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Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 02/11/2019 à 00h54

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le 02/11/2019 à 00h55

Where are you from? xvideos "Make no mistake, we would never think about supporting a treaty that is inconsistent with the rights of Americans, the rights of American citizens to be able to exercise their guaranteed rights under our constitution," he said. beeg Kourtney, 34, Khloe, 29, Kylie, 16, and Kendall, 17, surprisingly seemed to be the more subdued of the group as they wore mainly black. The biggest contrast was Kourtney’s “Like A Virgin” t-shirt alongside Cyrus’s nearly nude ensemble. sex videos "Knowing the members composing this committee as well as I do, I'm sure it was just an oversight that we didn't have 'sex' or 'marital status' included," she said she told her congressional colleagues. "I've taken care of that, and I trust it meets with the committee's approval." sex videos The jobless rate is seen ticking down a tenth of a point to 7.5 percent. However, there is a risk payrolls could surprise on the upside after a report on Wednesday showed U.S. private employers maintained a high pace of hiring in July. porn Federal Reserve staffers violated in March the central bank’s rules for handling the minutes from policy meetings before their public release, the central bank’s inspector general said in a report released Thursday.

le 02/11/2019 à 04h44

Just over two years boobs Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima told reporters in Manila this week that much of Mindanao's economy was doing well, noting recent investments there in shipbuilding and power and that it recently shipped banana exports to the United States for the first time. xhamster “Many hard-working Brits will wonder why chillaxing Dave is taking three holidays this summer when they would be lucky to go on one at all," Labor legislator Steve McCabe told The Daily Mirror. "It’s another sign of how out of touch this Tory Government is.” xnxx The Fed isn’t going to do anything to stop adding fiat currency,until,either the Dollar goes into a sharp decline or there is much more concern about inflation.We all know govt doesn’t plan anything,for good reason,ahead of time.They wait until there is a crisis and then do something. sex videos "Their physical commodities activities are notcomprehensively or understandably reported...they're oftenburied in arcane regulatory filings," Senator Sherrod Brown,Democrat for Ohio, said at last week's hearing. xnxx He also said the agreement, if successful, "will have set a marker for the standard of behavior with respect to Iran and with respect North Korea and any rogue state, (or) group that tries to reach for these kind of weapons."

le 02/11/2019 à 04h44

I never went to university xhamster The strategies led to payments to JPMorgan "of tens of millions of dollars at rates far above market prices," according to the notice. JPMorgan is expected to pay a massive fine related to the allegations. porn LONDON, July 10 (Reuters) - Britain's top share index endedslightly weaker on Wednesday, led lower by miners asdisappointing Chinese trade data raised fresh concerns about thepace of growth in the world's biggest metals-consuming country. xhamster Booker was forced off-message to explain G-rated correspondence with a stripper he met while filming a social media documentary. Lonegan was forced to dump a long-time strategist after a lengthy, profanity-laced interview with a political web site in which he claimed Booker's banter with the stripper "was like what a gay guy would say." sex videos Research has found that spinal augmentation relieves the pain of back fractures, but more recent studies suggest the procedure's perceived benefits may be due to a placebo effect - or mind over matter. xnxx Since then, a string of other women have come forward to publicly accuse Filner of making unwanted sexual advances. Both fellow Democrats and rival Republicans have joined forces in a signature drive seeking a recall election to unseat him.

le 02/11/2019 à 04h44

Enter your PIN xhamster "The victim said, 'I'm sorry baby. They told me your family has put them in a position not to drop it anymore.' Then she says, 'I love you Kaitlyn, a lot, you know,'" Shepherd read from the text message log on the stand. sex videos House and Senate leaders were still negotiating how to maneuver the legislation through both chambers and get it to President Obama's desk before the Oct. 17 deadline to raise the debt ceiling. However, there was an air of certainty on Capitol Hill now that a formal deal is at hand and votes were expected first in the Senate on Wednesday. xhamster The San Francisco-based fund, which manages about $12 billion for clients, owns 0.8 percent of Microsoft's shares. Co-founded by finance industry veteran Jeff Ubben in 2000, it has made a reputation for building stakes in companies and working with management to change fundamental strategy. sex videos His remarks echoed criticism by the International MonetaryFund, which said last week that despite its huge oil wealth,Kuwait needed to rein in public spending, especially on wages,and find new sources of income to protect its budgetposition. boobs The Russian diplomatic initiative, which emerged after off-the-cuff remarks by Kerry on Monday alluding to such a deal, marked a sudden reversal following weeks in which the West appeared headed toward intervention in Syria's 2 1/2-year-old civil war.

