Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 24/10/2019 à 13h24

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le 24/10/2019 à 13h24

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le 24/10/2019 à 13h24

i'm fine good work bokep sex Why is our Islamic President mum on muslims killing Christians? Where is the Islamic outrage across the world? Where is the outrage in our Media towards ISLAM? Did any of those worthless pieces of crap (the apologists) at least attempt to pretend to be ashamed of their actions? Nope!!! To all Islamic peoples living freely in the west get out!!!! Go back to the Arabian desert and eat sand!!!! I've had enough of you!!! All you do is kill and all our liberal media does is defend you while you continue to insult Christians and Jews!!! Once again no tolerance breeds no tolerance. Sorry can't put my family at risk with you and yours in the neighborhood. You don't assimilate into the culture, you want your Sharia Law, you rape, kill, murder, sell drugs, and butcher anything with the breath of life in it. Darfur, or Shia versus Sunni, you kill over a cartoon, the provocation doesn't even have to be real. You just kill!!! Once again get out!!! Not hearing your it's not all of us argument!!!! Get out!!! Don't care!!! Just GO, GO, GO back to Mecca and take your Burkas with you!!!! Wish we had a leader like Australia!!! Someone who tells you to get out!!! video sex jepang The Yankees’ last series victory came July 5-7, when they took two of three from the Orioles at the Stadium. They’re 9-12 since, falling 9½ games behind the Red Sox in the AL East and 4½ games behind the Indians for the second wild card spot. telugu xxx "The spread of these scanners is creating what are, in effect, government location tracking systems recording the movements of many millions of innocent Americans in huge databases," said ACLU Staff Attorney Catherine Crump in a released statement. "We don't object to the use of these systems to flag cars that are stolen or belong to fugitives, but these documents show a dire need for rules to make sure that this technology isn't used for unbridled government surveillance." tamil kamakathaikal Regardless of what you think of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), the Republican effort to derail it through the government shutdown currently underway is miserably poor politics and even worse public relations. tamilrockers telugu I understand why the U.S. wants Snowden, but sadly I also understand that the U.S. seems to not be handling this situation properly. (To be honest, the U.S. appears like a little kid throwing a tantrum)

le 24/10/2019 à 13h24

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le 24/10/2019 à 13h24

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le 24/10/2019 à 13h29

Which year are you in? bokep selingkuh barat Having accomplished a remarkable rise from foundation to League football in less than a decade, AFC Wimbledon are now plotting a return to their spiritual home. The club hope to hear by the end of February if the government will permit the greyhound stadium on Plough Lane to be redeveloped for use as a football ground. The Dons face competition from Irish businessman Paschal Taggart, who wants to transform the site into the “Royal Ascot” of dog racing. bokep barat crot Coun. Elms, who raised the issue at Thursday’s meeting of the full borough council, said: “We’ll be lobbying the Government for other funding and highlighting that we are a unique rural practice and rurality should be considered.” artis indonesia ngentot “Everybody knows that a solution must be found, and I’ve got no doubt that it will be found,” French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici told Bloomberg Television’s Sara Eisen in Washington. “It would be of huge importance if no solution was found.” bokep terbaru Some 150 to 200 police officers descended on the school following the shooting and searched the grounds with bomb dogs, Reno Deputy Police Chief Tom Robinson said. Agents from the FBI and U.S. Department of Homeland Security were assisting in the investigation, he said. watch jav “I could sit and in 30 seconds gain something (by watching) and I don’t feel it helped us one bit versus the Dolphins last year,” Lewis said. “That’s the other reason why we’re here (talking about ‘Hard Knocks’) today.”

le 24/10/2019 à 13h29

Whereabouts in are you from? bokep jepang selingkuh “It’s going to cost our members millions of dollars over the course of the three years, and that money doesn’t directly impact our insurance,” said Christine Pollack, RILA vice president of government relations. bokep barat crot Juror E6, a mother of two with long blonde hair and believed to be in her early thirties, seemed to be the most vocal of the group, requesting new notebooks for the other jurors and informing the judge or witness when she needed testimony repeated for clarity. artis indonesia ngentot Age and presumably experience mattered more than genetics for efficient migration, Mueller says. Each bird’s pedigree is known, and closely related birds didn’t navigate in noticeably similar ways. jav library Team A-Rod had good reason to closely monitor the telecast and what came out of the mouths of YES broadcasters hired and paid by the Yankees. After Rodriguez had made the Yankees look bad Friday in Trenton, insinuating that the organization and Major League Baseball were in cahoots, trying to find a way for the Yankees to get out of paying him the $100 million still owed on his $275 million contract, Yankees executives likely believed it was in their best interests to make A-Rod look bad. What better place than on YES, where they can always control the message. bokep thailand abg When the time came, Hasan stuffed paper towels in the pockets of his cargo pants to muffle the rattling of extra ammunition and avoid arousing suspicion. Soldiers testified that Hasan's rapid reloading made it all but impossible to stop him. Investigators recovered 146 shell casings in the medical building and dozens more outside, where Hasan shot at the backs of soldiers fleeing toward the parking lot.

