Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 23/04/2020 à 01h10

It's a bad line amber lyi Rescuers line up the bodies of victims of a Sunday bus crash in Italy, on the road between Monteforte Irpino and Baiano. Three dozen people died and almost a dozen more were injured when the coach came off a flyover and plunged 98 feet down a slope, according to Italian media. alexis crystal anal gangbang sz1318 27 Even though voters in San Jose overwhelmingly backed a measure last year that would cut pensions for new workers and force current employees to contribute more to their retirement benefits, the city's unions sued, claiming the reforms were unconstitutional. wwxxxvideo 218 Part-timers Cliftonville battled away gallantly and threatened momentarily when Marc Smyth had a close-range effort blocked after a rare corner for the Northern Irish champions, while Ciaran Caldwell fired wide. incesti barath Shain Gandee, the 21-year-old star of MTV's show "Buckwild," was found dead on April 1, 2013 in West Virginia, TMZ reports. In what appeared to be a car accident, authorities said Gandee was found, along with two other bodies, in a vehicle 31 hours after he was reported missing. The raucous MTV show characterizes the "wild" lifestyle of a group of teenagers living in West Virginia. The show, which follows the format of success "Jersey Shore," focuses on the group of friends partying and performing several reckless stunts for fun. resma sax videos los kolty duonlod mp4 "We were disappointed that, shortly after we took evidence from Mr Johnston, he took to Twitter to criticise a member of the committee for asking questions that he believed had been prompted by Gwent MPs, describing the proceedings as 'sad really'," the report said.

le 23/04/2020 à 01h10

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le 23/04/2020 à 01h10

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le 23/04/2020 à 02h04

Do you know what extension he's on? cherry moonz And eventually he left us all refreshing our browsers in hopes that he was coming back with a secret link to a bonus song, or a photo of Blue on his shoulders, or letting us know what his second-favorite cereal was. Anything! But no... that was all. fraternity hirap o sarap Shortstop Derek Jeter missed virtually the entire season after breaking an ankle last October and third baseman Alex Rodriguez, having returned from hip surgery, may have to serve a drug suspension for a large portion or all of next season. funtanarie com Stevens is generally optimistic in his descriptions of Libya and its people, but he notes the “dicey conditions” on the ground there, where he said militias rule, and references previous attacks on diplomats. That didn’t stop Stevens from doing his job, detailing the many meetings he had the day he died. dipa sahoo sex blu fli Sartorially speaking, this means he’ll pair Hummel sneakers with blazers from Japanese brands such as Blue Blue and Undercover, shirts from Acne, trousers from Bywho, a Danish brand created by an ex-Hummel designer, and various chains and bangles collected on his travels. For evening he favours suits by Lanvin and Helmut Lang and flamboyantly coloured bow ties. “Design works when there’s a contrast,” he says. He would know. learning a lesson in fucking s5e4 And what of Assad? He has much more time now to prepare for an attack, probably in a couple of weeks, which he knows will not hurt him. When it is over, he will emerge from his bunker and continue fighting for his regime's survival. And he will use chemical weapons again.

le 23/04/2020 à 02h04

I'm sorry, she's out dorxnxx The Las Vegas Review-Journal, citing police reports, said that the pitcher appeared to be drunk when he approached a 23-year-old woman lying on a gurney at the Desert Springs Hospital in Las Vegas. Gaudin is accused of having told the woman she was "gorgeous" and touching her face and breast, the paper reported. rei haruki3 As an example, Kelly illustrated that both a 7-year-old girl of average height who weighs 75 pounds and a 13-year-old boy of average height who weighs 160 pounds would both be considered severely obese. x xvideos cewe bule d grepe d bis Office supply shop owner Jean Dube, 54, said he was uncertain whether his insurance would cover his losses because of confusion over whether the building - which lies near the blast site - was damaged. shivsundar das That retreat from the consumer market has already had animpact. Telecom operator T-Mobile US Inc said it wouldno longer stock the devices in its stores, instead shipping themto anyone who came in to order a BlackBerry. xxxxxxxboy muv Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning (18) looks down as he talks on the sideline during the second half of an NFL football game against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday, Oct. 20, 2013, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

le 23/04/2020 à 02h04

Get a job sanyyliony me saxi film “This is really an important moment for the fight for clean sports,” Tygart said. “Commissioner Selig and his team should be commended. It’s refreshing to see the head of a pro sport take a strong stand to protect the integrity of the game and the rights of clean athletes. It validates the decision of millions of athletes around the world to not take performance-enhancing drugs and instead compete cleanly.” porno timou Twenty years after the U.S. military's "Black Hawk Down" disaster, the Obama administration is slowly stepping up relations with Somalia even though security requires American officials to be sheltered behind blast walls and unable to see nearly any of the chaotic country. xxx video bhj Writer-director Destin Daniel Cretton treats all of them with respect, and we slowly see why the counselors choose to be there. Grace has a disturbing history with her prison-inmate father, and Mason was part of a group of foster children raised lovingly by an older couple, glimpsed briefly in one of this special film’s most moving scenes. Their calm, kind demeanors speak volumes as we learn what they’ve moved past. momxvi deo Students wanting to take advantage of the offer - the biggest ever launched by a supermarket chain - simply need to sign up for an NUS Extra card and show it at the till. Some 600,000 students already hold the card. xxhx anw But even those who work full-time are struggling. More thanhalf of these families are enrolled in public assistanceprograms, the researchers said. This costs taxpayers nearly $7billion per year, more than half of which is in health insurancecosts.

