Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 01/11/2019 à 19h11

Could I take your name and number, please? xhamster Vanguard's letter suggested that Maximizer recommendexchange-traded funds that are not disruptive to portfoliomanagers because they are priced throughout the day. Retirementplan fund orders are bundled for execution at a single priceafter the market closes. xxx The Mexican government late Saturday issued a hurricane warning for the country's Pacific Coast from Lazaro Cardenas to Manzanillo. The storm was expected to rapidly weaken once it began heading into the Mexican interior through the afternoon. porn Jo Eccles, the director of the homebuying firm Sourcing Property, said Foxtons provided a good measure of what was happening in the capital's housing market. "Their revenue is almost 50% from sales and 50% from lettings, so they represent a very good barometer of how the London property market is performing," she said. "Their share price has the potential to be a big market indicator." xxx "We ... have worked hard over the past several years to help ensure compliance and fair treatment of consumers on all of our points of contact," Tom Hoy, an NCO senior vice president, said in an emailed statement. boobs Arizona, where US Airways is based, said the merger probably would prompt the airline to charge American's higher bag and ticket change fees. Texas, home of American Airlines, said it joined because of concerns that it will lose service to smaller airports.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h11

Some First Class stamps sex videos - Study all your choices: With the addition of publicexchanges, there will be three ways to find insurance: from anemployer, by buying it from a public exchange or through aprivate exchange, usually run by an insurance brokerage, such or xnxx Add to that the media coverage, and you can be forgiven for having to check the calendar. Every move by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie that doesn’t involve him heaping praise on President Obama is seen as a move to the right for a GOP primary. Likewise Sen. Marco Rubio is seen as courting conservatives for 2016 in lending his name to an anti-abortion effort that happens to be exactly in line with his voting record. xvideos One senior Western diplomat said last month that Britain and the United States alone have notified Ban of 10 separate incidents of the use of chemical weapons by Assad's forces. France has also said its own tests of samples from inside Syria proved Assad's forces have used the nerve agent sarin. beeg The UK-based accountancy and investment management group hasappointed David Cobb and Kevin Stopps as co-chief executiveswith effect from Friday. The company has also made Andrew Sykesthe chairman of the board. xvideos The five concealed their efforts by disabling anti-virussoftware on victims computers and storing data on multiplehacking platforms, prosecutors said. They sold the payment cardnumbers to resellers, who then sold them on online forums or to"cashers" who encode the numbers onto blank plastic cards.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

I can't hear you very well xxx The man standing beside Camilla made a comment about all the people camped out waiting for the baby, to which she replied, “I think so, I think so. … I think by the end of the week he or she will be there.” xvideos "Source observed heavy betting by [redacted player name] toward the latter part of the season . . . on the Knicks to lose certain games. In each case, the Knicks did lose, or failed to cover the point spread," one FBI report said. xhamster The company will record a non-cash charge of between $350million and $450 million to write down the book value of theinfrastructure business, Chief Financial Officer NicholasGrasberger said on a conference call with analysts. xxx The astronomers could also rule out the hypothesis that the X-ray and radio emissions from this area came from stars since it lacked the expected spectral lines from iron and potassium. Additionally, they determined the emission had no appreciable fluctuations, as would be expected from flares or other stellar phenomena. xnxx That all will make it difficult for EFH to achieve aso-called "pre-packaged" bankruptcy, in which a restructuringdeal is finalized before filing Chapter 11. Such a deal wouldneed to be done by the end of the month to give the company timeto gain creditor support ahead of about $250 million in interestpayments due on Nov. 1, an unlikely scenario given how far apartthe sides are, the people said.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

I study here xnxx The comments came as SSE updated on trading since April at its AGM in Perth. The number of electricity and gas customer accounts in markets in UK and Ireland dipped slightly to 9.46 million from 9.47 million. xvideos At 8.3 inches, the G Pad just about qualifies as a one-handed tablet, but if you have small hands, it might be a bit too much to hold comfortably in portrait mode for too long. Switch over to landscape mode for that binge watching. xxx Aksu hunted through childhood memories for inspiration for his new spring/summer 2014 collection, which heavily featured the colours of Turkey's traditional "evil eye" lucky amulet -- indigo, white and pale blue. porn Among the justices on the liberal wing of the court, the most vocal in defending the appeals court decision that struck down the ban was Justice Sonia Sotomayor. She said the Michigan law had the effect of "changing the playing field" for those who support affirmative action programs. boobs If the ECB’s health check of banks reveal problems next year and a banks’ shareholders, creditors and large depositors can’t fill the gap, national government help may be required and if that is insufficient, what then?  An answer to that question is needed fairly urgently.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

