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Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 20/04/2020 à 21h30

On another call fim 5ex mei hazuka Although having more than seven siblings provided no additional protection, it didn't hurt either, according to the study, which is scheduled to be presented Tuesday at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in New York City. kat renaissance kaefkey xxx The LPGA, which doesn't have the history or the financial support of men's golf, added the Evian Championship in France as a fifth major this year. That has led to some debate whether Park will have the Grand Slam if she wins at St. Andrews because one more major remains in September. papa ne lund pe chulaya This is a spare but searching documentary about Ray “Boom-Boom” Mancini, whose spectacular career as a lightweight boxer was, and forever will be, haunted by the 1982 fight in which his blows resulted in opponent Duk Koo Kim being pronounced brain-dead and then dying four days later. kandy chooty Say hello to the new Siri, the iPhone’s digital assistant who never quite lived up to her potential. At least not in her original beta release version. Well, the new iOS 7 out this month brings with it a whole new Siri — and she isn’t even always a she anymore. eyeceleb com It really began to unravel about a week ago, as polls indicated that Americans overwhelmingly blamed Republicans for the congressional stalemate that had closed national parks, delayed death benefits for military families, suspended medical research and closed a range of other federal programs.

le 20/04/2020 à 21h30

We'd like to invite you for an interview sexenvideo csx vidio Michel Barnier, the EU commissioner responsible for financial-market regulation, was to lay out his final proposal Wednesday for a so-called single resolution mechanism, giving it the authority to restructure or close any of the 6,000 banks in the 17-nation euro zone that hit financial problems. ync underground incest father The IPO would ride a wave of bullish views on the companyafter its revenue soared 71 percent in the first quarter to $1.4billion, with profits nearly tripling to $669 million, accordingto figures released in July by Yahoo Inc, one of itskey shareholders. gia paloma faceblasters Jailing Navalny would have increased the risk of a new waveof protests by Putin's opponents and human rights activists overwhat they see as a clampdown on dissent since the 61-year-oldpresident started a six-year third term in 2012. cumontitscompltion The trick to pulling off the sports luxe look is carefully balancing casual and glam elements. Chelsea did this by wearing her t-shirt with a designer handbag and flashy sunglasses, but a t-shirt like this would also look great with a statement heirloom necklace or earrings. chooti choot The country could have paid around 5 percent had it issuedthe Eurobond before a selloff in emerging market assets thatfollowed comments by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernankeearlier this year, according to one investor. The yield on the2017 bond traded as low as 4.24 percent in April.

le 20/04/2020 à 21h30

This is the job description soneleyan foking For 25 years, Rick and Erica Kaitz were volunteers in the world of cancer research and fundraising, living a good life in Boston with their two daughters and spending five months a year in their second home in Hawaii. green sckreen xxx video vfx Four people close to the negotiations said on Tuesday thatwhile meetings are scheduled this week between secured lendersand unsecured bondholders of the delivery business, the sidesremain at odds over how they would divide up the company'sequity after bankruptcy. porno gai turcia Turns out Clary is not a mere “Mundane” (think “Muggles,” but more boring). Her mother (Lena Headey, who spends most of the movie literally asleep) is part of a society of demon fighters sworn to protect various “mortal instruments” from the clutches of baddies. But now that she’s been mom-napped, it’s up to Clary, Simon and a very blond, very brooding guy named Jace (Jamie Campbell Bower) to battle some poorly rendered CGI creatures. skrivena kamera spankwireculo Last week, Chinese authorities also visited the Shanghaioffice of Belgian drugmaker UCB. A UCB spokesman saidthe visit was part of a wider investigation that included otherdrug companies, although he did not identify them. fuck hard aziat girl The government's ability to collect cell phone numbers and other telephone data under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act law is also governed by Executive Order 12333, signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1981, Medine said.

