Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 24/10/2019 à 12h12

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le 24/10/2019 à 12h12

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le 24/10/2019 à 12h16

An accountancy practice bokep barat dioerkosa Latrell Sprewell also showed up that same season as the most vilified athlete in professional sports. But Sprewell rebuilt his reputation and his career by helping the Knicks reach the NBA Finals. Sprewell and Camby became fan favorites overnight. porno jepang "We talked a lot about that. How do you become trapped by that which you worked so hard to build? Just when you think you have everything, the universe can take it all back in just one second," Mandler explained. "There was definitely a connection between his own life, and Howard Hughes and Mike Tyson. Tyson was a hero to many, he was almost invincible, and then, he gets knocked down by a guy like Buster Douglas. Jay definitely felt the connection there." bokep barat baru Last week the UN Security Council achieved a rare moment of unity on the Syrian war by passing a resolution demanding the elimination of Syria's chemical arsenal by mid-2014. Assad's ally Russia supported the resolution, which was based on a US-Russian plan agreed upon in Geneva. movie rulz telugu 2019 But it leaves an urgent question: How will the foundation fund Petraeus’ reduced stipend? No sweat. Your newspaper, the Daily News, has cut a check (viewable at to pay the freight. jav hd pro “Mark Barnett was the heir apparent, but he has a huge job ahead of him. There will no doubt be substantial outflows for him to deal with in the next six months as the fund transitions to him from Neil. Ciaran Mallon has slightly less of a daunting task ahead. We will look to meet with both managers as soon as possible.

le 24/10/2019 à 12h16

In a meeting desi tv Syndergaard, who could start for the USA team, and Montero, who could start for the World team, are two of the three Mets reps in the 15th Futures Game Sunday. Outfielder Brandon Nimmo the Mets’ first-round draft choice in 2012 won the fans’ vote for the final spot on Team USA. desi bhabhi sex This former "Mean Girls" star is stripping down. Lizzy Caplan, who played Janice Ian opposite Lindsay Lohan in the classic high school comedy, masters the tousled, just-rolled-out-of-bed look in a slinky white dress in the October issue of GQ magazine, on newsstands now. The 31-year-old actress will star as the famous sexologist Virginia Johnson in the upcoming Showtime series "Masters of Sex," which debuts Sept. 29. japanese jav “I took a look at it and there was blood coming out of my glove. So I went to the sideline to have a trainer take a look at it and told him that I thought I broke my nail or something,” Johnson said. dailyhunt tamil “Nothing represents New York better than a hot dog,” says Dana Raja, 28, from Bensonhurst, who grew up with teammates Mirlinda Kukaj, 28, and Victoria Fiorenza, 24. “Name five things you remember when visiting New York, and a dirty-water dog is definitely one of them.” sex barat Culturally, it might have been problematic to expect officers to be ordered around by a sergeant, but those running the course hope that once the system is accepted, this will improve relationships in the Afghan army beyond the officers, boosting leadership skills throughout.

le 24/10/2019 à 12h16

We were at school together selingkuh dengan istri teman This long-running (and, if truth be told, a little too long-running) CBS sitcom returns for its final season with a two-part episode built around Robin and Barney's wedding – and, of course, the last-minute integration into the show's comedy mix of Cristin Milioti as "The Mother" who has finally been met. Along the way, Robin and Barney discover a family secret, Barney's brother (Wayne Brady) reveals his own potentially damaging secret, and Marshall shares a plane ride to the wedding with a woman played by Sherri Shepherd. bokep barat main bertiga satu cowok This is not to argue that the jury wrongly stretched to find reasonable doubt in Zimmerman’s favor. It is only to say that when the facts were matched against the law in a trial before a judge whose rulings were favorable to prosecutors, this emotionally and racially charged case was decided by the slimmest of edges. bokef jepang selingkuh dengan mertua The Ford F-250 pickup truck has replaced the Cadillac Escalade as the vehicle with the highest theft rate for 2010-2012, according to a new report from the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI), a division of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. New anti-theft technology on the Escalade and its waning popularity are two reasons cited for its fall from first to sixth place on the list. video bokep barat abg The latest disputed air strike occurred in the Watapur district of Kunar province, which lies near the border with Pakistan. It's a militant stronghold, and many Arab and other foreign insurgents are believed to operate there alongside the Afghan Taliban. Some are suspected of links to the al-Qaeda terrorist network. jav xnxx Anger at revolving-door politics propelled the 5-Star Movement to a quarter of the vote on pledges to cut politicians' salaries - 60 percent higher than the European average - and kick the old guard out of parliament.

