Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 31/10/2019 à 06h06

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le 31/10/2019 à 06h06

I don't know what I want to do after university Inspired by King's College Chapel, Cambridge, the house is one of the touchstones of the Gothic Revival. In 2010, it was reopened to the public after a comprehensive restoration, and work began on bringing the grounds up to the same standard. The garden is now all but finished, a glorious mixture of horticulture and history, just a hop from central London. pof dating site Super Bowl commercials are a "can you top that" showcase for advertising agencies, which try to come up with the funniest and most memorable ads. The commercials have become as a big a deal as the game and the halftime show. Viewers tweet their reactions and post comments on Facebook during the game and chat about the best and worst when they get to work the next day. madthumb US Airways and American Airlines parent AMR Corp said they would ask their boards to extend the termination dateof their proposed $11 billion merger due to uncertaintiesrelated to a government lawsuit, the Wall Street Journalreported, citing sources. sex wallpaper BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law. maturetube com Maroc Telecom Chief Executive Abdeslam Ahizoune said that ifthe negotiations are successful, the deal would be signed onSept. 25. All five countries where the company operates wouldapprove Etisalat's deal, he said.

le 31/10/2019 à 07h25

I'm a housewife xnxx teen Snowden, who worked at a National Security Agency facility,in Hawaii, revealed that the NSA has access to vast amounts ofdata such as emails and chat rooms from companies includingFacebook and Google, under a governmentprogramme called Prism. xxx 2002 The Voerde smelter, which makes about 10 percent - or115,000 tonnes - of Germany's yearly aluminium output a year,declared insolvency in May 2012. The plant in the state of NorthRhine-Westphalia employs about 280 staff. Western diplomats have said their demands related to 20-percent uranium must be addressed before further progress is made. But some diplomats acknowledged ahead of the Geneva talks that their initial offer to Iran might be changed substantially depending on what concessions Iran offered. pof login On a lightly floured surface, roll out your chilled dough to a rectangle, about 50cm x 20cm and about 1cm thick. Flatten the butter to a rectangle, about 33cm x 19cm, by bashing it with a rolling pin. Lay the butter on the dough so that it covers the bottom two-thirds of it. Make sure that it is positioned neatly and comes almost to the edges. xxx hd video Contractor logistic support, which accounts for a large portion of the overall cost per flight hour, dropped even more sharply to just under $11,000 per flight hour, from nearly $25,000 three years ago, the source said.

le 31/10/2019 à 07h25

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le 31/10/2019 à 07h25

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le 31/10/2019 à 07h25

I've been made redundant “What really distinguishes him as a dermatological surgeon is the additional training he has in plastic surgery. He is just a superb surgeon,” said Sinai’s distinguished chief of the department, Dr. Mark Lebwohl. “His closures are just beautiful. xnxx asia The model also took part in the MLB All-Stars Celebrity Softball game on July 10. 'It was my first time playing softball or baseball or anything -- ever!' she told 'Maybe I played catch with my brother for two minutes once .... Who goes to play their first softball game in front of how many people that airs on TV?!' lama links The scope for new advertising methods offered by this datais remarkable. For example, If Costa Coffee knows that the iPhone with MAC address A8-23-RR-XX usually stops in around 8 in the morning for a coffee and a croissant (don't forget, this technology could be extended into the stores themselves) is now heading to Pret for a morning pick-me-up, then they might pay to flash an advert on a relevant bin just as the A8-23-RR-XX is appraoching, reminding him of a loyalty scheme or a special offer. pontrex Mr Grover, who was born in East Africa, told the Independent he was "shocked" and "horrified" to be contacted, claiming the message read: "You are required to leave the UK as you no longer have right to remain.” jasminlive Rioting loyalists, some with swords, attacked police with sticks, fireworks and even part of a wall in a major outbreak of violence in the wake of the decision. Rioters as young as 14 were involved. Around 20 baton rounds were fired and water cannon used by officers. Seven police officers were injured in the disturbances.

