Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 03/10/2019 à 06h52

I do some voluntary work xxx xxx We set our base case default rate to be in line with our expectation of future economic development, while the default rates in higher rating scenarios incorporate cushion against unexpected economic deterioration. As a result, while we expect default rates to increase following rising corporate insolvencies, we project them to remain in line with our base case assumptions and below our assumptions in higher rating stress scenarios. Thus, an impact on the current ratings is not expected. indian xnxx Whitman's urgency is easy to understand. Two years into what she has always described as a five-year effort, HP's sales and profits are still sliding and Wall Street is losing patience. The stock has fallen 17 percent in the past three months and is down more than half its value since 2010. www.xhamster Its more nascent second-screen approach has also won favoramong media and entertainment executives because they encourageaudience interaction on mobile devices and open a new channelfor advertising as well. thisavcom * BT GROUP : More than half a million customers have signed up to takeBT's new sports service, the group said on Thursday, as it reported a final setof results under Ian Livingston to cap off his five-years at the helm. xvidios Citigroup also showed it was doing relatively well againstanother safety minimum proposed last week by U.S. regulators. Itpegged the so-called leverage ratio for its holding company at4.9 percent, just below a pending 5 percent requirement for2018.

le 03/10/2019 à 06h52

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le 03/10/2019 à 08h22

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le 03/10/2019 à 08h22

Can I call you back? bokep xxx The report on private sector hiring in September by payrollsprocessor Automatic Data Processing will be released onWednesday at 8:15 a.m. (1215). Weekly initial jobless claimsdata due on Thursday will also be released as scheduled. xnxx arab Many investors like the simplicity of funds that track stock market indices such as the familiar FTSE 100. They know that, when they see on the news that share prices have risen, their investment will have done the same. xvideos Of course we believe in win win situations so just to make things that little bit easier here are a collection of the best deals on cheap iPhone apps along with some of the best tech deals across the web, whether it's games, TVs or indeed apps. xnxx desi Soon the rapid bursts of gunfire were followed by the wail of police and ambulance sirens, the screams of victims and the grief of a state that has endured two of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history. free beeg The Founding Fathers may never have made it to California, but their legacy lives on at Knott’s Independence Hall in Buena Park. This life-size replica mirrors the original in Philadelphia, the only one of its kind. Families can expect daily historical reenactments and American culture exhibits. Unlike many attractions at the Park, Independence Hall provides free admission to all guests.

le 03/10/2019 à 08h22

There's a three month trial period xnxx movies It's understandable. The prospect of a government shutdown or, worse, default on the federal debt, rekindles memories of 2011 when Washington's infighting prompted the loss of the United States' triple-A credit rating and was a primary driver behind the stock market's last full-on correction. thisav Rostowski is Poland's longest-serving finance minister sincethe fall of Communism in 1989. His policies kept the country outof recession after global markets crashed in 2008, and he haswon praise since then for a fiscally prudent approach. xvido As for Kodak's remaining B2B digital printing business, Veronda notes that while its services and products will be sold directly to other businesses, those businesses, in turn, will make plenty of stuff that touches the public directly—catalogs, for example, and "eye-popping packaging" consumers will see on grocery store shelves. www xvideos com new 1 Now what? Microsoft won the big game, and then, as happens in this business, the game changed. For the last decade under Steve Ballmer, Microsoft has been ricocheting from one goal to another – from making music players to tablets to touchscreen mobile operating systems to search engines to cloud servers to video games. xxx bokep "Recognizing that there are many details that need to beexplored and discussed ... we plan to hold hearings this fall toexplore the finer points of proposed changes," Johnson said at ahearing. "Crapo and I are undertaking this in-depth process withthe goal of reaching agreement by the end of the year."

le 03/10/2019 à 08h22

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le 03/10/2019 à 08h22

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le 03/10/2019 à 08h22

I'm a housewife free porntube In 2011, during the last major battle over the debt limit, a deal was announced the night of July 31 of that year. By August 1, the House of Representatives had passed a bill; the next day the Senate went along and hours later, Obama had signed it into law. xnxx barat Raising the risk of more bloodshed, the Brotherhood's political wing, the Freedom and Justice Party, called for a "million-man march" in Cairo on Friday to head towards Tahrir Square, cradle of the demonstrations that overthrew Mubarak. xxx movies Despite the victory, Alexis has since left Victoria's Secret for a full-time job at a nonprofit that helps people get access to health insurance. But she said she knows the changes made a difference. bokep xnxx One of Rodriguez’s lawyers, New York criminal defense attorney Joe Tacopina, used to press briefing to call for MLB and the Players’ Association to open the hearings to the public and release transcripts of the eight days of hearings thus far, a gambit that would have to be approved by both sides as well as the union and the arbitrator. xnxx anime The shocking outcome left a cloud over the sport for many years. NBC stopped airing boxing broadcasts, and then-New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller created a commission to investigate the bout and the sport. The referee that night, Ruby Goldstein, never worked another fight.

