Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 22/10/2019 à 02h30

In tens, please (ten pound notes) xnxx Banks worldwide are shedding jobs as stricter regulations and euro zone worries take their toll on trading income and investment banking units. Many began shrinking several years ago and are now cutting more deeply as they reassess their business to cope with tougher capital rules, while some are cutting because of acquisitions or mergers. xhamsterlive The Rogers-Birch Hill plan, initially reported by the Globeand Mail newspaper on Friday, is designed to circumvent thoserestrictions. The company would take no ownership in Wind andMobilicity and would not control spectrum owned by them.Instead, the deal is structured to give Rogers access to theairwaves through a commercial agreement. xxnn There's no stopping the Smith kids. Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith's children Willow and Jaden are each becoming big names in their respective industries. Willow is a budding singer, while Jaden has some serious acting chops ... www xvideos com new 1 The endorsement by the Commission followed positiverecommendations from the European Medicines Agency earlier thisyear. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected to ruleon Lemtrada in late 2013. Aubagio won U.S. approval a year ago. porno xnxx In 1993 Leonard introduced the world to the character Raylan Givens, a US Marshal and former marine, appearing again in the 1995 work Riding the Rap. Those books formed the basis in 2010 for TV series Justified, on which Leonard served as an executive producer.

le 22/10/2019 à 02h30

This site is crazy :) generic levitra Meanwhile, former culture secretary Ben Bradshaw said many Labour MPs felt "uneasy" that the UK's options had been limited after the Government's shock defeat in the Commons.Writing in the Guardian, he made clear that he blamed David Cameron for "petulantly" ruling out direct intervention immediately after losing the vote. But he also expressed alarm that Mr Miliband was following the Prime Minister's lead rather than taking a "sensible and measured approach". xhamster Mrs Feinstein said: "Clearly, any case of noncompliance is unacceptable, but these small numbers of cases do not change my view that NSA takes significant care to prevent any abuses and that there is a substantial oversight system in place. xxx jepang "People are worried about it but they're not panicking yetbecause recent history suggests that the Indonesians will find away -- it's just a question of how long that takes," said LeonWestgate at Standard Bank in London. eporner com "But it is clear to all that football personnel he is ultimately responsible for our failing. The AST calls on him to appoint an independent expert to conduct a review of all football functions at Arsenal. bokep xxx "It will just slow the pace of growth in outstanding debt and slow the pace of budget-deficit growth, but things would still be deteriorating," Ogawa, the ratings firm's Tokyo-based director of sovereign ratings, told reporters last week.

le 22/10/2019 à 02h30

Special Delivery egotastic all-stars photos When the $1.1 billion mission launched in August 2011, scientists first attempted the brute force technique: relying on the Atlas V rocket, one of the most powerful in the world, to simply hurl the spaceship towards the distant gas giant. But Atlas wouldn't have given Juno enough juice to reach Jupiter, Kurth said. xnxx. Perry today reported a 7.3 percent stake in the retailerand echoed Ackman’s comments that the board should seek toquickly overhaul its management. The board isn’t functioningeffectively, major personnel decisions are being made withoutthe advice of all directors and important financial informationis being withheld, Ackman, whose Pershing Square CapitalManagement LP is the company’s largest shareholder, said in aseparate letter to fellow board members today. xvideos Calling it “just an app launcher” seems like such a stilted description that it is just outright wrong. Sure it might be best categorized as an app launcher, if you really just had to cram everything into a little box, but I think saying that is a little like calling the International Space Station a “science project”. xhamsters -- Dutch pension group PGGM to acquire control of gasdistributor Northern Offshore Upstream Gas Pipeline System,which is jointly controlled by French gas and power group GDFSuez and EBN B.V. (approved Oct. 22) ampland The call followed a meeting between Secretary of State John Kerry and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif on Thursday at the United Nations. On Monday, President Obama will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel is deeply concerned over the call and questions Iran's motives.

le 22/10/2019 à 02h30

A law firm xxx This is perhaps why the Conservatives and the private health industry, including the "think tanks" they fund, rely on a handful of soundbites. Respectable economic theory and the evidence from real-life healthcare both disprove their case - competitive markets fit healthcare exceedingly poorly. porn It also reported that sales rose by a third and shipments bynearly a half in the first quarter. Japan accounted for a thirdof sales, up from a fifth the previous quarter, and it singledout growth markets including Japan, China and South Africa. xxx indo Robert Sims, one of two bikers who surrendered Friday in connection with the attack, was held in lieu of $100,000 bail on felony gang assault and assault charges after his arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court on Saturday. xnnn For Ms Sfeir, the impact of such continual short-term disruption has made her look beyond the borders of her own country to secure stable revenues. Semsom now has restaurants in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Next she has set her sights on North America. xvideo Toyota Motor Corp spokesman John Hanson said thecompany was reviewing the work. He said the carmaker hadinvested heavily in electronic security, but that bugs remained- as they do in cars of other manufacturers.

