Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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Very interesting tale Actress Sex Wallpapers The negotiation is to agree on a short-term measure -- known as a “continuing resolution” -- to fund the government for a few weeks or months until a larger deal can be reached on appropriations bills that give federal agencies their full fiscal 2014 operating budgets, which begins Oct. 1. Hotsexy Wallpapers The dollar will continue to drop because the Federal Reserve continues to print more imaginary money, thus causing inflation. The Chinese know this, but they don’t have the American media telling them that Ben Bernanke is a businessmen. Bernanke is really just a racketeer. Until he’s arrested and the Federal Reserve System is abolished, inflation will skyrocket til we need a wagon full of dollar bills to buy a big mac. That’s the entire plan anyway. Sexy Nuda Modella Wallpapers Free Here Michelle Keegan makes a style statement in her yellow crochet top which adds a shot of colour to her casual jeans and flip flop look as she runs errands. The colour can be notoriously tricky to wear but the key is to remember to keep it simple, think fine detailing and a classic cut. Anime Sexis Wallpapers The U.S. Treasury warned on Thursday about the "catastrophic" impact of a debt default, saying a failure to pay the nation's bills could punish American families and businesses with a worse recession than the 2007-2009 downturn. Sexy Womens Computer Wallpaper BlackBerry will report its fiscal second-quarter resultsbefore trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange and Nasdaq StockMarket opens on Sept. 27. Analysts are projecting sales of $3.03billion on average, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.That would be up about 5.5 percent from a year earlier but down1.3 percent from the previous quarter. They estimate that thecompany will post a loss of 16 cents a share, excluding one-timeitems such as a potential inventory writedown.

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A law firm Sexy College Wallpapers Fearon was charged in connection with evasion of excise duty on nearly 8.4 million Benson and Hedges cigarettes. He is also wanted by the UK Border Agency in connection to money laundering offences and by the police in the Irish Republic for driving offences. Sexy Wallpapers Pics Description from art by Don Spaulding. Fishing in the Northwest article. Dangerous Waters, script by Paul Newman, art by Alberto Giolitti; To contest the fishing rights to the river, one brave from each of the two tribes will paddle; Whoever reaches the goal first, his tribe wins the river. The Stolen Skins, script by Paul Newman, art by Alberto Giolitti; One of the warriors of Stone Bear's camp is accused of stealing furs, but Tonto finds out where he gets them without stealing. The New Camp, script by Paul Newman, art by Alberto Giolitti; Young Bear doesn't want to leave the old camp-site and move to a new one, which he knows nothing about. The Dangerous Time starring The Painted Pony. Musical Instruments fact page. Free Sexy Psp Wallpapers The administration also confronts a fiscal deadline on Oct.1, when spending legislation is needed to keep governmentprograms running. Lawmakers will also need to raise the nation'sdebt limit, probably in November, to avoid a debt default. Actress Bollywood Hot Sexy Wallpaper Porgies continue to be plentiful on both sides of Long Island, weighing up to two, or maybe even three, tasty pounds. They’re in the bays and also not far ouside, like over the Tin Can Grounds, in Ambrose Channel and especially on the Long Island side of L.I. Sound. Their preferred diet: clams or worms Sure, if you’re a Met fan, maybe you’d rather get a glimpse of Noah Syndergaard or Rafael Montero. And we’re not just saying that because Matsuzaka works at a Steve Trachsel-esque pace and can get walk-happy.

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le 29/05/2019 à 22h52

How many more years do you have to go? Next week is a busy one for corporate earnings. Results andoutlooks from banks may be the most important, as investors lookfor companies' comments on how the shutdown may affect growthand the impact of higher interest rates. Among the earlyindications, Wells Fargo said revenue from homerefinancings fell to its lowest level since the second quarterof 2011. Sexy Babes Christmas Wallpaper SNY, sources said, is considering a few options to replace Schein. It could look to find another NFL “Insider,” it could bring in a former player, or it could go with the three-man team of Brian (Mr) Custer, Joe Klecko and Lucas. Wallpaper Sex And The At least one neighbor in the Windsor Village apartment complex tried to pull the burly Remy off Martel, but was driven back when Remy began trying to strike him with the knife, Assistant Middlesex District Attorney Lisa McGovern said. Sexy Wallpapers Katrina Kaif MUMBAI/BANGALORE, Oct 15 (Reuters) - Tata ConsultancyServices (TCS), India's largest IT services exporter, isconsidering accelerating its hiring plans after beatingquarterly profit expectations on increased demand from financialclients and in Europe. Bollywood Hot And Sexy Wallpapers Alex’s day started at the police station, where he was named an honorary police officer, met his Batman – a stuntman in character – got his Robin costume and got a briefing from the city’s police chief on what he and Batman needed to accomplish.

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