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Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 06/11/2019 à 04h24

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le 06/11/2019 à 04h24

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le 06/11/2019 à 04h24

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le 06/11/2019 à 05h11

Have you seen any good films recently? xhamster Many conservative Republicans, particularly in the House,want a similar condition placed on raising the debt ceiling, aswell as measures aimed at cutting deficits. They also play downthe impact of failing to raise the debt limit, arguing thegovernment could prioritize payments to cover bond interest andSocial Security retirement payments. xnxx Why would a 50 percent drop in corn prices result in a much more modest hit for farmers? Well, cash receipts are a function of both quantity and price. Corn was a lot more expensive last year, but the drought cut into yields. What's more, farm income can include all kinds of non-crop revenue such as government payments, and crop and revenue insurance. Farmers also have lots of storage capacity, so they do not have to sell at current prices. They can store their grain instead. xhamster Nicky Dulieu, chief executive of Hobbs, which carried out the research to better understand the working women who shop at its stores, told Telegraph Wonder Women that female employees lacked confidence in other women at work, as well as in their own ability to succeed. beeg "They want me on my knees, to say sorry so they can slap me on my wrist, and basically say it's okay for me to promote being sexually exploited as a female, but then to display female empowerment through being punk rock." boobs Suspected members of Boko Haram killed 11 people in an attack on Damboa town in Borno state on Thursday, shooting at soldiers, burning shops and killing civilians, a military source said, asking not to be named because he was not authorized to give official statements.

le 06/11/2019 à 05h11

Will I have to work on Saturdays? xvideos This is a process which can take between 18 and 24 months. The Commission may also refuse to approve the Flood Re plans and require ministers to redesign the entire system, the document warned. sex videos The operations for sale now account for as much astwo-thirds of the bank's $2 billion-plus commodity revenues.They include 72 metal warehouses, three power plants, oilcontracts and hundreds of traders from Singapore to Houston. xvideos More than 180 charters have taken root around the city, especially in neighborhoods underserved by high-quality district schools. They educate 70,000 kids, with another 50,000 on waiting lists, because charters — especially a cluster of high-performing ones — have outpaced traditional public schools in achievement. xvideos "We are not where we need to be, but we are making progress," Obama said. "We are not going to let up until we eliminate the backlog once and for all ... After years of military service you shouldn't have to wait for years for what you've earned." xhamster The index estimated that a total of 29.8 million people worldwide are enslaved, and the countries with the highest numbers of enslaved people, accounting for 76 percent of the global total were India, China, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, Thailand, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Myanmar and Bangladesh. 

le 06/11/2019 à 05h11

Punk not dead xnxx "We thought that people would pay attention, that it would cut through people's attention and make them talk, and it did that," Chris Arnold, a Chipotle representative, told Mashable. "It was definitely thought-out: We didn't want it to be harmful or hateful or controversial." xhamster Silver carp have an "uncanny" ability to jump over a metre high out of the water, Goucher said, adding in areas of the U.S., where the invasive species have already infiltrated, the fish “literally fly through the air,” often striking boaters and their equipment . xvideos (The food industry holds Governments and their agencies in thrall, people, so this happens more often than not. As long as no one can die straight away, it’s okay… so frankenfoods and insecticides and toxins are all OK-ed) xnxx I am at a loss to understand this company. They use to ship their goods to New Zealand and Australia and then suddenly they decide not to! That is ridiculous – they have stopped an effective way of expanding their business for no logical reason. xxx The artist delivered his message just four days ahead of parliamentary elections which could see communists shaping the next government if opinion polls are to be believed. An abominable thought for David Cerny.

le 06/11/2019 à 05h11

A few months xnxx In a period of "not too many months" consumers will be able to find "virtually any app" they are interested in, Belfiore said. Pandora, Hulu Plus and Tumblr have all arrived this year, with Vine and Flipboard among those expected soon. sex videos Just a single point was required for Europe to retain, with the most stirring improbability, the Samuel Ryder Trophy. So when Kaymer stood over the decisive six-footer at the 18th, the captain shut his eyes, opening them only when the sound of European delirium engulfed him. xvideos Cuba said on Tuesday evening that the ship was loaded at one of its ports with 10,000 tons of sugar and 240 tons of "obsolete defensive weaponry," according to a statement by the Cuban Foreign Ministry. xnxx Michael Scott from Firmus Energy said: "We understand the importance of price stability for customers and for the past two years we have been able to absorb fluctuations in costs and wholesale energy prices. xhamster In my experience with high performance athletes, despite a high level of rehab, there is still a high rate of complications when the metal is left in. The metal and bone have different strengths and the high performance athlete puts stress on both and the result can be:

