Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 24/10/2019 à 09h34

How much is a Second Class stamp? video mesum selingkuh After a sacrifice fly in the fifth and a run-scoring single in the seventh, Carter connected for his 23rd homer in the ninth. Matt Dominguez followed with a solo shot off Joe Blanton for the Astros' fourth back-to-back homers this season. desi xxx videos “This may be OK after all,” I murmured to my wife as we collapsed onto the bed on arrival at our luxuriously appointed room at the Park Hyatt in Lam Son Square. Free for the rest of the day, we slept for five hours before setting off for an early evening stroll. It was 95 degrees in the shade. ngentot memek It's the second license-free saltwater fishing day offered this year by the state's Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The last day was June 1. The agency also offered a license-free freshwater fishing days on April 13 and June 8. And, during a meeting in Pensacola on Sept. 5, the agency will consider adding four more license-free fishing days to this year's calendar. jav sex Private equity firms Blackstone Group LP, BC PartnersLtd, Warburg Pincus LLC, Hellman & Friedman LLC and AdventInternational Corp are through to the second round of bidding,sources told Reuters previously. Onex Corp is anotherbuyout firm involved in the process, people familiar with thematter said this week. tamil movies download 2019 The companies said they aim to offer a national service thattakes advantage of Echostar's licenses for satellite spectrum.EchoStar spent at least $77 million acquiring Braziliansatellite spectrum in 2011, according to a U.S. regulatoryfiling. EchoStar, the sister company to Ergen's Dish Network, had said it was planning to expand its video and dataservices in South America but had not revealed any details ofits plans until Tuesday.

le 24/10/2019 à 09h34

An estate agents ngentot abg onestrong, i have a few years on you, and i am a hetero female...never felt threatened by the gay/lesbian movement, and, like you, firmly believe folks have to move on...folks need to become less rigid and less it's my way or the highway...i simply don't understand how gay marriage materially hurts anyone..marriage is a totally human construct...and fundies, please don't say it was created by god...and since it is a human construct, it can take on different configurations... porno jav The second agreement has not yet been implemented, with the partners trying to find a non-governmental organization with a high level of electoral expertise. The opposition is angry that the NEC went ahead and released final figures before an independent committee could do its job. janda ngentot Stealing $800K was an “attention SLIP” . . . , what a silly statement that is! It just shows the level of his corruption (not that corruption amongst political “BOSSES” is anything unusual there). video bokep anak kecil barat The Draconids are notoriously unpredictable. Some years they are impressive, with thousands of falling stars per hour, and other years they are much more sedate. Showers in 1933 and 1946 were especially large. bokep full hd His lengthy rule, however, has become authoritarian, scarred by the brutal use of force to crush an armed uprising in the 1980s in which thousands of civilians were killed. Mugabe, and his ZANU-PF party, have stayed in power through elections every five years, bolstered by his sweeping control of the police and military, which are led by comrades who fought in the bush war against Rhodesia.

le 24/10/2019 à 10h18

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le 24/10/2019 à 10h18

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le 24/10/2019 à 10h19

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le 24/10/2019 à 10h19

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le 24/10/2019 à 10h19

I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage normal abg While oil and natural gas firm Antero Resources increasedthe size of its IPO and priced above the indicated range thisweek, bankers say other deals, which are more challenging or bycompanies that don't have immediate cash needs, have been pushedback. bokep hd He left without speaking to reporters, but said Saturday night he intended to fly to Chicago after his workout to rejoin the Yankees. It remains to be seen whether he'll suit up, however, with MLB preparing to suspend him for his alleged involvement in the Biogenesis PED scandal. bokep korea abg 2018 Financial markets have given Tokyo the benefit of the doubt:the government can borrow 10-year money for less than 0.7percent. But government officials and private economists havelong feared a crisis in confidence in Japan's creditworthinessthat could cause a crippling spike in interest rates. kutty movies 2019 download tamil Dennis Rodman, former NBA star and champion known for his dyed hair, bizarre off-court behavior, and unmatched rebounding, is claiming he should be under consideration for a Nobel Peace Prize due to his diplomatic efforts with North Korean leader Kim desi porn Binge drinking by high school seniors has been a concerning public health problem in the US over the past decade, placing them at risk for more serious health problems later in life including addiction–not to mention alcohol poisoning, liver damage, as well as effects on brain development.