le 24/10/2019 à 13h29

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le 24/10/2019 à 13h29

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le 24/10/2019 à 13h29

I'm in my first year at university ngentot ibu And multitudes there were. I had never before seen anything like it. First there were the busses, parked along the streets, hundreds and hundreds with license plates registering most of the states in the country. There were more than 200,000 upturned faces under the Washington Monument and spreading out to the Lincoln Memorial, most of them black, but interspersed with whites, too, who had decided to join the movement. bokep barat Think about it, this dirt was being shoveled long before kickoff. Ditching the hyperbole spewed by these pregame gasbags, the reality is this: The Giants have officially crossed the border into the land of media irrelevance. In terms of coverage they are on their way to becoming an afterthought. Reporters covering the team are looking at only having the draft to look forward to. jav stream Calling the prison guards actions "unacceptable," Castro's defense attorney Craig Weintraub said: "Mr. Castro committed heinous and intolerable crimes that required lifetime punishment, but correctional facilities are still responsible for protecting the health and safety of all of the inmates." tamil video songs This is a fine example of the crackpot notion on humanitarian intervention. Hot tears are cried over the crimes of our official enemies, crimes which in this case are highly speculative, even ridiculous. Why on Earth would Assad use weapons that would draw other powers into the fight? he has plenty of conventional weapons. The author doesn’t even suggest this may have been the rebels themselves, a possibility that turns the argument on its head. seks jepang The witness told police that the order for the cyanide was "out of the norm" because the order was not assigned to a specific grant. All orders on a university credit card are recorded to a particular grant number, according to the same witness.

le 24/10/2019 à 13h29

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le 24/10/2019 à 13h29

I've been made redundant jav stream The first concrete sign of agreement came when the Senate, on a vote of 71-29, with 17 Republicans joining all 52 Democrats and two independents, cleared the way for an up-or-down vote on Obama's choice of Richard Cordray to serve as director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. telugu movie The habitable zone—nicknamed the Goldilocks zone—refers to the area around a star (such as our sun) where planets with the right atmospheric pressure can support liquid water. “We estimate Earth will cease to be habitable somewhere between 1.75 billion and 3.25 billion years from now,” said Andrew Rushby, of East Anglia University. “After this point … the seas would evaporate. We would see a terminal extinction event for all life.” xnxx com bokep barat It is not the first time BlackBerry has been in trouble withinvestors. A judge threw out a 2011 lawsuit by a proposed classof stockholders who said the company misled them about theprospects of its then-new line of tablet and other products. Theplaintiffs in that case have appealed the decision. xnxx abg indonesia After the winning vendors are selected, interested New York school districts would apply to the state Office of General Services. Kids could be digging in to the dairy treats as soon as this fall. Schumer said he’s contacted several New York districts to plant the idea. desi sexy videos Port authorities said the demonstration had paralyzed theloading of containers, but mechanized bulk cargo shipments suchas soybeans and corn had not been affected. Thirteen ships intotal were stopped while 22 were being loaded.

le 24/10/2019 à 13h29

Can you hear me OK? desi sex video In Friday's incident, more than 100 students, carrying placards and shouting slogans, gathered outside the office of the Nawada district magistrate, journalist Amarnath Tewary reports from the state capital, Patna. artis indonesia ngentot Braves first baseman Freddie Freeman and Toronto reliever Steve Delabar won the fan voting for the final spots in next week's All-Star game, meaning Puig is likely headed for a few days off after a terrific stretch to begin his major league career. bokep thailand abg "We need to be very clear about claiming that word as something positive and I think that the new momentum behind a lot of feminist campaigns is exciting and is showing that there are still a lot of issues where we haven't solved it. massage jepang "It's a girl's world in the music business, so many girls are doing so well in the charts, we thought the panel should reflect it," Cowell told a meeting of the Television Critics Association on Thursday. video sex jepang House Republicans will vote this week to delay the part of ObamaCare requiring Americans to buy health insurance by next year, arguing that President Obama recently delaying the part of the law requiring employers to offer health insurance is a corporate favor that slights struggling, average Americans.

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