Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 22/04/2020 à 19h08

We work together ril sestr Noticeably missing from the budget list: The earned income tax credits, food stamps, housing subsidies, and the like that subsidize your $4 Extra Value Meal and pad the pockets of McDonald’s executives and shareholders. rashiansex fd Following the MetroPCS acquisition earlier in 2013, the company added 688,000 postpaid customers at T-Mobile US in the second quarter, helped by its Apple iPhone launch and marketing of a new pricing policy. sha rizel3 Leading bond-fund managers Pacific Investment Management Co.and BlackRock Inc bought about $13 billion of the debtVerizon Communications sold in its record $49 billion bondoffering, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citingpeople familiar with the matter. sex sok sisey On balance, FIFA 14's changes make for exciting football that's undeniably more sophisticated than last year's game. The bigger question is whether this is enough, not just in the context of a series that asks players to buy a full-price game every year, but also considering its lengthy spell of marketplace dominance. Should we expect more than this? FIFA's once-clear vision of how football should be played, of how the series could win – contextual physics, freedom of movement, really shiny badges – has been subsumed in the realities of annual production (“What do we have time to make this year?”) and the demands of annual marketing (“What do you have time to make that we can sell this year?”). The fact a project of this thundering size gets finished at all – let alone once every 12 months – is of course a minor miracle of hard work and management, but it can only be lauded for greatness if that's what it's reaching for. FIFA 14 seems content with better rather than best. brasazze These aren’t the kinds of mistakes contenders are supposed to make, even though the defense somehow found a way to erase a few errors. The Giants forced the Cowboys into a three-and-out on that possession, and they’d do it a possession later, too, after Wilson, who entered his second pro season with such high expectations, got a serious dose of reality.

le 22/04/2020 à 19h08

Can I take your number? 27026 busty fuck hot mommy It was his second important home run of the series — he won Game 3 with a solo shot that produced the only run of that game. Napoli also scored Boston’s fourth run on Thursday on Anibal Sanchez’s wild pitch in the third inning after doubling and advancing to third on a comebacker. gali dekar chodo Gansu province, a region of mountains, desert and pastureland with a population of 26 million, is one of China’s more lightly populated provinces, although the New Jersey-sized area of Dingxi has a greater concentration of farms in rolling hills terraced for crops and fruit trees. Dingxi has a total population of about 2.7 million. hotel room btazers 8 Offices of Deutsche Telekom, France's Orange SA and Spain's Telefonica were searched byantitrust regulators after a complaint by a U.S.-basedcompetitor, two people familiar with the matter said onThursday. xxnxx alhyaan cim Given the deep divisions between the Republican-controlled House and the Senate, where Democrats are in the majority, negotiators may arrive at the table with irreconcilable ideas of what to put into a final version of the bill. akiko ose "I am signing these new laws today so that our youth and their families can be spared the consequences of very serious and preventable health problems that are caused by dangerous habits formed at a young age," Quinn said. "Together these measures will protect the health of Illinois youth and save lives in the long-run."

le 22/04/2020 à 19h08

I'm a partner in sute khue ben ko choda Oduya, Brandon Saad and Marian Hossa scored in the third period, and the Blackhawks kicked off their title defense with a 6-4 victory over Mikhail Grabovski and the Washington Capitals on Tuesday night. oile poran com The previous record fine was 1.4 million pounds for PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2012 after it wrongly said JPMorgan Chase bank was keeping customer money ring fenced from its own. The fine was below what the FRC wanted. goddess amirha face farting Identifying which mutations occur first, and are therefore shared by the largest proportion of cells in a tumour, could allow doctors to select the drug with the biggest potential impact for each individual patient. mirakhalifa But Manchin isn't abandoning his background check bill and he continues to meet with families of the victims of the Sandy Hook elementary school shootings. Instead, Manchin has taken a different approach not to back off, but to educate voters on what exactly his gun bill aims to do. basxnxxx Gunmen killed two female polio health workers in the same area earlier this year. Similar attacks have been staged elsewhere in Pakistan and also in Nigeria, where Islamist gunmen killed nine health workers in February.

