Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

What do you study? xxx "We both know that Meredith is looking for attention/money. I know this is what you do for a living and you thought that this would be a golden opportunity but the fact of the matter is that this is completely false," he wrote. xvideos Houston wants Dropbox to become the “spiritual successor to the hard drive.” He says the hard drive needs to be replaced because so many of us are doing so much computing on devices that don’t fit the traditional paradigm for working with files. Users don’t interact with files on iOS, Android, or the web the way they do on PCs. Apps don’t have “open” or “save” options that launch a separate window where you tap through a folder tree. xhamster On the first weekend after he took office on February 1, he telephoned both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to underscore his "personal commitment" to pursue Middle East peace. xvideos NEW YORK - U.S. stocks are likely to face another week of rising turbulence as efforts to settle the budget dispute in Washington drag on, leaving investors worried about the more critical issue of raising the U.S. debt ceiling. boobs Mr Nabarro says he knew immediately that the effect on the UN's work would be enormous. "The very first thing that happened when picking myself up off the floor, and realising that I and the other people in the room were still alive, was the immediate sense that things will never be the same again," he said.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

I'd like to open a business account sex videos Bae is at least the sixth American detained in North Korea since 2009. The others were eventually allowed to leave without serving out their terms, some after prominent Americans, including former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, visited North Korea. xhamster PANAMA CITY, July 17 (Reuters) - Panama said on Wednesday ithad called in the United Nations Security Council to investigatea North Korean ship caught smuggling arms from Cuba, piling morepressure on Pyongyang for a possible breach of U.N. sanctions. porn Within Wall Street, Ms. Masters is widely considered a pioneer for her use of credit derivatives, the complex financial products that played a central role in the 2008 financial crisis. Rising through the ranks of JPMorgan — she was the youngest managing director at 28 — Ms. Masters became one of the most powerful executives on Wall Street, propelled by a vision that the products could radically remake the banking industry. boobs On Tuesday, after hearing arguments by lawyers representing sewer-system customers that disclosures were inadequate, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Thomas Bennett approved the massive disclosure plan and set the stage for votes by creditors. If approved by creditors, the plan must still be confirmed at a hearing expected to be held on November 12. xnxx Jing Kong, 31, of EMS Station 32 in Carroll Gardens, whipped up buttermilk fried chicken with jalapeño rosemary honey. John Sierp, 41, a firefighter from Brighton Beach’s Ladder 169, made an elaborate Alaskan meal.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

I love this site beeg “It’s definitely the biggest game I’ve pitched here,” Lackey said after blanking the Tigers over 6.2 innings. “I knew I was going to have to pitch well today. The margin of error is definitely pretty tight this time of year.” xhamster San Francisco Police Officer Jim Cunningham was hailed as a hero Monday after witnesses described him racing onto the wrecked plane without any protective gear and rescuing passengers as the aircraft began to burn. boobs "Loan investors have not historically been quick to react tobroader market volatility, but as the underlying investor basefor bonds and loans converges and more mark-to-market funds playloans, volatility will begin to pervade the loan market aswell," said Peter Hurd, managing director, acquisition andleveraged finance, capital markets at Nomura. xnxx The long prosecution of Bonds, and the refusal of Greg Anderson to testify, meant that Bonds went to trial just before Roger Clemens, who in 2012 was acquitted of lying to Congress. Both men saw their reputations destroyed and spent small fortunes on legal advice. sex videos once again, american republicans offer up something that is completely useless, fiscally damaging, and will go no where. its too bad democrats are too weak to stand up for themselves. thats one thing the republican party does very well…impose its will on others forcefully. if these people do not pay their bills, why should the rest of us?

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

Is there ? boobs "It opens the flood gates, but you have now that people feel like there is a timeline, they have something to lose. We see more pursuits, more agent assaults more things that are going to cause and concern the safety of our units," says Chris Cabrera, a U.S. Border Patrol officer and the vice-president of the National Border Patrol Council. porn Quite how many SIMs are using 56DES we don't know; Kohl reckons to have tried a thousand over the last year or two and discovered a quarter are vulnerable. There's no easy way to discover if a specific SIM is using 56DES, the operators store the information along with the keys, but the SIM won't talk about the subject. porn The Liberty honored Smith before the game. Smith announced earlier this year that she would retire at the end of the season. The 15-year veteran, who is the league's No. 2 all-time leading scorer, was given a framed USA basketball jersey, a collage of photos of her playing career among her gifts. porn * A humanitarian relief organization that lost its charitystatus two years ago over its alleged support for Hamas saidMonday it was suspending operations after the Canadian ImperialBank of Commerce won court approval to close its accounts. () sex videos So, say you’re in a sushi restaurant, as Co-founder Paul Montoy-Wilson — a former product manager for Google Play — was during a demonstration. Aviate will bring up apps such as Yelp and OpenTable, and includes buttons for taking a picture, posting an update or checking in. It pulls information from places like Foursquare and turns it into tips about the food, the experience and other factors you might find important.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

