Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 04/10/2019 à 21h33

An envelope xnxx desi Then, too, Dems must join with Republicans in limiting the growth of Medicare and Medicaid, in adjusting Social Security formulas to get that vital program on a path to long-term health, and in embracing tax simplification that frees the economy to create jobs. e fukt One report called Time Warner “desperate” for original programming. Giving Howard his own show would seem to confirm that, although it’s guaranteed to get boffo ratings with an appearance from Howard’s former coach in Orlando, Stan Van Gundy. That would fall under the category of must-watch TV. tavia porn Nobody knows the exact scale of the problem, but economists surveyed by CNNMoney estimate debt levels reached 14.1 trillion yuan to 19.7 trillion yuan by the end of last year, or roughly one-third of the country's gross domestic product. petardas hd So rebranding the iPad as the iPad Air is a stroke of marketing genius - it means that users will be able to put an easy name on what they own. And in the hand it is remarkably light, with all the build quality that every user has come to expect from Apple. japanese xxx In moving forward with the case, the government will seek to overcome some of the legal problems that have dogged the prosecution. The case ran into trouble because the State Department promised the guards that their statements explaining what happened would not be used for criminal prosecution. The guards told investigators that they fired their weapons, a crucial admission. Because of a limited immunity deal, prosecutors had to build their case without those statements, a high legal hurdle. In dismissing the case, Urbina said prosecutors had read the statements, reviewed them in the investigation and used them to question witnesses and get search warrants.

le 04/10/2019 à 21h33

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le 04/10/2019 à 22h54

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Could you please repeat that? efukt The source indicated that terrorists’ concentrations were destroyed in Mayer and Minnegh villages in addition to destroying heavy and medium machineguns, as an army unit killed terrorists who were driving cars loaded with weapons and ammunition south of Khan al-Assal in Aleppo southwestern countryside. xnxx sex The Nets have arrived in Brooklyn. Celebrate the arrival of the Brooklyn Nets to the Barclay Center by owning a pic of your favorite Net. Or own a piece of Nets history with a photo of a Nets legend. Find a photo today. xham We spent a couple of months living together in Holland last year and I honestly believe that had it not been for Emma, who is two years older, I would never have reached this level so quickly. As children we would have track sessions every Monday and Friday night but I would not have bothered without her. xnxx porn The eventual sale of TSB is a condition of Lloyds Banking Group's bailout during the financial crisis, a plan agreed with the European Commission, which saw British taxpayers end up holding a 39% stake in the institution. beeg xx Net profit rose 3.7 percent to 5.1 billion Swiss francs, in line with estimates in a Reuters poll, while the operating margin rose to 15.1 percent from 14.9 percent a year ago, helped by lower input costs and cost-cutting measures.

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le 04/10/2019 à 22h54

In a meeting xnxx hd Conservation efforts have affected life across the country,with rolling blackouts in Tokyo shortly after the disaster andoffices ever since adjusting their thermostats to cut airconditioning bills and reduce heating costs. porn md The White House has launched a wide-scale review. Mueller says the FBI's close ties to the Justice Department guide what agents do and impose checks and balances on their actions. And when investigators uncovered problems with agents' use of national security powers, Mueller says he did his best to solve them. lobster tube WASHINGTON - Even as consensus built within the Federal Reserve in June about the likely need to begin pulling back on economic stimulus measures soon, many officials wanted more reassurance the employment recovery was on solid ground before a policy retreat. beeg mature How the remaining $7 billion will be addressed remains unclear, but most, if not all, is likely to be deductible. Much of it is intended to compensate investors for shoddy mortgage securities they purchased from JPMorgan, as well as Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual, failing banks JPMorgan acquired during the financial crisis. nxnn In its latest policy statement on Wednesday, the FederalReserve gave no hint that a reduction in the pace of itsbond-buying program was imminent, as the economy continues torecover but is still in need of support.

le 04/10/2019 à 22h55

Could you tell me the number for ? iwanktv Edward Snowden has highly sensitive documents on how the National Security Agency is structured and operates that could harm the U.S. government, but has insisted that they not be made public, a journalist close to the NSA leaker said. xxx jepang That contrasts with public exchanges such as the LondonStock Exchange where large buyers and sellers are required toidentify themselves and stock prices reflect trading activity inreal time, throughout the day. xxx While the defence industry has voiced support for thegovernment's move to reform the way it buys equipment, there areconcerns over potential conflicts of interest as some biddersalready hold contracts with both the DE&S and its top suppliers. wwwxnxx In the first half of the book, the Le Monde journalist relates the story of "Soraya," a pseudonym for a woman who was barely 15 when Muammar Gaddafi's placed his hand on her head at a school function, signaling to his procurers that she was to brought to him. Soraya would spend years in the basement prison of his compound. beegporn SAVANNAH, Georgia — A 911 recording reveals that before police shot and killed a south Georgia man inside his home, the man's fiancee told a 911 operator he had overturned a refrigerator, broken a TV set and said "he wants to die."

