Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 24/10/2019 à 21h24

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le 24/10/2019 à 21h24

An estate agents xvideos desi Mr Hunt said: “No-one wants to go back to the bad old days of tired doctors working excessive hours, but when senior clinicians tell us this directive’s implementation is harming patient safety and doctors’ training, it’s right that we take another look at it. xxx selingkuh This is not your ordinary flower blooming, the long wait is over and now Washington proudly houses the giant rain forest plant known as the “corpse flower”. The name says it all, as this giant flower does not smell pretty, or fresh, rather visitors will get a whiff of what smells like rotting flesh. abg test Brent crude had eased 33 cents to $109.11 a barrelby 0255 GMT, after settling higher on Friday and gaining 0.8percent last week to end a three-week losing run. U.S. crude traded 50 cents lower at $103.34 a barrel, after endinglast week up 0.9 percent. bokep abg "You cannot turn kids gay and you cannot turn kids transgender," said Keisling. "That's utter nonsense and every expert in the country knows that. What you can do is make them better and stronger and more caring people by showing you are." vidio porno jepang "Our disclosures are in line with all relevant reportingrequirements and provide investors with all materialinformation," said a spokesman for Morgan Stanley. He said thebank provides data on the main drivers of results across itsthree core business lines but does not break down earnings to a"product" level like commodities.

le 24/10/2019 à 21h24

Enter your PIN english to tamil This is where Dragon’s Crown deviates from these classic games. There are a ton of progression and customization features that are essential to the Dragon’s Crown experience. The game offers a unique twist on party building and NPC players, you can customize your character attributes through earning points and spending them at your guild, and there’s random loot drops, all set amid a beautiful hub town that allows you take quests, pray for assistance, and craft magic and repair weapons for your next battles. You could definitely liken this aspect to the systems found in a Diablo or Torchlight, but in many ways, it’s much more. It’s all tied together. The side-scrolling beat ‘em up action isn’t just focused on killing your enemies. It’s also about discovering treasure, unlocking treasure chests and finding hidden items strewn throughout the levels. It’s about picking the bones of adventurers that have already met their fate, bringing them back to town, and possibly adding them to your party. At the end of each level, you’re rewarded with new items, your gold stash is increased, and you’ll bring back any remains that you’ve found on your mission. You’ll be given some time to prep your party for their new adventure, and you head back out for another round. porno barat During a 10-hour operation last November, he discovered that Malala's facial nerve had been entirely severed by the bullet and that a 2cm section of it was missing. For any movement to return to her face, the two ends of the nerve would have to be re-attached, but the missing section made it impossible to do this along the original route. Instead, Irving decided to expose the nerve and re-route it so it travelled a shorter distance. movie rulz telugu 2019 As the prime minister himself notes, “we had over-indebted households borrowing from over-indebted banks”. So why does he expect monetary policy to achieve much? He evidently thinks people should borrow less… anak sd ngentot U.S. stocks edged up at the open after retail sales andwholesale inflation data did little to alter market expectationsthe Federal Reserve may begin to scale back its stimulusmeasures next week. The Dow Jones industrial average rose0.27 percent, the S&P 500 gained 0.18 percent and theNasdaq Composite added 0.21 percent. bokep barat xxx Some who have witnessed the violence blame al-Qaeda linked militants, like one man who said: “What international norms can justify this? They are cutting off heads, heads of children are being cut off. A group of Al-Nusra Front have permitted the slaughtering of Kurdish people.”

le 24/10/2019 à 21h24

I wanted to live abroad bokep tante barat In the documents, Italian prosecutors said former IORChairman Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, who attempted to improvepractices at the IOR before he was fired in 2012, was no longerunder investigation. His lawyer, Fulvio Palazzo, was notimmediately available for comment. sex japan selingkuh But the decision doesn't mean the show won't address the way in which the 31-year-old actor died. Kevin Reilly, Fox's chairman of entertainment, told reporters earlier this month that the cast will film PSAs about drug abuse, which will air during the tribute episode. xxx bokep "The government's stringent measures, particularly varioustypes of stamp duty, will continue to restrain various kinds ofdemand, though first-time buyers who usually purchase small- tomedium-sized units will be less affected," Sun Hung Kai said inits earnings statement. bokep barat lesbi Many Indians have questioned whether, despite a toughening of rape laws after last year's attack, India is any safer. The latest assault was in the financial capital Mumbai, which is generally considered India's safest city for women. tamil oneindia “We’re just not concerned about it,” Dwyane Wade said. “Everyone here has a contract situation going on. The biggest thing we’re all dedicated to is the Miami Heat. The business side will come into play, but it does none of us any good to worry about the business side during the season, because we won’t accomplish what we’re here to accomplish — and that’s to try to win a championship.”