I came here to study xhamster He popped the question during a romantic vacation in Anguilla, they reveal. "I knew she was 'The One' pretty early on," the groom-to-be says. Adds Osbourne: "I've never felt this close to another human being, ever. People say we're co-dependent but we just want to be together all the time." xvideos Researchers concluded there were at least three viruses unaccounted for in their samples, bringing the total number of viruses in flying foxes to 58. Their statistic extrapolation assumes that if each of the 5,486 known mammals carries 58 viruses, there are at least 320,000 viruses hosted by mammals. boobs Pioneer Natural Resources was the S&P 500's biggestpercentage gainer after reporting second-quarter results. Thecompany's shares closed up 12.5 percent to $174.15, afterhitting an all-time high of $180.99 earlier. xnxx Wang fled to the U.S. consulate in the nearby city of Chengdu in February last year after confronting Bo with evidence that Gu was involved in the murder. Wang was also jailed last year for covering up the crime. xhamster The bomb hit the cars on a road near the border crossing with Syria and comes a week after a car bomb injured more than 50 people in a southern Beirut suburb controlled by Hezbollah, one of the most powerful political and military forces in Lebanon.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

I've got a part-time job xvideos No decision by the Senate is expected until mid-Octoberleaving investors facing considerable uncertainty over theability if the government to implement much needed economicreforms and manage its budget deficit. beeg "He is finding ways to take control of this case to keep iton schedule, in ways people didn't necessarily think werepossible in a Chapter 9, in ways that aren't necessarily writteninto the statute," said Melissa B. Jacoby, a professor andbankruptcy expert at the University of North Carolina School ofLaw. beeg “We expect to see an number of other large private equity backed businesses make announcements over the next few weeks.” Separately, Gala Coral was yesterday reportedly preparing the ground for a listing of its online and betting businesses for more than £2bn. sex videos "(The police) are using information which hasn't been checked, without having the official version, to arrest this man. You can't take someone away in handcuffs like that, it leaves a great deal to be desired," said Santiago Pino, spokesman for train drivers union SEMAF. xxx “The assembly of data at Betsi Cadwaladr UHB level provides the data for the national surveillance scheme but the system of reporting to the board...has led to a falsely complacent approach to the numbers and rates of healthcare acquired infections.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h15

Please call back later xxx Furyk has surprisingly struggled for much of this season but since missing the cut at the U.S. Open in June and last month's British Open, the 43-year-old has managed to rediscover his game in time for this week's PGA Championship. boobs Whitman is not just slashing costs and sticking to a shrinking market. HP is making a push towards Android, ChromeOS and bundled Google Apps for its enterprise customers, while dropping / ignoring Windows 8 RT (WOA) and Windows Phone. xvideos On the HFRI Macro/CTA Index, which charts the performance of hedge funds, those that used trend-following strategies fell 2.2 percent in May, according to data from industry tracker Hedge Fund Research. beeg The average deposit for the first-time buyer is now estimated at £26,956, with 35 per cent of those surveyed admitting they will be reliant on a windfall, bonus or an early inheritance to get one together. xvideos “I think it’s appalling what has happened, the amount of money that has gone out the door,” said William Rold, a former chief administrative law judge at the state's Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h25

What's the interest rate on this account? boobs “The President directed his team to stay in touch with our federal partners, including the Navy and FBI, as well as the local officials,” a White House official said. “We urge citizens to listen to the authorities and follow directions from the first responders on site.” sex videos "I remember the first time I went up an incline in Rochester, and I got to the top of it and teared up," she said. "I'm still in awe of it every day. Carrying the laundry up the stairs -- before it was the hardest thing to do. Now it's just so easy. ... I'm like a normal person now." xxx The security questions that are central to insuring thatpeople are who they say they are - a potential glitch in themarketplaces that critics have warned about for months - wereparticularly problematic. beeg Last year, the sale of the Horizon nuclear new-build venturewith two sites in Britain by utilities RWE and E.ON to Hitachi fetched 696 million pounds, a sum thatexperts say was well above expectations. xvideos The fifth-youngest manager in the majors, Girardi turns 49 on Oct. 14. He was out of managing for a year after leading the Florida Marlins in 2006, when he was selected NL Manager of the Year despite a 78-84 record.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h25

