Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 09/11/2019 à 18h15

I support Manchester United exhamster Those held include the company's legal counsel in China, who has been cut off from communication with GSK's head office, the source claims. The newspaper says that GSK is locked in emergency meetings with its advisors over the situation and has hired Jun He, one of Beijing's leading law firms. teen slut Blue's father died in 2006. But the time they spent together - as father and daughter, as well as teacher and pupil - had a profound effect on her. She talks about him often. Indeed, one of the songs she's chosen for the Rosenblatt Recital is dedicated to her parents and tells the story of a husband dying, leaving his wife behind to look after their family. xhamster mom Google also used this update to take away the “offline maps” feature in Android. Instead, you now can access some maps offline by entering “OK Maps” in the search field when you are viewing an area, and Google will make that available for later. phim xxx Wow. George summed up every frustration I have with the business. Can’t wait to see what Loeb has to say, if he says anything at all. These hedge fund guys are ruining America on many fronts, not only in the entertainment business. generic vardenafil A former college football star who disappeared in the Michigan wilderness during a fishing trip died of pneumonia caused by inhaling his vomit, after he became disoriented possibly because of painkillers combined with having a degenerative brain disease, according to an updated autopsy released Thursday.

le 09/11/2019 à 18h15

I'd like to take the job beeg. com Copeland said the last reunion was in Salt Lake City 10 years ago and drew 85 veterans. He says fewer than 70 are alive today, so it's likely this will be the last reunion of what's known as the most highly decorated U.S. military mission. ghetto tube “She started off being called grandma, but now she has instructed all the grandchildren to call her Lovey,” a family insider tells NAUGHTY BUT NICE ROB. “She has made it clear that she will not respond to the “G” word, so don’t say it. She is deadly serious about this. She does not like that word and has banned it from her life.” The ‘Lovey’ of three will also respond to ‘Mrs. Jenner,’ however, she thinks the name she has created is better and more funky. “No one wants to feel old. Kris certainly doesn’t. She looks great and feels even better. So why define herself by a title?” asks another family friend. “And let’s not forget, Kris is the boss so what she says, goes.” al4 Xinhua said about 3,000 police and rescue personnel have been sent to the quake-hit region, though landslides and flooding have hampered their efforts, and officials said they were concerned more rain could exacerbate the need for shelter. hqporners Early voting was the subject of several lawsuits this year after the Republican-led legislatures of states like Florida and Ohio passed laws cutting back on the number of early voting days in order to cut back on fraudulent voting. xnxx indonesia He said he has not made up his mind and didn't want to pre-judge the October meeting, though he added that the Fed can be patient with its quantitative easing program until inflation rises closer to the Fed's 2 percent target.

le 09/11/2019 à 19h36

I'm from England free xvideos We're about a third of the way through the NFL season, Ryan has yet to miss a game and he's only fumbled once in 96 touches. With so much attention being paid to Mike McCoy "fixing" Philip Rivers, is it possible that he's "fixing" Ryan Mathews as well? xnxx indo It would be nice to buy my own car. I’m also a massive football fan and I do enjoy the occasional treat of seeing Chelsea playing at Stamford Bridge, but each ticket can cost more than £100 a time. spankwirecams District Judge G. Todd Baugh stoked a furor when he sent former Billings Senior High School teacher Stacey Rambold to prison for just 30 days. The 71-year-old judge suggested in court that the 14-year-old victim shared responsibility in the case. porn Instead of blaming individual trainee pilots, I would say leadership and management of this airline is more culpable. They shouldn’t deploy apprentices to fly long haul across Pacific with the mentor not even in charge landing that risks so many lives and corporate reputation. They need to review their system. xnx The state raised taxes on annual incomes of more than $250,000 through a ballot proposition passed in November, and also increased its sales tax. California brought in $43.58 billion in the second quarter, which accounts for nearly 17 percent of the total for all 50 states.

le 09/11/2019 à 19h36

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le 09/11/2019 à 19h36

Please wait generic vardenafil It was nearly four years ago when Uno, who was out grocery shopping and depositing receipts from the restaurant, died. Witnesses told police they saw Uno swerve to avoid hitting an oncoming truck, according to the lawsuit. levitra online Why not wall Mausoleums instead of in the ground, this is a much tidier way & there would be no problems of unkempt graves in years to come. You'd get far more of these to an acre for bodies than a burial spot in the ground & there could be special ones for family 'plots'. Built behind high walled gated area's they would not be as some might say 'a blot on the landscape' and would be looked after. sunny leone xxx video Sandy struck the state's 127-mile (204-km) coastline last October 29. It destroyed or damaged hundreds of thousands of homes, leveled or washed away boardwalks and theme-park rides, and cost an estimated $37 billion statewide. bokep xnxx Moreover, the tech and telecoms giant is also in final stages of talks to buy a majority stake in U.S. wireless device distributor Brightstar Corp in a deal estimated to be worth slightly more than 100 billion yen, according to a Nikkei report. xvideos porn Uncle Carl helped me transform the nonblue room half of the garage into my studio-office-factory-temple. From scratch he built an industrial, oversized easel on which I would tack up any old fabric, T-shirts, and old sheets and pillowcases I could get my hands on and practice.