le 02/11/2019 à 04h44

I'd like to change some money sex videos Dr. Charles Cohen, a “Seussologist” who has written five books about the children’s author and works as a dentist in Massachusetts, says Seuss was a registered Democrat who tended to espouse liberal themes like “ecology, nuclear brinksmanship, consumerism and greed, tolerance , the virtues of patience and the imagination.” boobs Kony has been engaged in a regional power struggle that started in Uganda in the 1980s and is accused of directing atrocities during that time. He is wanted by the International Criminal Court and is believed to be hiding in the Central African Republic. The international manhunt for Kony was delayed in March because of a coup in that long-troubled country. xnxx More than 150 chief executives from firms that make parts for the aerospace industry are expected to discuss the shutdown at a previously scheduled twice-yearly meeting hosted by the Aerospace Industries Association in San Francisco this week. boobs An empty October is supposed to be grounds for capital punishment around this franchise, after all, and yet even George Steinbrenner might have found saving grace in watching the emotional events of the last few days unfold. xxx Palin, on one episode of "Sarah Palin's Alaska" on TLC, snarked, "this is in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have dessert." Palin then made some s'mores.

le 02/11/2019 à 04h44

Could I have an application form? xxx At 2:09 a.m., a security camera at a Blue Hill Avenue gas station in Boston showed Hernandez purchasing a cigar and Bubble Yum Cotton Candy flavored gum after filling the tank of a silver sedan, according to court documents. xhamster Before the report's publication today, Armitt said Britain's major national infrastructure had "fallen behind the rest of the world" over the last 40 years and was "increasingly struggling to cope with the demands we make of it". porn Democrats have resisted efforts by Republicans to pass billsfunding certain parts of the government such as the VeteransAdministration and the National Park Service, insisting that thewhole government be reopened. xvideos Last month's election confirmed Merkel's conservatives as Germany's dominant force but, with 311 of the 630 seats in the Bundestag lower house, they lack a majority. The main opposition Social Democrats (SPD) won 192 seats and the radical Left 64. xnxx Instead the president, sounding both hurt and baffled, requested members of Congress examine their consciences as to why, after he had dignified their offices with consultations and explanations, they had decided to leave him so embarrassed.

le 02/11/2019 à 04h44

How do you know each other? xnxx You always have to point something out: A 4-3 record through seven games proves nothing lasting about your team, does not guarantee you a big game in December for one minute, doesn’t even win door prizes. It was another Ryan — Matt — who told me going into the Jets-Falcons game, “As far as I know, not a single trophy has ever been handed out in September and October.” xnxx One of the main problems comes from the different levels of ability. Many Syrian children have missed out on school for a long time and are struggling to catch up. But the Lebanese children feel left out because of the attention teachers give to the Syrian children. One said to me: "I feel like I'm in a Syrian school." beeg “I don’t count calories,” he said in an interview with Details magazine. “Whether it’s Sour Patch Kids or Reese’s or a bag of chips, if I feel like eating it, I’m going to eat it.” xhamster More than 100 suspected supporters of the former president were arrested in the wake of a brief 2011 war that erupted after Gbagbo refused to accept his defeat at the hands of Alassane Ouattara in a presidential run-off in late 2010. porn ISTANBUL, July 10 (Reuters) - Turkey's banking watchdog isinvestigating banks' foreign exchange deals at the start of thisweek when the central bank sold a record $2.25 billion atcurrency auctions, senior banking sources said on Wednesday.

