Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 04/10/2019 à 17h25

How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? xxx com Andrea Ruth Waldeck, 43, from Gloucestershire, was arrested in April after authorities found 1,472 grams (52 ounces) of crystal methamphetamine in her underwear at her hotel room in Surabaya, the capital of East Java province. efukt porn The latest construction is to take place in Gilo, an area in east Jerusalem that Israel considers to be a neighborhood of its capital. Israel's annexation of east Jerusalem, which the Palestinians claim as their capital, is not internationally recognized. xhamster porn Elsewhere on Saturday, four policemen were killed when a car packed with explosives driven by an apparent suicide bomber was fired on by police near Baquba, about 50 km (30 miles) northeast of Baghdad, and blew up, police and medics said. porno hd As the singer was led from the park by mounted police, production assistants were dispatched to buy hair dryers to dry off the drenched equipment, while costume coordinator Diana Eden, wrapped in a garbage bag, walked barefoot to the Parker Meridien hotel to wash Ross’ jumpsuit in the bathtub. www xvideos com new 1 Giap was known for his fiery temper and as a merciless strategist, but also for being a bit of a dandy. Old photos show him reviewing his troops in a white suit and snappy tie, in sharp contrast to Ho Chi Minh, clad in shorts and sandals.

le 04/10/2019 à 17h25

How do you know each other? xnxx hindi Drinkman and Smilianets were arrested on June 28, 2012,while traveling in Netherlands at the request of U.S.authorities. Smilianets was extradited last September and isexpected to appear in New Jersey Federal court next week.Drinkman is awaiting an extradition hearing in the Netherlands. streamates Backed by helicopters, police on Wednesday fired tear gas and used armored bulldozers to plow into the barricades at the two protest camps on opposite ends of Cairo. Morsi's supporters had been camped out since before he was ousted by a July 3 coup that followed days of mass protests by millions of Egyptians demanding that he step down. While a few viewers saw nothing wrong with pillorying ultra-nationalist killers, most - including right-wing politicians - slammed it as propaganda at taxpayers' expense. Channel 1 struggles to compete against commercial channels, and had reportedly been delighted to pick up the show, styled as a "satire on Jewish history with a contemporary twist". But programme maker Natalie Marcus told Forward she feared Channel 1 might drop it from the schedules a month before it's even due to air. She insists the show pokes fun across the political spectrum. xvideos Global TB programme director Dr Mario Raviglione said 56 million people had been cured and 22 million lives had been saved in the past 15 years and half of the highest-burden countries were on track to achieve the Millennium Development Goals targets, but there remained a number of major challenges. www xnxx com Detainees upset over the handling of their Korans during cell searches launched a hunger strike in February. The hunger strike has grown to 106 participants, 45 of whom were being force fed due to weight loss as of Monday, according to the Pentagon.

le 04/10/2019 à 18h48

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le 04/10/2019 à 18h48

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le 04/10/2019 à 18h48

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le 04/10/2019 à 18h48

I've got a part-time job hamsterporn A new Conservative-led government, set to take power onWednesday after winning elections in September, has alsopromised to examine the fund, arguing that changes, which couldinclude its break up, could improve its efficiency. xxx pron video He said: “I don't want to see Britain leave the European Union - what I want to see is a reformed European Union and then the British people can make their views clear on whether it is better to stay in a reformed European Union or to leave.” hqporn Traders said the dollar's recovery from its low on Mondaywas an adjustment of positions ahead of the Fed statement aftera selloff had over the last three weeks left it down 1.7 percentfor the month. The dollar was up 0.2 percent against the euro. xxx redtube Two teams of surgeons, lead by GOSH lead clinician for plastic surgery Neil Bulstrode, will work together during the six-hour operation next year. One team will create pockets in the side of Kieran’s head while the other removes cartilage from six of his ribs. xnxx movies There's nothing that looks over the hill about Helen Hunt's beach body. The recently turned 50-year-old actress donned a black one-piece on the beaches of Los Angeles on Aug. 5, 2013. Hunt got into character for her new film "Ride".