le 31/10/2019 à 07h25

Directory enquiries xxx hamster Bill de Blasio is a good, smart, likable guy, may end up mayor, even though there is the cockeyed notion sometimes that he has been elected already. But he continues to insult Kelly’s service, and the job Kelly has done as police commissioner, and Lhota seems to be the only one calling him on it. the free voyeurweb He told euronews: “We are about to sign an agreement with business community on what we call “the fair introduction of the euro” where businesses commits that they will convert prices strictly according to the official exchange rate, so that the euro introduction will not be used as some kind of attempt to raise prices”. sex lobster Right now the world is screaming (ok, if we were out of recession we might be) for a viable second console. PS4 and XBox One are practically the same console being sold by two different companies, there's nothing to really differentiate between them any more. www xnxx A local TV station in Nairobi claims six of the terrorists have been killed, but there has been no confirmation of this. The Kenyans are sticking with their previous figure of three dead, all killed during Monday’s assault on the complex. Then it is believed around 30 hostages were still in the complex; a security expert with sources inside says he believes 10 remain inside. No-one has been brought out alive so far today. xnxx teen The 2003 Licensing Act, with its relaxation of opening hours, turned out to be another nail in the coffin of many locals, increasing staff costs and accelerating the trend towards late-night bar culture in the centre of towns.

le 31/10/2019 à 07h25

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le 31/10/2019 à 07h25

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le 31/10/2019 à 07h25

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le 31/10/2019 à 07h25

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le 31/10/2019 à 08h44

Free medical insurance damplipscom Asked why they could not do this without keeping down the bonuses, he said: “Bonuses are one way which are a reward for delivering those services, as has been seen across the front, there are certain people in the BBC who get bonuses. iwank tube Originally from Michigan, Kwiatkowski worked in 18 hospitals in seven states before being hired in New Hampshire in 2011. As a traveling hospital technician, he was assigned by staffing agencies to fill temporary openings around the country. Along the way, he contracted hepatitis C, and is accused of infecting others by stealing painkiller syringes and replacing them with saline-filled syringes tainted with his blood. xnxx "Syria is placing its chemical weapons under international control because of Russia. The U.S. threats did not influence the decision," Interfax quoted him as telling Russia's state-run Rossiya-24 television channel. reperationsforblacks imagefap But his comments are the hedge fund version of the journalist Michael Kinsley’s definition of a gaffe – which Kinsley said occurred “when a politician tells the truth – some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.” rocket tube Prosecutors are exploring two other possible cases against Morsi. One concerns accusations he insulted judges when, during a presidential speech, he accused specific judges of helping rig elections under his ousted predecessor Hosni Mubarak. Another case concerns allegations he colluded with Hamas to carry out attacks on prisons during the 2011 anti-Mubarak uprising that broke free Morsi and other Brotherhood leaders.

le 31/10/2019 à 08h44

Until August xxnxx Listeriosis from listeria bacteria is a serious infection that primarily affects older adults, pregnant women, newborns and adults with weakened immune systems. Fever and muscle aches sometimes accompanying diarrhea or other digestive problems. Pregnant women face a risk of miscarriage, which one survivor did experience. Convulsions also are possible in the worst cases, according to the CDC. keandra porn The study did not attempt to quantify the impact of global warming on tornadoes, given the complex atmospheric conditions associated with their formation and the limitations of current computer models. But Diffenbaugh noted that the same atmospheric conditions can produce the type of destructive tornadoes that have devastated parts of the US in recent years. "The government's policy on the auction is not changing.We've already delayed the auction twice. We arrived at thepolicy after a great deal of consultation...and we've arrived ata policy we think works," he said. pornotoro Earlier this month he said Prime Minister David Cameron wasendangering economic recovery by promising a referendum onEuropean Union membership. Last week he accused the independentBank of England of holding back economic recovery by forcingbanks to build up capital. free xnxx If people are looking at riskier investments than perhaps they are used to, or are newer investors who don’t have much already invested in riskier assets, then it’s sensible to drip in money rather than jump in all at once.

le 31/10/2019 à 08h44

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