Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 15/10/2019 à 01h37

I'd like a phonecard, please mature xhamster The 16-year-old Grand Theft Auto franchise has won numerousawards and become embedded in popular culture over the years.The criminal drama and action-adventure series has also stirredits share of controversy over the violent and adult nature ofits content. xnxx sex videos U.C. Berkeley labor economist Sylvia Alegretto, who workedon the report from her school and the University of Illinois,said the economic recovery did not make life much easier forthese workers, who are stuck in a low-wage rut. beegs TDF is owned by TPG, AXA Private Equity, Charterhouse andFrench sovereign wealth fund FSI. A combination of the financialcrisis and setbacks in technological advances has hurt thecompany's prospects since it was bought in 2006. Commenting thisyear in its annual report on its debt levels, TDF said: "Ourinitial business plan from 2006 was based on a number ofassumptions that did not all materialise - for example mobilehandheld TV, which has still not seen the light of day." rokettube What I wish the GOP would do and what I think is most politically advantageous for them are different. I oppose gay marriage but I think the GOP has to drop that. It's done. I want comprehensive immigration reform but I don't think that'll help the GOP at the ballot box. levitra 20mg It is intended indeed to make sure anyone purchasing a firearm through an 'Estate Sale' must go through a back ground check. Currently most estate sales that include firearms are not subject to checks because they are not being sold through an FFL. Not many of these sales include firearms anymore anyway because the Auctioneers that perform them do not want the liability.

le 15/10/2019 à 01h37

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le 15/10/2019 à 01h37

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le 15/10/2019 à 02h56

I wanted to live abroad xvedio Rajan, who has received the sort of media attention usuallyreserved for Bollywood stars, stunned financial markets on hisfirst day in the job on Sept. 4 by announcing a blaze ofmeasures to support the currency and open up markets thattriggered a rebound in the rupee and stock markets. torporno "We all think that nobody's interested in us, we're all simple folk," said Doan Moran of Alexandria, La. "But you start looking at the numbers and the phone records ... it makes you really hesitate." redtude It eventually took 87 days to plug the well as a series of different capping methods were tried. By then, millions of barrels of oil had escaped into the sea and fouled coastlines in the worst offshore spill in U.S. history. xxx the largest previous bilateral operation conducted by the United States was with French Customs over a six-month period. In that operation, officials made 470 seizures of electronic components like semiconductors, memory cards and computer storage devices. 12yo nn Still, the narrow focus on only African American and white adults limits the generalizability of this study's findings, said Gallagher-Thompson. We have "no idea whether these findings may apply to other races, cultures, or ethnicities."

le 15/10/2019 à 02h56

Withdraw cash x hamsters The commentary, published the day Bo was indicted last month, urged officials to "resolutely uphold the central (government's) decision, not to be afraid, shrink back or hesitate once the order (verdict) is out the door". tube 8 "This type of crime is the cutting edge," said U.S. AttorneyPaul J. Fishman for the District of New Jersey. "Those who havethe expertise and the inclination to break into our computernetworks threaten our economic wellbeing, our privacy and ournational security." xtubes A neighbor of the Romneys had sought to block the project on the grounds that the couple's property in La Jolla was too small to justify a house of that size, under regulations determining the ratio between lot and house sizes, according to documents before the commission. japan xxx Investors' focus remained on the U.S. budget talks thatdragged on for a second week. Obama said on Tuesday he would bewilling to negotiate budget issues with Republicans only if theyagree to reopen the government and raise the debt limit. cam4you City News Service reported that the verdict also sparked protests in Los Angeles, where hundreds of people gathered in a park for what police termed a peaceful vigil. At one point, a group stopped a passenger train and police worked to persuade them to return to the nearby park.

