Un projet en béton

Voilà une nouvelle qui ne vous laissera pas de marbre : le CRIS participe cet été à un nouveau projet de "Béton interactif" dans le cadre d'un concours organisé par l'association Horizome.

L'appel à projet d'Horizome


Horizome est un collectif ouvert qui agit dans le quartier de Hautepierre à Strasbourg. Son but, organiser des actions artistiques et culturelles afin de permettre à la population de mieux s'intégrer et de s'identifier au quartier. Une des particularités de ces actions est leur transdisciplinarité. Les arts, les sciences sociales et l'urbanisme sont combinées, et même l'ingénierie électronique ! Lors d'un appel à projet d'Horizome des architectes sortis de l'INSA Strasbourg ont proposé de réaliser des dalles de béton interactif, qui pourraient émettre un son lorsqu'un passant les toucherait. Après avoir été sélectionnés ils nous ont demandé notre aide pour concevoir l'électronique des dalles. C'est ainsi que l'aventure a commencé !

Le cahier des charges

Les dalles sont constituées de béton et seront des pavés de dimensions maximales 20cm x 15cm x 7cm. Elles seront creuses afin d'accueillir l'électronique embarquée. La carte électronique sera constituée d'un interface programmable de type PIC qui permettra d'assurer la détection des passants et la restitution d'un signal sonore pré enregistré. Ce bruitage sera stockée dans une mémoire morte EEPROM, et devra être entendu à travers les épaisseurs de béton. La génération du son se fera par un petit haut parleur, amplifié par un phénomène de caisse de résonance. Le tout doit fonctionner sur batterie et avoir une autonomie la plus longue possible. La batterie soit aussi être rechargeable sans démonter la dalle. La conception électronique doit être achevée pour fin août, début septembre.

Schéma d'une dalle intéractive
Schéma d'une dalle intéractive

Les premiers signes de vie

Avec toutes ces contraintes, il ne faut pas perdre de temps ! Si tôt les détails de la mission donnés, les premiers programmes de détection ont vu le jour. Ils sont maintenant près, et n'attendent plus que les programmes de génération de signal sonore qui verront le jour milieu de la semaine prochaine. En attendant, voici quelques photos du prototype :

Prototype sur platine d'essai
Prototype sur platine d'essai
Le voyant vert s'allume lorsque la main rencontre le béton
Le voyant vert s'allume lorsque la main rencontre le béton


Merci aux architectes Pierrick Albert et Augustin Roy-Verger pour nous avoir proposé ce projet aussi original qu'intéressant.

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Your cash is being counted http://xhamsterxxx.in.net/sitemaps/2.html boobs More than 8 million Americans are expected to receive healthcoverage under the new Medicaid definition in 2014. Rowland saidthe expanded definition will help the working poor, particularlylow-income adults without dependent children. (Reporting by Kim Palmer in Cleveland and Jo Ingles inColumbus. Editing by Andre Grenon; Writing by Mary Wisniewski;Editing by Greg McCune and Dan Grebler) http://xvideos-xxx.in.net/sitemaps/1.html xnxx There was a mass celebration inside the church  when the tremor shook last Tuesday but nobody got hurt. Church-goers and candle vendors rushed outside when the building trembled. The vendors said they thought it was going to be the end of the world when they saw the church buildings shaking sideways. There were no crowds in the Basilica del Santo Niño that fateful Tuesday morning. Huge crowds usually throng the Basilica on Fridays. http://madthumbs.fun/sitemaps/3.html boobs The deal, which will reduce the French firm's stake to 12percent from 61 percent, fulfills Kotick's longstanding wish tobuy back the company he had built into a games powerhouse since1991. Activision merged with Vivendi's games division in 2007. http://selingkuh.in.net/sitemaps/4.html xxx "For the United States and Europe, China's rebalancing couldcreate more competition for them. But they can take theinitiative by focusing on the higher end of the value chain,relying on knowledge and technology exports," he said. http://xnxx-videoxnxx.in.net/sitemaps/2.html beeg Two of the world’s largest economies reached a deal to resolve the dispute over alleged “dumping” of solar panels in the European market, with a minium price agreed for panels from China.

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Good crew it's cool :) http://silverdaddies.fun/sitemaps/2.html xhamster In response, China has halted all milk powder imports fromNew Zealand and Australia, New Zealand Trade Minister Tim Grosersaid. Some food producers including Danone said theyhave recalled products that may have contained the contaminatedwhey. http://abgxxx.in.net/sitemaps/3.html boobs "These are amazing, amazing gifted, talented, great prospects with a lot of talent that are coming over here," West Valley Christian School administrator Derek Swales told ABCNews.com today. "It's just devastating to think that superstar kid in the classroom with all that potential was just taken." http://xnxx-xxx.in.net/sitemaps/3.html beeg Brad Woodhouse, head of the liberal group Americans United For Change, said Obama's speeches are helping to crystallize where the parties stand on the issues in a way that will prove helpful to Democrats in 2014. http://petardas.in.net/sitemaps/2.html sex videos "And there are parts of the country, like Michigan, where living in a mobile home community doesn't have the stigma it does in the south. You also have retirement communities in Florida where people aren't poor at all." http://eporner.in.net/sitemaps/2.html xxx Risen's attorney, Joel Kurtzberg, said he was disappointed with the ruling and that he and his client were "evaluating our next steps." A spokesman said the Justice Department agreed with the decision and was considering how to proceed.

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Your cash is being counted http://levitra-20-mg.in.net/sitemaps/1.html tadalafil At euronews we believe in the intelligence of our viewers and we think that the mission of a news channel is to deliver facts without any opinion or bias, so that the viewers can form their own opinion on world events. http://levitra.in.net/sitemaps/2.html vardenafil Alcoa is celebrating its 125th Anniversary on Oct. 1 with a $1.25 million internship program for 500 unemployed and underemployed youth (ages 18 to 24 years) in eight countries (ten locations) over the next two years. Managed by the Institute of International Education (IIE), the goal is to provide youth with the workforce experience to pursue a successful career in manufacturing. http://levitra20.in.net/sitemaps/4.html sildenafil Speaking privately, a senior Hamas official who frequently deals with the Egyptian authorities stopped short of saying Egypt's military is intentionally trying to weaken Hamas rule in Gaza through the new restrictions. However, he said he views the Gaza clampdown as part of an attempt by the Egyptian army to justify its continued campaign against the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. http://levitra-coupon.in.net/sitemaps/2.html levitra "The agency has revised up its forecast for this year'sgeneral government deficit to 4.7 percent in 2013 from 3.9percent, while general government debt/GDP is now expected topeak at 66 percent of GDP in 2016, up from our previous forecastof 62 percent," the agency said in a statement. http://buy-levitra-online.in.net/sitemaps/3.html cialis The MCC’s aim is to fend off the possibility of an independent inquiry and to unite their membership behind the Masterplan. The Reform Group have shown their determination throughout this process, even seeking a High Court injunction to prevent tonight’s meeting from taking place, because they believe the MCC’s recommendation to its members to vote against their stance to be unlawful. The application was dismissed and the meeting goes ahead.

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