le 22/04/2020 à 19h08

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le 22/04/2020 à 19h08

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le 22/04/2020 à 20h06

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le 22/04/2020 à 20h06

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le 22/04/2020 à 20h06

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le 22/04/2020 à 20h06

Thanks funny site 8858 jordi new porn Although there is no regulatory or legal requirement for the buyout vote tally to include shares that are not voted, changing the rules of the game at this stage will give more ammunition to shareholders challenging the deal in court, legal experts said. heamale and betiful girl As the birthplace of Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven and Johannes Brahms, among others, Germany's gift to European music is colossal, while Goethe, Heine, Kant and Thomas Mann are giants in the world of letters and philosophy. mia khalifa xxvom The lack of clarity over the Fed's plans gave investors acompelling reason to pull a record $3.27 billion out ofU.S.-based funds that hold Treasuries in the latest week endedAug. 7, data from Thomson Reuters' Lipper service showed onThursday. garbhwati wala sexy The money will be used to buy the right to erect masts on various properties and to pay for the infrastructure itself. The equipment will then be used by country's network operators, Vodafone, EE, O2 and Three. old man suhag rat qtube Karsten Nohl, founder of Security Research Labs in Berlin, said he has been able to obtain the 56-digit digital key which allows SIM data to be modified, simply by sending a virus to the device via text message.

le 22/04/2020 à 20h06

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le 22/04/2020 à 21h02

I've lost my bank card devar bhabhi tel kahaa ke indiyan sex The mum-of-two, who was paralysed 18 years ago during a car accident leaving her unable to walk, has become an internet sensation after she was filmed riding waves off Australia's south coast in Elliston. xxxvidoo Telecommunications analysts don't doubt Labor's NBN, rollingfibre cable into almost every home, threatens Murdoch's mostimportant Australian asset, Foxtel, jointly owned with phonegiant Telstra and near unchallenged in pay TV. xvideo bol de deedar de The sunshine also led to an increase in vandalism and trespass on the tracks, with the worst incident taking place at Darlington where a main climbed onto an overhead line mast delaying services for several hours. chrie woman youpornfickvideos movie syx The foreign Shi'ite fighters together with soldiers and local paramilitaries loyal to Assad have been laying siege to rebel-held southern suburbs of the capital near the Shi'ite shrine of Saida Zainab for the past six months, residents say. tkw sri utami Recent increases in North America oil production are actually too small even to replace production falls registered by other non-OPEC producers. Back in 2002, producers outside the exporters’ cartel pumped 36.1m barrels of oil a day. Today that total is just 35.1m.

le 22/04/2020 à 21h02

Would you like to leave a message? gand ki mori me finger dalna Industry sources have also named Chanel CEO Maureen Chiquet,Nike vice president Jan Singer, Warnaco Group Inc CEO HelenMcCluskey, Victoria's Secret Direct CEO Bridget Ryan Berman, andTumi Holdings CEO Jerome Griffith as possible candidates. nis xxx6 While busy families often reach for bags of frozen broccoli for the convenience factor, a team of U.S. scientists has found that blanching or cooking the vegetable at high heat -- part of the flash-freezing process -- zapped the broccoli of myrosinase, a key enzyme needed to produce sulforaphane, the powerful cancer-preventive compound. groningen fis China Mobile shares, valued at around $220 billion - half ofApple's market worth - have fallen 7 percent this year, comparedwith declines of 8 percent at China Telecom and 3 percent atChina Unicom. The broader Hang Seng Index is down 0.5percent. uvvvvvvvvb The brand recently has had to destroy millions of eurosworth of unsold bags and many of its shops abroad are losingmoney, the sources said. Richemont does not publish separatefigures for its fashion and leather brands. (Reporting by Astrid Wendlandt, editing by Geert De Clercq andDavid Evans) memek bu haji If all goes according to plan, it won’t just be geeks tuning in every Tuesday night, but mainstream viewers, too. That’s a formula that has worked on a smaller scale for rival DC’s superheroes Superman and Green Arrow, who have enjoyed popularity on the CW’s “Smallville” and “Arrow” in recent years.

