Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 30/10/2019 à 00h56

I'm afraid that number's ex-directory xhamster With the Yankees clicking at the plate for a change, nearly everyone is relaxed — even Joe Girardi. The manager joked about Soriano notching six or seven RBI every night, adding that if that happened, “We’d score some runs. I’d take it.” porn This is how one Syrian, Abdullah Omar, describes the US proposal to carry out limited strikes against the regime of Bashar al-Assad in the wake of a suspected chemical weapons attack against civilians last week. porn With 2:42 to play in regulation, the Jackets went on the power play again on a phantom holding call by Lubomir Visnovsky. This time the Isles’ penalty kill came through, and they drew a penalty on Columbus defenseman Jack Johnson to go on the man advantage for the final 40 seconds of regulation and into overtime. They got two great chances from Kyle Okposo and Frans Nielsen, but neither could convert. xvideos "I don't think I ever felt free in the match today," Duval said. "I don't think it had to do with the score or anything. She hits really hard. I couldn't quite get myself going. I gave myself a couple chances, but I just never felt comfortable today." sex videos ROME, Oct 14 (Reuters) - A migrant boat carrying 137 peoplereached Italy from North Africa on Monday as the Italiangovernment prepared to launch new naval and air patrols toprevent repeats of shipwrecks which have drowned hundreds ofAfricans this month alone.

le 30/10/2019 à 00h56

How much is a First Class stamp? boobs In afternoon trading in London, the FTSE 100 index of leading shares dropped 0.64 percent to stand at 6,450.56 points, as dealers in returned to their desks after a three-day holiday weekend for Britain. xhamster Speaking at TechCrunch's Disrupt 2013 conference in San Francisco, PayPal's Vice President of Global Product Hill Ferguson briefly demoed the add-on hardware device, calling it one of the shortest demo in Disrupt history. xvideos "This week's price action is a real sign that the party isover from the high prices due to the 2012 drought," Rich Feltes,director of research for trade house R.J. O'Brien, said of themove in soybeans. xnxx However, violence continued in the lawless Sinai peninsula, where three members of Egypt's security forces were killed on Sunday by armed men - the latest in a string of attacks blamed on Islamist militants opposed to the army. beeg 6 Music said Church, now an independent singer-songwriter, was "eminently well-placed to offer informed perspective and insight into what happens, and what is happening, to women in the music business spotlight".

le 30/10/2019 à 00h56

I wanted to live abroad xvideos Westpac will acquire Capital Finance Australia Ltd, an assetfinance business, and BOS International Australia Ltd, acorporate loan portfolio. The corporate loan book, motor andequipment financing businesses have a face value of A$8.4billion, the Australian bank said. sex videos Assad's troops have achieved victories in the past two months mostly near the capital Damascus and in the strategic central province of Homs that links the capital Damascus with Assad's stongholds on the coast. xvideos The last sign I saw saying that customers would not be served while on phones was in Oddbins, the off-licence that won “wine merchant of the year” consecutively for more than a decade. Not long afterwards, they went into administration. sex videos It was at the annual meeting of the world's top central bank governors in Jackson Hole in the US in 2005 that Mr Rajan - then the chief economist with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) - first warned of an impending crisis. boobs In a combative address to the U.N. General Assembly,Netanyahu assailed the trustworthiness of Hassan Rouhani, Iran'scentrist president who has made diplomatic overtures to theUnited States and spoke by telephone last week with PresidentBarack Obama.

le 30/10/2019 à 00h56

Can you hear me OK? xnxx "It is vital for the international community to stand up and speak out in the strongest possible terms about the importance of enforceable action to rid the world of Syria's chemical weapons. boobs But Len McCluskey, general secretary of the Unite union, said: “These profits will anger a growing number of families who are struggling to pay the bills, made worse when the fuel companies hiked their charges last year. beeg So, when the Giants got the ball at their own 11 with 5:21 remaining, it was the perfect opportunity for Manning to get this team to finally feel good about itself with one of his vintage game-winning drives. Tom Coughlin expected Manning to take the Giants down the field. “Absolutely,” he said. “I’m fully confident.” xnxx Doctors and other health officials have been paying close attention to chronic pain in recent years, taking care to diagnose it and address it directly. This, say the researchers, could be the driving force behind the increase of opioid painkiller prescriptions. beeg President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was elected in August, promising to make security a top priority as Mali battles the remnants of Islamist militant groups that occupied the northern two-thirds of the country for 10 months.