le 02/11/2019 à 04h44

Very funny pictures xhamster The perception of Asia's growing investment opportunitieshas kept money flowing to the buyout industry, with 22 percentof the global total of private equity funds being raised asAsia-focused, compared to 21 percent as Europe-focused,according to data provider Preqin. beeg NEW YORK, Oct 10 (Reuters) - Major U.S. stock indexes postedtheir strongest rally in more than nine months on Thursday aftersigns of progress in negotiations to raise the U.S. debt limit,at least temporarily. beeg The desert peninsula has long been a security headache for Egypt and its neighbors. Large and empty, it borders Israel and the Gaza Strip and flanks the Suez Canal linking Asia to Europe. It is also home to nomad clans disaffected with rule from Cairo. boobs "Overall, with a stronger second-half profit performance anticipated, we expect 2013 to be a year of good progress for the group, helped by the contribution from GKN Aerospace Engine Systems," Mr Stein added. xhamster The boy, who had leukemia and other complications, was dressed in a tan pinstripe suit and orange shirt for the wedding. His mother carried him on her shoulder, before he stood and was held by his grandmother, Debbie Stevenson, to witness the 12-minute ceremony.

le 02/11/2019 à 04h44

Where did you go to university? porn Charges that Washington was spying on the 28-nation EU havefurther strained relations, with France suggesting that theopening round of the talks be delayed for two weeks beforesoftening its stance so they could could proceed. porn “As a humanitarian, Hillary Clinton has been an incredible force for good around the world and here in New York. I’m honored that she is the first recipient of the Michael Kors Award for Outstanding Community Service,” to be presented at the annual God’s Love We Deliver Golden Heart Awards dinner in October, Kors told Confidenti@l. boobs Previous studies did not differentiate between age, sex and race when analyzing Americans' risk for obesity. In their study, published online in the American Journal of Public Health, researchers focused on mortality records from 1986 to 2006 for adults between the ages of 40 and 85, in order to rule out accidental deaths, homicides and congenital problems that cause more deaths among younger people. The study also built on previous research that found a person's risk for death from obesity increases with age. porn Labour's energy spokeswoman, Caroline Flint, said the partywould force companies to split up their energy generation andtheir consumer sales businesses and require all electricity tobe pooled and traded on the open market. beeg Along with the two other Chinese students who died in the crash—Wang Linjia and Liu Yipeng—Ye’s family is being represented by Kreindler & Kreindler, a New York-based law firm that has handled some of the world’s biggest aviation accident cases.The firm’s lawyers have launched their own investigation of the plane crash.

le 02/11/2019 à 04h45

Do you know each other? beeg However, in an order Monday, she told the two sides to try and resolve how the case will proceed by going through mediation with retired U.S. District Judge Layn Phillips of Oklahoma. The retirees want the right to sue the league, while the NFL insists the claims fall under the collective bargaining agreement, and should be resolved in arbitration. xnxx The government also announced a major revision of its estimates of the size of the economy dating to 1929, based on a new methodology that specifically accounts for research and development spending for the first time. xhamster Anxious to impress the king (whose financial support the society was actively seeking) the members responded immediately. More drops were produced and experimented on two days later, and a full report of the experiments given to the society at its weekly meeting by the president. porn This week, he answered a handful of questions about immigration during an appearance before a select audience on the Spanish-language TV network Telemundo. But since kicking off his second term, he’s given only three speeches reaching out to a broad audience about one of his top priorities – a massive rewrite of the nation’s immigration laws that would increase enforcement while providing a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. porn Evelyn Rivera Sanchez came into Alan Sanchez’s life at just the right moment. Not only are they wildly in love, but the couple also share the same blood type—which means Evelyn can give the love of her life a part of her liver.

le 02/11/2019 à 04h45

Your cash is being counted xxx The silver-bellied A. alexanderae was found in the oilfields near the city of Taft, the A. campi, with a yellow underside, was found in three canyons at the outskirts of the Mojave Desert, and the purple-stomached A. grinnelli, was discovered in a handful of vacant lots in downtown Bakersfield, a city of 352,000. xnxx “We oppose current initiatives to mandate labeling of ingredients developed from GM seeds in the absence of any demonstrated risks,” the company says on its website. “Such mandatory labeling could imply that food products containing these ingredients are somehow inferior to their conventional or organic counterparts.” xhamster Treasuries are often pledged against short-term loans in repo, funds used broadly across the financial system to pay for investment, trading and other operations vital to the day-to-day activities of many companies. porn A lawsuit filed Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court by Cynthia Craig, former director of human resources for Chivas USA, alleges a culture of harassment and discrimination that ultimately caused her to leave the team. porn UNHCR officials told an internal U.N. meeting in Baghdad on Monday that up to 100,000 Syrian refugees could be expected to flee to Iraq within the next month, if the current pace continued, U.N. sources said.