le 22/04/2020 à 21h02

How many are there in a book? 4486 ramay xxx poto China has yet to join the OECD's Anti-Bribery Convention, the international standard for how to combat graft of public officials in foreign business transactions. Drago Kos, the OECD's incoming anti-graft chief, said in a Thomson Reuters Foundation interview that getting the biggest developing economies on board will be a priority for his tenure zodwa wabantu hairy pussy At 10:45 p.m., he attacked Billington on W. 58th St. and then headed back to Brooklyn, where he allegedly beat Asim Raza, 35, with a pipe as the victim waited for a Manhattan-bound C train at the Ralph Ave. station in Bedford Stuyvesant. pornoid gina red “I thought it was such an uplifting and awesome picture because it showed just how laid back and awesome she was,” Moore wrote Wednesday. “Might not mean much to anyone else, I just thought I would share.” jepang ngentot di bis kota Lacker, too little, too late. Retiree’s living on no interest for the last 4-5 years have had too eat into their savings. That can’t be fixed. Lacker – you’ve been a Slacker! pemotretan andara early The pleasure was all hers. “We’re the Millers” star Jason Sudeikis says getting a lap dance from Jennifer Aniston wasn’t one of his great experiences. “I’d imagine it’s at least in the top 100,” he told us outside a Zeigfeld screening of the film. “This was merely professional. As you will see in the film, it is anything but sexy — at least on my side.” Sudeikis assures us Aniston wasn’t his first lap dancer.

le 22/04/2020 à 21h02

Could I order a new chequebook, please? www xnxxmi The bulk, based in either Luxembourg or Japan, saw withdrawals of  $500 million in the 12 months to end-May, which equates to about 9 percent of the assets they hold. You can get a further glimpse of international sentiment by looking at the Global Emerging Market Equity funds which have the freedom to invest broadly across the sector. Looking at allocations data published in the three months to end-May, the average holding in Brazil has fallen to 12.1 percent of a portfolio from 13.8 in 2012, according to data from Lipper. vibeoxx gabon Commerz Real, which had bought building in 2005 for $231m said the "current liquidity and investor demand within the London market presented an ideal time for us to seek an exit in line with our original business plan". sajitha betti zoccoleamatoriali gp Sabine Rewald, the show's curator, had interviewed the realist artist and many of his models and was the author of the catalog for the museum's major 1984 retrospective of Balthus, whose real name was Balthasar Klossowki. wankes for mmv With enough securely stored personal information it can pinpoint the best time during each monthly cycle for conception. Once pregnant, data gathered by the app can be exported as a PDF and shared with a doctor or specialist if need be. wwwjapanesecom He has also already sought to simplify Anglo's structure,announcing plans to reduce 10 business units to 6 - undoing someof the changes brought in by previous chief executive CynthiaCarroll - to create a more manageable structure. That willinvolve merging thermal and metallurgical coal and base metals.

le 22/04/2020 à 21h02

It's OK eaneemal TOKYO, Oct 22 (Reuters) - Asian shares pulled backed from afive-month high and the dollar stabilised after recent heavylosses as markets waited for U.S. jobs data that could shapeexpectations as to whether the Federal Reserve will startwithdrawing stimulus this year. amotor huis kyk porn univer it meisies Celestial Securities said: "The company could benefit from rising natural gas demand in China. Along with hopes over possible asset injections from the … parent, we remain cautiously optimistic over its outlook." slf village iem A 19-year-old travelling with his friend at about 23:25 was asked by a man if he had any valuables. The teenager replied no, but the man reached into his bag, suggesting he had a knife before taking the man's iPhone and travelcard. The man got off the train at Thornton Heath. ssma hewan The Liberty took advantage of a considerable size advantage to take a 21-16 lead after one period. Pierson had 11 of her points in the first quarter, as the Liberty converted on seven of their eight field goals inside 5 feet. porno qirje ne byth Chapter 9 filings are rare, with only about 650 cases filedin the 75 years to 2012, mostly involving smallmunicipal entities like sewer districts. But, the last threeyears have seen filings by the city of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,Jefferson County, Alabama and the California cities of Stocktonand San Bernardino.

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