I work for a publishers porn “The family were very well-educated. He was a brain surgeon in Ireland and he brought his family over here to study Islamic literature. The lads were very pious and one of them was memorising the Koran and was on the ninth chapter,” he said. They attended the Jame Mosque about a hundred yards from their home where several members of the family were enrolled on an educational programme. xnxx The agreement, which could be announced later today, would pave the way to a confirmation vote for Richard Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. He was nominated two years ago, but his confirmation has been stalled in the Senate amid sharp questions from Republicans about the mission and reach of the federal agency.  The Senate voted 71-29 with 17 Republicans joining all Democrats to move forward on the confirmation of Cordray. xnxx Nationwide International pays 1.2pc-1.7pc on a one-year fixed rate. The lower rate is on a minimum of £5,000, the higher on a minimum of £50,000. Onshore, Nationwide pays 1.6pc on above £1. xvideos When the U.S. central bank does move to reduce stimulus, the repercussions "may be even more significant," said Zeti Akhtar Aziz, chief of Malaysia's central bank. Aziz said the IMF's "policy toolkit" needed to expand to help cope with the fallout. porn * Ltd, the British mobile gaming company best knownfor its hit puzzle game 'Candy Crush Saga', has filed for apublic offering in the United States, according to peoplebriefed on the matter. It has also retained Bank of America Corp Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse Group AG andJPMorgan Chase & Co to lead the offering, according tothe people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because thelisting process is being done in secret. ()

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

Will I have to work shifts? boobs That’s why reversing these trends must be Washington’s highest priority. It’s certainly my highest priority. Unfortunately, over the past couple of years in particular, Washington hasn’t just ignored the problem; too often, it’s made things worse. xnxx The hedge fund and its founder Steven Cohen, one of Wall Street's most successful investors, have been investigated by the FBI and market regulators for about a decade in a crackdown on insider trading. xxx Northamptonshire Police said Mr English was airlifted to Walsgrave Hospital in Coventry for treatment following the crash. Neither he nor his young passenger were thought to have life-threatening injuries. xxx "If we look at forward-looking indicators, we do see quitesolid evidence showing that the global growth recovery should beproviding support for an improved growth outlook for Asia," saidFan from Credit Suisse. xnxx The claims were filed as a reformulated lawsuit after theU.S. Supreme Court threw out a larger class-action sexdiscrimination against Wal-Mart Stores Inc in 2011 thatclaimed female employees at 3,400 Walmart stores nationwide wereunderpaid and given fewer promotions.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

An estate agents xnxx After all, the UFT had not put its chips on a candidate in more than a decade. Its reentry, with lots of money, a combative boss and years of pent up anger at Mayor Bloomberg’s education reform, was calculated. xvideos "We are baffled by the idea that the pace of deficit reduction needs to be increased, given how rapidly the picture is improving already," Ian Shepherdson, chief economist of Pantheon Macroeconomics, wrote in a note to clients. porn On his greatest failure, Sir Richard cited Virgin Cola as the disappointment that haunts him most. “I thought I could knock Coca Cola into touch,” he said. “That didn’t quite work out.” xxx The Fed is expected to maintain its current level ofpurchases of mortgage securities, focusing instead on pullingback on its $45 billion in monthly buys of Treasury notes.Anticipation of this has pushed yields on the 10-year Treasurynote higher for five straight months. xhamster Costs for families with employer coverage will rise 4 percent, to an average $16,351, of which workers will pay $4,565 in premiums, according to the 15th annual Employer Health Benefits Survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust released Tuesday. The increase for single workers was 5 percent, to $5,884, with the worker typically paying $999.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

I quite like cooking xhamster The government already is spending heavily on construction as part of its stimulus program, with significant sums allocated to public works left unspent. Economists say contractors are already stretched by reconstruction of areas in northeastern Japan that were devastated by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster. sex videos Although it does not make any recommendations, the scenarios it outlines are likely to ignite a political row. The Conservatives are fully committed to Trident but the Liberal Democrats are opposed. Labour has pledged to study the contents of the report before outlining its position.However, while the Tories will seek to dismiss its importance, the report will help frame the debate about Britain's long-term nuclear weapons capabilities in the runup to the general election. It is likely that Trident would become a political bargaining chip in any power-sharing deal between Labour and the Lib Dems. xxx Competition regulators in Brussels raided the offices of three of Europe's biggest telecom operators earlier this month as part of an investigation into whether they abused their market position in deals with Internet companies to deliver content to consumers. beeg In its ruling, it said: “Taking all of the factors into account . . . the committee is satisfied that at the time he made the offer, Mr Addow intended to carry out the procedure, namely female circumcision, at some time in the future.” xvideos New troves of oil have been found all over the globe, and oil companies are taking in around $100 for every barrel they produce. But these seemingly prosperous conditions aren't doing much for Big Oil: Profit and production at the world's largest oil companies are slumping badly.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