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I've lost my bank card kumpulan cerita istri selingkuh Gene Sperling, director of the president's National Economic Council, announced the appointment of Don Graves, who is also a deputy assistant secretary at Treasury, during a press conference with Obama administration, state and city officials in Detroit. video ngentot indonesia terbaru Just this month, New York City’s (and maybe the world’s) first shop dedicated to Rice Krispies Treats opened on the upper West Side. Treat House takes the iconic bake sale staple to another level, with variations like red velvet, s’mores and blueberry pie. There’s even a bubble gum flavor with a real piece of gum on top. tamil songs download The Justice Department also contended in its lawsuit that American and US Airways could survive as independent airlines. But industry analysts said customers of American and US Airways would suffer over the longer term as the airlines are unable to invest in new products and services at the same level as their merged peers. anak sd ngentot To be sure, experts say they know of nothing intrinsicallywrong with Apple's fingerprint reader, based on what the companyhas so far disclosed. Reviewers this week gushed over its easeof use and reliability. bokep barat terbaru The family of James and Adell Parkinson wish to congratulate them on 65 years of marriage. They were married in Texas City on July 30,1948. A celebration was held in their honor on July 27, 2013 by their four daughters and sons-in-law Cheryl and Bill Clifford, Debbie Langford, Diane and Stan Young, and Lynn and James Romine.

le 24/10/2019 à 21h24

I'm happy very good site sma ngentot “Yesterday was the biggest game of the season, today is the biggest game of the season, tomorrow will be the biggest game of the season. I don’t think it’s unfair to say that. We realize the performance we have to put together out there every night, and I think we’re up for it.” bokep mom The amount of credit in China's economy almost doubledbetween 2008 and last year, and investment climbed to 46 percentof GDP. Almost half of that money went into either property orinfrastructure, according to Nomura. xnxx indo abg Twinkies disappeared from store shelves after a bankruptcy court demanded Hostess Brands start liquidating last November following a breakdown in negotiations with its unions. The company shuttered its factories and fired nearly all of its 18,500 workers. linked in Tony, who lives in midtown and didn’t want to give his last name for fear of angering his landlord, didn’t plan to raise the rate — $150 a night — he typically charges through AirBnB for a bedroom in his railroad apartment in midtown. “When I saw everything they’ve got planned for Times Square, and knowing I’m right next to both the Port Authority and the Holland Tunnel, I figured it was pretty unbeatable,” Tony said. abg smp mesum Moreover, some mobile operators might block access to certain applications, such as Skype, or make users pay a premium to access those services, so it is important to check whether there are any applications that cannot be used over the network.

le 24/10/2019 à 21h24

Enter your PIN xvideos desi The mayor said last month that he would begin therapy Aug. 5, acknowledging that he behaved inappropriately toward women for years. Filner said at the time that he would return to work Aug. 19 after a two-week program. video ngentot indonesia terbaru “My rookie year, I just won the PGA, I had no chance,” he explained. “Last year it was at Bethpage and it’s always a tough week, this week and next (in Boston, close to his Vermont home, at the Deutsche Bank). But this week I’ve really kind of secluded myself with room service every night. This has always been a tournament that I’ve really wanted to play well at and this is the first time I’m even remotely close to shooting under par.” video bokep jepang abg Depending in part on that calculation, BP could be exposed to as much as $17 billion in fines for violating the Clean Water Act, the largest environmental penalty in U.S. history. A portion of the fines is earmarked for gulf restoration. desi indian porn But things went wrong when the press office of Tyumen's emergencies ministry issued a statement reporting an "accident that resulted in the death of three workers and 52 members of the public". bokep montok With Congress on an August recess, supporters of immigration reform believe this is the perfect time to get the attention of lawmakers. So, they are going to march on Bakersfield to the office of Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy.

