Un projet en béton

Voilà une nouvelle qui ne vous laissera pas de marbre : le CRIS participe cet été à un nouveau projet de "Béton interactif" dans le cadre d'un concours organisé par l'association Horizome.

L'appel à projet d'Horizome


Horizome est un collectif ouvert qui agit dans le quartier de Hautepierre à Strasbourg. Son but, organiser des actions artistiques et culturelles afin de permettre à la population de mieux s'intégrer et de s'identifier au quartier. Une des particularités de ces actions est leur transdisciplinarité. Les arts, les sciences sociales et l'urbanisme sont combinées, et même l'ingénierie électronique ! Lors d'un appel à projet d'Horizome des architectes sortis de l'INSA Strasbourg ont proposé de réaliser des dalles de béton interactif, qui pourraient émettre un son lorsqu'un passant les toucherait. Après avoir été sélectionnés ils nous ont demandé notre aide pour concevoir l'électronique des dalles. C'est ainsi que l'aventure a commencé !

Le cahier des charges

Les dalles sont constituées de béton et seront des pavés de dimensions maximales 20cm x 15cm x 7cm. Elles seront creuses afin d'accueillir l'électronique embarquée. La carte électronique sera constituée d'un interface programmable de type PIC qui permettra d'assurer la détection des passants et la restitution d'un signal sonore pré enregistré. Ce bruitage sera stockée dans une mémoire morte EEPROM, et devra être entendu à travers les épaisseurs de béton. La génération du son se fera par un petit haut parleur, amplifié par un phénomène de caisse de résonance. Le tout doit fonctionner sur batterie et avoir une autonomie la plus longue possible. La batterie soit aussi être rechargeable sans démonter la dalle. La conception électronique doit être achevée pour fin août, début septembre.

Schéma d'une dalle intéractive
Schéma d'une dalle intéractive

Les premiers signes de vie

Avec toutes ces contraintes, il ne faut pas perdre de temps ! Si tôt les détails de la mission donnés, les premiers programmes de détection ont vu le jour. Ils sont maintenant près, et n'attendent plus que les programmes de génération de signal sonore qui verront le jour milieu de la semaine prochaine. En attendant, voici quelques photos du prototype :

Prototype sur platine d'essai
Prototype sur platine d'essai
Le voyant vert s'allume lorsque la main rencontre le béton
Le voyant vert s'allume lorsque la main rencontre le béton


Merci aux architectes Pierrick Albert et Augustin Roy-Verger pour nous avoir proposé ce projet aussi original qu'intéressant.

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le 20/04/2020 à 15h22

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Free medical insurance http://fittor.fun/nemithasex/ nice xxxdsx Christian Hackenberg threw two touchdown passes in his first college game for Penn State. He went 22 for 31 for 278 yards with two interceptions and became the second freshman to start a Penn State opener at quarterback since 1910. http://fittor.fun/video-f1t11ca-my-friend-s-wife-2-flv/ myz vjxni The House recently passed a bill that would increase thesharing of cyber threat information between the private sectorand the government. But in a repeat of last year's failedattempt to pass such a law, the White House has threatened toveto the bill over privacy concerns. The Senate has yet tointroduce its version of an information-sharing bill. http://xxxnx.fun/karnataka-hotkannadasex/ 13193 xxx hd 19 years videos BARTON: I was just going to say, I think early intervention is a critical component to this. And now, you know, we applaud the efforts of senators Ayotte and Begich for pulling this bill out, the one from Harken Alexander mental health bill. It passed 95-2 in the Senate in April. They want to bring that out as a stand-alone bill. http://fittor.fun/hd-hot0sex/ xxxbr vedo Obama has stepped up the pressure to close the prison, driven in part by his revised counterterrorism strategy and the stain of the government force-feeding Guantanamo prisoners on hunger strikes to prevent them from starving to death. http://fittor.top/lusa-corp-wrestling/ masterbiation Gains came in the heaviest Shanghai volume since July 11.Data released after markets shut on Friday showed that new bankloans and money supply grew better than expected in July, eventhough a broad measure of liquidity fell from the previousmonth. (Reporting by Clement Tan; Editing by Richard Borsuk)

le 20/04/2020 à 16h18

I'll put him on http://fittor.top/srilankenfuking-lk/ planetsuzy incesti elf inserzionivideo Syrian U.N. Ambassador Bashar Ja'afari on Monday said hisgovernment has invited Sellstrom and U.N. disarmament chiefAngela Kane to Damascus to discuss allegations of banned armsuse in Syria's two-year civil war but suggested it would notcompromise on access. http://fittor.fun/xnxx-com-zop/ tig eenpussye That game, at least in the form that benefited and pumped up emerging-market numbers, is now over. The new money the Fed threw after bad will now come home to roost, one hopes, in the US economy at last. For those who lost houses, jobs or a chance at higher education in the meanwhile, the return may be bittersweet. But better late than never. http://xxxnx.fun/india-uncovered-xxx-khushi-and-raj/ hen cock liliporno Police have acquired a search warrant to comb through Blodgett's phone records and Facebook account, where she described her excitement about her performance in the play and posted a picture alongside her cast mates days before her death. http://xxxnx.fun/xnxxsaree-com/ jao ees mom story sex video Any liberalisation is seen as positive for China's financialsector and the world's second-largest economy. But many Chineseinvestors fear the nation's banks, which for years have madeeasy profits from state-mandated spreads between borrowing andlending rates, will struggle to benefit from more competition. http://fittor.top/indan-rellwe/ arbenet com In past reviews of school safety, experts have told lawmakers there was nothing that could have fully prevented Newtown shooter Adam Lanza from blasting his way into the school. But they've stressed the importance of trying to slow down an intruder.

le 20/04/2020 à 17h14

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le 20/04/2020 à 17h14

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le 20/04/2020 à 18h12

I didn't go to university http://fittor.fun/amanda-curney/ https bit ly 2cq9qpu A slackening in demand in August helped account for the modest slowdown, with the new orders index slipping to 0.27 from 3.77 the previous month. Shipments fell to 1.47 from 8.96 and inventories moved up to minus 3.61 from minus 6.52. http://fittor.fun/baxmaq-sekse/ bua bhatija xvideos The cuts, ordered by the White House and the Congress,reduced Pentagon spending by $37 billion this fiscal year,prompting the unpaid leave and other cuts. The reductions arelikely to cut $52 billion from defense spending in fiscal 2014and could continue at that level for a further eight years. http://xxxnx.fun/tor-sang-maya-hoge/ 39624 i love moms big butt The ban on women driving is not backed by a specific law, but only men are granted driving licenses. Women can be fined for driving without a license but have also been detained and put on trial in the past on charges of political protest. http://fittor.top/bengalisexvi-doe/ xxnx arab algere The indy-betweeners, in short, would like something to cling on to. But given the likelihood that the fog of war will make life all the more confusing over the coming months, it may not be so easy to find it. Many people may choose simply to tune out till later. Jenkins says that one of his friends has told him he plans to block out everything in the campaign for the coming year, and will only study the offerings on the table with two weeks to go. In all likelihood, a year this Wednesday, thousands of people will be doing the same, working out what to think. The future of the country will be in their hands. No wonder they’re giving it some thought. « http://fittor.fun/pornographie-francais-avec-senario/ babeyhd DEFENSIVE BACKS: Teams tend to bring in and send out DBs all the time, so future employment seems likely for safeties Rhodes, Quintin Mikell and Jordan Babineaux. Same for cornerbacks William Middleton, Stanford Routt and Sheldon Brown. But they'll probably need to play special teams, too.

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