le 30/10/2019 à 00h57

I work for myself xnxx "I think we should be making more movies for an intelligent audience, because I think people want intelligent movies," he said. "What I wanted to do is a puzzle. I was really influenced by the great European directors." xnxx Canada's Transportation Safety Board said it was looking into whether the train's operator - Montreal, Maine and Atlantic - followed proper safety procedures in the hours before the unmanned 72-car train carrying crude oil rolled down a hill and slammed into town. porn WHAT HAPPENED: On Saturday, Britain's Air Accidents Investigation Branch said there was "no evidence of a direct causal relationship" between the 787's batteries and the fire in a plane owned by Ethiopian Airlines. The agency noted that the "extensive heat damage" was not near the two lithium-ion batteries that had been a problem in the past. sex videos The crash of the Boeing 777 plane resulted in the deaths of three teenage girls in a group of students from eastern China who were visiting the United States for a summer camp, one of whom died on Friday in the hospital. Over 180 passengers and crew members were injured. boobs As prescribed by local law, small donations from city residents are eligible for generous matching funds from taxpayers — a 6-to-1 match for the first $175. The idea is to encourage civic engagement in the democratic process.

le 30/10/2019 à 00h57

A Second Class stamp xvideos The teachers argue that because they are from poor states and don't have the means to enact peaceful change, their main strength is the ability to shut schools and make life inconvenient in Mexico's economic, political and cultural heart. boobs "As long as Libya does not return to exporting crude oil, itwill be difficult for markets to significantly weaken. Run cutswill reduce some demand for crude oil, but run cuts are not along-term solution to a supply disruption," said Olivier Jakob,analyst at Petromatrix in Zug, Switzerland. xnxx “This is the way that it’s going to go down,” he said. “The Giants are going to score four touchdowns by four individuals. The Patriots are going to score four touchdowns by Aaron Hernandez. That will make him the most valuable player.” xvideos A source said Braun's willingness to cut a deal with MLB precluded Selig from handing out a harsher penalty. The Associated Press reported Monday that Braun was suspended 50 games for his connection to Biogenesis and 15 additional games because of his actions during the grievance for a positive test for elevated levels of testosterone, which was ultimately overturned by an arbitrator in February 2012. xxx Creditors blame Zell's $8.2 billion leveraged buyout forloading the Tribune with so much debt that it made thepublisher's 2008 bankruptcy inevitable. The creditors want someof the money that was raised by issuing that debt, which went tobuy Tribune stock.

le 30/10/2019 à 00h57

What are the hours of work? xxx According to figures for the 2010 election, only 44 per cent of 18- to 24-year-olds voted, compared to 76 per cent of those aged 65 and over. The difference in voter turnout between age groups is larger in Britain than many other countries in Europe, the report found. xvideos In the business community, there were complaints thatObama's corporate ideas ignore a key issue of how to handletaxation of so-called pass-through businesses. Because of theway they are organized, profits earned by pass-through entitiesflow through straight to owners, avoiding the corporate tax. xxx Scott Grogin, a representative for plaintiff Fox Networks Group, called the court's decision disappointing but not unexpected. Fox is reviewing its options, including whether to seek review by the U.S. Supreme Court, Grogin said. sex videos The British Geological Survey recently estimated shale rockbeneath northern England holds 1,300 trillion cubic feet (tcf)of gas - enough to meet UK needs for 50-70 years, assuming a10-15 percent recovery rate. But early indications are thatplanning institutions and processes are not ready for a flood ofapplications. porn The man, who wished who remain anonymous, told Kasim Kayira that once he had paid the fee to the people traffickers, even the news that hundreds had been killed when a boat capsized off the island had not deterred him.