le 24/10/2019 à 10h19

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le 24/10/2019 à 10h19

On another call abg ngentot BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Aug 6 (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Tuesdaycleared the way for Wall Street banks and others owed $4.2billion by Alabama's Jefferson County to vote on a plan to endthe second-largest U.S. municipal bankruptcy. javcl Buxom blondes rode bicycles with, by the looks on their faces, orgasmic delight. Women played tennis in short skirts and bulging sweater-vest tops. They all confided how happy they were, how confident they felt, now that they were 'fixed’. bokep barat hot download "I came to Mali the first time in 2000… I fell in love with the music of this country and I found the people extremely receptive to 'foreigners'. It's not a term I like to use," Albarn said. desi xxx MUMBAI, India (AP) — The search for survivors at the site of a collapsed apartment building ended Sunday in India's financial capital of Mumbai with a final death toll of 60 people, an emergency response official said. desi bhabhi xxx Snyder, who directed British actor Henry Cavill as Superman/Clark Kent, was a surprise addition to the end of the Warner Bros. film panel at San Diego's Comic-Con, an annual comics convention, and received thunderous applause from the 6,000-plus in attendance.

le 24/10/2019 à 10h19

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le 24/10/2019 à 10h19

I'd like to tell you about a change of address istri selingkuh suami tidur From the media centre in Melbourne, Paul asks what bearing Murray's victory over Federer in last summer's Olympics could have, and if tomorrow's match could finally see the British number one beat his Swiss opponent at a Grand Slam. tamil matrimony We are in the Shekawati region, north of Jaipur, on the edge of the Thar Desert, 400 kilometres from the Pakistan border. We have abandoned the golden triangle of Rajasthan and replaced the trappings of tourism with tumbling forts and deteriorating merchant havelis. vidio bokep Officer Araz Alali said Thursday that a man said Nainan punched him in the face twice after Nainan's performance at a benefit for the Pension Rights Center and the Foundation for the Education and the Rebirth of Haiti. desi village sex "I recognise many police officers are involved in physical work and I am also aware that officers are sometimes injured in the course of duty, protecting our communities and keeping us all safe. telugu sex stories When you take away people's lively hood(full time employment)because YOU THINK you know better.The Unions are already recognizing it.The American people have known it.The Obama administration has lied about it from the start.All you are doing is picking out the good things Doc.Sorry that is not the WHOLE bill and a disingenuous argument.

le 24/10/2019 à 10h19

Would you like a receipt? jepang sex Pallo Jordan is a member of South Africa's governing African National Congress (ANC) and was part of the first cabinet in 1994. For him, there is no denying that they are better off with democracy. porno barat Millions of people have died from violence, disease and hunger since the 1990s as foreign-backed rebel groups have fought for control of eastern Congo's rich deposits of gold, diamonds, copper, cobalt and uranium, destabilizing the Great Lakes region at the heart of Africa. bokep barat hot download Celesio shares extended gains to surge 5.7 percent at 1439GMT. The stock is up 35 percent since speculation began in Junethat majority owner Haniel might sell its stake. McKesson traded0.3 percent lower at $141.71. bokep selingkuh sama mertua cantik That represented a slowdown from the 6.4 percent achieved in the first half of the year, when new products and promotions boosted sales, but was above analyst forecasts which had predicted a rise of 2.5-3 percent. kutty movies 2019 download tamil He insisted: “The programme is now on schedule and on budget and will produce £126m savings for taxpayers by 2021-22. The PAC reports fails to take these factors into account and many of the conclusions that the report draws are not supported by evidence.”