le 04/10/2019 à 22h55

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le 04/10/2019 à 22h55

The United States young boobs Petroglyphs near Long Lake in central Oregon—which were previously thought to be the oldest examples of rock art in North America—share similar features with some of the rock art the Winnemucca site, said Benson.  At least one of the petroglyph panels from Long Lake was buried by ash from an eruption of the nearby Mount Mazama volcano roughly 6,700 years ago, proof that it was carved sometime before the eruption. xnxx The source added that in China, 87 out of every 100 homeshas a fridge, but the ratio in the US is 150 fridges to every100 homes. KKR also expects to help Qingdao Haier withacquisitions, the source added. xnxx indonesia UN brass, all the way up to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, sent a supposedly independent panel to investigate; two years ago, the group concluded that a link between cholera and the peacekeepers could not be definitively established. porn.300 "What you see is the result of a lot of the repositioning and restructurings we have done over the last two to four years," Chief Financial Office John Gerspach said on a conference call with journalists, speaking of gains in the securities and banking unit. xnxx com Gijsels said he would regard such a dip as a buyingopportunity and would back mining stocks - which have lagged themarket this year - on the basis that the global economy ispicking up, which should feed through into demand for metals.

le 04/10/2019 à 22h55

I'm sorry, I'm not interested "It was a scary situation," Porter said after the Astros dropped a 5-4 decision to the Rangers. "I think it hit him in the shoulder and then in the face, so that probably lessened some of the blow. It was frightening." youjizz com Investors in bond mutual funds have not gotten much good news in recent months. Indeed, bruising outflows and negative returns are becoming the new normal as investors, worried about rising interest rates, increasingly turn their attention to the stock market. xxx hot video But even with this support, Beit Safafa residents say they have no illusions about the compromises that will be made. Their petition to the Supreme Court called for their concerns to be included in the planning process, which is required under the law. xnxx porn India's trade deficit narrowed to a two-and-a-half-year low in September as merchandise exports posted a third straight month of annual growth, provisional government data showed on Wednesday, strengthening the outlook for the rupee. Environmentalists argue that salmon-farming is a dirty business, however, using huge quantities of chemicals and producing pollution from fish packed in huge cages. Such views are dismissed by the industry which says it passes rigorous regulation.

le 04/10/2019 à 22h55

I'd like to cancel this standing order damplips porn The ruling, which comes roughly two months after Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced plans to retire within 12 months, hints at a widening gulf between the two companies at a time when both are re-setting their strategies and trying to adapt to changing market conditions. i xxx Because it usually costs more to buy longer-term default insurance, the current level is considered a classic sign of credit stress, reflecting concerns over whether the United States will be able to raise the federal government's debt limit in coming weeks. redtube milf Trying to deflect questions about the back-and-forth on Twitter, a Booker spokesman cracked a joke about the particular establishment where the stripper works, Casa Diablo. “The most shocking part of the story was learning that there is a vegan strip club in Portland,” he said in a statement. But more shocking to some might be that the town of roughly 600,000 has more than 60 strips clubs, while neighboring cities of similar size like Seattle have about 10. txxx porno It's not over yet, though. Each Swap Force character also has one of eight modes of movement: climbing, speed, spinning, rocket, bouncing, teleporting, sneaking, and digging. Some special challenges in the game, rather than being associated with elements, are restricted to a specific mode of movement. Some involve climbing a cliff and dodging projectiles, while others involved flying through floating hoops, for example. “Dick said something to me – something like ‘there’s so much negativity in the world that it’s hard to believe you’d have done something like this,’ and I said ‘that’s why I do it. People want to do something positive to restore faith in humanity.’”

le 04/10/2019 à 22h55

I came here to study xxx mom Governments should also not presume carbon capture and storage technology, which buries and traps CO2 underground, will be a silver bullet, because it is as yet unproven on commercial scale, Gurria said. xhamster/ ** German regulator Bafin has set an end of August deadlinefor investors to submit information needed to approve DeutscheBank's sale of BHF to a consortium headed by RHJInternational, two people familiar with the processsaid. xxx The initial protests successfully used a major international soccer event as a backdrop, contrasting the billions of dollars needed to host the 2014 World Cup with shortfalls in public services. Authorities hope the papal visit will not provide a similar stage. imagefap family guy Many ran out of money and had to scratch out a living in the dusty working class neighborhoods of the desert city of Copiapo. Some began suffering from health and psychological problems. Others took to alcohol and drugs. xhamster Yes, the Giants had just three days to prep for the Bears after Sunday’s ugly loss to the Philadelphia Eagles and they are facing a Chicago squad that coach Tom Coughlin called "a very good football team." Yes, they know they'll be without several key players — including David Wilson (neck) and Corey Webster (groin) — and several others, such as tight end Brandon Myers (ankle) and reliable long-snapper Zak DeOssie (back), will almost certainly not be at full strength with so little time to recover between games.

le 05/10/2019 à 00h28

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le 05/10/2019 à 00h28

US dollars vina garut xnxx "She is well-known, liked and respected in the city's political, business and media circles," the newspaper wrote in an editorial that concluded, "Unless there is a dramatic development helping Filner, we suspect the conventional wisdom about the difficulty of mounting a successful mayoral recall will soon change." tnaflixs Frankel turned a six-week trial run of her show last summer into a year-long contract with stations across the country thanks in part to Degeneres’ public support. But since being picked up, the former “Real Housewife of New York” has reportedly grown angry with Degeneres for failing to provide her with A-list guests who could boost her ratings. xnxx indonesia Ellison, who won the America's Cup in 2010 and with it the right to set the rules for this year's race, hoped to make the 162-year-old competition more accessible to everyday sports fans and push the boundaries of high-tech boat design. cam4 com The study took place at a forested sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where some bonobos were born and mother-reared but most arrived as orphans rescued from illegal bush-meat and pet trades and rehabilitated using surrogate human-mothers. sexy girl wallpaper Hugh Jackman and "The Wolverine" dominated Friday with more than $21 million and will easily win the weekend box office race, but Fox's superhero saga isn't tearing it up and will likely finish the three days in the $56 million range.

le 05/10/2019 à 00h28

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