Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 22/04/2020 à 10h42

I'd like to cancel a cheque bom to jaov099 "The mother begged the guard to spare her, but he kept beating her. So the mother, her hands shaking, put the baby face down in the water. The crying stopped and a bubble rose up as it died. A grandmother who had delivered the baby quietly took it out." poizon ivy porn KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Alex Smith threw for 223 yards and two touchdowns, and the Kansas City Chiefs defense held when it needed to in the fourth quarter for a 17-16 victory over the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday. sunny leone facuk BOSTON (AP) -- Lawyers for reputed gangster James "Whitey" Bulger have kicked off his defense by calling a former FBI supervisor who testified that Bulger told him he was not an FBI informant. 21837 tamil cute sex This matters [because] if you don't get a return on your investment then obviously you're not going to invest - and [that's] the very thing that many of these towns with empty shops need. twincle Snowden had been stuck inside the transit zone of the airport since he arrived June 23. He could not enter Russia because he did not have a Russian visa and he could not travel to safe haven opportunities in Latin America because the United States had canceled his passport.

le 22/04/2020 à 10h42

Do you know each other? 44365 sxs mother and sister The world's No. 1 search engine presented the two services — as well as a new map that highlights cyber attacks taking place around the world in real time — as some of the most significant software products to emerge from Google Ideas, a think-tank established by the company in 2010. xxxvbf muve s On Feb. 18 in Belgium, some $50 million worth of diamonds were stolen. In that heist, robbers targeted stones from the global diamond center of Antwerp that had been loaded on a plane headed to Zurich. Authorities have since detained dozens of people and recovered much of the items stolen in that operation. pornmowie portugal Using Zamboni’s own “cookbook” of methods and equipment, and even his direct instructions to technologists who went to Italy to learn from him, Canadian researchers could not replicate the Italian doctor’s stunning results. Indeed, they discovered that MS patients and healthy controls shared the same prevalence of vein constriction, suggesting it’s nothing more than dynamic, typical vein physiology. sex failm Andrew Hagger, personal finance expert at Moneycomms, said: "The £1 fee is the same whether you are borrowing £50, £500 or £1,500 – so clearly becomes better value for money for those who have larger overdrafts. xxx1ib mobi The FDA often does not regulate energy drinks because many of the drinks are labeled as supplements and not sodas, giving those companies a loophole to avoid detailed labeling. “Energy drink makers have been urging customers to consume too much of their products too fast and too young,” Markey said in the same joint press release Wednesday. “We need to ensure that kids and parents are protected from the negative health impacts of these products and are not subject to deceptive marketing practices. I urge all energy drink makers to commit to these common sense and appropriate steps.”

le 22/04/2020 à 10h42

I wanted to live abroad 19187 public avn nude A Department of Health spokeswoman said: "Patients who have to attend hospital regularly or for long periods of time have a fundamental right to fair and appropriate car parking concessions, and we expect hospital trusts to provide them." xxxxvf vdo A man is fighting to stay in New Zealand after moving there from the Pacific island nation of Kiribati. The 37-year-old man claims, due to climate change, the rising sea levels have made the island uninhabitable. video sexy scene jo ladki ki chutti hai One of those dispatches saves Davos Seaworth's life. As Stannis Baratheon is set to sentence Davos to death for helping Gendry escape and avoid being sacrificed, Davos presents Stannis with a warning from the Night's Watch. While Stannis is stunned enough that Davos has taught himself to read, he defers to Melisandre about what this means for Davos's fate. sexi nxxnx yutube "Looking ahead the economy looks set to improve moderately, albeit at a slow pace," Lord Wolfson said, although he added that there was "still the risk that credit easing may not translate into growth in real earnings". 28354 eating cum of cake The incident occurred less than a week after Prime Minister Kevin Rudd changed Australia's refugee policy so that migrants who arrive by boat will no longer be allowed to settle in the country. Instead, they will be taken to the island nation of Papua New Guinea to be considered for resettlement there.

le 22/04/2020 à 10h42

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le 22/04/2020 à 10h42

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le 22/04/2020 à 11h38

Where do you live? kat slater nake King's dream may not have become reality, even with the election of a black president - perhaps it never will be complete. But it is certainly true that some elements of the African-American nightmare are over. school garlsexi lu Even though they live side by side, Israeli and Palestinian teams do not play each other in competition, as Israel are members of European soccer's governing body UEFA and the Palestine soccer team play in Asia. darsex c "The Fed needs to move from being aggressively stimulative to merely very stimulative," said Leo Grohowski, chief investment officer at BNY Mellon Wealth Management in New York. "Markets are less prepared for it to do more, and if it does you might see a return to defensive areas." hoot leiris Xi's comments Sunday on the sidelines of the APEC summit meeting in Bali, Indonesia. represented his strongest statement so far on the Taiwan unification issue, which remains a fundamental cause of instability in the western Pacific. China insists that the democratic island be brought under its control, and has threatened force to achieve that goal. The two sides split after a civil war in 1949. devkiporno rus Alcoa expects a 9 to 10 percent increase in aluminum demandthis year from the aerospace sector, driven by a recent flurryof aircraft orders at the Paris Air Show and an already-largebacklog of orders within the aerospace industry. It also seesincreased demand from the automotive, commercial transportationand construction industries.

