Un projet en béton

Voilà une nouvelle qui ne vous laissera pas de marbre : le CRIS participe cet été à un nouveau projet de "Béton interactif" dans le cadre d'un concours organisé par l'association Horizome.

L'appel à projet d'Horizome


Horizome est un collectif ouvert qui agit dans le quartier de Hautepierre à Strasbourg. Son but, organiser des actions artistiques et culturelles afin de permettre à la population de mieux s'intégrer et de s'identifier au quartier. Une des particularités de ces actions est leur transdisciplinarité. Les arts, les sciences sociales et l'urbanisme sont combinées, et même l'ingénierie électronique ! Lors d'un appel à projet d'Horizome des architectes sortis de l'INSA Strasbourg ont proposé de réaliser des dalles de béton interactif, qui pourraient émettre un son lorsqu'un passant les toucherait. Après avoir été sélectionnés ils nous ont demandé notre aide pour concevoir l'électronique des dalles. C'est ainsi que l'aventure a commencé !

Le cahier des charges

Les dalles sont constituées de béton et seront des pavés de dimensions maximales 20cm x 15cm x 7cm. Elles seront creuses afin d'accueillir l'électronique embarquée. La carte électronique sera constituée d'un interface programmable de type PIC qui permettra d'assurer la détection des passants et la restitution d'un signal sonore pré enregistré. Ce bruitage sera stockée dans une mémoire morte EEPROM, et devra être entendu à travers les épaisseurs de béton. La génération du son se fera par un petit haut parleur, amplifié par un phénomène de caisse de résonance. Le tout doit fonctionner sur batterie et avoir une autonomie la plus longue possible. La batterie soit aussi être rechargeable sans démonter la dalle. La conception électronique doit être achevée pour fin août, début septembre.

Schéma d'une dalle intéractive
Schéma d'une dalle intéractive

Les premiers signes de vie

Avec toutes ces contraintes, il ne faut pas perdre de temps ! Si tôt les détails de la mission donnés, les premiers programmes de détection ont vu le jour. Ils sont maintenant près, et n'attendent plus que les programmes de génération de signal sonore qui verront le jour milieu de la semaine prochaine. En attendant, voici quelques photos du prototype :

Prototype sur platine d'essai
Prototype sur platine d'essai
Le voyant vert s'allume lorsque la main rencontre le béton
Le voyant vert s'allume lorsque la main rencontre le béton


Merci aux architectes Pierrick Albert et Augustin Roy-Verger pour nous avoir proposé ce projet aussi original qu'intéressant.

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le 20/04/2020 à 04h09

I'd like , please http://xxxnx.fun/mmm-seksene-com/ abg bau kencur BEIJING - China's Foreign Ministry urged a role for the U.N. Security Council in resolving the crisis in Syria on Friday after the United States said it had given up trying to work with the council on Syria, accusing Russia of holding it hostage. http://xxxnx.fun/nikasaur-fakes/ 27889 fur femdom strapon Kruidbos was fired last month and accused of misconduct after he testified in June about retrieving evidence from Trayvon Martin's cellphone the defense contends wasn't disclosed. A termination letter described Kruidbos as "untrustworthy" for that incident and others. http://xxxnx.fun/bodo-filim-haheni-bor-sex-video/ incesti jelene kalreusa “We are here today because brave Americans who gave their lives on the battlefield are going to be denied funeral benefits because of the shutdown,” Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.) said before the House vote. “This is a disgrace, and it’s the shameful consequence of the irresponsible Republican majority.” http://xxxnx.fun/nui-babelzmnui2016/ mom and son sexvieo One of North America’s biggest carbon storage projects pumps carbon dioxide from a coal gasification plant in North Dakota to oil fields in Saskatchewan, where it is injected into wells to boost production and provide a test bed for storage technology. http://fittor.top/wwsxe-xxx/ hinde sxse p0nr Morgan told reporters at Redskins Park that he and his family members tried to contact LaWanda Ware upwards of 30 times but couldn’t get through to her. Finally a cousin reached her and contacted the 28-year-old receiver via Twitter — Morgan, through a Washington spokesperson, confirmed that the tweet was actually from a family member — to let him know that she was OK. Morgan’s godmother also works near the Navy Yard.