le 03/10/2019 à 08h22

Have you got a current driving licence? xxx bf Facing legal and diplomatic complaints after police heldGuardian writer Glenn Greenwald's Brazilian partner for ninehours on Sunday - and accused by the newspaper of forcing it totrash computers holding copies of Snowden's data - the interiorminister said officers were entitled to take security measures. x-tube At 6 feet 7, 205 pounds, Abdur-Ra’oof blossomed into a versatile playmaker and highlight-reel dunker last winter, averaging 9.2 points to help the Eagles sweep through their Washington Catholic Athletic Conference regular season slate. He chose the Big Red over Brown, Princeton, George Washington, Old Dominion, UMBC and Kennesaw State. xxx hot video Konietzky said her husband didn't have any health problems or open wounds that she knew of, and when doctors told her that he had an infection in his bloodstream, she didn't think it was too serious. Within hours, her husband's skin turned purple and it "looked like he had been beaten with a baseball bat." free porn The Egyptian head of the Cairo-based Arab League, Nabil Elaraby, also said Riyadh had every right to protest against the management of the Security Council, which he said should rethink the veto-wielding powers of its five permanent members. videos petardas National Express plans to bid for the full Essex Thamesiderail contract later this year and has been shortlisted for theCrossrail bid process expected to start later this year, withthe winner to be announced at the end of 2014.

le 03/10/2019 à 08h22

Sorry, I'm busy at the moment rulertube More than a third of those aged 16 to 24 say sitting still for long periods triggers neck or back pain, while three in 10 of those aged between 25 and 34 agreed, according to the BCA. Half of all people aged 18 to 34 regularly suffer back pain, a survey of almost 2,400 people found. x hamsters Wilson and his wife, Meghan, who live in Scotch Plains, said in a statement Friday that they are disappointed Christie "decided to make it so difficult for parents, who are already enduring tremendous pain and heartache, to get approval for such a safe and simple medication." xnxx videos Despite his solid victory, Abbott's government will not have a majority in the upper house Senate, where he is likely to face a disparate range of minor parties and independents with the balance of power votes from July 2014. Labor and the Greens will control a Senate majority until next July. wife lovers Andrew Sibley, a forecaster at the Met Office, said: “Most of England and Wales will be hot and sunny today. We are forecasting temperatures of 30C to 31C in London, and it could be the hottest day of the year so far. jasmin live The Democratic-led U.S. Senate on Tuesday voted to killRepublicans' latest attempts to modify an emergency governmentfunding bill, stripping proposed amendments from the spendingbill and sending back to the House a "clean" bill that wouldfund government agencies until Nov. 15.

le 03/10/2019 à 08h22

Three years hqporners “But for me, there was this anticipation about pitching and the rubber was not holding still for me. You can call it nerves or anxious anticipation. But I was able to get through the inning and there were some balls hit that my teammates tracked down.” xxx jepang Lawrence Summers, the former U.S. Treasury Secretary seen asa frontrunner to succeed Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke,said at the time the paper's premise was "slightly Luddite," and"largely misguided." yuvutu videos The park, which was closed after the incident, features big cats, bears, monkeys, zebras and other animals. The mission statement on its website says the park's focus is rescuing "abandoned, misplaced and abused animals, as well as those animals whose owners can no longer care for them." The website claims the park has rescued more than 1,400 animals and placed more than 1,200 in zoos and sanctuaries. beeg The mystery behind the Sun's corona is that it's a thousand times hotter than the surface of the Sun itself – around 1 million kelvin (about 1.8 million °F). Working out how the Sun's mass projects this energy to the corona is key to understanding the effects of solar flares on humanity. livejasmin trans Authorities say two ethnic Chechen brothers from Russia living in the Boston area orchestrated the attack. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 20, has pleaded not guilty. His older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, died following a gunbattle with police three days after the bombings.