le 09/11/2019 à 19h36

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le 09/11/2019 à 19h36

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le 09/11/2019 à 19h36

It's serious xnxx desi So far, President Obama, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Press Secretary Jay Carney and the rest of Team Obama are just glossing over the troubles of the Obamacare Web site. If this administration holds true to form, it will eventually find someone else to blame —  whether it’s President George W. Bush or Republicans generally. xxx indonesia My other great passion when I’m not working is sport. I’m an MCC member and I had my absolute perfect weekend a few weeks ago at Lord’s, watching England stuff the Australians. I have a debenture seat at Twickenham too: I love going there on a weekend and having a picnic in the car park with friends before watching a match. I’d rather watch bad cricket than good football, though. x-hamster Tor is a free encrypted network that conceals a user’s location or internet use from anyone conducting surveillance or traffic analysis. It works by routing traffic through several randomly-selected servers in the Tor network. The traffic is also encrypted and re-encrypted multiple times, making it very difficult for police and other authorities to trace. bbw tube Belgium’s king during World War II, Leopold III, was forcedout in 1951 amid charges that he was too amicably disposed tothe German occupiers. In an example of the political dexteritythat has held Belgium together, his successor, Baudouin, steppedaside for 24 hours in 1990 to avoid responsibility for a lawliberalizing abortion. xxxvideo "It was set up to be ... this really nice night and nothing reckless or ridiculous like it turned into," she said Sunday, noting that the party wasn't connected to the ensuing ruckus. People lingered and a crowd started forming a block away, she said.

le 09/11/2019 à 19h36

I'm on work experience xvideo The cuts, ordered by the White House and the Congress, reduced Pentagon spending by $37 billion this fiscal year, prompting the unpaid leave and other cuts. They are likely to cut $52 billion from defense spending in fiscal 2014. xxxx The incident may have elicited a wry smile among Londoners who have grown used to headlines during recent years suggesting that Foxtons, renowned for its fleets of liveried Minis and robust sales techniques, had achieved the difficult feat of lowering estate agents in public esteem. xvideos Lucas pointed to Alexeyev’s apparent criticism of Western media and observers for blowing out of proportion Russia’s potential enforcement of the new law, which purports to protect minors from information that equates “nontraditional sexual relationships” to traditional ones, during the Sochi Olympics in February. Yutaka Sagara, a 59-year-old sushi chef on the east coast of the island, said he spent a sleepless night with colleagues at their company housing. Their hillside apartment barely escaped a mudslide that veered off to the side. Later he found out the mudslide crushed several houses as it flowed to the sea. xnxx movies “Egypt is aiming for a genuine democratic state that will dazzle the world,” said Ali. “Egypt will not be built by a certain religious current. Egypt will be built by all Egyptians, regardless of religious or political orientation. No citizen will be excluded.”

le 09/11/2019 à 19h36

Free medical insurance youtube videos Lynch scored on touchdown runs of 14 and two yards, and added a seven-yard TD reception in the second half, Seattle flustered Colin Kaepernick into his worst passing game as a starter, and the Seahawks dominated in a 29-3 win Sunday night. xnxx hindi The decision is a far cry from less than two months ago when Key said he doubted there would be any public funding for a challenge, though it would look at helping to fund a defence through infrastructure development if TNZ won the trophy. Finally, he should pick out a really nice floral bouquet for Tricia Romano of the Daily Beast. She wrote a screed against the song and video that, in an instant, transformed it from a fun lark into a national conversation piece. mom xnxx One friend, Robel Phillipos, 19, of Cambridge, was indicted last month on two counts of lying to authorities while he was being questioned. His lawyers declined to comment after the brief arraignment in US District Court but said in a statement that Mr Phillipos "had nothing to do whatsoever with the Boston Marathon bombing or destroying any evidence." One of the largest problems when dealing with public corruption is the people themselves. According to the report, 27 percent of respondents said that they had paid a bribe in the past 12 months. As Transparency International and other NGOs have repeatedly stated, this ultimately sustains and encourages corruption.

