Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 25/10/2019 à 21h32

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le 25/10/2019 à 21h32

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le 25/10/2019 à 22h47

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le 25/10/2019 à 22h47

Whereabouts in are you from? 9taxi Both spoke to the business group before Friday's meeting of the U.S.-India CEO Forum, an annual event that brings togethergovernment officials and corporate chief executives from the twocountries to discuss ways to expand trade and investment. mom xnxx ** Japanese mobile phone carrier SoftBank Corp andpart-owned subsidiary GungHo Online Entertainment Inc will buy 51 percent of Finnish smartphone game maker Supercellfor 150 billion yen ($1.50 billion), the Nikkei newspaperreported. China appears to be an increasingly critical market for Apple as the iPhone maker rush to ink distribution deals with local mobile operators in the lead up to the September 11 launch, which for the first time will include China. xvideos Betting on S&P 500 Index options suggests the market doesn't see more volatility coming this week, even though the size of the reduction of the Fed program could be crucial to how it is received in the markets. xxxvideo Tsarnaev is accused of working with his brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, to set off a pair of bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon April 15, killing three and injuring more than 260 others. Prosecutors said the pair also murdered MIT Police Officer Sean Collier.

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le 25/10/2019 à 22h47

What's the exchange rate for euros? porno "Yes, definitely. It's Georgie," said Osterman, who testified she first met Zimmerman in 2006 while working with him at a mortgage company. Osterman and her husband, Mark, describe themselves as the best friends of Zimmerman and his wife. vidio xxx Following last weekend’s loss, players were upset when the meeting with administration — which included Grambling president Frank Pogue, Aaron James (athletic director), interim coach George Ragsdale and the student government president — turned negative. Initial findings from a small Department of Agriculturepilot program found that people on food stamps who received suchincentives ate 25 percent more produce than who did not,equivalent to about an extra fifth of a cup (47 ml) of fruitsand vegetables a day. xnxx japan Abu Kader recalled it wasn’t always such an unpleasant experience. The situation became difficult during the intifada, or Palestinian uprising, about 10 years ago. Palestinian suicide bombers coming from the West Bank were carrying out deadly attacks in Israeli cities. The Israeli army went on an offensive against militant groups in the occupied territory and Israel built a separation barrier. “Before the intifada and the separation wall, we could easily go and work in Israel and make a good living,” Abu Khader said. xnxx gay “Day after day, this child was screamed at, he was deprived of food, he was deprived of fresh air,” said Assistant District Attorney Ed McCann, who called Khalil’s death “inevitable” given the abuse.

le 25/10/2019 à 22h47

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le 25/10/2019 à 22h47

Why did you come to ? Even if rates do rise as providers compete to be near the top of the best-buy tables, they are unlikely to push too far until the Bank of England increases base rate from its record low of 0.5pc. beeg xnxx Richard Lloyd, Which? executive director, said: "The Government and regulators have rightly focused on the scandal of payday lending, but they must not lose sight of the urgent need to clean up the whole of the credit market. High street bank overdraft fees can be just as eye-watering as payday loans." xhams Egypt's interim Vice President Mohamed ElBaradei speaks during a news conference with European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton (unseen) at El-Thadiya presidential palace in Cairo July 30, 2013. beeg mature She will incorporate the annual moon-gazing event into a fun learning exercise for her children — Caitlin, 9, and Darien, 13, — as well as their fellow students in the Tri-County Schooling homeschool group. vidio bokeb jepang Gary Brooker, comsumer director at O2 told The INQUIRER, "Our customers want to stay connected wherever they are and now they are able to check their email, update their Facebook status, shop online, book their next holiday and stay connected to their friends and family right across tube stations in Central London as part of their O2 service."

le 25/10/2019 à 22h47

Photography Jane Fonda is electrifying playing the queen bee. With her ball gown, her smudge-proof make up and mastery of nicknames, Leona is nearly a goddess and her intervention in the Genoa arch is almost deus ex machina itself. Thus far, policymakers have discussed the prospect of a reduction in the pace of their bond-buying stimulus in terms of an improvement in the economy and the prospect of an even brighter outlook toward year-end and in 2014. Yet the U.S. economy, while outpacing its even more anemic rich-nation counterparts, is hardly besieged by runaway growth of the sort that would normally lead central banks to tighten monetary policy. And by even talking about reducing bond buys, the Fed has helped push interest rates up more than a full percentage point, to a two year high, in just a few months. xxn This Aug. 21 2012 photo provided by the Office de Haute Montagne de Chamonix (OHM) on Friday Aug. 31, 2012 shows a diplomatic bag reading "Diplomatic mail, Ministry of External Affairs" belonging to the Indian Government, found on the slopes beneath Mont Blanc by French mountain guide Arnaud Christmann. (AP Photo/Arnaud Christmann/OHM) xvido BTA has brought fraud charges against Ablyazov and his allies. Accused of embezzling $6 billion, he has been in hiding since last year when he fled Britain after missing a contempt-of-court hearing at which he was due to be jailed for 22 months. xxxvideo The nuggets came from two national fast food chains in Jackson. The three researchers selected one nugget from each box, preserved, dissected and stained the nuggets, then looked at them under a microscope.