le 02/11/2019 à 06h04

This site is crazy :) xvideos The Liberty took advantage of a considerable size advantage to take a 21-16 lead after one period. Pierson had 11 of her points in the first quarter, as the Liberty converted on seven of their eight field goals inside 5 feet. xnxx "The Conjuring" was among four new releases tempting moviegoers this weekend. The newest animated offering, Fox's "Turbo," opened with $21.5 million, good for third place. Fox's head of domestic distribution, Chris Aronson, characterized the opening as "a very promising start," noting that the film won't open in Europe until the fall. xvideos "They're trying to destroy Flemmi's credibility [as] a guy who has taken deals left and right and has always worked for the government," Dearborn said. "It creates a real problem for [the prosecution] in convincing a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that the bill of goods that they're trying to sell is accurate." boobs "That will happen only with the United Nations passing a strong resolution. It will happen with the enforcement of the world, with Russia standing by us in this effort, and it will happen, finally, because Assad lives up to what he has agreed to do," Kerry told reporters. sex videos There have already been some tremors. The IMF said comments in May by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, that the Fed would probably be pulling back on its stimulus program, caused investors to pull more than $400 billion from world bond and stock markets.

le 02/11/2019 à 06h04

Children with disabilities xhamster The second comprises Hindustan Semiconductor ManufacturingCorp and Malaysia's Silterra with STMicroelectronics as thetechnology partner. The proposed investment at 252.5 billionrupees for a plant in the western state of Gujarat. xhamster Lockheed spokesman Keith Little said Lockheed decided tochallenge the Navy contract award because it did not believe themerits of its bid had been properly considered during the Navy'sevaluation process. He said Lockheed's bid was technicallycompliant and offered "a very affordable price." beeg “Fans want to see the sideshow,” said TiqIQ spokesman Chris Matcovich. “The team has obviously been struggling of late, but the circumstances surrounding Rodriguez have piqued an interest, even among casual fans.” porn Spoiler alert: Clary has grown up believing her father was a deceased Iraqi war veteran and her mother was a struggling artist who hung out with her best friend, a guy named Luke, who’s helped raise Clary. Clary thinks her mother is stringing Luke along, which is exactly how Clary seems to be treating Simon. Bet you have no idea where this is going! xxx In the world's poorest countries food accounts for 90% of weekly income,when the UK joined the EEC it was 30% here, by today it's down to single figures(8-9%)& motoring expenses have overtaken food expenses marginally(vindication of subsidised agriculture for anyone conversant with the facts).This doesn't mean that it can be produced for nothing even if some seem to expect it..

le 02/11/2019 à 06h04

Just over two years sex videos Icahn's legal team has said in court papers that the question before the court is "whether our law will allow these directors to act as Platonic guardians, repeatedly refusing to take 'no' for an answer on the merger, stacking the cards in its favor and deliberately postponing the annual meeting." porn Spending authority for much of the government expired atmidnight on Monday (0400 GMT), but that did not prevent theObama administration from opening the health-insurance exchangesthat form the centerpiece of the law. xhamster Like Starnes, many rallying against Davuluri expressed their enthusiasm for Kansas' Theresa Vail, an Army sergeant who won the America's Vote portion of the pageant and is believed to have been the first contestant to openly display tattoos. The Serenity Prayer is seen tattooed across her rib cage and a military insignia is on the back of her shoulder. xnxx Sunday's rally started on the National Mall, which is home to U.S. war memorials and has been mainly closed to tourists since October 1 when Congress failed to agree to continue funding the federal government, closing down services deemed "non-essential." boobs The signing of Smith was the last official hurdle to clear before the quarterback competition gets under full swing at training camp. Mark Sanchez has long said he expects to win the Week 1 job, while Smith told the Charleston Gazette Saturday he thinks he has a “great shot” at being the victor.

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