le 30/10/2019 à 02h14

Could I have , please? xnxx But we made the most of it, hosting two friends to our pad (actually a model apartment that’s on display at the Museum of the City of New York). And the tiny apartment — at last the tricked-out one at the museum — actually has some nifty features. porn A decade ago if you had one player like Juan Mata or Dennis Bergkamp who would play ‘in behind’ he would be classed as a luxury, and the question would be asked: can you fit one of these into your team? xhamster In his new role, Field is expected to introduce a ratings system for registered primary care providers that identify good as well as poor care. The British Medical Association has cautioned that the new inspection regime should not add another layer of regulation to the NHS. porn Beijing responded to the piece with swift attacks in the press. On Monday, Hong Lei, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, denounced the remarks as “irresponsible,” and voiced Beijing’s “strong displeasure and resolute opposition." The nationalistic tabloid Global Times trotted out several articles attacking the “insidious purposes” of the UK and the US in trying to influence Hong Kong’s political future. boobs Said Aldrich: “What he means by that is if you’ve got a guy coming to the rim, go up and make a play at the ball. Try to block a shot, try to do the little things that will anchor our defense. ... There’s an opportunity (to make the team). The biggest thing is using training camp to continue to get better, get used to the system, get used to the guys.”

le 30/10/2019 à 02h14

What's the interest rate on this account? sex videos (Reporting by Steven C. Johnson, Jonathan Spicer and Luciana Lopez in New York, Ann Saphir in San Francisco and Emily Stephenson in Washington; Writing by Alister Bull; Editing by Andrea Ricci and James Dalgleish) xxx LABA and LAMA drugs are already sold individually and anumber of other drug companies, including Novartis AG,AstraZeneca Plc and Boehringer Ingelheim, which makesthe LAMA drug Spiriva, are betting that LABA/LAMA inhalers willbecome the first choice of treatment for COPD. xhamster Iran rejects allegations by the United States, European powers and their allies that it is developing an atomic weapons capability. It says the U.N. sanctions against it are illegal and refuses to comply with them. sex videos Judge Hone said Bolton maintained the "little plastic box" was a piece of working equipment, selling it to scores of international clients - including for use by armed forces - despite evidence proving it was "useless". xxx So to anyone celebrating their A Level results today, you can do better than my precarious punt trip and National Rail’s finest to celebrate. You’ve survived a great tipping point in life, and yes, adulthood awaits. Scary as it may be, this is something to celebrate. You’ve survived. Enjoy the moment.

le 30/10/2019 à 02h14

Where do you study? boobs A Reuters/Ipsos poll on Tuesday found the percentage of Americans concerned about the shutdown rose to 75 percent from 66 percent last week. Blame for Republicans grew to 30 percent from 26 percent, with the level of blame for Obama and Democrats at 19 percent, up from 18 percent. xxx Tension between the two countries has been rising in recent weeks. In the middle of last month, a car bomb exploded on the Syrian side of a border crossing with Turkey, killing seven and injuring 20 in an area controlled by Syrian rebels. xvideos But there’s more to the Wacha story. In a day and age when every team has ironclad innings limits for its young pitchers , how is it that a 22-year-old fresh out of college is pitching deep into October, anyway? boobs The majority of the allegations involve officers or PCSOs and include claims of rape, sexual assaults, misconduct relating to inappropriate sexual behaviour with victims of crime, voyeurism, accessing indecent images, and indecent acts with a child. xhamster "He was throwing about as well as you could," Francona said. "That would have been his last hitter, but to that point I would have had a hard time justifying having him not pitch. That's how good I thought he was. I think he just left one over the middle. He didn't locate it."

