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Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 19/04/2020 à 22h40

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le 19/04/2020 à 22h40

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le 19/04/2020 à 22h40

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le 19/04/2020 à 23h56

A staff restaurant smu nengtot "Don't hurt Barbara," he cried, according to Compassion & Choices, a Denver-based group that supports "death with dignity" laws and has advocated for Mancini since her arrest in June. sexy video idayan faking hd The NEC's Tep Nytha said complaints against the results must be filed within 72 hours. He said the election body was not intimidated by the opposition's threat of a demonstration, and was doing its job according to the law. porn voor mijn eco gili The deal ends weeks of negotiations between Harris, the National Hockey League and a financially strapped franchise that was struggling to meet its obligations to its lenders and had a fractured relationship with local officials, including Newark Mayor Cory Booker. asian lisckin Meanwhile, a security source told Xinhua the bombing attack was carried out by two suicide bombers. The first targeted the army intelligence headquarters in Rafah, while the second exploded himself several kilometers away from the intelligence premises. kiska sins with johny 5 "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland," a "Once Upon a Time" spinoff with Sophie Lowe as what ABC exec Paul Lee called "the most kick-ass Alice you've ever seen," will air on Thursdays this fall.

le 19/04/2020 à 23h56

I didn't go to university sx bhibi papu pron The International Criminal Court is the world's permanent war crimes court, established in The Hague, Netherlands in 2002. The prosecutor's office formally launched its investigation into the situation in Nigeria in November 2010. 66344 canada yuvutu paige Mr Almanza is looking to radically overhaul a business that suffered a big hit to its reputation last year, after failing to provide enough security guards for the London Olympics. Problems in Africa and Holland have also produced a dent in profits. gen bdhova One man, who described himself as a "former schoolmate", said he was "shocked and appalled" Ahmed had joined al-Shabab. He said he was giving a bad impression of British Muslims to the world. Another said he had thought Ahmed had left the UK to study religion in Egypt. nimadi chudai video A sign advertising the Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd is hung with the U.S. and Chinese flags outside of the New York Stock Exchange before the company's Initial Public Offering (IPO) in New York March 30, 2011. phone kubal gaf free xxx com After the magazine is empty, he steps off screen to grab an M-16 rifle with a drum magazine. “Go fuck yourself again!” the police chief says before squeezing. Afterwards, he disappears and returns a third time, this time with a handgun, also loaded with a drum magazine. “All you fucking libtards out there, all you fucking crybabies, grow a pair of balls and man the fuck up. Alright? You’re a fucking bunch of pussies,” he says, before discharging the third weapon.

le 19/04/2020 à 23h56

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le 19/04/2020 à 23h56

Nice to meet you sexefelin vido fere sag It’s hoped an upcoming Indian mission will provide further information on the question. India’s Mars Orbiter Mission, scheduled to be launched at the end of October, will explore the existence of life on the Red Planet. sessotubo aliciamachadoxxx Outside the insurance industry's heartland, construction on the 100 Bishopsgate tower, owned by Canadian developer Brookfield and the Pinnacle skyscraper, backed by Saudi Arabian investment manager SEDCO, has stalled amid a fruitless search for tenants. 8364 beatiful with a very It came hours after Sir John Armitt, Labour’s infrastructure tsar, warned the party that it would be a mistake to abandon support for HS2 because of “short-term” political considerations. 19104 miya khalifa sex moviz Goldman Sachs reported quarterly profit doubled as the bankmade more money trading bonds before an interest-rate spike hitmarkets in June. But Goldman's stock slid 1.7 percent to $160.24as investors fretted that the results could not be easilyrepeated. amber sexxam Ballou's collection includes several programs from the memorial services she attended in King's honor after his assassination in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1968, as well as the last page of the "I Have a Dream" speech he gave in 1963 in Washington, D.C.

le 19/04/2020 à 23h56

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le 20/04/2020 à 00h51

Enter your PIN forsada sex But Gensler is now within reach of a compromise with MarkWetjen, a fellow Democrat commissioner whose vote is essentialto reach a majority within the CFTC, according to a source closeto the negotiations. xxxvibii Depending on the business, you’ll be able to buy gifts codes that can be instantly redeemed on ecommerce websites or in apps like Uber, or load up a friend’s Facebook Gift card with credit they can take to the mall and spend in person. 34122 ohhh my son Leeds, London Paddington and London Liverpool Street stations have seen the highest number of accidents, including one fatality, 51 bone fractures, 19 dislocations, five concussions and dozens of bruises, cuts and abrasions as people have fallen on steps and escalators, over luggage and even off platforms between trains. hai sapit During the crisis, Powerex officials portrayed themselves as good guys, delivering power to California in its time of need. They were sheepish about the big profits, saying much of the money was being put into rebates for British Columbia ratepayers and a health care initiative. khoon nikao aya 'The Boss' is still rocking! Longtime Daily News contributor Debra L. Rothenberg has chronicled Bruce Springsteen's legendary career for more than 30 years in a new photo book, 'Bruce Springsteen In F...

le 20/04/2020 à 00h51

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le 20/04/2020 à 00h51

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le 20/04/2020 à 00h51

I'd like a phonecard, please met art zhang xiaoyu Wilhelmsen was the teams closer for most of 2012 when he took over for Brandon League. He saved 29 games with a 2.50 ERA. This season, Wilhemsen saved 24 games with 5 blown saves in 47 games this season. He also had an ERA of 4.37. wwwwwxxxxd In any situation where cause and effect seem disconnected, it's wise to follow the money. In this case, YouTube and Vimeo have different economic models, the former collecting revenue primarily from ads and the latter appearing to rely primarily on premium memberships. 2018xxnxx Researchers found that children who self-identified as smokers were relatively unimpressed by the graphic images of cigarette-related woe, although children who didn't smoke and those who smoked only occasionally were more swayed. df60gr Back in the day, people would file their old emails in folders. Gmail popularised the idea of a catch-all Archive: the equivalent of dumping all your documents in a wheelie bin beside your desk and rooting around in there if you ever need to find anything. If your email program doesn’t have a default archive like Gmail, it’s easy to achieve a similar effect: just create one folder for yourself marked “Archive” and dump anything you might vaguely wish to see again into that folder. xxxhooliwoodmovei An opinion survey in early July by the independent Levada polling center showed Navalny attracting only about 8-percent support among likely voters in the mayoral election. It was unclear if the events of the past week would boost his support.

le 20/04/2020 à 00h51

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