le 25/10/2019 à 22h47

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le 25/10/2019 à 22h47

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le 25/10/2019 à 22h48

A First Class stamp xnxx/ The science of climate change is far from settled. The world is old and climate science new. Most of the predictions of hockey stick warming are based on only a few decades of accurate temperature readings. That’s only a few milliseconds, geologically speaking, hardly enough time to definitively say how humans are affecting the climate. But it’s hard to craft public policy on maybes and could bes. levitra coupon There will also be a programme of cultural events presented by the First World War Centenary Partnership, led by the Imperial War Museums who are launching an online centenary cultural events calendar on the centenary website at buy levitra "She loved her riding but was uncertain about it as a career. She was hoping to study economics, geography, psychology and biology at A-level and was very enthusiastic, particularly about geography and economics. A reorganisation would face various obstacles, including theopposition of certain regional banks as well as doubts from theFrench state and regulators, who worry that such a change coulddestabilise the group and believe the current structure workswell, the papers said. xvideos mom In late June, gold slid close to $1,180 an ounce, itslowest price in nearly three years. Gold is down more than 20percent so far this year, while benchmark copper is downabout 10 percent this year at $7,159 a tonne.

le 26/10/2019 à 00h14

I went to xnxx com/ That had prompted a critical response from analysts. "Thekey problem is that without the ultimate access to fiscalresources, it will be very difficult to agree to shut down abank," said Guntram Wolff of Bruegel, a Brussels think tank. sex xnxx The new insurance plans became available for enrollment nationwide on October 1. But technical problems with the federal government's website serving 36 states have blocked millions of people from accessing the information. levitra 20 mg But Circuit Judge Robert Cowen, writing for the 3rd Circuit majority, said that while there was "a long history of protecting corporations' rights to free speech," there was no similar history of protection for the free exercise of religion. sunny leone xxx video Prof Matt Field from the University of Liverpool, also uninvolved in the study, told BBC News: "Not so long ago, tobacco advertising was plastered all over racing cars and snooker venues. That has since been banned and perhaps we need to do the same for alcohol and sport, if it's a way of introducing beer to young people." xxnx barat At the same time, Darling and others from those teams still believe Mets management at the time was too quick to make changes, in part as a reaction to all the rowdiness, which altered the chemistry that made the ’86 team, in particular, such a force.

le 26/10/2019 à 00h14

Not available at the moment planetsuzy hd Lauda was the more accomplished F1 driver; Hunt the scrambling hustler trying to keep up. A terrible accident plays a pivotal role in their lives. I don’t want to give too much away, but be warned that there are some very-hard-to-look-at hospital scenes. xnxx gay Puh-lease! Background checks are no different than photo voter IDs. For the most part, we aren't against the background check for the purchase of guns. But we are against checks for gifts or inheritance. Despite the supposed several 100k illegal purchases stopped by these checks, there have been virtually no prosecutions, making the law meaningless beyond a "nuisance" factor. And the supposed "loop-holes"? I'll believe in them when the Libiots accept voter fraud. Your bete noir is no more valid than mine. sexfilm The company's experimental drugs include ramucirumab, which Lilly believes could become a new standard of care for stomach cancer, and necitumumab, which may be the first biotech treatment for the squamous form of lung cancer. indian xxx video Two orchestrated, military-style attacks by Al Qaeda — remember them? — on the Abu Ghraib jail — remember it? — and another complex just freed hundreds of terrorists to make fresh mayhem on the streets of what had been the world’s only half-stable Arab democracy. beeg xx "Capping out-of-work benefits is fair to both the taxpayers picking up the benefits bill and to those in receipt of welfare. The public back the policy as they know that it is deeply unfair for families in work to subsidise a lifestyle for others that they cannot afford for themselves. Limiting payments to the average salary reinforces the principle that work should pay better than welfare by removing the perverse incentives that have condemned some to a life on hand-outs.

le 26/10/2019 à 00h14

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