Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 03/11/2019 à 03h56

I'm not sure vardenafil Zarif will most certainly expect an indication from the P5 1 representatives of the “endgame” of the negotiations. He will want to hear that, if each side complies with a mutually agreed upon plan to limit Iran’s nuclear program, the P5 1 will, in response, agree to recognize an Iranian nuclear program with some uranium enrichment and also agree to lift all sanctions. tadalafil The young man, he was an adult, placed himself in harm’s way when he chose to break the law on a public street. He knew he was breaking the law because he chose to run to avoid arrest, or citation. The officer acted within standard operating procedures to stop a fleeing criminal. The death was an unintended consequence of a crime. The officer was not wrong for being present, being a witness, stopping a crime, and forcibly arresting a suspect. viagra I respectfully disagree with Dr El Erian. I will attend my 15th WEF annual meeting at Davos, this week. Every meeting has generated new opportunities, new ideas, new contacts. Then, it’s up to me to follow through, to turn Davos contacts into lasting business relationships, even friends and to execute the ideas and opportunities. Dr El Erian recommends more exclusivity, i.e., fewer participants. No. Intelligence and insight is not limited to the prominent. He suggests WEF is responsible for idea implementation. No, again. Its up to the participants. A responsibility I have long and profitably accepted. levitra The administration has been accused of “strangling puppies” to make the partial shutdown seem as horrible as possible.  Geoffrey Wilk of the Georgia Bowhunters and Archery Association sees the Blackbeard cancellation as another example. sildenafil The key for Pettitte might have been retiring the side in order in the first inning. In all of his previous eight outings, he’d allowed at least one run in the opening frame. Much of the time that left him pitching with a deficit.

le 03/11/2019 à 03h56

Do you know each other? vardenafil "No offer has been made so far, so there is no question ofaccepting so far. It is a hypothetical question. As I saidbefore, I must move on," Subbarao said on the sidelines of ameeting of the world's financial leaders. tadalafil Bell was 34 and 2 1/2 weeks from leaving for spring training in 1999 when his heart problem was detected. He had quintuple bypass surgery on Feb. 18, 1999, that left him with an 8-inch scar down the middle of his chest. Two of his arteries had been 100 percent blocked. Two more had been 80 percent blocked, another 70 percent. But he returned to work 11 weeks later in San Diego for a game between the Padres and Atlanta Braves. That night, plate umpire Mark Hirschbeck took the first ball out of play, and planned to have all the umps sign it before presenting the souvenir to Bell. tadalafil "Normal development of relations between China and the Philippines will be affected as long as the incident is unresolved. Philippine side should weigh the pros and cons and respond to China's request as soon as possible.," the paper added. sildenafil In an excerpt from a new biography about one of the creators of Kansas City’s jazz legacy, “Bird: The Life and Music of Charlie Parker,” a car accident that leads to his heroin addiction and an alliance with saxophonist Buster Smith become the twin forces propelling his life. cialis Asked whether the group was working on fresh acquisitions,Chief Executive Jean-Paul Herteman told reporters: "There isnothing under way; we have always indicated the very strongproximity that could exist between ourselves and the spaceactivities of Avio, which as you know are for sale."

le 03/11/2019 à 03h56

Thanks funny site tadalafil The "State of the Union" address, most likely inspired by the U.S. president's annual address to its Congress, was initiated in 2010 by Barroso, whose term ends in 2014 after a decade of leading the EU's executive body. viagra "That means that the United States needs to call these events what they are - under American law it needs to suspend assistance to the Egyptian government because this was a military coup and it is a military regime." kamagra Accrording to Graves staff, the new co-sponsors of the Graves bill are: Reps. Michael McCaul (Texas), Candice Miller (Mich.), Scott Garrett (N.J.), Tom Cotton (Ark.), Larry Bucshon (Ind.), Chris Stewart (Utah), Trey Radel (Fla.), Lee Terry (Neb.), Cynthia Lummis (Wyo.), Dennis Ross (Fla.), Tom Reed (N.Y.), Roger Williams (Texas), Brad Wenstrup (Ohio), Ted Poe (Texas), Mike Pompeo (Kan.), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), and Bob Gibbs (Ohio). kamagra The future of the bank is in doubt after Pope Francis lastmonth set up a special commission to reform it. Vatican sourcessaid in April the pope, who has said he wants the Church to be amodel of austerity and honesty, could decide to radicallyrestructure the bank or even close it. cialis Energy and mining stocks generate the biggest level oflikely activity, with over 38 percent of investors saying theyplan to increase their holdings, and 7.5 percent saying theyplan to decrease holdings in the sectors, the survey said.

