Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 01/11/2019 à 08h41

We were at school together porno xxx The Dresch home on Thursday became the first property acquired under the $648 million NYC Build It Back program, which offers homeowners help to repair or rebuild their homes, reimburses them for repairs or buys their properties if they choose not to return. Toyota's successful home-building department was hived off as a separate subsidiary a couple of years ago and last year it built about 15,000 homes. These three-bed HEMS equipped houses are state-of-the-art dwellings, from the more expensive part of the catalogue. They cost about €400,000 not including the lithium-ion house battery and that doesn't include the land they stand on, which is at a huge premium in Japan. They're a part of the larger study on environmental and efficient mobility, known as the low carbon society field test system, which includes 20 hydrogen filling stations to feed the thirst of fleet of fuel-cell cars that will go on sale next year, as well as 21 charging stations and hire points for a 100-strong fleet of tiny electric vehicles, plus electric bicycles and scooters, which can be hired by the hour or minute, in a similar manner to the Paris Autolib' system. free porn "He said it wasn't to do with Cumbria and that he had had a fall out with his manager and hadn't wanted to do all the travelling. There was a little bit of booing so he just walked off saying 'goodnight'. xnxxx The Internal Revenue Service on June 14 filed a lien for$96,987 in unpaid taxes against Pershing Square Holdco C LLC, anentity used in October 2010 to buy shares in liquor manufacturerFortune Brands, according to a public filing. Adam Levine got down on one knee and handed over one heckuva ring to Behati Prinsloo. The swimsuit model said yes in Los Angeles in July 2013. The Maroon 5 lead singer and his Victoria's Secret Angel started dating a year ago, but the relationship seemed to be on the rocks for a few months in the beginning of 2013. Regardless of reports linking "The Voice" judge to another model, Nina Agdal, it seems that Prinsloo has always been his No. 1. The Namibian stunner showed off her ring on Extra TV.

le 01/11/2019 à 08h41

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le 01/11/2019 à 09h09

What are the hours of work? xvideos --Japanese brands gained 2.5 points of market share in August, largely on the strength of increased crossover sales. The Detroit Three, which have lagged in crossovers, particularly in the compact and subcompact segments, lost 1.4 points. porn I think that's obviously a work in progress. I don't want to be specific -- too specific about that at this point, other than to stay it is achieving the kind of growth rates that we all hoped for. I think the most important thing to focus there on is the fact that we are seeing even more demand than we thought we were going to see when we started that program or launched that initiative back in February of 2011, saw another 90% growth rate on the local side of our Digital Marketing Services business. So what I can tell you is that we are nicely on track if ahead of track of what we expect. I don't want to get into the quarterly focus on numbers because I think we have too much of that. Suffice it to say, we are well along on the path of growth. And with the addition of the Belo sites particularly, where there are literally millions of small and medium-sized businesses, this is an initiative that I believe, ultimately, will be the -- will be another stool on -- for the Gannett Company's revenue growth and revenue prospects. beeg In Oakland, Calif., during protests that began late Saturday night some angry demonstrators broke windows, burned U.S. flags and started street fires. Some marchers also vandalized a police squad car and used spray paint to scrawl anti-police graffiti on roads and Alameda County's Davidson courthouse. xvideos Clinton (3-0) won its first road game against a team it knew next to nothing about. Harris, who also threw a 13-yard touchdown pass to junior Jordan Pedroza in the first quarter, said the team prepared for Jefferson based on what they’ve done in years pasts without any current film on them. xnxx Ryan Raburn hit a three-run homer in the 11th inning as the Indians defeated the Rangers, 11-8, Friday night at Progressive Field. The Indians improved to 54-48 overall, 31-19 at home. They played their first home game since July 14.

le 01/11/2019 à 09h09

I'd like some euros xhamster The company shipped 11.4 million 5Cs in the September quarter, according to KGI Securities analyst Ming Chi Kuo, quoted in AllThingsD. While the 5S managed to be September’s top-selling smartphone at all four major U.S. carriers – AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile – the 5C still finished second at two of the major carriers and third at the others, according to Canaccord Genuity tracking data. beeg To cheering and applause from union autoworkers in Liberty, the Democrat tore into Congress, demanding that it fund the government and raise the debt ceiling without touching his signature accomplishment, the Affordable Care Act. “We’re not some banana republic,” he told more than 1,000 at the new Ford stamping plant near Claycomo. “This is not a deadbeat nation. We don’t run out on our tab.” xxx For the rider, it feels like having a secret muscle, or suddenly finding out you’re Lance Armstrong — but with an artificial enhancement that’s out in the open. E-bikes are super popular in Switzerland, logical given the nation’s daunting topography. But the bikes would even make sense on New York City’s largely flat terrain. boobs Former House Republican leadership spokesman Kevin Maddensaid party chairmen and big donors used to have a more exclusivelevel of access to persuading legislators. "It's become a muchmore competitive market for (leadership's) attention." porn However, the Unite analysis, compiled by accountant and tax campaigner Richard Murphy, argued that a tax deferral of £117m in the most recent accounts implied half a billion in profits over several years.