le 09/11/2019 à 19h36

Pleased to meet you porn xnxx New York remained the most expensive place to rent in the United States with an average effective rent of $3,049.37 per month, up 0.9 percent. The cheapest was Wichita, Kansas, at $528.95 per month, up 0.8 percent. levitra 20 It would, of course, be useful to be able to predict which practices might fall into this category, so it is of interest that a review of ''breakthroughs’’ published in the New England Journal of Medicine over the past decade suggests there is a particular hazard when the proposed new treatment is more aggressive or interventionist than the one it is intended to replace. selingkuh dengan istri teman A real puppeteer and ventriloquist, Shari starred as every character in the Lamb Chop show. On her children's program, 'The Shari Lewis Show,' she created the character of Lamb Chop, which would become Lewis's sassy alter-ego. Lamb Chop stole the spotlight with this '90s show, which actually lasted five years. Anyone who caught the show in the '90s can't forget the sock puppets adventures and of course 'the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend ...' Shari reprised her Lamb Chop role in several TV movies after 'Lamb Chop's Play-Along.' She also produced these films. After her last voice-over role on 'Wrongfully Accused,' Lewis passed away in 1998. The court ordered the Russian government to pay 10,000 euros ($13,246) to Khodorkovsky, a very small sum compared to the money he and his oil company Yukos lost since his arrest a decade ago. Khodorkovsky, then Russia's richest man, had publicly challenged the power of President Vladimir Putin. beeg Markets have largely avoided steep losses on optimism thatlawmakers would agree to end the partial government shutdown andraise the debt ceiling. At the same time, volatility has spikedas the deadline approaches with little obvious progress seen.The CBOE Volatility index jumped 11 percent and is up 36percent over the past four weeks.

le 09/11/2019 à 19h36

I'm on a course at the moment xnxx We’ll be liveblogging the show (at 11:30 p.m. ET) , so watch with us and tell us what you think! Even if you’re not home to watch the show or don’t have access, we’ll keep you updated on Miley’s antics. As parents across the country are receiving their children's Sats results, Mr Clegg and Schools Minister David Laws are launching a consultation on plans to overhaul England's primary tests and targets. 12yo nude video girl The mice lived in "seminatural enclosures," and the experimental and control groups lived in direct competition with each other. After being fed the two diets for 26 weeks, the mice lived for 32 weeks in mouse barns -- enclosures of 377 square feet ringed by three-foot walls. There were some nesting areas that were more desirable than others. video bokep barat cantik Mr Zawahiri understands the risks of communicating in real time. But he is also aware that in today's world, the smaller a terrorist leader's digital footprint, the lower his global influence. xxnxx Clinton, though, said the financial documents are “misleading.” He said the foundation is required to report multi-year commitments only in the year they are made. So, Clinton wrote, a $103 million commitment reported in 2005 and 2006 does not show up on future documents, even though it helps cover the foundation’s budgets.

le 09/11/2019 à 20h54

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le 09/11/2019 à 20h54

I can't hear you very well just boobs CIC invested around $2 billion in Alibaba in September last year to help the group fund a partial buy-back of Yahoo! Inc's stake in the e-commerce company. Alibaba is currently preparing an initial public offering, after delisting subsidiary in 2012. porn video At least that's what the Internet search giant hopes a handful of young filmmakers will discover. Google is enlisting film students from five colleges to help it explore how its wearable computing device can be used to make movies. bokep xnxx The 37-year-old Smith first made his name with his first business, online gadget retailer His most recent venture has been the Moshi Monsters franchise, a roster of kid-friendly characters that featuring as toys, in computer games and even in books (and there's a TV show in the pipeline). ruler porn tube "Syria's attempts to buy wheat, rice and other food usingfrozen funds have not been successful because they are puttingthe duty of the seller to sort out the payment in their owncountry," said one commodities trader in Germany. tamil xnxx Police said they are still investigating whether the conmen were dressed as women when they visited their victims, or whether it was purely a ruse to evade detection when they withdrew the money.

le 09/11/2019 à 20h54

What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas? xhams China's women's 100 meters champion Wang Jing was banned for life after she tested positive for the performance-enhancing metabolites epitestosterone and testosterone after winning the 100m race at the 2009 Games in Jinan, Shandong province. free porn The lines were stopped last October after financial troubles forced Manganese Bronze into administration but new owner Chinese carmaker Geely has ambitious plans for the world famous TX4, as Nigel Cassidy reports. xxx www “These past couple of weeks have been filled with the most exciting experiences of my life. I’m enjoying this time to fully embrace motherhood and spend time at home with my family,” she wrote. selingkuh mertua dan menantu J.C. Penney said that the plan does not include "certain affiliates of Pershing Square Capital Management, L.P. or certain affiliates of Vornado Realty Trust so long as such party's beneficial ownership is permitted under such party's letter agreements with the company." xvideo A military official said the army had given Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood a Saturday deadline to end its resistance and join a military-set road map to fresh elections, signaling a turning point in the confrontation.

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