le 24/10/2019 à 21h24

Free medical insurance bokep hamil It looks like someone has a new friend! Sarah Michelle Gellar and two-year-old daughter Charlotte Prinze make a splash with Nanuq the beluga whale while enjoying a day at SeaWorld San Diego on July 13, 2012. abg porn Pittsburgh’s special teams gave up a blocked punt. A botched handoff in the end zone in the second half turned into a safety. The Steelers committed seven penalties — compared with three for the Giants — and generated little after Roethlisberger went to the sideline to trade his helmet for a baseball cap. todaypk 2019 movies telugu Your camping options in South Dakota are practically limitless, from rustic to posh and intimate to group-friendly. And if you're new to sleeping under the great big sky, keep in mind that a lot of these options are close to some of the state's largest cities. Mina Lake State Recreation Area, for example, is only about 10 miles outside of Aberdeen; this man-made lake is shaped like a horseshoe and offers tons of boating and fishing opportunities. And family-friendly Sioux Falls KOA, close to the state's largest city, comes complete with mini-golf, heated pool and wireless Internet; the Great Plains Zoo is nearby. abg mulus CINCINNATI — The Mets may be dreaming of signing Shin-Soo Choo in the offseason, but this morning he is their nightmare. The center fielder had a walk-off single in the bottom of the 10th inning as the Reds beat the Mets, 3-2, Monday night at Great American Ballpark. tik tok tamil "We are studying the IPAB's decision but maintain our beliefin the inventiveness of the lapatinib ditosylate salt and willconsider the possibility of taking further steps before theappropriate authorities to validate this," the Indian unit ofUK-based GSK said in an email to Reuters on Friday.

le 24/10/2019 à 21h24

I sing in a choir brazer 14 tahun ngentot Both Gen Sisi and Adly Mansour, the chief justice appointed as interim president by the generals, have old ties with Riyadh - Gen Sisi was once military attache there, while Mr Mansour spent seven years as an adviser to the Saudi ministry of commerce. xxx selingkuh In particular, Republicans have objected to a pair of union-backed members of the National Labor Relations Board, Richard Griffin and Sharon Block. They were appointed by Obama when he said the Senate was in recess. An appeals court has ruled that Obama exceeded his authority, and the board’s actions since they took their seats are in legal limbo. bokep barat x panas The unions contended that members made $100 million in concessions when they agreed to a deal in 2009 as BART faced a $310 million deficit. And they said they wanted their members to get their share of a $125 million operating surplus produced through increased ridership. abg porn The only blemish for Bridgewater came when he was intercepted by Xavier Hughes on a pass over the middle, but Ohio failed to convert the turnover into points when Matt Green missed a 32-yard chip shot. bokep jepan While the Standard & Poor's 500 index gained 16 percent on atotal return basis last year, including reinvested dividends,the Census Bureau report showed median household income slippedto $51,017 from of $51,100 in 2011.

le 24/10/2019 à 21h24

A few months desi fuck The initial enthusiasm over the hydrocarbon potential around the Falkland Islands has been somewhat tempered after a series of discoveries of only sand and water. Falkland Oil and Gas had disappointments at two major prospects last year called Loligo and Scotia, after neither found commercially viable reserves of the black stuff. bokep barat main bertiga satu cowok Energy stocks led the S&P 500 index, up 0.5 percent,after the Environmental Protection Agency proposed lowering therequired amount of ethanol to be blended into U.S. gasolineafter Thursday's market close on Thursday. tamil songs download "Oswald is generally presented as a two-dimensional villain," said Rothaar. "But I think people will see things in him that they recognize in themselves. I found myself feeling for him." xxx barat Overall, revenue at Yahoo last year rose by 2%—much slower than its industry peers—to $4.5 billion, and its most important line of revenue, the sale of graphical and video ads on its sites, has taken a nose-dive in recent quarters, dropping 11% in the first quarter of this year. bokep barat terbaru “Those with young children and elderly relatives should take extra care to make sure they have everything they need to stay safe in the sun. Older people are at a higher risk of sunstroke so it would also be worth checking in on an elderly neighbour to make sure they are safe and well.”

le 24/10/2019 à 21h24

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le 24/10/2019 à 21h24

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