le 30/10/2019 à 02h14

Have you got a current driving licence? xnxx Sharp falls in U.S. inventories of crude oil and gasoline have contributed to a 15 percent jump in the Nymex benchmark, also known as West Texas Intermediate crude, since June 21. Some analysts say speculators are also pushing the price higher. xhamster Smoking, drinking, drug use: around 20% of young people aged 11–16 with an emotional disorder or hyperkinetic disorder were smokers or had taken drugs, and almost a third of those with a conduct disorder were smokers or had taken drugs. boobs Aesthetically, the tablet should be quite similar to Lumia smartphones, thinner and lighter than iPad (about 450 grams in total) and will flaunt an elegant colored shell. The retail price would be similar to the Apple iPad tablet. In addition, Nokia would also intend to distribute a keyboard that includes a battery, designed to offer a range of additional use. Other auxiliaries will be available on the debut of the device. boobs The IPCC's conclusions are important because they serve as the scientific underpinnings of U.N. negotiations to rein in emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. A global climate treaty is supposed to be adopted in 2015. xvideos A: I knew his music and I said, "How do you write music?" He said, "It's like this." And he made a little diagram and explained. Then he said, "How do you make a work?" We both thought in time-space construction and coded our thoughts in math so we could more quickly see what it was that we were doing. So we decided to work together. It was quite easy because we thought alike.

le 30/10/2019 à 02h14

Your account's overdrawn sex videos "The best person in a nightclub situation now is Bill Cosby. It's just unbelievable what this man is capable of doing. [He] doesn't really tell jokes per se, but he comes on stage and sits down in a chair — and this is interesting because the purpose of your appearance there is that you're supposed to dominate this group and to dominate and control from a seated position is interesting. And he does it. He's unbelievable. I would guess he would be the best in a nightclub situation. xvideos Purchases of overseas assets could potentially weaken theyen, providing a tailwind to Japanese exporters, although anyimpact on foreign exchange markets would be diminished ifinvestors hedge their bond purchases. sex videos It was, Sue says, a steep learning curve. The beds they look after do not all look the same, because Sue likes them to have their own identity. In the Diana Commemorative Garden there are white roses; in the churchyard the palette is sombre for funerals, "but you have to remember there will be weddings as well". There is a rolling programme of improving the soil, which is perhaps why the plants look so good. When the watering and titivating was done, we all collected at Anne's house for coffee and biscuits and the facts started to emerge. Sue's group, Tetbury in Bloom, looks after 27 beds in 15 locations around the town and about 40 hanging baskets and tubs. The latter – filled with begonias and pelargoniums – have to be watered on Saturday mornings and that takes two hours. xvideos In previous years, we've seen everything from a gray-market diesel G-class three-door to a wonderful, vintage 300SL to a W124 500E tuned by RennTech that seemingly had the options book thrown at it. In fact, hardly a year goes by when at least a couple 300SLs don't make this event. xvideos "If you look at a pretty basic economic living standard, that's about what one person has to make just to support themselves," Kirsch says. "We can't really move the economy forward when a growing sector of the workforce isn't making enough to support their families."

le 30/10/2019 à 02h14

Accountant supermarket manager xxx The new sense of optimism sent U.S. stocks higher on Friday, extending gains from a major rally in the previous session. But U.S. Treasury bills maturing in late November and throughout December spiked as banks and major money market funds shy away from holding debt with any risk of delayed interest or principal payments. xhamster For Ibrahimovic and Henry, life at the Nou Camp seemed bewildering, and lonely. Ibrahimovic, a career nonconformist, found the corporate loyalty of the La Masia graduates who made up the majority of the squad irritating and cliquey. “They are like schoolboys, who just nod,” he said, though the capacity of the apparently diffident, unassuming Messi not just to nod, but pushily ask his coach to explore a new role for him, evidently rankled more. boobs Zimmerman showed bad judgment by ignoring the directive from the dispatcher and pursuing Martin, knowing that, with a loaded gun, Zimmerman’s pursuit of Martin could end in disaster. And it did. People make an issue about the dispatcher not being more assertive about telling Zimmerman not to pursue Martin. But the dispatcher didn’t realize he needed to. Zimmerman said, “Okay.” Furthermore, the dispatcher didn’t know that Zimmerman was pursuing Martin with a fully loaded semi-automatic weapon. I guarantee that dispatcher would have been much more vehement about telling Zimmerman not to follow the boy. He also would have contacted the police to tell them that Zimmerman had a fully loaded semi-automatic weapon on him. By Zimmerman’s own admission he was bound and determined not to let the “sshole,” “fcking punk,” “suspect” get away. But he doesn’t have the right to make that call. He’s not a cop. He had made up his mind that Martin was up to criminal activity. He played cop, judge, jury, and executioner. That’s not the American way. His poor judgement and reckless actions cost a 17 year old his life and Zimmerman should pay a price for that. xvideos RIO DE JANEIRO/SAO PAULO, July 10 (Reuters) - Brazil's GrupoEBX, the debt-laden energy and mining conglomerate controlled bybillionaire Eike Batista, is the target of as many as 17preliminary inquiries led by securities watchdog CVM, accordingto a source with direct knowledge of the situation. xxx She recalls the threat and reality of unemployment at that time feeling like it was "terminal" - there seemed no way back. And for her, there was only one thing she planned to do when she left school, which was studying law at Glasgow University.