le 03/10/2019 à 08h22

I'll put him on free porn Former Penn State assistant football coach Mike McQueary testifies Monday that former Penn State coach Joe Paterno told him 'Old Main screwed up,' in reference to the Jerry Sandusky sex-abuse case, and warned the former quarterback that he would be made to be a scapegoat. sex videos "The CVA proposals put forward by Mr Appleton simply do not address these obvious concerns. And these concerns are not only the concerns of ACL - they are the concerns of all Sky Blues supporters, and should be the central concerns of both The Football League and The Football Association. youtube videos Yesterday, Confidenti@l reported that Bieber was spotted at Chelsea hotspot 1Oak Tuesday, wearing bright blue capri sweatpants. Later that night, his security team lead two girls into the hotel, at 37th St. and Fifth Ave. streamate login Rubio, whose parents emigrated from Cuba, has been ubiquitous in conservative media outlets throughout the process, taking the lead in selling the measure to his party. At first, conservative thought leaders – such as Rush Limbaugh – expressed a willingness to trust Rubio and remain open to potential reforms. But as the legislative details have emerged, many Republicans have pushed back, saying it's too lenient on border security and that it incentivizes or rewards illegal immigration. And some are taking sharp aim at Rubio, who like Bush, is rumored to have 2016 presidential ambitions. There has also been a whole lot of attention recently, again in both the research literature and popular press, around the issue of sugar being addictive. And once again, we need not wade too deep into controversy to extract what we need.

le 03/10/2019 à 09h52

Could I make an appointment to see ? xnxx tamil Letwin's paper cites data from Metals Economics Groupshowing that there were 69 "significant" - more than 2 millionounce - gold discoveries between 2000 and 2011, down from 120 inthe previous decade. xxx Mr Morsi, who was overthrown by the military on 3 July and has been held largely incommunicado since, was placed in detention on 26 July over his links with the Palestinian Islamist militant group Hamas, which rules neighbouring Gaza. tiava Rivera was joined by his wife, Clara, and their three sons as Joe Torre, Gene Monahan, Gene "Stick" Michael and more than a half-dozen of the closer's former teammates awaited them on the field. yuvutu porn Istiqlal is in coalition with the Islamist Justice andDevelopment party that won 2011 legislative elections held afterthe adoption of the new constitution proposed by the KingMohamed to stifle the Arab Spring protests. beeg video The source of these comets is a graveyard of comets located within the asteroid belt. The comets can come back to life with a little help from Jupiter. According to the astronomers, Jupiter’s gravity could change the comet’s orbit, bringing them closer to the sun, increasing the temperature, and restoring them to life.

le 03/10/2019 à 09h52

Thanks for calling Belmont County Sheriff David Lucas said the issue did not touch on law enforcement, since it was a proposed in-house policy and the items for sale do not violate FDA regulations. He added that methamphetamines were not currently a problem drug in the local area. xnnn The Mississippi case "did open people's eyes further" about a possible cure, Luzuriaga said. "We might be able to intervene early and spare children a lifetime of therapy. That is the potential impact of this case." xnnx Although the original study had nothing to do with the effects of the cycles of the moon on sleep, lead author Christian Cajochen, a Swiss biologist and professor at the Centre for Chronobiology at the University of Basel in Switzerland, used the results from the study to determine if the cycle of the moon affected sleep. yuvutu videos The assault on the heavily guarded Central Prison in the city of Dera Ismail Khan took place despite reports that regional officials had received intelligence a fortnight ago suggesting such an attack was imminent. x hamster Shabaab leader Ahmed Godane, also known as Mukhtar Abu al-Zubayr, has described the Nairobi mall attack as retaliation for Kenya's incursion in October 2011 into southern Somalia to crush the insurgents. It has raised concern in the West over the operations of Shabaab in the region.

le 03/10/2019 à 09h52

Could you ask her to call me? sextubes Wil Myers is 22. He isn’t a four-time World Series champion and perennial All-Star like Rivera was in '04. He is a rookie, albeit a talented one, the likely AL Rookie of the Year. And now he will be tested at Fenway perhaps even more than Rivera was tested, certainly for the rest of this series, and maybe for the rest of his career. tranny The study also comes amid evidence that the number of children with severe obesity is growing at a steady clip. "I don't think we have any evidence of a similar trend - an adoption of healthy behaviors - occurring among severely obese children and adolescents," said Aaron S. Kelly, professor of pediatrics at the University of Minnesota Medical School and author of a recent study on such children. thisav Moreover, in the mid-1960s Rainwater began to suffer from serious problems with his vocal cords, eventually diagnosed as throat cancer. By the time he was cured, he had lost momentum and concentrated on live performances at state fairs, dance halls and conventions. He regularly headlined at rockabilly festivals around the world, and was inducted into the Rockabilly Hall of Fame. porntrex. One start-up offered a coveted engineer a year's lease on aTesla sedan, which costs in the neighborhood of $1,000 a month,said venture capitalist Venky Ganesan. He declined to identifythe company, which his firm has invested in. xhamster porn Other than some short bursts, Europe and America are unable to sustain the sort of economic recovery that would make a meaningful dent in their debt dynamics. They will remain in this regrettable situation until policymakers become more serious about a comprehensive and coordinated set of measures to remove structural impediments to sustained economic activity — including steps to improve the functioning of the housing and labor markets, better worker retooling and retraining, enhanced education systems, even more bank lending, improved productive infrastructure, etc.

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