le 20/04/2020 à 21h30

We went to university together sar tchar Only about a quarter of the Senate's 100 members and fewer than 25 members of the 435-seat House have been willing to go on record in support of Obama's request, according to a tally by the Washington Post. Seventeen senators and 111 House members are on record against. janvr sax a r t Younger Californians — especially African-Americans and Latinos — show plummeting drug offense arrest rates. They are now the only groups to have lower rates today than before the War on Drugs began 30 years ago. meleneya hcs Still, Fitch reaffirmed its belief that an agreement toraise the debt ceiling will be reached, allowing the U.S.government to pay its bills by borrowing beyond the $16.7trillion limit currently in place. pakistani girl fuv They returned to Dungy's tiny working quarters, sat down and the coach explained how he planned to install a defensive system that would allow Sapp to flourish the way the 6-foot-2, 300-pound tackle with exceptional quickness and speed for his size did in college at the University of Miami. xxxzzs But he was impressed with Bloom's "hipster" take on Romeo, writing: "It's safe to say that Bloom's swaggering, matinee-idol Romeo will be the most engaging you'll see in years. But this is also the least erotically charged or sexually frank Romeo and Juliet I've ever attended."

le 20/04/2020 à 21h30

We've got a joint account xnxxy vides An early season winter storm may drop more than two feet of snow on Wyoming and South Dakota. For example, Rapid City, S.D., is under a blizzard warning. Meanwhile, a severe weather outbreak that could include some strong tornadoes is predicted from Oklahoma to Wisconsin, and the Storm Prediction Center says more than a million people are at risk. And, out west, Santa Ana winds could spark potentially dangerous wildfires near Los Angeles. The L.A. County Fire Department is adding additional firefighters as a precaution. momandsonpornvideos Echoing the statement from a summit of G20 leaders in St. Petersburg last month, the group of advanced and emerging nations pledged to ensure any monetary policy changes are "carefully calibrated and clearly communicated" and said navigating swings in capital flows would remain a challenge. xxxvfx "The loans in this pool performed better than loans withsimilar characteristics originated and securitized at the sametime by other financial institutions. We are not responsible forthe housing market collapse that caused mortgage loans todefault at unprecedented rates and these securities to losevalue as a result." asaaxx The fungi can last for 1,000 years and in one area of Michigan in America it was found covering 37 acres and weighing 100 tons. The fungus is found in Europe and North America and no plants are immune to it. photo sexe de souhir ramzi Wallace, who spent just one season with the Knicks before retiring due to a foot injury, is working for Maurice Cheeks, a player the Philadelphia product grew up rooting for. Unlike the understated Cheeks, Wallace is outspoken and his abrasive attitude toward referees helped make him the NBA’s all-time technical fouls leader.

le 20/04/2020 à 22h25

Where's the nearest cash machine? savita bhabhi kartunsex A police official said nine policemen were killed and two wounded in the initial attack. An ambulance rushing to the scene was hit by a roadside bomb, wounding the driver and his assistant, the official said. brazier xxz Under that proposal, U.S. action would depend on a U.N. resolution demanding Assad put his chemical weapons under U.N. international control by a certain date. If he failed to do so, Obama would be authorized to use force. sisi syz The judge said just because there was evidence the Libor rate had been manipulated did not make a loan void. But he said the terms of the swap agreement and its specific link to a Libor contract were more contentious. momsndsan HENDERSON, Nev. — A day after he was named the new president of the Knicks, Steve Mills spoke with Jerome Williams, a high school basketball coach and former Knicks reserve who goes by the nickname “Junkyard Dog.” multipremier programacion para adultos The first test: a very tight-feeling tee shot, thanks to a straight, unbunkered fairway with nothing visually to shape a shot with and a very large caveat running the length of the right side: Do not hit it in the creek. Three-woods off the tee will predominate here, especially Thursday afternoon and Saturday morning with alternate shot/foursomes, where the rule of thumb is simply to avoid heroics and put your teammate in good shape for the next shot.