le 24/10/2019 à 12h16

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le 24/10/2019 à 12h16

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le 24/10/2019 à 12h16

A few months maria ozzawa ngentot Yes, it turned out to be Mariano Rivera’s night, and good thing, because not much else happened — Matt Harvey’s plunking of Robinson Cano notwithstanding — in a nondescript 3-0 win for the American League. bokep jepang montok The UK Government is showing its support of this goal by securing the support of the Home Office. Some 88pc of all visa applications from India are approved and that number is significantly higher for Indian business leaders. “It’s really important that keeping Britain open for business remains on the agenda,” Iyer says. naa songs telugu The U.S. team ‘Oracle’ is doing untold damage to America’s image – not only are they now labelled ‘cheats’ they are whining about their punishment of 2 penalty points. Everyone likes to see an underdog have it’s moment but it’s hard to feel any sympathy towards Oracle, particularly after wimping out of the 2nd race today because they got a thrashing. lankasri tamil Orangutans are loud, and male orangutans are louder still. They can howl noisily enough to be heard almost a mile away. Usually, this call is used to establish their status among other males, though it can also be used to signal to females. The researchers tracked these loud calls, recording over 200 of them made by 15 adult males. desi xxx videos Yet while France's highly liquid bond market has held up well since it lost its last major AAA credit rating on July 12, analysts say foot-dragging on pension reform could see Hollande punished with higher borrowing costs.

le 24/10/2019 à 12h16

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le 24/10/2019 à 12h16

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le 24/10/2019 à 12h16

Which year are you in? jawa barat The Dreamliner's two batteries are in compartments located low down near the front and middle of the plane. Damage to the Ethiopian plane appeared to be on top of the fuselage, close to the tail, according to video from the scene. xnxxx barat The Greens condition any future cooperation with the Left on "fundamental" foreign policy changes, having dropped their own pacifist principles to back NATO bombing operations on Serbia. The Left says this is a red line that they will not cross. abg cantik Earlier this month, Obama met with five conservative journalists: Charles Krauthammer of Fox News, Paul Gigot of the Watt Street Journal, Robert Costa of National Review, columnist Byron York of the Washington Examiner and columnist Kathleen Parker. telugu xnxx Our mission at Bump has always been to build the simplest tools for sharing the information you care about with other people and devices. We strive to create experiences that feel like magic, enabled behind the scene with innovations in math, data processing, and algorithms. So we couldn’t be more thrilled to join Google, a company that shares our belief that the application of computing to difficult problems can fundamentally change the way that we interact with one another and the world. pijat plus plus jepang And yet, somehow, amid so much Jets-like ineptitude, the Giants rallied after Wilson hit the bench. The sleepwalking offense had shown signs of life late in the first half, just before the two-minute warning, when Victor Cruz (five receptions, 118 yards, 3 TDs) had done what he does best, getting behind the Cowboy ‘D’ and catching a picture-perfect Manning deep ball for a 70-yard score to close the deficit to 13-10.

le 24/10/2019 à 12h16

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le 24/10/2019 à 12h58

Will I get travelling expenses? bokep jav "It's the first time in quite a while that we have seen such a broad improvement," said Frederik Ducrozet, a senior euro zone economist at Credit Agricole. "There is a rebalancing in the sources of growth, which in the initial phase was driven by manufacturing," he added. indonesia ngentot terbaru Israel, Iran's arch-enemy and widely assumed to harbour theMiddle East's only nuclear arsenal, has lobbied Western powersnot to dilute sanctions before Iran has tackled core concerns -enrichment and lack of transparency - about its nuclear goals. bokep hd barat The numbers say the Texans should be nearly as successful as the Chiefs. Houston is allowing an NFL-low 252.8 yards per game and garnering 395.7 yards on offense, good for seventh-best in the league. Turnovers, though, have been the great non-equalizer in this case. Houston is an AFC-worst minus-12 when it comes to turnover ratio and that is why the team is scoring just 17.7 points per game. nikita mirzani ngentot The reforms, which sought to meet European human rights criteria and address concerns that the use of anti-terrorism laws was overly broad, coincide with government efforts to negotiate an end to fighting with the PKK after more than 40,000 people, mainly Kurds, died in the conflict. bokep smp But analysts said a proposal floated by Russia, which theObama administration is now exploring, to place Syria's weaponsunder international control may allow Obama to emerge from adifficult dilemma with minimal political damage.

le 24/10/2019 à 12h58

Looking for a job video ngentot indonesia terbaru In addition to the Serious Accident Investigation, the Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health is conducting a probe to determine whether workplace regulations were violated. That report must be completed by the end of the year. telugu movie rulz Among the breaches cited in the New Jersey indictment, prosecutors charged that the group was responsible for the theft of more than 130 million credit card numbers from U.S. payment processor Heartland Payment Systems Inc beginning in December 2007, resulting in approximately $200 million of losses. That was the same case for which Gonzalez was convicted and which was the largest case of its kind before the latest indictments. xnxx abg indo He will receive a heartfelt ovation Sunday at Yankee Stadium for his final regular-season start there. His farewell will get second billing on Mariano Rivera Day, which will be just fine with Pettitte. bokep barat guru On the contrary, the World Happiness Database was launched in Rotterdam earlier this summer, and showed that having children actually lowers your happiness levels (they go back up again once the little darlings have left home). japan selingkuh Mendes has been rumored as the director of the latest Bond project for months, but his participation was not a certainty while he was involved in the creation of a stage musical version of children's writer Roald Dahl's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", which opened last month.

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