le 30/10/2019 à 02h14

What are the hours of work? xvideos Providing borrowers can explain and document the reasons for their financial difficulties and can demonstrate they have had a clean credit history for the last 12 months, Magellan says it will consider their application. xhamster ‘Moreover, in many cases these rights and principles are subject to minimum harmonisation, which means that Member States are allowed to go beyond the minimum standards required by EU law. Consequently, some Member States might have introduced higher levels of protection than those stipulated by EU directives when transposing them into national law. This is the case with some parts of the consumer protection legislation for example. porn "I am sure they are enduring immense public pain and shame as a consequence of their actions and scandals," former Republican super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who is Jewish, told U.S. News. "Further traumatizing them by indicting the Jewish faith over their shortcomings would only add to their anguish and betray ignorance about the teachings of Judaism." porn Eduardo Reinoso, head of Mexican natural disaster risk assessment company Evaluacion de Riesgos Naturales, told Reuters the damages to Mexico would likely be comparable with those caused by Hurricane Wilma in 2005. boobs Bob Jope, a former English teacher who taught Mr Farage, told Channel 4 News: “To some extent, you might say the accusation from some staff was that Nigel had voiced views that were not simply right-wing, as nobody's going to object to a place on the spectrum, but views that were quite clearly racist.”

le 30/10/2019 à 02h14

I'd like to tell you about a change of address xhamster Outrage erupted on Twitter and other social media sites lastyear after consumers found out that everything from U.S. schoollunches to fast-food hamburgers used so called "lean finelytextured beef," a low-fat product made from chunks of beef,including trimmings, and exposed to tiny bursts of ammoniumhydroxide to kill E. coli and other dangerous contaminants. Theresulting media storm over what critics dubbed "pink slime"nearly destroyed the product's maker, even though U.S. foodsafety regulators said it was safe. xxx "There's some cannibalisation of Apple's market share fromcompetitive mid-tier models that cost a lot less and perform aswell, from vendors such as Xiaomi and Vivo," said Huang Leping,an analyst at Nomura in Hong Kong, referring to rival Chinesemodels. sex videos Sadly, that ethic has all but disappeared in the current environment, when "branding" of journalists and a pathetic desire for some sort of celebrity has started to affect news judgment in a negative way. It happens when someone asks a question at a briefing that is not intended to get an answer useful to Americans, but rather to show how tough/indefatigable/insouciant the reporter is (count up how many times President Obama is asked about how a certain policy has affected his popularity in polls, and how he feels about it – who cares?). And it happened quite recently, when a RealClearPolitics reporter felt the need to tweet the fact that a congressman made a mildly inappropriate comment to her. porn “Whenever we see a threat stream that we think is specificenough that we can take some specific precautions within acertain time frame, then we do so,” the president said. “Thisradical violent extremism is still out there and we have to stayon top of it.” xvideos In contrast to this month's record industry sales, GeneralMotors Co in Canada posted a 2.6 percent decline duringthe month to 18,270. Year-to-date, GM Canada was still tracking2.1 percent growth in vehicle sales.

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