Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 14/10/2019 à 01h06

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le 14/10/2019 à 02h29

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le 14/10/2019 à 02h29

I'd like to open a personal account xvide Bank of America paid $410 million and JPMorgan Chase paid $110 million to settle their portions of the nationwidelitigation. Those settlements won final court approval in 2011and 2012, respectively. m.hqporner For example, he said many students from other countries are able to study in the United States because of financial aid made possible by financial investments. He also noted that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, established as a result of the recession, is holding finance to higher standards. With rising interest rates, slowing sales, a crippling liquidity crunch and exit of black money from the real estate prior to elections, India’s top developers are in for a tough ride as they might be forced to generate liquidity, especially in Delhi-NCR and the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). France is the most popular country with British skiers and snowboarders, with nearly 35 per cent of the market last season, according to the 2013 Crystal Ski Industry Report. However, Andy Perrin, chief executive of tour op Inghams, says the company has fielded calls from people preferring to holiday where ski hosting is allowed. “It’s a lose, lose situation for France but good for Italy, Austria and Switzerland,” he says. The Kurds have gained autonomy in Syria and Bashar Assad is going to cooperate with them in the future. The PKK and its military wing, HPG, has complete support in Kurdstaan in Syria and they have beat the Sunni Arabs backed by NATO and the Turks. PKK has scored an inter-State victory.

le 14/10/2019 à 02h29

perfect design thanks xxx “It’s just an awful feeling out there right now,” Lundqvist said. “We’re not getting it done. I don’t have an explanation for it... It’s just not enough right now. I have to be better. We have to be better. And let’s not point any fingers; I think we all have to step up.” egotastic all stars The tension between security and privacy is all too evident these days. Benjamin Franklin's maxim that "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" is as true today as it was when he first wrote those famous words. The question before us now is whether or not that is really the tradeoff. beeeg But Scott rebounded brilliantly to win his maiden major at this year's Masters at Augusta, holding his nerve to beat Argentine former champion Angel Cabrera in a sudden-death play-off at the second extra hole. fat mom tubes Mr Givan added: "Concerns exist why the police failed to connect the patterns previously identified by the Barnado's Report and that lessons learned by the police has ensured effective procedures are now in place." The 43-year-old said that while he has no regrets, pitching during an era of rampant performance-enhancing drug use still rankles him. “If I can change something in baseball it would be the steroid era,” Rivera said at the Hennessy V.S-sponsored event at the New York Athletic Club. The pitcher’s Yankee teammate, Alex Rodriguez, is ensnared in the Biogenesis drug scandal and faces a possible 211-game ban. Rivera, who has never been linked to any PED use, has been one of the sport’s great ambassadors throughout his career.

le 14/10/2019 à 02h29

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le 14/10/2019 à 02h29

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le 14/10/2019 à 02h29

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le 14/10/2019 à 02h29

What do you study? gay xnxx Maui currently is in for a "the more direct hit" for the center of the storm, said Tom Evans, acting director of the Central Pacific Hurricane Center, at a news conference at about 8:15 a.m. Monday. The storm's center has taken a northern track, which put Maui in the predicted path of the storm. Flossie is moving at 20 mph west northwest. eporner com This weekend at Pocono will be the six-week mark until the 2013 Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup field is set. In just six short weeks I believe we are going to see some big names make it into the Chase field, but to me the bigger story will be the names that don’t make it. xxx video download House Republicans are dissatisfied with the contours of the Senate plan because they say it does not go far enough to rein in President Obama's health care law. The government shutdown, now in its 15th day, began when House Republicans refused to advance a stopgap funding bill unless it included provisions to delay or defund the 2010 Affordable Care Act. videos xnxx "I was free throughout to concern myself with questions not of value, but of worth," she said after accepting the award from Prince Charles's wife, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, at a glittering dinner in London's ancient Guildhall. porno “In the beginning I started out writing graffiti, but I’ve loved hip-hop music since I was a kid,” said Ash. “I started writing in 2007 and started rapping in 2009… back then because of the political situation things were really restricted, but I liked that it was something that was part of a small community and that you had to go out and learn on your own.”

