Un projet en béton

Voilà une nouvelle qui ne vous laissera pas de marbre : le CRIS participe cet été à un nouveau projet de "Béton interactif" dans le cadre d'un concours organisé par l'association Horizome.

L'appel à projet d'Horizome


Horizome est un collectif ouvert qui agit dans le quartier de Hautepierre à Strasbourg. Son but, organiser des actions artistiques et culturelles afin de permettre à la population de mieux s'intégrer et de s'identifier au quartier. Une des particularités de ces actions est leur transdisciplinarité. Les arts, les sciences sociales et l'urbanisme sont combinées, et même l'ingénierie électronique ! Lors d'un appel à projet d'Horizome des architectes sortis de l'INSA Strasbourg ont proposé de réaliser des dalles de béton interactif, qui pourraient émettre un son lorsqu'un passant les toucherait. Après avoir été sélectionnés ils nous ont demandé notre aide pour concevoir l'électronique des dalles. C'est ainsi que l'aventure a commencé !

Le cahier des charges

Les dalles sont constituées de béton et seront des pavés de dimensions maximales 20cm x 15cm x 7cm. Elles seront creuses afin d'accueillir l'électronique embarquée. La carte électronique sera constituée d'un interface programmable de type PIC qui permettra d'assurer la détection des passants et la restitution d'un signal sonore pré enregistré. Ce bruitage sera stockée dans une mémoire morte EEPROM, et devra être entendu à travers les épaisseurs de béton. La génération du son se fera par un petit haut parleur, amplifié par un phénomène de caisse de résonance. Le tout doit fonctionner sur batterie et avoir une autonomie la plus longue possible. La batterie soit aussi être rechargeable sans démonter la dalle. La conception électronique doit être achevée pour fin août, début septembre.

Schéma d'une dalle intéractive
Schéma d'une dalle intéractive

Les premiers signes de vie

Avec toutes ces contraintes, il ne faut pas perdre de temps ! Si tôt les détails de la mission donnés, les premiers programmes de détection ont vu le jour. Ils sont maintenant près, et n'attendent plus que les programmes de génération de signal sonore qui verront le jour milieu de la semaine prochaine. En attendant, voici quelques photos du prototype :

Prototype sur platine d'essai
Prototype sur platine d'essai
Le voyant vert s'allume lorsque la main rencontre le béton
Le voyant vert s'allume lorsque la main rencontre le béton


Merci aux architectes Pierrick Albert et Augustin Roy-Verger pour nous avoir proposé ce projet aussi original qu'intéressant.

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A pension scheme http://beegxxx.in.net/sitemaps/4.html beeg The 104 prisoners had been vetted for release by Yaakov Peri, an Israeli cabinet minister who said on Wednesday that in his former career in the Shin Bet security service he had been involved in capturing and convicting 92 of them. http://xnxxnxxn.in.net/sitemaps/2.html xnxx "If my employer subsidized $10,000 of my medical insurance and my partner's portion was equal to $5,000, I would be liable for tax on that $5,000, but not on the $5,000 that the employer's paying on behalf of me," explains Bruce Elliott, manager of compensation and benefits at the Society for Human Resources Management. "There's going to be an initial tax savings for the employee" because of this ruling, he adds, because many employees with same-sex spouses will no longer have to pay tax on their spouses' benefits. http://xxxxxxx.in.net/sitemaps/3.html beeg About 10 relatives of the missing marched into the news conference before it began to demand that they be informed first of what was going on. The families have criticized authorities for the lack of leads or explanation of what has happened in the weeks since their loved ones disappeared. http://xxxx.in.net/sitemaps/3.html xvideos The FTSE 100 slipped by 62.6 points, or roughly one percent, closing at 6390.8 at the end of the day. Over the last few weeks the index has hovered around the 6,500 mark, but a combination of fear over UK interest rates and concerns about the end of the US stimulus package, have pushed investors away from the FTSE in favour of bonds and other forms of investment. What little positive economic news there was inspired a spate of profit-taking for blue chip shares. http://pornhub.in.net/sitemaps/4.html boobs “I think he can throw the football, there’s no doubt. He’s accurate with the football,” said Ryan. “I think the big thing for him now . . . like he took a couple of sacks today, instead we got to get rid of the ball. Like don’t throw the picks, but obviously we got to get rid of it. If it’s not there, we don’t want to be taking sacks. So I think that’s something where he can improve his game, but I have been impressed with the fact that he has not thrown a pick and that’s certainly a real positive thing.”

