Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 20/04/2020 à 07h18

Good crew it's cool :) prgnatxxx I think the contraction "will be 2 percent less was predicted to be almost 9 percent contraction, Ithink it's going to be 7 percent...We have not changed ourplanning.. our efforts on the fiscal dimension remain firmlybased on very very conservative assumptions... more conservativethan the troika assumptions. We want to be on the safe side." justin slayer diana devoe “I don’t watch traditional talk shows. I think they’re sort of a dated format,” said McCain, a familiar Republican talking head who, like her father, is frequently slammed by conservatives and liberals for her political opinions. nig kock Food and medicine are now subject to a zero rate of VAT, and the plan currently foresees charging the levy on processed foodstuffs in particular, with a range of staples like milk, eggs, beans and tortillas to be excluded from the tax, the party sources and two other lawmakers said. hq xnxx tamil fineartteens "The courts have just affirmed facts that too many New Yorkers know to be true: Under the Bloomberg administration … millions of innocent New Yorkers — overwhelmingly young men of color — have been illegally stopped," de Blasio said. "The overuse and misuse of stop-and-frisk hasn't made New York a safer city, it has only served to drive police and community further apart." animal dogsexx New Street analyst Jonathan Chaplin said earlier this monththat after meeting with Sprint management, he now expects aSprint network revamp to take longer and come with "significant"additional expenses.

le 20/04/2020 à 07h18

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le 20/04/2020 à 07h18

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le 20/04/2020 à 07h18

We were at school together dase polslinux gujarit vidoeos Led Zeppelin had already amply demonstrated their groupie prowess on earlier tours. By now, they had it down, traveling with a prescribing physician and two full-service women. It did seem, though, that the groupies were younger. Jimmy Page carried on a lengthy relationship — at least for a tour — with a 14-year-old girl from Los Angeles. He had her mother’s consent. xxnxxxxn Director Jenn Thompson and the cast do what they can with the material, which isn’t much. Inge’s script is oddly obsessed with the way things smell — cologne, pillow cases, clothing. Unfortunately, the show emits its own funky odor. brownbunnies sneaky little pervert The reviewers found that menthol cigarettes are no more toxic than non-menthols. But they also found that menthol is associated with more smoking among young people, and "is likely associated with greater addiction. Menthol smokers show greater signs of nicotine dependence and are less likely to successfully quit smoking." Thus, the FDA concludes, there is "likely a public health impact of menthol in cigarettes." zoe svz The U.S. and China introduced a new round of sanctions against North Korea at the United Nations that the U.S. said would significantly impede the development of Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs, in response to its test last month of an atomic bomb. xxxxxnv Djokovic has never won in Cincinnati, the only one of the nine Masters series events that has eluded him. No player has won all nine, so he's got a chance for something notable — if he can get accustomed to the conditions quickly enough.

le 20/04/2020 à 07h18

A Second Class stamp sexdess RBS's plans coincided with the Bank of England saying Britain's improved economic outlook had boosted demand for corporate credit in the second quarter. The availability of corporate credit, however, was expected to stay little changed. sma vs negro sexeatube “I had both hips replaced recently - that was literally a pain in the ass,” he says, “and so it’s been three years since I have done anything. I want to do these dates and see how it feels to get back in the saddle.” india sexee One day in August last year, Shiva Lamichhane returned to his dormitory, vomited and passed out. He died in hospital after 19 days in a coma. The family said the company paid the hospital bill and sent his body home. The cause of death was registered as coronary failure. He had no history of heart problems. sexe55 The Giants, who did open talks with Nicks’ agent but got nowhere during the offseason, according to an NFL source, may not be willing to take such a huge financial gamble on a fragile player. And even if they are, they might not have the room under the salary cap to have so much money tied up in two players who play the same position. jessica cediel porno “We think she has my mouth,” added Chlumsky, who earned her first-ever Emmy nod this morning, for her role in the HBO show, “Veep.” “It’s hard to tell. Even the color of her eyes, they are different in different light. But she has a really full head of hair!”

