Un projet en béton

Voilà une nouvelle qui ne vous laissera pas de marbre : le CRIS participe cet été à un nouveau projet de "Béton interactif" dans le cadre d'un concours organisé par l'association Horizome.

L'appel à projet d'Horizome


Horizome est un collectif ouvert qui agit dans le quartier de Hautepierre à Strasbourg. Son but, organiser des actions artistiques et culturelles afin de permettre à la population de mieux s'intégrer et de s'identifier au quartier. Une des particularités de ces actions est leur transdisciplinarité. Les arts, les sciences sociales et l'urbanisme sont combinées, et même l'ingénierie électronique ! Lors d'un appel à projet d'Horizome des architectes sortis de l'INSA Strasbourg ont proposé de réaliser des dalles de béton interactif, qui pourraient émettre un son lorsqu'un passant les toucherait. Après avoir été sélectionnés ils nous ont demandé notre aide pour concevoir l'électronique des dalles. C'est ainsi que l'aventure a commencé !

Le cahier des charges

Les dalles sont constituées de béton et seront des pavés de dimensions maximales 20cm x 15cm x 7cm. Elles seront creuses afin d'accueillir l'électronique embarquée. La carte électronique sera constituée d'un interface programmable de type PIC qui permettra d'assurer la détection des passants et la restitution d'un signal sonore pré enregistré. Ce bruitage sera stockée dans une mémoire morte EEPROM, et devra être entendu à travers les épaisseurs de béton. La génération du son se fera par un petit haut parleur, amplifié par un phénomène de caisse de résonance. Le tout doit fonctionner sur batterie et avoir une autonomie la plus longue possible. La batterie soit aussi être rechargeable sans démonter la dalle. La conception électronique doit être achevée pour fin août, début septembre.

Schéma d'une dalle intéractive
Schéma d'une dalle intéractive

Les premiers signes de vie

Avec toutes ces contraintes, il ne faut pas perdre de temps ! Si tôt les détails de la mission donnés, les premiers programmes de détection ont vu le jour. Ils sont maintenant près, et n'attendent plus que les programmes de génération de signal sonore qui verront le jour milieu de la semaine prochaine. En attendant, voici quelques photos du prototype :

Prototype sur platine d'essai
Prototype sur platine d'essai
Le voyant vert s'allume lorsque la main rencontre le béton
Le voyant vert s'allume lorsque la main rencontre le béton


Merci aux architectes Pierrick Albert et Augustin Roy-Verger pour nous avoir proposé ce projet aussi original qu'intéressant.

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I came here to study http://fittor.fun/dafioration-cim/ allaiza bhe dofiles nobleza Fifteen countries aside from the U.K. have the British monarch as their head of state. Two of the largest, Canada and Australia, have relatively high public support for ditching their hereditary head of state. http://xxxnx.fun/nxnxx-fho/ strer bta At US Airways, second-quarter earnings were $287 million, or$1.40 a share, compared with $306 million, or $1.54 a share, ayear earlier. Adjusted for special items, profit was $1.58 ashare, better than the $1.51 expected by analysts . http://fittor.top/42456-anal-cow-reverse/ chut b f But when you think about it, most of our earthly problems can be solved by sorcery. Sure, ethics still can be a problem – plenty of bad witches around – but the key is figuring out which witch is which. (that was harder to type than it is to pronounce) But knowing that good witches dress in white and bad witches dress in black, the simple solution is to burn all the black witches at the stake! http://fittor.top/19292-black-hardcore-party/ xxx in which1firl and 2 boy s In fresh quarterly forecasts, the Fed cut its forecast for2013 economic growth to a 2.0 percent to 2.3 percent range froma June estimate of 2.3 percent to 2.6 percent. The downgrade for2014 was even sharper. http://xxxnx.fun/22076-big-fat-black-cock/ prrn hub Hopes for a turnaround at Metro have boosted its shares inrecent weeks and they have also been helped by speculation thatHaniel, the family-owned conglomerate firm that also owns a bigstake in Metro, could sell drugs distributor Celesio,potentially freeing it up to invest more in Metro.

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Other amount http://fittor.fun/tubudy-mob-ext/ cazzofiga xnxx sni lyuon sex viebos A male farmer is still being treated for a confirmed case of Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF), and the three other deaths are being investigated, junior health minister Elioda Tumwesigye told a news conference. http://xxxnx.fun/hoostale/ sqiruit 2 Stock investors on Wednesday appeared to show growinganxiety over the standoff after taking the news in stride onTuesday. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX was down 0.32percent and the Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC was down 0.22percent. http://fittor.top/shame-ina-raymundo-full-movie/ ani lvi and aaliyah hadid A number of states led by Republicans have tightened voter identification laws in recent years, prompting criticism from Democrats and some advocacy groups that they will discourage minorities, the elderly and the young from voting. http://fittor.fun/caught-58/ schoolgirlsexxy Jones is the pastor of a small evangelical Christian church. He first gained attention in 2010 when he planned to burn a Koran on 9/11, although he eventually called it off. His congregation did burn the Muslim holy book in March 2011 and last year he promoted an anti-Muslim film. All three incidents sparked violence in the Middle East and Afghanistan. http://fittor.fun/megasesso-four-men-fuck-one-girl/ bct mnf G4S have clients besides government contracts. They operate within the financial service sector and now in the areas of policing. I am sure that there will be serious concern in these areas as to the honesty, credability and transparency of G4S. For example have they been overcharging them? Can they be trusted? These are genuine concerns that senior managers and police officers will now be asking themselves. No doubt their own accountants will be revisiting charges made by G4S to asses what has been occurring.

le 21/04/2020 à 01h14

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le 21/04/2020 à 02h11

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le 21/04/2020 à 03h08

The United States http://fittor.fun/lal-sari-bajaj-pandit-gujarati/ anyxxx pro hd fjufv x Franklin Roosevelt made 134 visits to his home at Hyde Park, N.Y., during his 12-year presidency for a total 562 full or partial days. He also got away from Washington for visits to his rural home in Warm Springs, Ga., and spent an additional 175 days there. He went for periodic boat trips, sometimes aboard Navy vessels, although the number of days he was away on such excursions is unclear. http://xxxnx.fun/beautiful-girl-sd-xxx-colige/ sexclasik mom and son If the status of a bike race was based purely upon the scenic environment raced through and the quality of road on offer for the riders, then stage two of the five-day Tour of Beijing could certainly stake its claim for a podium spot alongside some of its more illustrious WorldTour partners in the European heartland of cycling. http://fittor.top/morena-recife-ca-iro/ momteencom 2 “In one yard, 114 dogs, the majority tethered to heavy chains, sat in 90 degree heat, scratching at fleas, with no fresh water or food visible anywhere on the property. Some appeared to have no access to water at all, and many exhibited wounds, scars and other conditions consistent with dog fighting,” the ASPCA said in a statement. http://fittor.top/telusex-hd/ mom and son betrum Japan spiralled into deep recession after the sales tax wasincreased in 1997 to 5 percent from 3 percent. Economists aredivided on how much the hike was to blame, as the Asianfinancial crisis and then Japan's own banking crisis followedshortly afterwards. http://fittor.top/kikme-tinder/ wywwwwwwww w To soothe worries that sanctions against Hezbollah could complicate the EU's relations with the Lebanese government, EU governments are also likely to issue a statement pledging to continue dialogue with all political groupings in the country.

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