I came here to study porn Panamanian Public Safety Minister Jose Mulino said Friday that Seldon Lady was freed from detention and sent to the U.S. because Italy didn't formally request his extradition within the allotted 48 hours. boobs In cross-examination, Carney did not ask Weeks about the killings, instead focusing on which members of Bulger's gang provided information to law enforcement. The Federal Bureau of Investigation developed a 700-page file on Bulger over more than a decade when he met with corrupt FBI agent John Connolly, who is now serving a 40-year sentence on racketeering and murder charges. xxx But in some ways, Marlin's smallness makes its success more surprising. Greenblatt had no manufacturing experience before buying the company. His chief of manufacturing design, Tony Witt, is 25 years old, and the job is his first after earning a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Maryland. Andy Croniser, 33, Marlin's production manager, started in 2007 as an entry-level production employee. boobs He played hurt, often, and rarely complained about his injuries, such as the time he injured his knee in a sideline collision with a photographer early in the 2012 season or when he suffered a nasty - and still not completely healed — foot and ankle sprain this summer. The worst was the left shoulder injury no one knew he suffered in 2011 - a partially torn rotator cuff in early December (he’d suffer a similar injury to his right shoulder early in the playoffs). He said he played through unbearable pain he says, but refused to get an MRI because, “There was no need for me to even find out what was going on if I was just going to wrap it up and play anyways.” beeg The South Korean airport operator plans to complete aconstruction of Hanthawaddy International Airport near Yangon,Myanmar's old capital and commercial centre, by 2018 and run theairport for up to 50 years.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h25

I read a lot xnxx Democrats note that their candidate won the 2008 election, and achieved an agenda – including the health care law – as a result of that win and the wins of Democrats in Congress. Republicans counter that voters overwhelmingly expressed their disgust with the law in 2010, electing scores of new Republicans to Congress and giving the GOP control of the House. Democrats say that voters had a definitive opportunity in 2012 to undo Obamacare, when Mitt Romney ran on a platform of doing just that. Not only was Romney defeated, but Democrats picked up seats in both the House and Senate. xvideos According to the most recent survey by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, in 2011 about 21 percent of adults who smoke traditional cigarettes said they had tried the electronic alternative, up from about 10 percent in 2010. xxx "With the amount of support the president and the White House have from Silicon Valley, you would think they'd be able to nip these problems in the bud. They could call up any of these people and ask for their assistance. Why not put together a blue ribbon panel with all the guys from Google and Twitter? This should have been done beforehand." boobs Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and GovernmentReform Committee, made the request in a letter to Google, Microsoft, Verizon Enterprise Solutions, Oracle and Expedia, committeespokeswoman Caitlin Carroll said. xhamster "Other herbs such as long-term use of garlic may increase the risk of bleeding during surgery. While culinary herbs used in small quantities for flavoring are generally safe, consuming large amounts for prolonged periods of time may have a negative effect on the body when going through chemotherapy," she said.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h25

It's OK xhamster The Newtown Middle School student took the entire 30 seconds allowed to scrawl his response to the clue that Trebek read, “Abraham Lincoln called this document, which took effect in 1863, ‘A fit and necessary war measure.’” porn The 4NCL Rapidplay took place in at the weekend. Barbican 1 pulled off another great giant-killing victory as they won the competition ahead of Guildford, who came with three Grandmasters – Gawain Jones, David Smerdon and Mark Hebden – plus IM Gavin Wall. Barbican 1 took the big match 3-1, as Matthew Piper defeated Gawain Jones, and Isaac Sanders, one of England’s most promising junior players, drew with Wall in the game below. Jonathan Rogers defeated Mark Hebden. porn "The bank was sub-scale, it needed to build scale to compete and survive. Verde [the Lloyds branches] created a great opportunity to do that and bring in significant capital and a high quality chief executive," he said. xvideos The Associated Press, however, reported that more than an hour after the scheduled start of the news briefing, one of Rodriguez’s lawyers read the substance of the order from Horowitz to the assembled media. porn The order said the sale would be blocked "unless the parent company, New York Times Company" agrees to become a defendant in the class action suit against the Telegram & Gazette and sets aside at least $60 million to cover potential liability.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h25

