq and the NYSE. Losses remained widespread, with just ... 4364 jenna luna foxxs After mulling the bids, the owners decided to put more moneyinto Hulu to grow a business that attracts customers who watchTV shows and movies increasingly through Internet-connectedtelevisions and mobile devices. Hulu competes with services suchas Netflix Inc and Inc's PrimeInstant Video service.

le 20/04/2020 à 14h48

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le 20/04/2020 à 14h48

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