le 20/04/2020 à 04h09

I'm from England http://fittor.top/dirayu-ngentot-mau/ bum tickler Whoever wins September's German election, increased wages and government spending are a likely outcome. But the domestic discontents that drive this German election could help restore balance in the Eurozone. http://xxxnx.fun/privatesociety-heidi/ meiza mohd Pulling up the rear of “Super Tuesday” releases is Sting. His first disc of original material in 10 years, “The Last Ship,” opened with sales of 22,000. The album features solo versions of material planned for the star’s first Broadway musical, set to open next fall. http://fittor.fun/exchange-hasbend-excicuve/ jildior Tullow has said in the past it hopes to see a250,000-barrels-a-day pipeline from Uganda's Lake Albert region,where the company is also drilling, with a view to firstdeliveries by 2018. It has also raised the possibility of atie-in to its Kenyan prospects. http://xxxnx.fun/28639-www-six-mom-and-son/ vipsexxx com Because of the shutdown, up to 1 million Federal employeeswere put on furlough, and the release of government economicdata - including, potentially, Friday's key payroll report - hasbeen delayed. A Federal Reserve official said the impasse coulddelay the central bank's ability to assess whether its monetarystimulus efforts are still needed. http://xxxnx.fun/53301-mom-son-xnxx-new-2018/ seks ne diskotek The deaths in Suez City triggered violence across Egypt on what was later called "The Friday of Rage" - January 28, 2011 - that fuelled an 18-day uprising against Mubarak, who had ruled Egypt for 30 years.

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I'm a housewife http://xxxnx.fun/bondage-mobilebporn-movies/ xhomastar fll moves And with less demand for exports from its major trading partners, China is sucking in less raw commodities, with imports into China of everything from copper to coal falling sharply. In fact, China is struggling with its own brand of deflation, that of producer prices, which fell at a 2.9 percent annual rate in May. Producer prices in China have now been falling for 15 straight months, three months longer than a similar decline during the financial crisis. http://fittor.fun/shahida-mini-full-xarabxx-vid/ 45622 teen orgasm black cock On March 18, 2009, the Fed increased its original $500 billion target for QE1 to as much as $1.25 trillion. (The Fed also said it would buy up to $300 billion in long-term Treasury securities.) That was a big day for Pimco: The Total Return Fund reported an unusually high 1.32 percent return, matching its gain when Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were seized. http://xxxnx.fun/nng-pay2/ b44 xvideos “It’s tough to put a date, a time limit on it,” Tortorella said. “I think we’ve made strides. When you get into late November, December, the way you want to play should be instinctive. We’re still going through the process. Hopefully by early December you start backing off and allow them to play.” http://fittor.fun/riing-mma/ xn indansex The minister told the House of Commons that changes are "necessary to provide safe and sustainable healthcare in the North West". Health bosses in the region said the way services are delivered in Trafford and Manchester needs to be fundamentally changed. http://fittor.fun/my-first-voglioporno-teacher-red-hair/ eee xxxeee video hd According to Israeli policy, the borders of Palestine have not yet been determined. Though the country hasn’t been granted official member status in the UN, Palestinians have been fighting to be recognized as their own entity under the name Palestine. The Palestine Authority understandably praised Google’s May decision, saying “Most of the traffic that happens now happens in the virtual world and this means putting Palestine on the virtual map as well as on the geographic maps.”

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le 20/04/2020 à 05h05

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le 20/04/2020 à 05h05

I'm happy very good site http://fittor.fun/57093-touch-random-girls/ katren xxn Sanchez and his family organized the Jets West event for the fourth consecutive season, with the quarterback leading refresher classroom sessions from new offensive coordinator Marty Mornhinweg’s playbook and about 90 minutes of field work for a few days. http://xxxnx.fun/pornuth-con/ x cvxxx More than 1 million people have already signed up forholiday layaway, which allows Walmart U.S. shoppers to put itemson hold and pay for them over time. Four of the top five itemson layaway are devices including Google Inc Nexustablets, HP's HP 2000 laptop, the Hisense Sero 7 tabletand Fuhu Inc's nabi 2 Kids' tablets, Holley told reporters. http://fittor.fun/bik-kok-blak/ x x x fatb q Couples is three years younger than Faldo, who won two of his three British Opens at Muirfield, and Watson, who came within a missed putt of an astonishing sixth title four years ago is approaching his 64th birthday. http://fittor.fun/shahida-mini-full-xarabxx-vid/ indian romeyans Barrasso says such a move would increase energy bills, close coal plants and decrease economic opportunities. The Republican says his bill will require the Obama administration to get congressional approval before moving forward with regulations. http://xxxnx.fun/bangla-mom-xxxbangl/ anty eduppu In a press release published Monday, BlackBerry said it had formed a committee to explore a number of "strategic alternatives," including, "among others, possible joint ventures, strategic partnerships or alliances, a sale of the Company or other possible transactions." This leaves BlackBerry's future open to much speculation. Perhaps Apple, Google, or Samsung could be interested in BlackBerry's patent portfolio, as some have surmised. Or maybe its competitors are interested in acquiring the company for its talent, its enterprise market share, or for products like BBM. Or perhaps a surprise player, like Lenovo, might snatch up the company or partner with it to make a larger play for the mobile market in the U.S.

le 20/04/2020 à 06h01

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