le 22/04/2020 à 11h38

What qualifications have you got? gb schlampe linafay aline Authorities throughout the West have been looking for the teen and James Lee DiMaggio, 40, since the bodies of Christina Anderson and the previously unidentified boy were found Sunday at DiMaggio’s burned home near the Mexican border, about 65 miles east of San Diego. bokep vanesha "I'm so excited to begin working again with Henry Cavill in the world we created, and I can't wait to expand the DC Universe in this next chapter," Snyder said in a statement. "Let's face it, it's beyond mythological to have Superman and our new Batman facing off, since they are the greatest Superheroes in the world." desirebold mms Jahliyah Hayes, 13, grabbed hold of a tree limb downstream and pulled herself to dry land but the violent undertow engulfed her father Roger Hayes, 37, in the swirling waters of Cane Creek in Barton, Ala. vidjo seksi me qen Through the Shas (Hebrew acronym for Sephardic Torah Guardians) party he founded in the early 1980s, Yosef, regal in his gold embroidered robes and turban, also wielded unique political influence from his modest apartment in Jerusalem. xxxxwwww video 6 Harris said neither she, her brother, nor her mother knows of a possible motive. Woodrow Karey, 53, of Lake Charles stopped going to church without saying why, but didn't display any animosity, she said.

le 22/04/2020 à 11h38

I can't hear you very well matataba na nag sex Researchers tested twenty four healthy volunteers with no history of acid reflux. The twenty four volunteers had to swallow a probe that would take measurements before and after each person had eaten a meal. Half of the volunteers who participated in the test were average sizes and the other half were overweight. xwwyx Still, it’s concerning. The Giants and Tuck downplayed this latest issue, but it is an issue with his back. The younger, stronger, healthier Jason Pierre-Paul tried to play through a back issue last season; now, nobody knows if Pierre-Paul will be ready for the season opener in Dallas after he had back surgery in June. hanata hui sex The city has been working with residents and businesses to make sure everything runs smoothly. People living in the neighborhoods nearest Francis Field were given parking passes so they can get in and out and prevent others from parking on the street. gym labisen But he also emphasized that tapering of the bond buyingwould not be a signal the Fed would begin to tighten monetarypolicy sooner by raising the overnight interest rates from nearzero, and pointed out that 14 of the Fed's 19 policymakersanticipate the lift-off date for rates will not come before2015. mom storicom There’s also an objectivity to Z-100’s worship of the mass-determined hit. It’s “crowdsourcing” in the most inclusive way. Extremists will see this as the road to fascism — and the fact that the channel carries Ryan Seacrest’s syndicated show may strike those folks as, if not exactly Hitlerian, as least a step in an evil direction. But there’s no denying the raw power of hearing songs that move people everywhere. It’s the hard pull of pop itself.

le 22/04/2020 à 11h38

Could you tell me the dialing code for ? fast sex bulld The European Commission, which acts as the bloc's executive, is expected to invoke an article in Croatia's accession treaty that allows it to impose punitive measures if EU rules are broken, the so-called safeguard clause. shopian leone For now, officials seem gun-shy about further purchases of U.S. Treasuries and other assets, a practice designed to stimulate the economy by driving down long-term interest rates, and appear inclined to decrease them later this year. chldans Obama, who has come under fire for not naming more women to top policymaking posts, has a chance to put a big mark on the U.S. central bank over coming months with picks to fill out the Fed's seven-person Board of Governors. ken jaek Cheney, who describes herself in a biography on her official campaign website as a "fourth-generation Wyomingite," is an attorney who served in the U.S. Department of State during the administration of President George W. Bush and appears on television as an analyst and political commentator for Fox News. dise video xxnxbihari BART officials say work rules refer to past practices that require approval from unions and management to change. The rules make it difficult to implement technological changes or add extra service on holidays because of a special event, the agency says.

le 22/04/2020 à 11h38

We used to work together xxxxxporn doy Less than a week from his 38th birthday, the guy who was going to break the all-time home run record, who has made more money playing baseball than anybody who ever lived or ever played, is engaged in this weird dance with the public, more and more coming across as this weird product of crisis managers and lawyers and PR men, repeating different versions of the same narrative over and over again. katia iafd "The current failure to modernise the grid as the energy mixis changing is causing problems for the development of theinternal market, technical problems related to loop flows, gridstability and growing power curtailment, and investmentbottlenecks resulting from delayed connection of new powerproducers. 31690 javfor me mother in law First thing, he needs to wake up. Navratilova pointed out on Saturday that Djokovic has trouble starting matches that begin too early in the day, because he’s known as someone who can’t fall asleep until 3 a.m. That worked against him with Wawrinka. It won’t be a problem on Monday, when the match will start at a very reasonable 5 p.m. jbrjsti catch and fuk sasur bahu No, I think– I think the president can stop it.  I– the problem is that– there– continues to be a major debate here in Washington.  And that is:  How do we respond to these underlying trends?  If– if you look at– at– at the data– couple of things are– are– are creating these trends. all porn lucita sandoval Neil Clitheroe, ScottishPower’s CEO of energy retail and generation, said: “Since 2011 we have taken determined steps to resolve the problem: doorstep selling was stopped; and all telephone sales staff are properly trained and monitored. Independent verification of our current sales process suggest that we are now doing a better job."