I'd like , please porn The Tigers' home stadium Comerica Park, which opened in2000, was built at a cost of $300 million, 38 percent of whichwas publicly financed. Tigers owner Mike Ilitch, who also ownsthe Red Wings, paid $185 million. Indian casino revenue and avoter-approved 2 percent rental car tax and 1 percent hotel taxpaid the public's share, according to the National Sports LawInstitute at Marquette University. porn The article says that the jihadists control most of the Euphrates River. If the Syrian government were smart, it would bomb and blow up all the dams along the Euphrates river to deprive the jihadists of water. The terrorists won’t do so well out in the middle of the desert with no water. xxx But a long laundry list of technical specifications, highlighting multicore processors, camera megapixels, battery size, and screen resolutions, only tells part of the story when picking out a phone. This is especially true right now, as so many of the devices on the market have comparable specifications. xnxx At the same time, many activists and Kurdish forces accuse Turkey of allowing radical groups to go through its territory to launch attacks on its other foe - Kurdish militias, who are now operating on the frontier in northeastern Syria. Turkey denies those charges. xxx "In that kind of environment you want to be encouraginginvestment in this sector as much as you can, and if someone'sputting up their hand to privatise an asset that they say theyare committed to developing and maximizing employment, in thisenvironment, I think that is compelling."

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

I work with computers beeg While the passengers aboard the Asiana Airlines flight that crash-landed at the San Francisco International Airport Saturday experienced a rare catastrophe, most people face far lesser dangers while vacationing. And if you plan well, you can minimize even those inconveniences. sex videos Essar Energy's oil refining unit and India's second largestprivate refiner, Essar Oil, earlier this week reportedearnings before interest, taxation, depreciation andamortisation of 11.06 billion Indian rupees ($180.06 million)for the quarter ended June 30 compared with a loss of 1.78billion Indian rupees. xhamster Along the way activists picked up a few interested passersby, including a father and his two young sons – who were originally headed to an event featuring anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan near the White House. boobs Wang then fled to a neighboring city, where he tried to get asylum at the U.S. Consulate. He has since been sentenced to 15 years in prison for "bending the law for selfish ends," defection, abuse of power and bribe-taking. beeg State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki says the United States will withhold delivery of certain large-scale military systems as well as cash assistance to the Egyptian government until "credible progress" is made toward an inclusive government set up through free and fair elections.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

Is it convenient to talk at the moment? beeg Royal Mail said in a statement it was committed to talks with the CWU and wanted to reach an agreement as soon as possible. "We believe a strike is uncalled for, given the highly competitive three year pay offer and legally-binding and enforceable agreement we have offered CWU," it said. beeg I urged him to increase membership rates, but he believed many Canadian businesses wouldn't pay higher rates for an organization working on Africa. Maybe he was right. I don't know. I do know there was a period of two or three months on at least one occasion that he did not pay his own salary in order to keep the organization going. His challenge is like many other organizations, including ours at times. It becomes easier to raise money if you are willing to give funders a piece of the vision, but too often funders take over the vision and the organization is never the same. It loses its heart. xvideos Our Classified websites (Photos, Motors, Jobs and Property Today) use cookies to ensure you get the correct local newspaper branding and content when you visit them. These cookies store no personally identifiable information. xnxx This wasn’t a contest of visions. It was a battle of characters — like watching a solid, mistake-free quarterback with a weak arm compete for the starting job against the brilliant but undisciplined talent. xhamster The National Assembly is now in the final stage of debates to change the Penal Code. Some of the other proposals being looked at include tougher prison sentences of up to 40 years and specific legislation regarding crimes against women.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