le 03/11/2019 à 03h56

A financial advisor sildenafil "I am an old man," said Iraqi, 55. "What am I supposed todo?" It's been 20 days since anyone rode in his carriage alongthe Nile embankment. Iraqi can scarcely feed his gaunt horse andcan no longer afford medicine to ease severe pain in his knee. cialis - Invest like a young person. If you're going to live for 30more years, you can take the kinds of investment risks that along horizon allows. Consider keeping a higher percentage ofyour retirement savings in stocks than is traditional forretirees - more, say, than the 40 percent that was the old ruleof thumb for a 60-year-old. Look at alternatives to those safebonds and bank certificates, too. Garrett is suggesting someretirees may invest in items like real estate, where they cancollect rents, as well as dividend-paying stocks and preferredstocks. vardenafil The name Louis is Prince William's fourth name and is likely to be a tribute to Lord Louis Mountbatten, the Duke of Edinburgh's uncle and the last British Viceroy of India before independence in 1947. kamagra The zoo said that in addition to monitoring Tian Tian's hormone levels, the panda team were also employing and seeking to refine cutting edge acute protein analysis techniques pioneered by Memphis Zoo in the United States. kamagra Essentially, it’s a retooled TV version of “Trouble With the Curve,” a wonderful movie with Clint Eastwood as a gruff old baseball lifer and Amy Adams as the daughter who uses the sport to make a tricky reconnection.

le 03/11/2019 à 03h56

Best Site Good Work sildenafil Marriage did not start with religion. Marriage started in Mesopotamia some 6,000 years ago or more. Once marriage became established and moved into Europe religions took over TO MAKE MONEY and TO TAKE POWER. Please do some research Brat. But you won't do that. You would find out so much of what religion does/has done is just so, so very wrong. cialis “We are just getting started,” Sow said. “I would say before GEMS we were seeing the eyes and the nose of the hippopotamus. Now, the head is sticking out of the water, but there is still the rest of the body.” viagra Unlike Sprinkle, whose no-holes-barred play remained unfettered by his reputation, Suh is under the microscope. He is considered a repeat offender and the last thing the image-conscious NFL wants or needs at this time. cialis “With our unrivalled network of government and private sector contacts … we are uniquely placed to provide British companies with the intelligence, access and guidance they need to develop their business successfully in the region,” says the MEA. vardenafil "I personally believe we'll see an improvement in our spotted owl population where we remove barred owls," she said. "What we don't know is how we'll keep them out the area -- the feasibility and efficiency and efficacy of the process."

le 03/11/2019 à 03h56

I read a lot vardenafil And so the pressure was on the manager over the final couple of innings. There was no more Mariano Rivera to turn to, not after Rivera had declared his season over earlier in the day, explaining that he had been bothered by pain in his forearm in recent outings. vardenafil Lowlights of that sorry episode included $10 million in assistance provided to over 1,100 prison inmates (including one enterprising crook who leased a post office box to which $20,000 in relief money was mailed) and renovations at an Army base for storm survivors at the eye-popping cost of $416,000 per evacuee. FEMA famously ordered up $500 million worth of mobile homes that sat, unused, for months. cialis Unless one need the strength of allies, to keep losses low a good leader will talk peace and surrender while mobilizing a attack in overwhelming force and suddenness. He will not inform the enemy of his plans. kamagra Followers believe that the doctrine was revealed to Moses and then passed down orally until the 13th century, when it was codified in a series of texts known as the Zohar. Kabbalah was considered so complex and difficult that even rigorously trained Orthodox Jewish scholars had to turn 40 before they could begin studying it. sildenafil He added: "We are a mainstream political party. We've got 30,000 members. We got over one million votes in the last election in May. We are a serious player and you cannot treat us like this."

le 03/11/2019 à 03h56

I'd like to tell you about a change of address tadalafil London herself has curated sound-pieces dating back to one by Laurie Anderson in 1978. She also curated a show which bridged aural and visual art, using musicians ranging from Steve Reich to Yoko Ono. levitra Next, carefully place a hole punch reinforcer on to your tongue. You can stick two ring reinforcers together to help transfer it more smoothly. If you don't have any reinforcers you can use a hole-punch to create a hole in a small square of waxed paper. tadalafil BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law. levitra The WHO also said multi drug-resistant TB, a form of the infection that resists at least two drugs - isoniazid and rifampin - was responsible for 1.6 percent of TB cases in which drug susceptibility testing was done in 2011. tadalafil The couple, who began their relationship in 2010 and became engaged in 2012, are currently expecting their first child together. The baby boy is due in the autumn. He will be Berry's second and a sibling for her daughter Nahla, who was born in 2008.