le 22/04/2020 à 12h34

Accountant supermarket manager sexxx italy lesibine Richardson, who has been impressive in training camp and preseason, may wind up being Idzik’s best draft choice from this class. He doesn’t believe the GM will regret the decision to trade Revis. emi jancan While Cisco is looking to sell network equipment, Facebook is joining arch-rival Google Inc in helping its users connect directly to the Internet, which increases the amount of time they spend on the companies' advertising-supported websites. pakistan xxxxbfmove "There are days that are tough. You try to relive what what we used to be, but you have to remind yourself that it's a different music. It's a different vibe. We are our own bosses these days and have to build our own relationships and businesses and continue to craft our sound, and not just be a band that plays to a certain market." vidio mubokep biz More than 30,000 workers at major auto makers including Ford, Nissan and General Motors returned towork this month after a strike for higher wages that cost theindustry $2 billion in lost output revenue over four weeks. sex vidso javan bal As if that wasn't a little too much information, the 27-year-old She's The Man star added: "My Surgeon Broke My Nose During My Surgery But Hasn't Finished My Nose! It's Still Broken And I Can't Breathe!"

le 22/04/2020 à 12h34

A book of First Class stamps shcooll beb "It's not so much that in this particular case the dealer community was more risk averse or less risk averse," said Scott Thiel, head of European and Global bonds at BlackRock - the world's biggest asset manager with almost $4 trillion under management. 22777 sleepig gril bf Telecom Italia has said the fee cut jeopardises the plannedspin-off of the network and would reduce its annual income by110 million euros. The ruling will be reviewed by Europeanauthorities and AGCOM will take a final decision well before theend of 2013. (Reporting by Francesca Landini; editing by Steve Scherer) masturbaciin Yet public discussion often assumes that journalism istechnologically doomed. The Internet, it seems, is ineluctablyturning news and analysis from a thriving industry, gainfullyemploying millions on decent incomes, into an unpaid hobby forphilanthropists or self-promoters who will earn their living byother means. caught 59 4 The BBC's Jim Muir in Cairo says the latest violence is the most serious since the army's intervention to remove President Morsi, but this does not appear to have been a planned campaign to clear the area around the mosque. prnohup met mooie meisjes No one has suggested he is dirty, and there's no evidence that he is. But do you want to risk $99.95 buying his jersey and your time cheering him on when most of the sluggers before him were all putting on a charade?

le 22/04/2020 à 12h34

Gloomy tales xxxxxxxxxxx2019 Place the redcurrants and sugar in a medium mixing bowl and shake them vigorously together until the sugar coats the berries and some of the berries have split. Place a couple of slices of fried celeriac on each plate, top with the potatoes and spoon over the redcurrants. thirgha Dassault said that for the full year it now expects earningsper share of 3.57 to 3.67 euros, representing growth of 6percent to 9 percent, up from a previous estimated range of 2percent to 7 percent. sekes masri During that mishap, only 155 of the estimated 518 people on board the ship survived. A total of 339 dead have so far been ascertained while divers were still searching for the missed, according to national newspaper Corriere della Sera. sarita nair newsexvedio "Blizzard were leading the way with the real-money auction house, designed to take what was being done in a grey economy and making it legitimate, and indeed profitable," John Walker, editor of PC gaming site Rock, Paper, Shotgun told the BBC. 13931 indien xxx big boobs Under the plea deal with prosecutors, Beale faces 30 to 37 months in prison. The deal also calls for Beale to pay restitution of $886,000, forfeit an additional $507,000 and pay a fine of up to $60,000. The final decision will be made by the sentencing judge in the case, Ellen Segal Huvelle. No sentencing date has been set.

le 22/04/2020 à 12h34

What do you do? vic fabe models ** Mezzan Holding Co, a diversified Kuwaiti conglomerate,will acquire the distributor of Red Bull energy drink in theUnited Arab Emirates, highlighting appetite for consumer-relatedinvestments in the Gulf Arab region. No financial details of thetransaction were disclosed. bokep indo ayu sanca The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) highlighted the regulations earlier this year and warned they could force many cross-Border companies into bankruptcy after independence. godfrey gao sexy “It definitely changes the tone of the workplace,” said Becca Arneson, who works for Urban Outfitters, a subsidiary of URBN,  alongside Shi-Tzu Rooney. “People just seem to feel happier as a result. It’s really nice. It adds to the sort of chemistry around the campus.” rajwapcoom The eurozone emerged from a recession in the second quarter, ending its longest downturn since the currency area’s creation in 1999, while June saw unemployment fall for the first time in more than two years. vanhat naiset pornoitalia eu videoita Rodriguez may have also violated the Basic Agreement by seeking a second opinion without notifying the club, as well as by announcing that he is ready to return to the field for the Yankees without notifying the club.

le 22/04/2020 à 12h34

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