Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 21/04/2020 à 17h30

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le 21/04/2020 à 17h30

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le 21/04/2020 à 17h30

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le 21/04/2020 à 17h30

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le 21/04/2020 à 17h30

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le 21/04/2020 à 18h27

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le 21/04/2020 à 18h28

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le 21/04/2020 à 18h28

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le 21/04/2020 à 18h28

We work together 877 pussy ka pani bair ana The country has been in or close to recession for the past five years and was forced last year to take a 42-billion-euro ($55 billion) bailout for its banks, brought low when a decade-long property bubble burst. swmingxnxx Cost savings, new products and increased marketing of its best-selling brands helped lift trading profit by 50 percent in its first half and the firm is forecast to reduce year-end net debt to between 840 and 860 million pounds. teacher stunad If you have an electric floor fan, put cups full of ice in front of it. The ice cools surrounding air and the fan can then blow that air towards you. Together, this fan and ice combination can help beat the most insufferable heat wave. xxx8 hd fullcoc A spokesman said: "The IPCC has contacted Ms Alder and the other party to offer a meeting to discuss the investigation, which will be overseen by the IPCC's commissioner for Humberside, Cindy Butts." txxn com With the moving due date, some months the bill is suddenly due on the 2nd or 3rd. For retired schmucks like myself, even paying on the first with electronic bill pay, the money somehow doesn’t end up as being “paid” until after the due date (another issue…), which I only realized lately by accident. A check of my bills showed I’ve unwittingly paid quite a few late fees over the past year. A few bucks here and there, but no doubt it’s another extraction for them that adds up handsomely.

le 21/04/2020 à 18h28

How do you spell that? buplic place rap The NYPD has come under heavy criticism for its stop-and-frisk practices, culminating in Manhattan Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin’s ruling Monday that cops have been routinely violating the Constitution. nublile "The way the judge interpreted that is they're getting experience by being real employees, and therefore they need to be paid as real employees," says Edwin Koc, director of research at the National Association of Colleges and Employers. x sexiy doudh pina 2 Industry players estimate that Canada will export more than200,000 barrels of crude oil by rail per day to the UnitedStates by the end of 2013, more than four times the average of46,000 a day in 2012. xnxnxnxnn net Bange said the outlook board was aware of rapid trading methods that have developed over the last few years and gets complaints about its release of the crop report during trading hours every month. But the agency has tried diligently to get its data to the public website in about 2 seconds after the data is issued. ssssg In the past week, social media has been abuzz with a comment posted by Simpson’s daughter-in-law, Deb Oakley Simpson, on her Facebook page of Lynne Cheney telling Simpson to “shut your mouth,” supposedly regarding his support of Enzi.

le 21/04/2020 à 19h29

Another service? 24416 xxxxx indian flute "This means that India will not benefit any more from theduty-free access to the EU market for oil products as of January2014. Oil products imported from India will fall under thegeneral tariff regime, which for jet fuel foresees a duty of 4.7percent." pinay ofw in qatar scandal The new computer models actually reveal that chromosomes look a bit like a mass of noodles. Don't let that fool you, though. These models put DNA in proper context, showing the complexity of the mammalian genomes in a far more effective way than volumes of text previously had. In doing so, the model reveals the way DNA within chromosomes folds up. In addition, it shows how much genes are expressed, which has direct consequences for health, aging and disease. xhxx cohm The Dell saga has more plot twists left in it, given a new bid price from Michael Dell and Silver Lake. But at what price is Dell a good deal? Morningstar equity analyst Carr Lanphier joins MoneyBeat. siase Judge Peter Murphy ruled that the defendant, a Muslim woman who is on trial on charges of witness intimidation but who cannot be named for legal reasons, could wear the headdress which hides her face from others. But he said that she had to take off the full face veil - the niqab - when giving evidence. saxey fuck caffeineporn A fading sun hangs over Lake Dardanelle in Russellville, Ark., 80 miles northwest of Little Rock, on a Sunday evening in July, and Weeks, driving Rex Ryan’s F-250 Super Duty Ford, cruises up the gravel path that leads to his mother’s house on an 80-acre farm.

le 21/04/2020 à 19h29

Yes, I love it! pakistans cxc video Such losses could relieve Bezos of some tax burdens. For taxpurposes, a business owner or partner can deduct from income anylosses from operating that business. By reducing taxable income,losses can reduce a business owner's overall tax bill. rutal fu k They communicated with their handlers back in Pakistan, taking advantage of the explosion in internet communications which have linked the world’s cities. They consciously exploited the chaotic urban environment in multiple attacks during a three-day siege. lananrhodes Well, that that action was basically the most horrific thing a person could do, yes. It totally fucks Ender up, and he spends the rest of his life attempting to atone for that action. Also, the “message” that we get from the aliens is that to kill another sentient being is the most immoral action one can commit. Which is certainly life-affirming, in a proof by negation sort of way. www pempefantazi tr cix But the vast majority of the storage resource is in whatUSGS calls "residual traps". Unlike buoyant traps, there is noseal. Instead, the CO2 is held as individual droplets within thepores of the rock formation by capillary forces. publicfun talk More expensive fuel bills leave less for households tospend on other goods. Excluding automobiles and gasoline, retailpurchases probably rose 0.5 percent, up from the prior month’s0.3 percent gain, economists projected ahead of tomorrow’sfigures.