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I love this site http://xxx-xxxxxx.in.net/sitemaps/1.html xvideos The Giants issued a statement after Jones' tweet that read: "We would like to extend our sincerest apologies to Adam and the entire Orioles organization for this unfortunate incident. The inappropriate actions of this individual in no way reflect the values of our organization and our fans." http://elephanttube.in.net/sitemaps/2.html beeg “I saw it on the schedule a long time ago,” he said, “but I just assumed I wouldn’t pitch because I’d be getting ready to make a playoff start. Even now it’s kind of hard to believe this is it for us.” http://maturetube.in.net/sitemaps/2.html boobs The government's refusal to pay left the family without enough money to rebuild. Mittleman, who founded a Facebook group called "Sandy Victims Fighting FEMA," said the Cuomo initiative has given her hope again. http://youporn.in.net/sitemaps/3.html xxx It said: "Over recent months, and in response to the growth in volumes, model range and overseas markets, the management team has been strengthened across a number of different areas, reflecting the scale and complexity of an increasingly global business." The company, which makes 70pc of its revenue from exports, has so far not named a successor as brand ambassador. http://xhamster.in.net/sitemaps/2.html boobs Dear Medina resident, where do you get off saying something so terrible to a family friend. You do not know them or the family. The hospital has no right to force this child to get chemo just to run up a big bill, the parents are acting in the best interests of the child. You do not know the whole story, just what this report chooses to tell you. I have lived among the Amish for many years, taken them and their children to the hospital and all over the place to find the best treatment for their children, they spare no expense if there is hope of saving their child. I recently sat every day for nearly 2 weeks with a family whose 2 yr old was dying of a genetic disorder, the Dr was there every day monitoring the little girl. So sick of morons who know nothing about them making judgement calls.

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Would you like a receipt? http://xnxx.photography/sitemaps/2.html boobs Ryan is paid to make coaching decisions, which includes who will and won’t play for him. He made that crystal clear last year when he said that benching Mark Sanchez was “solely my decision.” However, he changed his tune Sunday: “At no time was that ever just my decision,” Ryan said. http://xnxxxnx.in.net/sitemaps/3.html xhamster We just cannot take the Iranians on trust. In the last two decades they have lied about various activities linked to weapons projects and suspicious sites and individuals. Our Middle East allies are dismayed that the Iranians have progressed so far without dismantling the installations. Iran has come this far without opening up a single nuclear facility to inspections. http://streamate.in.net/sitemaps/3.html beeg Melhado also said the IMF was ready to begin negotiationswith the Congolese government over the transfer of $240 millionin loans that was halted in December 2012 after authoritiesfailed to publish mining contracts as requested. http://ngentot.in.net/sitemaps/2.html xvideos * Sears Holdings has been selling off some of itsbest stores to raise cash, an unusual strategy that makes itharder for the struggling chain to improve its sales even as ithelps shore up its financial position. () http://barat.in.net/sitemaps/3.html xxx "Australian businesses certainly know the potential of Indonesian markets and Prime Minister Abbott is sending a positive message by being here," said Peter Fanning, vice president of the Indonesia-Australia Business Council.

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I can't stand football http://xnxxpornxnxx.in.net/sitemaps/3.html xxx The threat of regulation that could discourage use of coal -such as President Barack Obama's plan to craft new carbonemission rules for thousands of power plants - is also weighingon the U.S. thermal coal industry. http://xnxxxxnxx.in.net/sitemaps/3.html xhamster Yeah Seeking, the libs are out there calling her a "heroine" because she filibustered a bill she maintained "principle" about, but are vilifying Cruz for doing the same. It's got nothing to do with her being a woman, but nice to see you just hypothecating a false narrative to perpetuate. http://abgxxx.in.net/sitemaps/2.html sex videos Over the past few weeks, this year’s mayoral candidates have discussed their ideas for tackling family homelessness in New York City. Most have shared proposals to create more affordable housing, which is well and good, but a recent analysis of an innovative, city pilot program, HomeBase, has gone largely unmentioned. http://xnxxredtube.in.net/sitemaps/3.html xvideos Harvey, one of a record 39 first-time All-Stars, created the most early buzz, though. Fans began cheering him when he sprinted from the dugout to the outfield to begin warming up just before pregame introductions. Then, he said, they started chanting his name. http://xxx-xx.in.net/sitemaps/1.html beeg As in previous years, GCHQ is running an internet competition in the hope of finding “skilled mathematicians, code breakers and ethical hackers” and possibly interesting them in a career at the organisation.

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Gloomy tales http://planetsuzy.fun/sitemaps/2.html boobs At four-year public institutions, the average student borrowed $6,950 – including federal, state, private and school-sponsored loans. Those attending a four-year for-profit school borrowed $8,300. Undergrads at private institutions borrowed slightly more, averaging $8,500 in student loans for the year. http://keezmovies.in.net/sitemaps/3.html beeg These included officers not having been granted the necessary permissions before intercepting the data; mistakes which led to the wrong data being obtained; and errors made when the data was being copied. http://xxxxx.in.net/sitemaps/1.html boobs In June, an effort to start a dialogue in Doha, the capital of Qatar, among the U.S., Afghanistan and the Taliban fell apart when the Afghan government objected to the offices and sign used by the militant group. http://livejasmin.in.net/sitemaps/2.html xnxx * King.com Ltd, the British mobile gaming company best knownfor its hit puzzle game 'Candy Crush Saga', has filed for apublic offering in the United States, according to peoplebriefed on the matter. It has also retained Bank of America Corp Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse Group AG andJPMorgan Chase & Co to lead the offering, according tothe people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because thelisting process is being done in secret. () http://beeg-beegcom.in.net/sitemaps/4.html porn Until Alexis' assault, the most infamous example of this kind of failure was National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, who had security clearance as an information technology employee with a government contractor.

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