le 23/04/2020 à 02h58

Do you know what extension he's on? nippon molar hii lagarta hii When I boarded the Wild Irish Rose the back deck was filled with lobster traps. Trusting that the engine problems were under control, Steve guided his boat some 10 miles off shore, into the waters off Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Rob, the sternman, quietly used that time as the sun rose above the horizon to put lines on the traps, prepare the bait for later in the day and get the deck in order. It would soon be very apparent that having everything ready would be a key to hauling traps later that day. romantis ponr video Slade will remain focused on events on the pitch, motivating players and enhancing his reputation. “You don’t do 600 games if you are not doing something right but it’s a very uncertain profession. 12288 shy real amateur teen Drummond, which has two mines and a port in Colombia, andthe Sintramienergetica union, which represents about half ofDrummond's roughly 10,000 workers, had been in negotiations forweeks over pay and upcoming job cuts among port workers. wwwxxnxcom hd boy women "A fortnight ago, Mark made his last public appearance in front of a sold-out audience at Melbourne's Athenaeum Theatre," his manager, Andrew Parisi, said in a statement. "Despite his failing health, he delighted the audience with his skills as a raconteur and storyteller. This is how he would wish to be remembered, as someone who spun a great yarn and made many people laugh." ponyriak desi fuck "I don't see us necessarily scaling our relationship with some of our alternative platforms back in any way, even once it gets resolved," said Mr. Unkel. "We've been basically learning and using their platforms in parallel to this situation for quite some time, and there are some things about those platforms that we actually enjoy, like and leverage more than we find in, say, DoubleClick Bid Manager."

le 23/04/2020 à 02h58

Good crew it's cool :) htvsex "After that, Lieutenant Barrientos decided to play Russian roulette, so he took out his gun, approached Víctor Jara, who was standing with his hands handcuffed behind his back, spun the cylinder, put it against the back of his neck and fired," said Jose Paredes, one of the soldiers. diviya roy library fuck Adequate Performance: Fitch forecasts SMI's net income after tax to increase over the budget period to IDR214bn in FY14 from IDR93bn in FY12. The growth in net income is primarily driven by net operating income increasing to IDR272bn in FY14 from IDR119bn in FY12 as a result of increased lending activities. Nonetheless, profit maximisation is not the ultimate goal for this company due to its primary policy role. blackxxxvids atx out Ed held up Superman and the two of them went over a pre-flight checklist, not unlike the Marine pilots chatting in my headset on a recent Osprey flight I took with the U.S. military. But not as complicated. Ed held Superman into a slight off-shore wind and Otto moved his fingers around a controller in a manner that looked a lot like my son playing his Xbox. Superman was launched and it looked so realistic with the naked eye; it forced a total double-take of my senses. Superman was on a timer and he had a little over five minutes of power as Otto flew him in figure eights and all sorts of flight lines. I banged away on my shutter button and recorded the moments. wwwxxnxcom hd boy women Meanwhile, the mayor has come under mounting scrutiny for his use of a city-issued credit card for what opponents describe as questionable expenses and for allowing city lobbying contracts to lapse for several months. poran kisi mom sxi “If you’re the spouse of a U.S. citizen, your visa application will be treated equally. If you’re the spouse of a non-citizen, your visa application will be treated equally,” Kerry said.

le 23/04/2020 à 02h58

I'm a partner in exstrafuck com Pierre-Paul and safety Antrel Rolle noticed that, too, and they indicated that practice even included a little chippiness between players. JPP spoke of “some battles out there” and “rough times with a couple players.” And Rolle added that “we have that.” kosimak arab com Before AT&T's announcement, Al Jazeera America said it wouldbe available in more than 40 million homes - about 40 percent ofU.S. pay-TV households and roughly half the reach of Time WarnerInc's CNN. U-verse was launched in 2006 and had 5million video customers at the end of June in markets such asTexas and California. juan ell cabalo Some banks are already doing so. Brobeck points to programs, most common at larger banks, that incentivize saving by waiving fees for automatic transfers into savings accounts, for example. Automatic savings, he says, is one of the most effective ways for Americans to save, which is why programs such as regular deposits into retirement accounts and even mortgage payments that build home equity can work so well. katreenax xtgem Roscosmos says the unmanned Progress M-20M spacecraft moored at the station Sunday about six hours after its launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The docking was performed in automatic mode. butak faking Urena started reading the Bible and praying on the steps of the high school last February after officials reportedly found two bullets inside a school toilet. The mom, who has two kids at the school, started appearing at the school’s entrance to pray out loud for the safety of her children and their classmates.

le 23/04/2020 à 02h58

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le 23/04/2020 à 02h58

I'd like to tell you about a change of address karina shiratori A plunge in the company's share price, as well as those of other companies in Batista's EBX energy, mining, shipbuilding and port-operation group, caused his fortune, once Brazil's largest, to shrink and limited his ability to keep financing OGX, a startup with more investment expenses than revenue. wwwwwwxxxx full hard muve 28 After taking the leader's jersey after stage one in Corsica this July, the German will be targeting a repeat in Harrogate though will face stiff competition from his Omega Pharma-Quick Step rival. xxxbeep She sued Copper Cellar, claiming the owner of the brewery and a small chain of Calhoun's restaurants in the Knoxville area created a dangerous work environment, according to court documents. She settled for an undisclosed amount but said she could not discuss the settlement further because of a nondisclosure agreement. sunny leonebfuck The Co-op is to lose control of its banking arm to bondholders as part of a restructuring to fill a £1.5bn black hole in its balance sheet, therefore the falling sales in its retail chain is another setback for the group. 24801 oil sex mia khalifa (edit: I was looking for a movie recommendation engine recently. Didn't notice Matcha, but signed up for Jinni which is pretty good. Still, like most technology firms, they seem to miss some obvious easy features.)

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