le 20/04/2020 à 08h14

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le 20/04/2020 à 08h14

I read a lot 14872 soto der xxx Hun Sen, 60, has a reputation as a tough and wily survivor, starting with his defection from the Khmer Rouge to Vietnam, which after invading to oust the radical regime installed him first as foreign minister and later as prime minister. janab ka sexy video Distribution center jobs are available in Phoenix; Middletown, Del.; Patterson, San Bernardino and Tracy, Calif.; Indianapolis and Jeffersonville, Ind.; Hebron, Ky.; Breinigsville, Pa.; Charleston and Spartanburg, S.C.; Chattanooga and Murfreesboro, Tenn.; Coppell, Haslet and San Antonio, Texas and Chester, Va. eirotic russian making out This image provided by the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium shows a female Argonaut, or paper nautilus, a species of cephalopod that was recently scooped out of the ocean off the California coast. The baseball-sized animal is making herself at home at the aquarium, bobbing up and down in her tank furling and unfurling her sucker-covered arms. This strange octopus is rare in California, because it only lives in tropical and subtropical waters. (AP Photo/Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, Gary Florin) chana bfxxxhd Consumer Reports said it tested the Ram 1500 Crew Cab withthe most popular engine option - the 5.7-liter Hemi V8 - and thenew eight-speed automatic transmission. The Ram has aclass-leading 15 miles-per-gallon fuel economy in the magazine'sown testing. (Reporting by Ben Klayman in Detroit; Editing by MaureenBavdek) valerymont chaturbate "I am very grateful to all the people who supported us, all the people who went to (protest in Moscow's) Manezh Square and other squares," the 37-year-old said, rushing across the court to hug his wife after he was let out of a glass courtroom cage.

le 20/04/2020 à 08h14

Have you got a telephone directory? xxxwww18 b16 White House spokesman Jay Carney said the president is "attaching no partisan strings" to his request that Congress reopen the government. "What the president is asking Republicans in the House to do is quite literally the least they could do. He's asking them to extend funding at the levels set in the previous fiscal year to keep the government open." mzansi kuku pussy In fact, four years ago, a stampede that arose on a similarly crowded beach left more than 130 walruses dead. This year, however, wildlife experts are doing their best to prevent a stampede. They are taking steps to prevent people, airplanes and polar bears from coming too close to the walruses’ temporary hangout in the hope that the walruses won’t become frightened. shymarla xox Staying at the Four Points by Sheraton, steps away from picturesque Darling Harbour, you’ll be able to discover the city’s charms with ease. Unforgettable sights include Hyde Park, The Rocks and the famous golden sands of Bondi Beach. baragils SPD leaders must take care not to appear overly eager for adeal with Merkel given deep scepticism among the party's rankand file. On Sunday, 200 senior SPD members will vote on whetherto continue coalition talks, and any final decision on forming anew government will be put to a vote by the party's 472,000members. gadakaland The July 12 fire rekindled concerns in the industry about Boeing Co's advanced carbon-composite Dreamliner, which was grounded for more three months earlier this year after two incidents involving overheated lithium-ion batteries. The AAIB said the London fire is not related to those batteries.

le 20/04/2020 à 08h14

What qualifications have you got? tik tnk ladakiyo ke xxx sex "He got out of his car and went crazy on a third photographer," a source had told People. "He reached into the photographer's car, grabbed the camera equipment and threw it into the street. Lamar was very upset and seemed beyond stressed out." yuopjizz pornpo One thing’s certain: The Giants need Brown to make plays in the secondary, if only because the rest of their defensive backfield hardly worries QBs. Supposed top corner Corey Webster spent last season getting burned, and he’s struggled early in training camp. Prince Amukamara is playing well, but he’s unproven and injury-prone. teipartuza free video Shares in Canada's major potash companies sold off heavily Tuesday in reaction to the news. At one point, PotashCorp plunged almost 25 per cent in New York trading. The stock finished the day at $31.63, down $6.27 or 16.5 per cent. mawar afi Democrats have been staunch supporters of Bernanke, even though he is a Republican originally appointed by President George W. Bush. Obama tapped the one-time Princeton professor for a second four-year term in 2009, thanking him for his aggressive efforts to combat the deep 2007-09 recession and virulent financial crisis. viotdpotn Investors generally expect the Fed to announce a tapering ofits monthly $85 billion of bond purchases next week in responseto signs of growing strength in the U.S. economy, but the paceof future cutbacks is less clear.