le 01/11/2019 à 09h09

I didn't go to university boobs Sadly, for anyone who loves baseball, the real A-Rod story is nothing more than one of betrayal — betrayal of all the people who believed him when he told Katie Couric on “60 Minutes” in 2007 that he never used steroids, and when, after admitting that was a lie two years later, he asked fans to “judge me from this day forward.” Betrayal of the Yankees, who gave him that misguided $275 million extension in 2009 on the belief he would supplant Bonds as the “clean” all-time home run champion. Betrayal of his fellow players, who pushed for the strongest drug program in professional sports so they could once and for all remove the spector of steroids that has engulfed them, only to see Rodriguez and his cohorts try to beat the system by doing business with Bosch. boobs Yet a significant proportion of British people – particularly in the lower-middle and working classes – are running out of financial choices. Inflation is high and wages are stagnant. Private rents are steep and social-housing stock is at a historic low. Desperation is re-emerging, and I applaud the Archbishop for engaging with it. The acquisition of fortunes cannot be divorced from moral behaviour, although we like to pretend it can; we have created a false division between the smart and the good. With his lending scheme, the Archbishop is struggling to reunite the two. I wish him Godspeed. xvideos He added that the SEC should also explore requiring proxyadvisory firms to follow a universal code of conduct to makesure their recommendations increase shareholder value and thatconflicts are mitigated. xvideos “But as an entirety, six turnovers, things just collapsing the way they did, if I had to put my money on us, I’d put my money on us 100 out of 100 times that it won’t happen again. If it does, then it does, and we’ll live and we’ll fight just as we did (Sunday) night. But I know our offense, I know this team, and I’m sure those guys are going to bounce back and pick it up and carry us on their shoulders as they have before.” xhamster “I’m very proud of him. It’s still sinking in,” said Morris, who recently left her career in retirement services to spend more time building her son’s business. She also works part-time for her mom’s trucking company, in between sewing, organizing trunk shows and press trips.

le 01/11/2019 à 09h09

Whereabouts in are you from? xxx Delaware's O'Mara said he wants to make sure that RGGIstates are credited for the "mass-based" approach they havetaken. For 2010 through 2012, emissions in the states were, onaverage, more than 30 percent lower than in 2005. xvideos Local governments in the most populous U.S. state may reduce pension benefits for their future workers to lower retirement-related spending but they face legal roadblocks in doing the same for current employees. xxx Egypt is fighting an Islamist insurgency in the largely lawless Sinai Peninsula, adjoining the Palestinian Gaza strip and Israel. Sinai-based militants have intensified their attacks on military and police since July. sex videos Lessin was following up on her own report that the Seattle-based tech giant was "considering introducing its long-planned smartphone for free to consumers," without a requirement to sign up for a wireless plan. xhamster Twitter's debut will be the culmination of its journey from a side-project to a sociocultural phenomenon, one that has become a communications channel for everyone from the Pope to President Barack Obama. Last month, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani used Twitter to disclose a "historic" phone conversation with the U.S. President.

le 01/11/2019 à 09h09

The National Gallery xnxx An African Union force - soon to number 2,600 and made up oftroops from neighbouring states including Chad, Gabon, CongoRepublic and Cameroon - has deployed as part of an eventual3,600-strong mission. xhamster California wildlife wardens and hikers in the state's remote backcountry occasionally happen upon gunmen guarding multimillion-dollar pot farms. It's one of the reasons the California Department of Fish & Wildlife recently issued its wardens more powerful weapons. xhamster The world's biggest maker of smart phones just got a lot bigger: Samsung announced this week that it expects to post a record operating profit of $9.2 billion to $9.5 billion for the third quarter, a huge increase over the $7.5 billion it posted in the same quarter a year earlier. Unlike Apple, which relies on a big bump once a year when it releases a new iPhone model—or, this year, two iPhone models—Samsung releases numerous phones at various price points throughout the year. So even though sales of its current flagship phone, the Galaxy S4, have apparently slowed, the company is just surging forward financially as always. It's worth mentioning, too, that Samsung also has other successful products that contribute to its results, including memory chips. And, you know, washing machines. sex videos The results of the £4m initiative - carried out in NHS Borders, NHS Forth Valley, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Lanarkshire and NHS Tayside - will be used to make improvements across the health service in Scotland. xnxx Some tasks are easy to appraise: a prospective tanker, whether man or woman, must be able to pick up a heavy tank round and load it within a confined space. The services did not say how they would specifically grade more nuanced tasks, such as how to recreate the rigors of operating in a combat environment. They did say they would not lower physical standards for courses such as in infantry unless it applied to both sexes.

le 01/11/2019 à 09h09

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le 01/11/2019 à 09h09

Wonderfull great site sex videos HARRISBURG - Pennsylvania State University's former president and two other ex administrators arrived Monday at court for a preliminary hearing on charges that they were complicit in a cover-up that permitted Jerry Sandusky to continue to prey on boys even after he was caught raping one in a locker-room shower. xxx "I am delighted to announce a unique Government-industry partnership to tackle the effects of cyber incidents. This scheme and others like it, together with the 10 Steps to Cyber Security guidance for business launched last year, are an important part of our effort to provide assistance to industry and government in order to protect UK interests in cyberspace." porn MOUNT GILEAD – Town Creek Indian Mound has gone to the dogs. To celebrate the end of National Dog Week, the site will host the 2nd annual “Dogs’ Day at Town Creek” on Sept. 28 for families and their four-legged companions. This all day event, with a fair atmosphere, will include dog-friendly vendors and presenters as well as fun activities for the kids. xxx "I think it's one of those incredibly unique, challengingcases that's going to raise all sorts of unusual challenges froma legal standpoint, said Sheryl Toby of the law firm DykemaGossett in Detroit. "I think he likes that." xxx A New York Times/CBS News poll released on Wednesdayunderscored Americans have little tolerance for governmentshutdowns. Eight in 10 people, according to the survey, said itwould be unacceptable for Obama or lawmakers to threatenshutdowns during budget negotiations to achieve their goals.

le 01/11/2019 à 09h09

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