le 03/11/2019 à 05h14

Do you know each other? viagra Since August TDF's management and the vendors have had talkswith the bidders to "understand their difficulties and theirconcerns" and the owners of the business will now meet at theend of the month with their advisers to decide what to do next,one of the sources said. levitra The exterior styling has not been left untouched, and the Mondeo concept has Vignale styling details, such as chrome-finished 20-inch alloy wheels, upscale badging (without the word Mondeo to be seen anywhere), and an interesting new eggcate-style grille. levitra "That's playing football, not implanting football. They are two completely different things. Charles Miller implanted football in the country: he created a club and helped to launch the first official championship." levitra Before granting approval for the Aviva purchase, theregulator is discussing having Apollo meet several requirementsto protect policyholders, including higher capital standardsthan for traditional insurers, greater disclosure and greaterclarity on who oversees the corporate structure, one of thepeople said. levitra The information in your résumé should be relevant to the job you’re hoping to get. If the position is Consumer with Lots of Buying Power, the above information would be relevant. Turns out, however, that was not the case here.

le 03/11/2019 à 05h14

My battery's about to run out cialis She said: “By encouraging people to exchange recipes and cakes in this way, you can really bring a team together. It’s amazing what we can share over a cup of tea and slice of cake levitra If someone spends their life in otherwise wholesome ways, looking after the sick and the poor, and it turns out that they only do this due to a selfish desire to be thought positively of by others, we may think less of their character, but we should not think any less of their actions. levitra Curiosity has covered about 20 percent of the planned 5.3-mile trek to Mount Sharp. The rover, which is doing science work as it goes, may reach the base of the mountain around the middle of next year, Grotzinger said. levitra In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the U.S. remains in close contact with the South Korean government and is closely monitoring the situation. "We certainly support improved inter-Korean relations," she told reporters. tadalafil The longest-range business jet in the world, according to its manufacturers, is the Gulfstream G550, made by a unit of General Dynamics. Its brochure boasts a range of 6,750 nautical miles but that could be shortened by the need to leave spare fuel for emergencies, especially when travelling over long stretches of ocean.

le 03/11/2019 à 05h14

A few months kamagra Calling for a plan that would not only address Detroit's concerns but also serve as a playbook for future crises, the group — which included the UAW's Bob King and others — left the hourlong meeting touting few specifics but saying the groundwork was laid for a response that could help address Detroit's issues by attracting new jobs and development. vardenafil At another class at Eglin Air Force Base in the Florida Panhandle, about 200 airmen, mostly in their 20s, watched videos that showed an old World War II bomber plane decorated with a painting of a pinup girl and a sexually suggestive squadron patch. sildenafil Chernof is chief executive officer of The SCAN Foundation, a nonprofit focusing on healthcare issues for seniors. He thinks the best the commission will be able to do is "crystallize what the problem is as it exists today, and put out a clarion call to take next steps." tadalafil "There continue to be more buyers than sellers, and that is placing pressure on home prices, with multiple bids common in some areas of the country," Realtors' economist Lawrence Young said in the report. "Higher interest rates are now causing sales to level out, but the tight supply conditions look to be with us for the balance of the year in most of the country." sildenafil In other images, Shiite militia fighters wear camouflage fatigues and tactical gear, including body armor, kneepads, gloves and elbow pads, much like U.S. troops wore to battle in Iraq. In one post, Hezbollah fighters gloated about using netting on their helmets to aid in camouflage, like Israeli forces do. "We're fighting the Zionists with their own tools," the author wrote.

le 03/11/2019 à 05h14

I don't know what I want to do after university levitra Despite his calls for a revolt, the protests within Hamas-controlled Gaza were low-key. There was also little sign of major confrontation looming in the West Bank, where Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas exercises partial rule. kamagra It does not have planning permission to hydraulically fracture or 'frack' - the technique used to extract shale gas - but confirmed it may apply for permission to do so, depending on the results of the drilling. cialis The hard-partying actress wore a huge smile along with high-heeled boots, a blue print mini-dress and a suede coat Tuesday as she waved goodbye to her home for the past three months: Cliffside drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility in Malibu, Calif. viagra Researchers analyzed data on non-fatal food-related choking among US children aged 14 years or under between 2001 and 2009. The researchers are from the Center for Injury Research and Policy (CIRP) of The Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital and worked alongside colleagues at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). viagra The cheap cash may come at a price that policy makers willhave to pay later if it inflates asset bubbles. Germany’sBundesbank said this week that apartments in the country’slargest cities may be overvalued by as much as 20 percent. Inthe U.K., BOE officials are rebutting commentary about a housingbubble as prices in London jumped 10.2 percent in October fromthe prior month.