le 04/10/2019 à 18h48

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le 04/10/2019 à 18h48

Sorry, you must have the wrong number hamsterporn She says the only non-comedic role she has had in the last 15 years was in the "The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans," a role she only got because the filmmaker had not seen her in her other films.When she is playing it up for laughs in "Austenland," Coolidge does it all in ornate, Austen-era costumes and says that the corsets the role required were the worst part of filming. "It's very tight under your dress and it makes your boobs come out the top, and you hit lunchtime and you're like, 'I'm not going to be able to finish the day,'" she says. xvideos Most observed comets have highly elliptical orbits, meaning that they only rarely approach the Sun. Some of these so-called long period comets take thousands of years to complete each orbit around our nearest star. There is also a population of about 500 short period comets, created when long period comets pass near Jupiter and are deflected in orbits that last anything between 3 and 200 years. Although uncommon events, comets also collide with the Earth from time to time and may have helped bring water to our planet. japanese xnxx Nina Wang, nicknamed "Little Sweetie" for her girlish outfits and pigtail hairdo, inherited developer Chinachem and became the chairwoman after her husband Teddy was kidnapped in 1990. She built the company into a huge property developer, with office towers, apartment complexes and shopping malls throughout Hongkong. Her husband Teddy was declared dead in 1999 although his body was never found. xxx porn videos But the first legal salvo will likely be fired over wherethe cases would be heard. While the catastrophe took place inCanada, the rail company is based in Maine, its parent isheadquartered in Rosemont, Illinois, near Chicago, and the trainwas shipping crude from North Dakota. xnxx I think this is the most sad and pathetic commentary on the state of our society. Mr Zimmerman is a hero to this family. I can’t tell whether they declined to publicly thank him because they revile him or out of fear for their safety if they publicly acknowledge his good deed. In any case, they should have thanked him, because it was the right thing to do.

le 04/10/2019 à 18h48

Other amount beeg xxx Official figures showed that net borrowing in August dropped by £1.3bn to £13.2bn, compared with the same month last year. The improvement was driven by a £600m improvement in receipts and a £1.1bn reduction in spending on departments and welfare. That was partially offset by a planned £500m rise in investment spending, on projects such as roads and schools. In recent years the company has faced some financial difficulties – its shares lost three quarters of their value in November 2011 after it announced a £100 million increase in borrowing. It has also shut hundreds of stores and cut thousands of jobs in the last few years. xnxx “I came back with all those pictures and I raised hell about it,” Petersen recalled in an interview. He saw small 12-year-olds confined alongside much stronger 17-year-olds. Boys were served food he called “inedible.” gay xvideos SunPower, majority owned by Total SA, said it isseeing equivalent interest in loans and leases, and is expandingits loan capacity. Just this week, the company inked a deal withDigital Federal Credit Union, the Marlborough,Massachusetts-based lead originator for a consortium of creditunions that may provide up to $100 million in financing for theSunPower loan program. Other SunPower loan financing partnersinclude Salt Lake City-based Enerbank USA, a unit of CMS Energy, and Mountain View, California-based First Tech FederalCredit Union. xxn At my high school, art class was considered the preserve of the dunderheads. I definitely could not draw, and my experience of painting was limited to shelves, walls, and trim (with the Jackson Pollock effect reserved for floorboards). It wasn't until about a dozen years ago, after happening upon an article Winston Churchill had written in the 1920s, "Painting as a Pastime," that I made my first trip to the art store. Churchill describes how, without any prior training or any demonstrable proclivity, he took up painting at age 41. This hobby became an all-consuming passion that (with the exception of World War II, during which he painted only one picture) accompanied him into his dotage. Churchill's article, later transformed into a book, must have stirred some of my latent, midlife longings.

le 04/10/2019 à 18h48

perfect design thanks There’s not much you can do about the profiles treating de Blasio, who so far has collected just a quarter million votes in a Democratic primary, as a progressive hero. (And expect another round of them after he meets with Obama on Thursday.) xnx Nevertheless, he's in the best position to feel the emotions on both sides of the great Redskins training camp debate: the head coach being cautious with a star player returning from major knee surgery vs. the frustrated quarterback and wants to do more. porno xnxx "Benson sampled the carbonate into which the petroglyphs were incised and the carbonate that coated the petroglyphs at the base of the limestone boulder. The radiocarbon dates on the samples indicated the carbonate layer underlying the petroglyphs dated to roughly 14,800 ago," the university explained in a statement. "Those dates, as well as additional geochemical data on a sediment core from the adjacent Pyramid Lake subbasin, indicated the limestone boulders containing the petroglyphs were exposed to air between 14,800 and 13,200 years ago and again between about 11,300 and 10,500 years ago." xxx jepang Official statistics confirm these missing billions. Myanmar produced more than 43 million kg of jade in fiscal year 2011/12 (April to March). Even valued at a conservative $100 per kg, it was worth $4.3 billion. But official exports of jade that year stood at only $34 million. xxnn After Figueiredo's meeting this week with U.S. national security adviser Susan Rice, Washington issued a statement saying that recent reports had raised "legitimate questions for our friends and allies" about U.S. intelligence.