le 20/04/2020 à 22h25

I can't get through at the moment bhai aur dme vat ka sex Andres Anker, Alexey Chentsov and Santiago Falconi leftCohen's $14 billion firm to join Israel Englander's $18 billionMillennium Management. Chentsov and Falconi worked as SACanalysts for 9 years and 7 years, respectively. Anker, aportfolio manager, quit SAC in March 2012. 26425 creampie no condom As part of the transaction, a group of 24 institutionalinvestors in the company have injected 367 million pounds intothe business and refinanced a further 160 million pounds with anew five-year term loan facility. www purplepron com "I think we all were a little disappointed," Woodson said following practice at the Knicks facility in Greenburgh on Wednesday. "But again he's a big piece of the puzzle and I'm not going to throw him out to pasture. My job is to coach him and make sure something like what happened doesn't happen again. But at the end of the day, he's got to do the right thing by J.R. and his teammates and me as a coach in this organization and the fans that support him. That's what it's all about. He's got to grow up and do the right things." xxzxx video hd 2018 3 “My grandmother’s doctor in Longsight was known for being a bit socialist so my mother would take us over there. He’d say ‘pay me when you can’ and see two or three children for the price of one.” qute fec Part of Orr's strategy to address the city's problems is tooverhaul the outdated method by which Detroit tracks and managesunemployment, pension and medical payments. Thursday's auditors'report offered an early look at those missteps, which will beexamined further in the second report.

le 20/04/2020 à 22h25

I'm on work experience asstr lubrican Woods played safe and smart with a big lead, parring 16 holes in an even-par 70 Sunday to coast to a seven-shot victory at the Bridgestone Invitational for his eighth win at the event — matching the PGA Tour record he already shared for victories in a single tournament. 54224 ass rim brunette Andrew Montlake, a director of mortgage broking firm Coreco, said the major problem with Help to Buy was that it was increasing the demand for housing but not the supply, which was driving house prices on. teluguwap org movies Facebook said that it will be providing more updates on how it tweaks its News Feed, in an attempt to offer more information to brand owners and businesses on its site about how and why it changes things. supafly 3d The current Socialist-backed government has only been in office since May, following early elections and another wave of anti-austerity protests that brought the previous right-leaning government down. The elections proved an inauspicious beginning for the government and were marked by low-voter turnout, according to Transparency International. neswangy egyptian For the next two years, her chronic cough and breathing difficulties were attributed to asthma. Despite repeat visits to Kings County Hospital clinics, no doctor ever noticed — or told her — that the 2010 chest X-ray showed a suspicious mass that needed to be followed. That X-ray report with the 2-centimeter nodule wasn’t discovered until May 2012.

le 20/04/2020 à 22h25

I like watching TV bendas sex Dewhurst spokesman Travis Considine said in a statement, "David acted as a concerned family member in an attempt to acquire information on how to post bail for his niece while reiterating multiple times in the full conversation that law-enforcement follow their normal protocols and procedures." cikci video “To further demonstrate our commitment to cycling, we have recently submitted an outline bid for delivering a cycle transformation programme in Newham as part of the Mayor of London’s ‘mini Holland’ project. If successful in this early stage, we will seek to fully engage local stakeholders, including Newham Cyclists who we already work closely with, to carry out a review of difficult junctions for vulnerable road users as they can help with possible designs.” webcamfrog bbb The Halifax study showed a clear north-south divide, with mortgage payments at their lowest as a proportion of earnings in Northern Ireland, where new borrowers paid an average of 17pc of income. In Scotland new borrowers paid 19pc, in Yorkshire and the Humber the proportion was 22pc and 23pc in the North West. sexism uvi Lawmakers representing far West Texas and Southern New Mexico worry that House Bill 2 will similarly complicate access to legal early term abortions for millions of women throughout those states and in Mexico. matubastion The security alert halted work in both the House and the Senate and briefly diverted attention from the shutdown that took effect at midnight on Monday, leaving nearly a million federal workers sidelined without pay and many others in the private sector suffering from the knock-on effect.

