Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

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Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 19/10/2019 à 00h33

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le 19/10/2019 à 01h47

When do you want me to start? bokep xnxx The comments from the head of Europe's aerospace giant came as France predicted a buoyant export market for the long-awaited troop and cargo carrier, which was formally inaugurated in a rain-soaked ceremony in southern Spain on Monday. vardenafil Ackman's deep dissatisfaction with J.C. Penney - and Ullman in particular - has sent the company's stock on a wild ride as he fought with management tooth and nail. Shares fell more than 25% over the past month and are down 33% this year. xxx hindi video The ad argued that criminalization made narcotics more lucrative for cartels, noted that a number of U.S. states had liberalized marijuana laws and that Uruguay's Congress was taking steps to legalize the cultivation and sale of the drug. bokep xnxx In Europe, Germany confirmed a 0.7 percent climb in itssecond quarter gross domestic product as broad-based domesticdemand drove the strongest quarterly expansion the euro zone'slargest economy in more than a year. vporn. The federal government’s buildup of federal agents on the border has caused housing shortages in communities throughout the Southwest, said Doris Meissner, who was commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service in the 1990s and is now a senior fellow at the Migration Policy Institute.

le 19/10/2019 à 01h47

Is it convenient to talk at the moment? levitra And as the ratings agency Fitch, either helpfully or unhelpfully pointed out Tuesday night - when signalling the strong likelihood (I would say the racing certainty) that it will strip US sovereign debt of its AAA accreditation - were the dollar to lose its reserve currency status, all sorts of bad things would follow for the US economy. yesporn Chinese have prized jade for its beauty and symbolism formillennia. Many believe wearing jade jewelry brings goodfortune, prosperity and longevity. It is also viewed as aninvestment, a major factor driving China's appetite for Burmesejade. "Gold is valuable, but jade is priceless," runs an oldChinese saying. xvideoscom High rates of soda consumption have been linked with numerous health problems, including weight gain, poor dental health, diabetes and cardiovascular disease – which can ultimately lead to heart attacks, stroke and premature death. xnxx The TUC's general secretary, Frances O'Grady, warned that the recent burst of borrowing by consumers to fund everything from house purchases to the weekly shop was based on extra debt and not on a rise in incomes. cam4 uk Other council members warned of a backlash from financial institutions, noting Richmond had no takers last month when the successor to its redevelopment agency put $34 million of bonds up for sale to refinance previous debt. The eminent domain plan had been disclosed to the U.S. municipal bond market.

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