le 15/10/2019 à 02h56

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le 15/10/2019 à 02h56

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le 15/10/2019 à 02h56

In a meeting xnxx tv Analysts say Bo's trial will be a test case for the prospects of legal reform in China. But Bo is certain to be found guilty as China's prosecutors and courts come under Communist Party control and they are unlikely to challenge the Party's accusations against Bo. www xvideos com c indian 89 On Friday I was sitting in my car at the bank, minding my own business, when someone knocked on my window, then tried to force a JC Penney sales brochure into my hands. I felt kind of ... tracked ..... and by the way, JCP, that is NOT the way you should be doing business. We all know where you are, and we all know how mis-managed your company has been for several years, we don't need to be accosted while minding our own usiness in our own cars. Just saying. www sexvid xxx In order to examine yawn contagion, the scientists looked at two factors in chimps: their age and their emotional closeness to the person yawning. In all, they examined 33 orphaned chimpanzees, including 12 infants that were between one and four years and 21 juveniles that were between 5 and 8 years. During trials, a human repeatedly either yawned, gaped or nose-wiped during one session and then followed it by three sessions where these key behaviors weren't used.  Each set of trials was performed by an unfamiliar human and a familiar human. levitra generic "More generally, we can try to create environments in our homes, our schools and our communities where adolescents feel comfortable to come forward if they are struggling with their mental health or thinking about suicide," he said. sexy wallpapers MOSCOW, July 30 (Reuters) - Russia's Uralkali hasdismantled one of the world's largest potash partnerships bypulling out of a venture with its partner in Belarus, a move itexpects will cause global prices to plunge by 25 percent.

le 15/10/2019 à 02h56

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le 15/10/2019 à 02h56

I can't stand football xxx video com The Islamic Republic began negotiations in earnest with theUnited States, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany twomonths after President Hassan Rouhani took office promisingconciliation over confrontation in relations with the world. streamate cams The maker of aesthetic medicines on Monday said its ATX-101experimental injectable drug met the main and secondary goals ofa clinical study testing the product's safety and efficacy inreducing double chin. Over 1,000 patients from the United Statesand Canada were enrolled in two late-stage studies forevaluating the drug against a placebo, Kythera said. xxx The resort towns nestled in a narrow mountain valley are known for hiking, biking, fishing and skiing, and for hosting the second homes of celebrities like former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and actor Tom Hanks. levitra Huawei, which is also one of the world's leading handsetmanufacturers, last month ruled out the possibility of buyinganother mobile phone maker. However, Ping said that it would beopen to cooperation with another handest company, the paperreported. petardas porno The debt-ceiling debate is now the backdrop to virtually all discussions about how to resolve the current impasse over the budget. While the federal government can limp along with fewer workers and fewer services, a failure to raise the debt ceiling could cause shockwaves. 

le 15/10/2019 à 02h56

I'd like some euros boobs kissing I’d been shot in my chest on the right-hand side, between two of my ribs. I didn’t actually feel where the bullet entered, but I feel where it was going, which was towards my stomach. I was so lucky, because the bullet could have gone straight to my heart and killed me instantly. xnxx porn TUESDAY, July 30 (HealthDay News) — Wide fluctuations in blood pressure may be associated with memory and thinking difficulties in older adults already at high risk for heart disease, a new European study suggests. japan xnxx Previous reports of pollen in Triassic sediment from the Barents Sea with similar features to these suggests that flowering plants originated over a 100 million years earlier in the Middle Triassic period - circa 243 million years ago. xnxx WASHINGTON — As the nation comes to grips with this week’s killing of 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard, the president and first lady plan to meet with the victims’ families Sunday ahead of memorial services for those they lost. generic vardenafil I agree. Sadly it looks like junvenile court will be quite busy now prosecuting all of those chaulk wielding children…and whose to say that the sellers of chaulk should be prosecuted as well! Very, very sad state of affairs…throughout the entire political arena…not for justice and equality, but personal gain…..very sad.

le 15/10/2019 à 02h56

I stay at home and look after the children fuqtube For the second straight night the biggest kid in Little League placed the Yankees’ teetering postseason chances on his sinewy shoulders last evening and carried them to an 11-3 victory over the free-falling Angels in front of 38,379 at Yankee Stadium. xnxx hot On Saturday, the U.S. and Russia announced a tentative deal calling for Syria to disclose details of its chemical weapons stockpile in the next week. International inspectors would be on the ground in Syria by November and the weapons would be destroyed next year. The deal also calls for a United Nations Security Council resolution that would establish consequences for Syrian non-compliance. The U.S. believes those consequences would include the use of force, though the deal with Russia is not explicit. egotasticallstars This interview takes part in a futsal session with students from Haringey Sixth Form Centre, which works with youngsters who have dropped out of school and encourages them back into education. Their skills – and his – are impressive, as is the polite way Paulinho then thanks them for coming to see him. plenty of fish We've come to expect an Alfredsson presence inside and outside the arena, on billboards, in newspaper advertisements, just about everywhere. Walk around any neighbourhood in Ottawa and you're still apt to see someone sporting an Alfredsson sweater or T-shirt, a tribute to his 18 years as the heart and soul of the Ottawa Senators, the final 14 years as captain. xvideo The situation in Washington has driven trading lately,overshadowing the beginning of a busy week of earnings.Citigroup Inc reported weaker-than-expected results as thebank was hit by a double-digit drop in bond trading revenue forthe quarter, sending its shares down 1.5 percent to $48.86.