le 06/11/2019 à 05h11

I love this site boobs Xinhua, given access to Liang by the authorities, quoted the detained executive as saying medicine which cost 30 yuan to make could be sold to patients for 300 yuan. It did not specifically say Liang was referring to GSK drugs. beeg Germany's Siemens has received tentative offers for thepostal automation and baggage-handling division being sold inits effort to streamline operations and shed non-core assets,two sources familiar with the transaction said. xvideos The researchers recruited 24 healthy volunteers without any history of reflux. Twelve of the volunteers had normal size waists (defined as less than 94cm in men and 80cm in women) and 12 had increased waist circumference (more than 102cm in men and more than 88cm in women). xnxx The interior of the Asiana Airlines Flight 214 that crashed at San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco, California is shown in this U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) handout photo released on July 7, 2013. beeg Physically, the system-on-a-chip at the heart of the Xbox One is 363 square millimeters. But the real whopper is the amount of logic integrated within it: 5 billion transistors. Although Wikipedia isn’t necessarily the final arbiter, the Xbox One is possibly the largest chip manufactured to date, with a comparable number to Intel’s 64-core Xeon Phi coprocessor for supercomputers, and easily topping Intel’s 8-core “Poulsen” Itanium that the chip maker launched in 2012.

le 06/11/2019 à 05h11

Could you please repeat that? sex videos First of all, try to find low-cost investments. If you are investing with the help of a discount broker, consider the transaction costs. Some brokers charge as much as $9.99 (or more) to execute a stock trade. A mutual fund transaction can cost even more. However, there are several brokers that offer transaction fees as low as $4.95. And some of the no-frills brokers are even less expensive. boobs Hickock and Perry passed lie detector tests when questioned about the Walker murders. After their capture in Las Vegas. Smith had a knife identical to one stolen from Cliff Walker, case evidence showed. beeg When Laura Marshall fell pregnant with her second child, she had no idea she was at risk of passing on a genetic disorder. Laura and husband Gavin, 33, had a healthy son Rhys, now four, and didn’t expect their second child to be any different. xnxx Nicolas Maduro was a former bus driver before he got involved in politics. He was one of Hugo Chavez's closest advisers serving as Vice President of Venezuela from 2012 after serving as minister of foreign affairs. boobs A restoration plan has been developed jointly by the Department of the Environment and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. A Modiolus Restoration Steering Group, which includes representatives from both conservation and fishing communities as well as academics from Queen's University, Belfast will help to oversee the plan.

le 06/11/2019 à 05h11

Very interesting tale beeg In September the country will launch production at Galkynsh,the world's second-largest natural gas deposit. That will allowTurkmenistan to sharply ramp up gas exports to China, which hasfast supplanted the nation's former imperial master Russia asthe main importer of Turkmen natural gas. xnxx The plan is the latest step by authorities to deal with a persistent smog crisis in China's big cities that is fuelling public anger. The capital has been shrouded in thick hazardous smog for several days during the ongoing seven-day national holiday. xnxx The SEC's vote on so-called equity crowdfunding is in direct response to Title III of the JOBS Act, passed last year, in which Congress is looking for a loophole to allow smaller companies to get an exemption from the strict rules controlling the sale of securities to individuals. Congress is hoping that by using Internet crowdfunding, small and promising companies could gather capital needed to grow and expand from a wide pool of investors. sex videos "We are taking the responsibility for the financial side and a home really where he can do his work," Tellez said, adding that Witherspoon will be responsible for the financial aspect of the arrangement among the three organizations with the help of two donors he declined to identify. boobs The government report reflects new home sales at the time a contract is signed, so it's more of a real-time indicator of the impact that mortgage rates have on the market than sales of existing homes, which are recorded at the time a purchase it closes, which is often months after contracts are signed.

le 06/11/2019 à 05h11

Do you need a work permit? xvideos “Stade” means “landing place” and the town’s fleet still lands sustainably caught Dover sole, mackerel and herring here and sells directly from huts on Rock-a-Nore Road. The festival is in its eighth year, with around 30 stalls, thousands of guests, local chefs and wineries giving tastings, guided beach walks, a schedule of talks, net-making demonstrations and coffee and live jazz on Sunday morning. xvideos Before that happened, CBS aired two replays of this obscure event. “Is he (Chris Jones) pushing his own player into the pile?” Dierdorf asked after the second replay. “…You’re not allowed to push your own player (into the pile). They’re saying he (Jones) gets behind and is pushing his own player (Will Svitek) upfield… I don’t believe I’ve ever seen that call.” xhamster The dollar briefly pared its gains versus the yen and hit asession low versus the euro after data showed the number ofAmericans filing new claims for unemployment benefits hit asix-month high last week. But that move wasfleeting. xvideos "Should this happen again in a situation where stores are low and the rations need to be cut down, I think the inability to speed up the provision of humanitarian assistance could have very drastic effects," Hartzner added. beeg Healthcare reform advocates like Smith believe the realities of life without health coverage will drive large numbers of young, healthy, low-income people to subsidized insurance premiums and other benefits that Obamacare will begin offering to the public starting on October 1.

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