le 21/04/2020 à 19h29

Who do you work for? kicking tvagina Filkins asserts that Iran learned two lessons from the Iran-Iraq war: (1) that they were "surrounded by enemies, near and far" and (2) "the futility of fighting a head-to-head confrontation." And from this, the Quds force emerged as "an ideal tool," whether it be through attacking Israeli and Jewish targets in Argentina or by helping to advise and assist Hezbollah in Lebanon or in complicating the political dynamics in Iraq and helping to get Nouri al-Maliki elected there. (Filkins reports that Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki's government sends $20 million from oil revenues to Suleimani who then uses those funds to carry out operations.) xxxinosentes faking Saturday’s card has also gained Paul Cole’s Chesham Stakes winner Berkshire. Cole took the colt out of the Champagne Stakes at Doncaster earlier this month when the ground went against him and had planned to go for the Group Three Somerville Tattersall Stakes tomorrow, but he is now to go for the more valuable Juddmonte Royal Lodge, over an extra furlong. befxxxx hd Rival drugmakers including Merck and Bristol-Myers Squibb are developing immunotherapy drugs in a similar class of drugs known as PD-1 inhibitors, also designed to mobilize the body's own immune system to fight cancer. 7118 wearing a hair band Wells tried to seek damages from Spero and another CollegeHealth employee in the FINRA arbitration case, but the panelruled it lacked jurisdiction over them because they were notFINRA-licensed securities brokers. assteenmouth kelsie The Bengals had failed to score a touchdown during a 17-6 loss at Cleveland, one that left them looking to establish an identity on offense by running the ball. They did what they wanted in one grinding drive.

le 21/04/2020 à 19h29

magic story very thanks 17049 bree haze xxx sex In addition the Accelerator provides strategic advice to its entrepreneurs via a team of experienced business people that coordinate the workspace. Richard Celm, who manages the Accelerator, also explained that he sometimes facilitates access to finance. fukingforce vi "We should be returning to normality of work from the nightshift of today, September 14th," the company said in astatement, listing the different groups of workers that wouldcover various shifts in the coming days. 41714 allpussy lips meaty And let's be clear what's at stake. To say that failing to raise the debt ceiling will cause serious harm to the U.S. economy actually understates somewhat. It would also wreak havoc with the global economy, what with the dollar being the world's reserve currency and all. If the world suddenly thought that U.S. government debt was anything less than reliable it would cause widespread economic turmoil. www tuttafica it Instead of dealing with the privacy implications of a device that the government can use to solicit your participation in a manhunt within seconds, the program has chosen not to focus on them. That decision is both unwise and counterproductive. If they are unable to convince people to participate now, they will close off an entire avenue for solving crimes in the future. kryga Mr Hayes added: "Royal Mail is profitable and can continue to be successful in the public sector. The sale is driven by political dogma, not economic necessity, and postal workers and the CWU will continue to fight to save services as well as defend their terms and conditions."

le 21/04/2020 à 19h29

Are you a student? xxxnxs com livs The brothers, Olympic rowers who earned MBA degrees from Oxford University, told regulators in July that they plan to initially sell $20 million worth of shares, with each share worth a fraction of a Bitcoin. They said they could not speak in greater detail about their own fund right now. reampie load compilation Such details can improve what scientists know about future climate change, Batterman said. Computer models that calculate the global balance of atmospheric carbon dioxide also must factor in sinks that offset carbon, such as tropical forests. And if forests take up carbon differently depending on the abundance and diversity of legumes, models should reflect that variation, she said. Batterman is currently working with Princeton Assistant Professor of Geosciences David Medvigy on a method for considering nitrogen fixation in models. www sal dibine com * Jon Corzine, the former New Jersey governor accused of afailure of leadership at the helm of the brokerage firm MFGlobal, is fighting back. Lawyers for Corzine filed a motionlate Tuesday to dismiss a civil case against him brought by theCommodity Futures Trading Commission, the federal agency thatregulated MF Global until its demise in 2011. () xhardsextube cm In late July 1842, for instance, she writes: "I am much annoyed at your having altered my note. You know I am always willing to make any required alterations myself, but that I cannot endure another person to meddle with my sentences." 2019hdvdieo Tom Albanese has landed his first job since being turfed outof the chief executive's seat at Rio Tinto after $14 billion of writedowns. The American will becomechairman of Vedanta Holdings, a subsidiary of Vedanta,the FTSE-100 Indian mining group. ()

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