le 14/10/2019 à 02h29

I came here to work alohaporn Baird analyst Jeffrey Elliot upgraded his rating on thebiotechnology company's stock to "outperform" from "neutral"saying Chief Executive Chuck Kummeth's strategy, including hisplans to invest in China and other emerging markets, is a goodopportunity for growth. indian xxx video Lloyds, up 2.7 percent, was boosted by a Financial Timesreport saying Chief Executive Antonio Horta-Osorio had toldpotential investors he expected to see up to 70 percent of thebank's earnings returned to shareholders by 2015. Subpoenas have gone to Gary Barnett’s Extell Development, sponsor of One57, as well as to Silverstein Properties, Fisher Brothers, Thor Equities and Ann/Nassau Realty — all of which were shoehorned into a discredited and discontinued provision of the 421a tax abatement program. xhamster milf But the Haitian case is far from ordinary, and the lawsuit could yet prove to be a watershed moment for the world organization, amid a rising tide of human rights and other opinion—some within the UN itself—that it must do something to compensate victims of the cholera disaster, which most medical experts agree was caused by inadequate human sanitation facilities at a UN peacekeeping camp housing Nepalese soldiers who had been exposed to the water-born disease at home. xnxx gay "I think there are [gay players] right now, and if they're looking for a window to just come out, I mean, now is the window," Griffin said. "My view on it is, yes, I am a Christian, but to each his own. You do what you want to do. If some Christians want to look at being gay as a sin, then thinking about other women, committing adultery—or any of those other sins that are in the Bible—those are sins, too. And God looks at all of us the same way."

le 14/10/2019 à 02h29

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le 14/10/2019 à 02h29

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le 14/10/2019 à 03h54

Very funny pictures beeeg The judge then adjourned the trial for the day, meaning Hasan could begin his case Wednesday — but he indicated Tuesday that he planned to call no witnesses. When reminded by the judge when it was time to formally argue that prosecutors hadn't proven their case, Hasan declined. xvideos Over the last 30 years, three horses have died in traffic accidents - in 1985, 1990 and 2006. New York Class counts 19 accidents over the last two years that resulted in injury, but the carriage industry says most of them were minor incidents. xvideos The judge handed prosecutors a setback on Monday when she blocked much of the evidence that they said would explain Hansan's motive, including references to Hasan Akbar, a Muslim soldier sentenced to death for attacking fellow soldiers in Kuwait during the 2003 Iraq invasion. xnxx beeg The last few immature short-tailed albatrosses were probably out over the open Pacific, oblivious that the rest of their species was being battered into extinction. Some of that final handful of young adult ‘shorties’ eventually returned from their ocean-wandering adolescence and started to breed on Torishima in 1951. This minuscule number, this tiny spark, gave rise eventually to a flame of hope. Today, there are about 2,400 short-tailed albatrosses. xnxx sex "No matter what we do, there will be people who feel we had other options and could have done other things,"  Ehrlich said. "In all candor, this becomes a producer's option. And in this case, we selected these five knowing certainly others could be treated this way, but these were the five we chose."

le 14/10/2019 à 03h54

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le 14/10/2019 à 03h54

How much notice do you have to give? hamster sex There are plenty of other note-taking offerings in the market, of course, including Evernote. With Box Notes, the company is stressing the ease of working alongside documents already stored on Box–and helping multiple people brainstorm and edit the same document at the same time; each time one of them enters text or an image a small photo of them pops up on the left side of the document, helping people keep track of who’s doing what. xhamster Japan was angered last year after a French broadcaster used a composite picture that showed Japanese national soccer team goalie Eiji Kawashima with four arms and the caption "Fukushima Effect" about a save he made in a game between the two nations. The broadcaster subsequently apologised. levitra generic Meanwhile, for pre-Medicare retirees, the ACA's exchanges offer tax credits to offset premiums costs for families with incomes between 100 percent and 400 percent of the federally defined poverty guideline. That works out to an annual income between $11,490 and $45,960 for an individual, and between $23,550 and $94,3200 for a family of four. xxxvideos Apple Inc this week said its revenue in Greater China, which also includes Hong Kong and Taiwan, slumped 43 percent to $4.65 billion from the previous quarter. That was also 14 percent lower from the year-ago quarter. Sales were weighed down by a sharp drop in revenues from Hong Kong. "It's not totally clear why that occurred," Cook said on a conference call with analysts. xvedio Alexis was arrested but never charged due to lack of evidence of a crime. He told police he was cleaning his weapon and it went off accidentally, according to news media reports including the Associated Press.

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