Get a job boobs And that’s exactly why the Giants are looking forward to their Sunday afternoon showdown with the Denver Broncos at MetLife Stadium. What better way for a hungry unit to make a statement than to shut down the most intimidating offense in the NFL? porn They started receiving WIC when Hazel was born, and with an infant daughter, Delilah, now part of their family they rely on the program's coupons to get free milk, baby food, formula, fruits and vegetables, she said. xxx The report also covered issues surrounding the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, counterintelligence, and terrorism. It touched on the threat of Islamic radicalism out of Syria, where it said a significant number of British citizens had flocked in order to fight a holy war. It quoted Britain's security services as saying that "individual jihadists in Syria currently represent the most worrying emerging terrorist threat to the UK and the West" and said that there was a risk that the country's stockpile of chemical weapons could fall into the hands of extremists. beeg In 11 games against the Packers, Johnson has averaged just under six catches and 100 yards (5.9/96.5) per game. He has 11 career touchdowns against Green Bay (1-2) but the Lions are 1-10 in those games against Aaron Rodgers & Co. In four games this season, Megatron has 21 catches for 312 yards and four touchdowns. boobs Someone who got a $350,000 mortgage in Phoenix that year probably is now more than $150,000 underwater, despite this year’s surge in prices. A borrower would have to contribute that amount of cash plus the funds needed to get a 20 percent equity stake to qualify for a non-Harp refinance.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

Where did you go to university? xhamster "They will watch some other shows because they will realizethey don't miss it or they discovered new programming that theydidn't know existed before, or they went to the Internet and cutthe cord and never came back" Ergen said on a conference callafter his company reported quarterly results. xxx The lawsuit challenged New Jersey's Long Term CapacityAgreement Pilot Program Act (LCAPP), passed in January 2011,requiring utilities to enter into long-term capacity contractswith generators chosen by the the New Jersey Board of PublicUtilities (BPU). boobs "There was plenty to draw on," says Louis-Dreyfus who, despite a career playing interminably single or divorced women, has been happily married for 25 years to "SNL" alum Brad Hall, with whom she has two sons. "I brought all of it." xvideos For example an AT&T customer buying the Samsung Electronics' Galaxy S4 would pay $32 per month for the devicealong with a monthly service fee and have the option to trade inthe phone after 12 payments. beeg "I recognise that strong rail links across the country are important drivers in our economic recovery, that is why we are pushing ahead with the biggest programmes of rail electrification ever."

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

Did you go to university? sex videos The most common goal of the new rules is to incentivize or require homeowners to create "defensible spaces," an area around the house cleared of debris and overhanging branches that could contribute to fire spreading to a house. xnxx It’s a good thing the Niners picked up Anquan Boldin in a curious salary-dump trade with Baltimore because he is now their best receiver. Michael Crabtree led the Niners with 85 catches last year but he tore his Achilles in the offseason and starts the season on PUP. So does ex-Giant Mario Manningham , who was second last year with 42 catches but tore his ACL in December. Kyle Williams (an old friend of the Giants in the 2011 NFC title game) has made it back from a torn ACL and starts opposite Boldin in the opener against the Packers. xnxx * U.S. private equity firm TPG is buying TSL Education,publisher of the Times Educational Supplement, from Europeanprivate equity firm Charterhouse in a deal worth 400 millionpounds ($595.30 million), two sources familiar with the mattersaid on Monday. xvideos "Reform and opening up have proven to be the source of China's progress...There's no future for us if we stop or go backwards," Mr. Xi said at a meeting with local government and business leaders in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Tuesday, Xinhua said. xnxx Now, the Giants cornerback is pondering the next step in his complicated return to action. After two years away, Thomas may suit up for this Sunday’s preseason home game against the Indianapolis Colts.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

I'm happy very good site sex videos The couple were based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and had travelled to Nairobi to take advantage of its better health care. Friends said the parents-to-be were “so happy” and in love, and had dedicated their lives to helping to create a peaceful world. beeg Revered in retirement perhaps more than during his fighting days, Griffith died Tuesday at 75 after a long battle with pugilistic dementia. The first fighter to be crowned world champion from the U.S. Virgin Islands, Griffith required full-time care late in life and died at an extended care facility in Hempstead, N.Y. xhamster The findings reveal that it's very possible this latest Trojan is part of a whole population of these objects, trapped by the gravitational pull of planets. In fact, QF99 probably was only snagged by Uranus in the last few hundred thousand years--a mere blink of an eye when it comes to the cosmos. xnxx Shepard Smith, the current occupant of the 7 p.m. slot, will be "available throughout the evening" to insert breaking news into the programming. Smith also will continue hosting his 3 p.m. show. sex videos The euro was flat on the day, changing hands at$1.3472. Support at its August high of $1.3453 held throughoutthe Asian session, even as the European unit was pressured by adisappointing German survey overnight.

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