le 24/10/2019 à 10h29

I need to charge up my phone levitra coupon That’s not to say Summers is anywhere near a sure thing. His confirmation would be far tougher than Yellen’s, as Republicans will make him answer for the stimulus and the bailouts, and progressive Democrats have a list of grievances going back to financial deregulation in the Clinton-era. There’s also the simple fact that appointing Yellen would break a significant glass ceiling — and do so in an administration that hasn’t always been great about appointing women to top economic positions. And Summers continues to be a polarizing figure: Those who like him love him, but those who don’t like him really don’t like him. mom xnxx The investigation, ongoing for about a year, has received extensive media coverage since January, when the Miami New Times reported that Rodriguez, Toronto’s Melky Cabrera, Oakland’s Bartolo Colon and several other players were among those listed in notes and documents obtained from a disgruntled Biogenesis investor linking them to performance-enhancing drugs. ixxx tube Though old enemies, a stable stand-off has endured between the two countries during Assad's rule and at times Israel had pursued peace talks with him in hope of divorcing Syria from Tehran and Iranian-sponsored Hezbollah guerrillas in neighboring Lebanon. xvedio O Globo also reported this week that the CIA and the NSAjointly ran monitoring stations to gather information fromforeign satellites in 65 countries, including five in LatinAmerica, citing documents dating from 2002 leaked by Snowden. dino porno Senate Democrats could introduce a bill to raise the debtlimit this week, according to a Democratic aide. Considering theprocedural roadblocks the measure could face, aides said theyhave to get the legislation rolling well before Oct. 17, whenTreasury Secretary Jack Lew has said the government will run outof borrowing authority.

le 24/10/2019 à 10h29

Can you put it on the scales, please? xvideos indonesia While Fox News Channel has attracted a dedicated following among conservative viewers and MSNBC among a smaller liberal audience, Zucker's CNN has been left to find its own viewership niche to maximize on a daily basis, said Robert Thompson, professor of popular culture at Syracuse University. sex videos The deal, led by Fidelity Investments, makes Pinterest oneof the most valuable privately held consumer internet companiesjust 2-1/2 years after it secured its first round of venturecapital financing in May 2011. www.txxx That Amazon rose after its results "shows that investors are willing to just shrug off the negativity," said Ryan Detrick, senior technical strategist at Schaeffer's Investment Research in Cincinnati, Ohio, adding that options activity before the earnings suggested investors had not been bearish on the company before the news. brazzers xvideos At the same time, the Midwest grid operator was experiencing its own computer problems. The two together were essentially flying blind, and did not detect the shutdown of several power lines that had been hit by wayward trees. beeh Shares in OTP plummeted on Friday to a seven-month low afterthe bank announced that Csanyi had sold about 1.7 million OTPshares directly and through his investment firm on Thursday,spooking investors already anxious about a planned governmentreform that could hit banks' profits.

le 24/10/2019 à 10h29

Is there ? xnxx gay So of course it made sense for Anthony to move to a new spot, where he won his first scoring title. The only time it didn’t work came at the most crucial time of the season. Against Indiana in the second round of the playoffs, the Pacers’ big, physical front shut down Anthony in three pivotal fourth quarters in the three games played in Indy. xhamster/ "It is possible that this could be being sent to North Korea to update its high-altitude air-defense capabilities," Ashdown said. Jane's also said the equipment could be headed to North Korea to be upgraded. x hamsters "This is our first investment in the power sector, which webelieve will be a strong asset for Koch Energy Services and anexcellent complement to our natural gas commercial activities,"said Koch spokesman Paul Baltzer. youjizz The Australian Greens, who hold the balance of power inparliament's upper house Senate, welcomed the new levy, but saidthe government needed to make sure the costs were not passed onto bank customers. Mahamadou Djeri Maiga, vice president of the rebel National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad, said arbitrary arrests of Tuaregs had continued, citing the case of two men he said were arrested Wednesday when they traveled to the town of Mopti to obtain their voting cards.

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