le 22/10/2019 à 02h30

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le 22/10/2019 à 02h30

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le 22/10/2019 à 02h30

Who would I report to? x hamster Gee worked to adjust her own attitude toward money, to learn how to scale back and budget and to recalibrate her values. Watching her own mother learn to earn and manage her money after her father was no longer able to gave her inspiration. “That’s when the warrior in me appeared,” she says. xnxx hindi If transaction volumes, which have fallen sharply in the recent months, continue to remain under pressure, property prices could follow suit, Neumann said. Residential transaction volumes totaled 4,276 units in May, down 49 percent from 8,349 in the year ago period, according to Hong Kong's Land Registry. pornclip "I think for a federal employee," Werfel continued, "and I would -- can speak for myself, I would prefer to stay with the current policy that I'm pleased with rather than go through a change if I don't need to go through that change." cam4you The question of whether enough of the train's handbrakes were used may affect the liability of the rail company - Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway (MMA) - and could spur an overhaul in regulation. One key question is if fault can be linked to MMA's own handbrake practice, or to the lone engineer who operated the train, or to a regulatory code that gives rail operators too much slack, experts said. vidio xnxx "One hundred years ago, my great-grandfather had a vision to build safe and efficient transportation for everyone," said Ford Executive Chairman Bill Ford. "I am proud he was able to bring the freedom of mobility to millions by making cars affordable to families and that his vision of serving people still drives everything we do today."

le 22/10/2019 à 02h30

I came here to study apetube Apple reached out two to three years ago to Microlatch, an Australian company, to license and test its peripheral fingerprint sensors. Apple asked it to build a Bluetooth connection to the phone and accompanying software, Microlatch managing director and founder Chris Burke said, so Apple could gauge user reactions and habits, particularly in e-commerce strongholds like China. xnxx “I don't know what's going to happen here in the year, but certainly we've had a lot of players who've left here and come back here,” Belichick said. “It's already happened this year.” planetsuzy What will Michelle Obama do next? Parade Magazine talked to the First Lady and found out: taking her fight against childhood obesity to the next level, gearing up for teenage daughters and taking her life in the White House in graceful stride. xnxx arab We heard yesterday that Josh Friedman, a writer for TV spin-off of Cameron's "The Terminator," "The Sarah Connor Chronicles," was being hired to help the director finish the script for "Avatar 2," but now the plan involves two additional movies and two more writing teams, Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver ("Rise of the Planet of the Apes") and Shane Salerno ("Savages"). the free voyeurweb The Dow Jones industrial average rose 26.65 points or0.18 percent, to 14,803.18, the S&P 500 gained 0.97 pointor 0.06 percent, to 1,656.42 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 17.057 points or 0.46 percent, to 3,677.776.

le 22/10/2019 à 02h30

I work with computers thumzilla You might think a "naked" animal would be more susceptible to disease and environmental hazards. But naked mole rats, found in desert areas like East Africa, don’t get cancer, are resistant to disease, can survive in near-toxic environments, and live for an unusually long time. And now researchers believe they may have discovered the key to naked mole rats' longevity: well-constructed proteins. xnxx The Department of Health and Human Services said 2.8 million people visited the federal since midnight, with 81,000 reaching out to call centers and 60,000 requesting live chats. The department did not provide details on the source of the traffic or the number of visitors who applied for health insurance, but said it was working to speed up the site. www xnxx Three of Mr Bo's family members were in court to witness his verdict, as well as He Zhengsheng, a lawyer representing the family of Neil Heywood. Mr He did not respond to questions over whether Mr Heywood's family had agreed a compensation deal for his death. xxx In analyzing the medical records of the organ donor and recipient in addition to conducting tests on both individuals' tissues and cerebrospinal fluid, the researchers found that, in retrospect, the kidney donor's symptoms prior to death were consistent with rabies, though the presumed diagnosis at the time he died was the foodborne illness ciguatera poisoning. Not until an autopsy was conducted did physicians realize the true cause of death. pornh "The camera is designed for rapid imaging of Mars," the HiRISE's telescope's principal investigator, Alfred McEwen of the University of Arizona, said in a statement. "Our maximum exposure time is limited compared to detectors on other space telescopes. This is a major limitation for imaging comets. Nevertheless, I think we will detect Comet ISON."