le 04/10/2019 à 18h48

Best Site Good Work xnxx japanese For the week ended Thursday, the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 4.32%, down from 4.5% a week earlier but up from 3.4% a year earlier. Rates on 15-year fixed-rate mortgages averaged 3.37%, compared with 3.54% the previous week and 2.73% a year earlier. xxx www This comes from our ad serving technology and is used to track how many times you have seen a particular ad on our sites, so that you don't just see one advert but an even spread. This information is not used by us for any other type of audience recording or monitoring. xvideos .com The signs are particularly ominous for one-time market leader BlackBerry, despite some high-profile product announcements recently. Devices running its software accounted for just 2.9 percent of global smartphone shipments in the three months ended in June, compared with 4.9 percent for the same period in 2012. this av Famous inmates at the Missouri penitentiary included gangster Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd, heavyweight champ Sonny Liston - who learned to box while incarcerated - and James Earl Ray, who escaped in a bakery truck in 1967 and the following year assassinated civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. xnnx The CDC has already manufactured this year’s flu vaccine and distributed it to state and local health departments, but flu surveillance — one of the key tasks the CDC performs every year — was cut due to the shutdown. According to Barbara Reynolds, the CDC’s director of public affairs, 85 percent of the agency’s flu division has been furloughed. The CDC has retained just 32 percent of its staff.

le 04/10/2019 à 18h48

What do you do for a living? xnxx. com MMA accounted for 11 out of 7,565 accidents reported by U.S.railroads from 2009 through 2012, according to the FederalRailroad Administration. The company reported more accidentsthan 93 percent of the 288 small rail lines (with fewer than400,000 employee hours per year) that had accidents in thatperiod. tnaflix "To our best knowledge, this is the first report of probable transmissibility of the novel virus person to person with detailed epidemiological, clinical, and virological data. Our findings reinforce that the novel virus possesses the potential for pandemic spread," the Chinese team said. beeh "I can remember four or five years ago that Roger was saying Andy's counter-punching style wasn't going to get him over that hurdle," Cahill said. "The fact that he's playing more aggressively is taking what Roger said on board –and to me he's a better player now than he was four or five years ago." yuvutu tube videos "This combination test is not designed to say definitively at diagnosis whether a man has aggressive prostate cancer, but it can provide a more accurate estimate of the likelihood of having cancer and the likelihood of that cancer being aggressive," Tomlins said. ve porn T-Mobile has already taken its fight against Aio to the courtroom, accusing the AT&T brand of stealing T-Mobile's magenta color, which it has trademarked, in an effort to confuse and steal away T-Mobile customers. An Aio spokeswoman has said T-Mobile "needs an art lesson. Aio doesn't do magenta." (Aio's color scheme is, indeed, a deeper shade of purple than T-Mobile's magenta.)

le 04/10/2019 à 20h10

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le 04/10/2019 à 20h10

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le 04/10/2019 à 20h10

How much notice do you have to give? nudevista Yang Zhihua, an official from Beijing's Landscape and Forestry Bureau told Xinhua that while flowers were "usually an important part of celebrations for National Day" the cutback was necessary in order to comply with "the central leadership's guidelines on curbing extravagance." "Ten parterres" would be erected along Chang'an Avenue – the boulevard down which tanks advanced in June 1989 – but nearby government buildings would be left completely devoid of multicoloured floral tributes, Mr Yang added. pornhub videos Exhibit A: Holmes, mercurial and magical when he wants to be, hauled in a decisive 69-yard touchdown pass from Smith to help Rex Ryan’s team pull off a wacky and decidedly ugly 27-20 win over the Bills on Sunday at MetLife Stadium. beeg ass Logan, an athletic honor roll student, was about to enter the seventh grade in the Daleville Community Schools district. An avid sports fan, Logan played basketball and Little League baseball for nine years, earning a spot on the all-star team several times, according to his obituary. xnxx telugu In short conservatives, having shut down the government and openly threatened to use the debt ceiling to harm the economy if they don't get their way, feel that they deserve a medal for having tried really hard so their feelings don't get hurt. porn — Allen hailed the Redskins' first year of camp in Richmond as a success. He said "well over 150,000" fans attended, surpassing the team's goal of 100,000. The larger-than-expected crowds created some logistical issues, especially when about 100 people were treated for heat-related problems on Fan Appreciation Day.

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