le 20/04/2020 à 22h25

Until August pollachi thirunavukkarasu videos A Yemeni military source said a brigadier general, who hadcommanded a military brigade, six of his military escorts andtwo crewmen from the military helicopter were killed when theaircraft came down while on a reconnaissance flight in thecentral Maarib province. xxxxxnnxxx dog I personally think that all nations should go this route. Otherwise you might get some leader who is just a puppet of their military making extremely detrimental decisions that are not supported by a fully elected body of the people. This is not our war, this is not Britain’s war. If other Arab nations want to arm the rebels, more power to them. It would certainly make more sense that way. 10110 bareback cream pie But his declaration of emergency, which allows him to temporarily suspend state laws and regulations, was met with skepticism by Democrats and the state worker's union, which includes many furloughed employees. a girl caught while masterbising Karstadt does not publish results, but German media hadpreviously reported sales had dropped by around 10 percent inthe first six months of its business year, which runs to Sept30. The luxury and sports stores were performing better than theother Karstadt stores, German paper Bild had reported. wwwkajal agarwalcom Some heartburn triggers are obvious: chili dogs, chocolate cake, Thanksgiving. But heartburn doesn't stop and start with food alone. If you have constant heartburn, it's time to track down the real culprit.

le 20/04/2020 à 23h20

I've been made redundant phipain Your headline is extremely misleading. Prince Charles did not say that the "pensions industry" is "unfit for purpose". It would have been an insult if he had, bearing in mind what the pensions industry has achieved for millions of employees. se xvldo “The DOMA aspect was the easy one because it separated a class of people,” said the township resident and a founding member of the Board of Directors of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. “Anyone could see it was unconstitutional.” xxx gahe The 31-year-old, sporting a mohawk hairstyle, clocked 8:06:01 with Kipruto, 18, chasing him home in 8:06.37. Frenchman Mahiedine Mekhissi-Benabbad repeated his bronze from Daegu to deny Kenya a podium sweep with Paul Kipsiele Koech placed fourth. tianalive This article is delusional. The Party voted overwhelmingly against the SLF amendments on the economy which were designed to confront the leadership and send us into the election disowning the economic policy we have been supporting in Government. It further voted (narrowly) against increasing the top rate of income tax to 50p, in favour of replacing Trident and ( not purely a left right issue) in favour of nuclear power and fracking. xxx viz videoshow webcamxchat It certainly looked bleak after Brady failed to get a first down when the Patriots got the ball back and after Belichick decided to go for it on fourth and six from the 24. Brady had his other rookie, Aaron Dodson, open on a slant but Dodson couldn’t make the catch after getting his hands on it. The Saints took over but couldn’t move the ball, taking just 22 seconds off the clock before settling for Garrett Hartley’s 39-yard field goal with 2:24 left to make it a four-point game.

le 20/04/2020 à 23h20

very best job tamilixnx He was able to put an iPhone 5S on "airplane mode," cutting off iCloud's ability to communicate with the device to initiate the features. That bought him time to create a "fake finger" to fool Touch ID. wepporn mom and san Bitcoin is the world’s first ever decentralized digital currency where virtual money can be traded without the need for a third party. The third party could be a bank, institution or government which is usually the case when we use our credit cards or PayPal. It is an open-source currency that is rising in popularity. hae caul xxx Manning did not take the stand. He testified during a pretrial hearing in February that he leaked the material to expose the American military’s “bloodlust” and disregard for human life in Iraq and Afghanistan. chily in pussy "Following strategic official support during the globalfinancial crisis and progress on the deleveraging frontthereafter, the banking sector appears in a more solid positionat the onset of the GRE refinancing challenges of 2014-15," theBofA Merrill analysts said. (Editing by Andrew Torchia) gambar bogel atikah suhaime More urbanized countries had higher rates of Alzheimer's, independent of life expectancy. Countries where more than three-quarters of the population were located in urban areas had 10% higher rates of Alzheimer's compared to countries where less than one-tenth of people lived in urban areas.