le 22/10/2019 à 03h47

Where do you study? xnxx He has faced repeated calls to explain Mr Crosby's links to the drinks and tobacco industries following the Government decisions to abandon plans for minimum alcohol pricing and plain packaging for cigarettes. x tube "We found an amicable solution," EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said. "I am satisfied with the offer of a price undertaking submitted by China's solar panel exporters," he said, referring to the minimum price for China's imports. ujizz The BP oil spill happened 12 hours after Halliburton completed their work. Former CEO Tony “I want my life back” Hayward failed for whatever reasons to put the entire blame on Halliburton. That is where it belongs. Why BP is paying for all these claims and Halliburton is not, is up the lawyers to straighten out. xnxx indonesia Since 2010, when the U.S. space agency begin partnering with private companies interested in developing space taxis, and May 2014, when the current phase of the so-called Commercial Crew initiative ends, NASA expects to have spent about $1.5 billion on the program. generic levitra "I think we've been able to prove in this state,statistically, that balanced budgets create stable economies,create jobs, and there is a way out of the mess we're in at thefederal level," said Walorski, who once described herself as a"pit bull" in the state capitol.

le 22/10/2019 à 03h47

I can't get a dialling tone iwanktv "Hull have had a long season, reaching the top six and the Challenge Cup final, and next week will be the first one they're going to have off. They showed in the second-half what they are capable of." xhamster hd Platinum wage talks have hardly gotten off the ground andcould lead to more strikes next month. This could help supportthe price as South Africa accounts for about 75 percent ofglobal supplies of the commodity. www.freeones Officials say Senatore's son gained access to a .22-caliber rifle in his parents' bedroom and accidentally shot his friend, Brandon Holt, in the head on April 8. Holt was pronounced dead at a hospital the next day. generic levitra "The cost of Australian grassroot projects is going up probably we need to pause," said Shigeru Muraki, chiefexecutive of the energy solution division at Tokyo Gas,speaking at the World Energy Conference in South Korea. Prosecutors said Hernandez shot Lloyd execution-style after becoming upset with him days earlier at a Boston nightclub. Lloyd's body was found June 17 in an industrial area near Hernandez's house in North Attleborough, about 40 miles south of Boston.

le 22/10/2019 à 03h47

About a year xnxx "What you would expect from DCS is a little more expertise and knowledge about what to anticipate in terms of levels of abuse or drug or alcohol abuse in utero," she said. "They should have the resources to know that a child who looks really cute at age 4 but who has been sexually abused or exposed in utero to cocaine, that chances of that child growing up and not needing any mental health care is nil." French authorities described Vikernes as a "sympathizer" of Breivik who received his manifesto accusing Muslims of destroying European society. On his blog, Vilkernes acknowledged reading the manifesto but appears to distance himself from Breivik and at one point refers to him as a "nutcase." xnxx asia Can the Giants or Jets become the first team to play the Super Bowl on its home field? The Giants have a shot with Eli slinging it. Stop laughing about the Jets, whose quarterback is either running head first into Brandon Moore’s backside (Butt Fumble I) or dropping his drawers in a ridiculous video (Butt Fumble II) that went viral and had to make new GM John Idzik wonder just how long it’s going to take rookie Geno Smith to beat out Sanchez to avoid the dreaded Butt Fumble Trilogy. porn xnxx Yet even if 25 per cent of people stay at home next year, it represents a bigger, and therefore different, electorate than normal. With uncertainty prevalent among many, nobody can quite be sure yet – assuming they make it out of the house – how they’ll finally vote. This adds a tantalising element of doubt to proceedings. In Yes Scotland headquarters in Glasgow, and despite a succession of unpromising polls, campaigners are basing much of their hope on the undecideds going their way; hope based, they say, on their own private research. The consistently unpromising polls need to “catch up” with the people, says Blair Jenkins, the campaign’s chief executive. He says his own data reveals that twice as many undecideds are inclining towards a Yes than tipping to a No, containing disproportionate numbers of women and youngsters. xnxx tube The Mets seem to think he’s made progress, but they’re trying to keep the details quiet. On Tuesday Triple-A manager Wally Backman said he couldn’t offer a progress report, making it clear the organization preferred it that way.

le 22/10/2019 à 03h47

I'm happy very good site thumbzill A federal judge has sided with the Federal Trade Commission in granting a court-appointed receiver broad authority to marshal assets and take over businesses the judge ruled were controlled by controversial TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau, who last month was found in contempt for failing to pay a $37.6 million sanction against him for deceptive marketing. egotastic all-stars photos John Beale, 64, of New York, had skipped work for a total of 2-1/2 years while claiming to be working on a project for the Central Intelligence Agency's operations directorate and other jobs, the District of Columbia's U.S. Attorney's Office and the EPA's inspector general said in a statement. porn elephant Volkow also questions the use of the term "medical marijuana," because the medicinal use of the drug or its chemical contents has yet to be assessed or approved by the Food and Drug Administration, which is required for all medicines used in the USA. my vidster The board said the higher payouts were justified to retainHeins and ensure his interests are aligned with those ofshareholders, and to reward the executive for leading BlackBerrythrough a period of massive upheaval. new mature tube Cuba hopes the zone, and others it plans for the future,will "increase exports, the effective substitution of imports,(spur) high-technology and local development projects, as wellas contribute to the creation of new jobs," according to reformplans issued by the ruling Communist Party in 2011.

le 22/10/2019 à 03h47

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