I've just started at xxx In theory, yes. But currently, availability of Bexsero in the UK is limited and it may be several months before the vaccine becomes available in all locations. Your GP may be able to advise you about availability in your area. boobs Orr, who was appointed by Snyder in March to try to resolvethe city's financial crisis and tackle its $18.5 billion inlong-term debt, acknowledged that court battles over the needfor a bankruptcy filing could be protracted and difficult. xxx "Teen Mom" turned porn star Farrah Abraham let it all hang out on a recent trip to Vegas. The former MTV star was hosting a party at the Sapphire Pool & Day Club in Las Vegas on June 14, 2013 when her spangled bikini inched down a tad too low. Perhaps she simply hasn't gotten a hang of her new assets. Abraham recently revealed that she had gotten another breast augmentation shortly after her 22nd birthday, upping her cup size from a C to a D. xxx But lobbyists and pro-immigration groups will spend most of their time trying to convince Republicans in areas with both conservative and moderate voters and those whose constituents rely on immigrant workers. xvideos It has taken the federal government nearly three years since the passage of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law to determine which nonbank companies, if they fail, could threaten the integrity of the nation’s financial system.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h25

Yes, I love it! beeg The region needs a dialogue between the West and Iran because of one of the most fundamental regional fault lines of recent years. That is the split in the region between friends of Iran and friends of the United States. sex videos The challenge, which begins at, sets people off on a cyber treasure hunt, giving a series of clues which lead the quester around the worldwide web until they find the correct answer. beeg Both markets have risen by roughly 10 percent since thestart of 2013 but have lost ground in October after the U.S.government had to partially shut down this week due todisagreement among politicians over the country's budget. xnxx Pessimism now hangs over the oil-sands sector. HughHopewell, senior analyst at energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie,says the volatility of Canadian oil prices should remain for therest of the decade. He saw a 40 percent discount to WTI as thelong-term price assumption to evaluate bitumen projects. xhamster But company management warned it would take several quarters for Groupon to complete its shift in direction and fully enter and compete in an intensely competitive and crowded e-commerce marketplace dominated by giants like Amazon Inc and eBay Inc.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h25

It's a bad line beeg The outbreak of fungal meningitis was first detected atNashville's Vanderbilt University Medical Center, where a doctortraced a dying patient's unusual symptoms to an epidural steroidinjection at St. Thomas Outpatient Neurosurgery Center. boobs UK Prime Minister Cameron failed to deliver the votes necessary to authorize strikes on Syria, leaving the United States alone to garner international support. Germany refused to sign a declaration condemning Syria President Bashar al-Assad, siding with Russia and China (she later signed it under political pressure in Berlin). boobs The 14th-ranked Sooners took advantage of three interceptions, two in the first 3 minutes as they jumped to a 14-0 lead, and Blake Bell passed for two touchdowns to lead the Sooners to a 35-21 victory over the 22nd-ranked Fighting Irish on Saturday. xnxx El-Sissi's address coincided with the inaugural session of a reconciliation conference sponsored by the interim president aimed at ending the country's divisions. The Brotherhood and its allies boycotted the session, attended by Mohamed ElBaradei, Egypt's top reform campaigner who was named vice president after Morsi's ouster, and several dozen senior politicians and public figures. xxx Perion, whose most popular products include Incredimail and Smilebox, has a market value of $162 million and its shares closed at $13.17 on Nasdaq on Friday. The combined company will have a market value of between $800 million and $900 million.

le 01/11/2019 à 19h25

Is there ? beeg Photos released by Bush's office show 26 other security staff posing with Bush and Patrick, all of whom have only a light dust of peach fuzz atop their heads. The last name of the boy was withheld at the request of his family. sex videos There's also the possibility that the new iPads will include a bump in memory (the current options are 32GB, 64GB and 128GB) but this is by no means a given. Apple seems to have a curious aversion to beefing up their flash storage, with the hoped-for 128GB iPhone 5s never appearing (although this might be to protect that utility of large-capacity iPods). sex videos It was quite a debate over a measly yard in a game with 1,039 yards of total offense combined in the fourth-highest highest scoring game in NFL history and tied for the second-highest in regulation since the NFL-AFL merger in 1970, according to STATS. xxx Farmers can sometimes double the amount they charge for ampoules of semen from the bull which fathered the winning cow. With each bull producing more than a thousand shots of semen at up to £50 each, a farmer could gain as much as £25,000. porn “Obviously, a great feeling from our standpoint,” said Dodger manager Don Mattingly, who won his first playoff series as a skipper. “Just so proud of those guys in that room that have just stayed together, kept working, really proud of the staff.”

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