le 20/04/2020 à 23h20

I'm sorry, I'm not interested 2xvidos livecom Andrew Tyrie, the Conservative chairman of the cross-party TSC, said more proof was needed that High Speed 2 would be value for money and added that the project should be abandoned until there was a formal reappraisal of the plan. russia taboo pornohardblog The number of Americans filing new claims for unemploymentbenefits dropped from a six-month high last week but remainedelevated as California continued to deal with a backlog relatedto computer problems. nabilla baiser Forstmann Little has held onto IMG for longer than a typicalinvestment period for private equity, and for years it hasrebuffed overtures from prospective buyers. Buyout interestincreased following Teddy Forstmann's departure in April 2011 asIMG chairman and CEO, and his death later that year. khmer killu new update 2016 porn British Gas owner Centrica and SSE have also been lobbying for a watering-down of the government’s 'Energy Company Obligation’ (Eco) efficiency scheme, which forces them to help vulnerable customers by insulating their homes. The suppliers have blamed Eco costs for recent price increases. xxxxbcom By 2008 as commodity prices were peaking, governmentsappeared to have won. Whether oil was produced under aroyalty-and-tax system or some form of production-sharing orservice contract, host governments had succeeded in capturingmost of the upside from oil and gas prices.

le 20/04/2020 à 23h20

Who would I report to? vayuer japam The Lakers will be forced to pay more than $29 million in luxury tax for a team that -- thanks to a steady stream of injuries and L.A.'s well-chronicled chemistry problems -- barely squeaked into the playoffs and will go down as one of the biggest underachievers in league history. two boy a girl xnxx hd janrdedt rep Barclays said it was contesting a Britishwatchdog's 50 million pound ($79.68 million) fine for behaving"recklessly" when it failed to disclose 322 million pounds worthpayments to Qatari investors during its emergency cash call in2008. 39077 memek di jilat anjing But most – if not all – of that money was frozen before the alleged fraudsters could take hold of it. The bank had launched its own investigation, and the FBI followed suit, court documents said. 49166 miss you anty The new rules would restrict how data collected in Europe byfirms such as Google and Facebook is shared with non-EUcountries, introduce the right of EU citizens to request thattheir digital traces be erased, and impose fines of 100 millioneuros ($138 million) or more on rule breakers. hayden kho maricar reyes scandal He said a new consultation would explore how to tackle abuses - particularly relating to the issue of “exclusivity”, where employers do not offer guaranteed hours but insist that workers do not work for anyone else.

le 20/04/2020 à 23h20

The manager tuntuni adrity imo sex Yemen, one of the poorest Arab countries, is the base for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), one of the most active branches of the network founded by Osama bin Laden. Militants have launched attacks from there against the West. ben bangyoulater guyan And those were weak - comparable sales fell at its college bookstore chain in the latest quarter, while the Nook unit's revenue fell 20 percent and Barnes & Noble's share of the U.S. ebooks market slipped. caeric cox Omnicom's CEO John Wren sounded a similar note, insistingthat the merged group would keep the Publicis building on theChamps Elysees and portraying the plans for a Dutch headquartersas a sign that Omnicom is shedding some of its U.S. identity. jaber dasete video University accommodation, however, doesn’t suit all students. Halls can be rowdy, and constant gregariousness is not to everyone’s taste. Some dislike petty regulations — such as having to report overnight guests — or simply want to distance themselves from the university a little. Many institutions also require students to vacate halls during the Christmas and Easter vacations. uropinsex Half-times, too. Ferguson’s interval oratory eventually worked at the Nou Camp in 1999. It was an emotive speech. “At the end of this game, the European Cup will be only six feet away from you, and you’ll not even able to touch it if we lose,’’ he told players losing to Bayern Munich. “And for many of you, that will be the closest you will ever get. Don’t you dare come back in here without giving your all.’’

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