le 15/10/2019 à 02h56

In tens, please (ten pound notes) freevoyeurweb Daniel Krawczyk is convinced bad things will happen to his Berlin neighborhood once the refugees move in: "They'll break into our basements," he says, "steal our kids' cell phones, bring crime and violence and take away our jobs." tna It wasn’t that long ago that Gregg, a veteran character actor, had signed on for just one line in 2008’s “Iron Man.” Because director Jon Favreau could see he’d hit pay dirt, more lines kept being added. sex xnxx * JPMorgan Chase is in discussions to settle probesrelated to mortgage-backed securities for $11 billion. Theamount being discussed would include $7 billion cash and $4billion in relief to consumers. () xnxx videos The deadline is just one of several steps that could lead to federal Judge Steven Rhodes allowing Detroit into bankruptcy protection while it restructures. Conversely, it also could spell disaster for the struggling city if its petition is denied, allowing creditors to sue Detroit if it defaults on payments, said bankruptcy expert Doug Bernstein. video xnxx The deadliest took place near the eastern city of Baqouba when three car bombs targeted outdoor markets, killing at least 10 civilians and wounding 34, a police officer said. Baqouba, a former al-Qaida stronghold, is 60 kilometers (35 miles) northeast of Baghdad.

le 15/10/2019 à 04h14

Pleased to meet you damplips lesbian "The family is grateful for the outpouring of support it has received and aware of the interest in her condition, but they ask for privacy at this time," Mr Kerry's spokesman Glen Johnson said earlier. big boobs sex I can think of no-one, with the possible exceptions of Robert Rubin and Alan Greenspan, who are more closely identified than Summers and Geithner with the errors of financial leadership of the past 15 years. And should either get the top job it would send a clear signal that efforts to properly regulate finance will come to very little, and that the chances of yet another in the long succession of crises are getting larger. keandra porn "At the end of the day you can't sit back and judge a man based on a bad year or whatever you want to call it," Coples went on. "He's still a great coach, and we're looking forward to getting better and he's looking forward to preparing us and making sure we getbetter as well." beeeg In this week's photos from around New York, a fire devastates Seaside Heights, a Greenpoint restaurant hosts a silent dinner and activists mark the second anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement. videos xnxx But the House Republicans about which King is speaking, the ones who help make this look like the dumbest time in America since the Civil War — call it an Un-Civil War — are at the center of what has become a perfect storm, and not just because of the way they have temporarily shut down the government over health care.

le 15/10/2019 à 04h14

In a meeting xvideos tamil Names known to be on the list for the Nobel Peace Prize, due to be announced on Friday, include Colombian President Jose Manuel Santos and Burma's reformist President Thein Sein, as well a former US president Bill Clinton. egotasticallstars Fulham’s Ashkan Dejagah is a key player, and one of the few playing in Europe. Their hosts, to their immense relief, also go to Brazil after edging out Uzbekistan on one goal’s goal difference. xhamster "Investors finally see that the plan is being implementedand how it will be implemented and therefore the share price hasresponded positively in the short term," said Nir Omid, chiefinvestment officer at the Tamir Fishman brokerage. new mature tube Tea party-aligned lawmakers who triggered the shutdown that began on Oct. 1 said they would vote against the legislation. Significantly, though, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and others agreed not to use the Senate’s cumbersome 18th century rules to slow the bill’s progress. beeg site But the shift towards alcohol-free booze isn’t just reserved for the Middle East. Around the world, sober dry bars that serve non-alcoholic beverages have been popping up around the world to serve as watering holes for non-drinkers.

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