le 03/11/2019 à 05h14

My battery's about to run out vardenafil BEIJING, July 15 (Reuters) - British drugmakerGlaxoSmithKline Plc channelled bribes to Chineseofficials and doctors through travel agencies for six years toillegally boost sales and to raise the price of its medicines inChina, police said on Monday. cialis Texans: Houston coach Gary Kubiak says the NFL has upheld defensive end Antonio Smith's three-game suspension. Smith was suspended Wednesday for the last two preseason games and Houston's season opener for hitting Miami guard Richie Incognito with the Dolphins player's helmet. levitra Another tell-tale sign you’re with a manipulator is if your partner constantly promises things and never backs it up with action. Words can give you a nice warm and fuzzy feeling, but they don’t pay the bills or satisfy real relationship and emotional needs. We are only as good as our word and if someone can’t keep their word then their worth is compromised. viagra Last month, Russia banned confectionery imports from Ukraine, citing safety concerns. It came after President Vladimir Putin failed to persuade his counterpart Viktor Yanukovich to rethink his European move. cialis L'Oreal's sales and operating profit are exposed to cyclical markets through its Professional products and Luxury divisions (38% of 2012 revenues). Due to the economic growth deceleration experienced in major emerging countries such as China and Brazil since the end of 2012, Fitch expects the company's sales growth pace to slow down to the low single digits in 2013, from the high 10.4% reached in 2012.

le 03/11/2019 à 05h14

I'm doing an internship sildenafil Like Scottish-born Ramsay's "We Need To Talk About Kevin", or Wheatley's 2011 horror movie "Kill List", Wright gives a tale that might sound ludicrous or extreme roots with his realistic evocation of the setting - in his case Scotland's cold, austere and Presbyterian east coast. vardenafil KHFC's ratings are linked to the ratings of Korea (AA-/Stable/F1 ) due to its public sector status and a strong probability of extraordinary government support, in case of need. Fitch has classified KHFC as a dependent public sector entity. The company's strategic policy is dictated by and closely monitored by the government of Korea. Fitch has applied a top-down approach in its analysis of KHFC. tadalafil "I wondered, 'Why didn't I do it when I was there?' It's so much harder ... going back and trying to do all these difficult tasks," he told the magazine Monday in Irvine at an event for the Taco Bell Foundation for Teens, where he presented scholarships. kamagra Even if it’s just an ankle sprain, Rolle could miss some action — possibly even the rest of the preseason. It would depend on the severity and whether the sprain was high or low, which wasn’t immediately known. sildenafil AKU is caused by a mutated gene passed on by both parents. Mr Sireau and his wife Sonya were both carriers of the abnormality despite not having the condition themselves, meaning their sons had a 25 per cent likelihood of developing the disorder.

le 03/11/2019 à 05h14

Is there ? viagra After its collapse amid exposure to risky European sovereigndebt, regulators found that MF Global had tried to bridge itsliquidity gaps in its hectic final days by improperly dippinginto customer funds. vardenafil United's says the new seats make each A320 1,200 pounds lighter. Southwest says the weight savings is cutting about $10 million per year in fuel spending. In addition, the extra seats allow Southwest to expand flying capacity 4 percent without adding any planes, says spokesman Brad Hawkins, while also collecting more revenue from the additional passengers. sildenafil The research, which is the largest case study of MERS to date, specifically looked at 47 cases (46 adults, 1 child) of confirmed MERS infections that occurred in Saudi Arabia between Sept. 1, 2012, and June 15, 2013. sildenafil Sitompul said the group was believed to consist of around 204 migrants from Sri Lanka, Iran and Iraq. They departed Tuesday morning from Jayanti, a coastal town in Cianjur, using a smaller boat that was supposed to meet a larger ship at sea to complete the journey to Australia. sildenafil The 200-million-year age of volcanism from these newestresearch findings challenges previous research methods that interpret the agesof ejected igneous crust from Mars to be as old as 4 billion years, which wouldmean that the planet’s volcano would have been extinct for a long time,Chamberlain says.

le 03/11/2019 à 05h14

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