le 20/04/2020 à 08h14

I'm a housewife tarak mehta ka ulta chasma live Huge by industry standards, the size of KKR's balance sheetis the legacy of the firm's merger in 2009 with KKR PrivateEquity Investors, a fund vehicle whose listing KKR transferredto New York from Amsterdam in 2010. bnm tubez Greek banks have seen their non-performing loans swell to 28percent of their total loan books, as six years of consecutiverecession wiped 25 percent off the country's output, whileGreece's bailout programme demanded wage cuts and tax hikes. wwwteachers out door xxx com SAN DIEGO, CA - JULY 20: (L-R) Filmmaker James Gunn, actors Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana speak onstage at Marvel Studios 'Guardians of the Galaxy' during Comic-Con International 2013 at San Diego Convention Center on July 20, 2013 in San Diego, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images) 37353 daughters vs fathers Stock prices and bond yields have risen in lockstep a dozen times during the last 60 years, according to Minneapolis-based research firm Leuthold Group. Even when rates have risen during an inflationary period - up 5 percent from March 1978 through November 1980 - stocks rose. In that period alone, the S&P 500 advanced 60 percent. 57122 sek in airport She said: "Saying stay-at-home mothers have made a lifestyle choice is pejorative and patronising. They are contributing to the economy, to society, to everything. Staying at home is not a luxury, it's not a hobby. Women who chose to stay at home make huge sacrifices.

le 20/04/2020 à 09h11

What qualifications have you got? xxxjanbar “In North America and Europe particularly, more than half the adult population have their vitamin D level assessed and take vitamin D supplements,” posits Reid. “Some advocates have suggested that the indicator level for needing vitamin D supplements has been quite high.” pakistani nuy To celebrate the first anniversary of the London 2012 Olympic Games, readers can enjoy a Free Weekend of Sporting, which will take place on July 27 and 28, 2013. The Telegraph has teamed up with MiPins, to help the nation get fit, with a range of free activities, from Sailing to Martial Arts. i xxxxxnxxx He also takes a broad view of market performance, which shows a stock market stronger than recent declines might suggest. Since November's large dips, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has recovered by more than 2,000 points. little girl sex sel pack zabdasti Wedbush analysts doubled their estimates for Omeros's eyedrug's potential penetration in the United States, citing U.S.Food and Drug Administration rules that would restrict the useof similar drugs used in lens replacement surgery. 1093 asian fuck faces mey li Margaret Hodge, Labour MP and chair of the committee, was adamant the details should be madepublic, telling Williams: “Whoever has the authority should publish the 10% straight away. Yourconcept of transparency doesn’t make sense to us and you should have total transparency.”

le 20/04/2020 à 09h11

Could I have a statement, please? telefonsex com edi tiniporn "Last November the voters rejected the presidentialcandidate that ran on a platform to repeal it," he said. "So theAffordable Care Act has gone through every single democraticprocess, all three branches of government. It's the law of theland. It's here to stay." santali xxx video soniya Just eight weeks after giving birth, Dutch beauty Doutzen Kroes hit the beach to show off her amazing bikini body. Kroes gave birth to Phyllon Gorre on January 21 and was back to work with her incredible post-baby bod on March 22. romancing your whore tumblr "We recognise that the planning system is essential in enabling developing to come forward in the most appropriate way and in December, we will be publishing a draft planning bill and accompanying policy proposals for consultation. 2991 bathroom me peli pela Google believes that all devices should be able to stream content easily, a point it stressed numerous times during its press event. Recognizing that not everyone uses the same family of devices, Google made the Chromecast capable of working with laptops, tablet, and smartphones running Android, iOS, OS X, Windows, or Chrome (exceptions include BlackBerry and Windows Phone). So, even if you’re in a house full of people whose tastes in brand loyalty differ, you can all still share videos, music, and photos at the touch of a button. We finally have a streaming device that blurs the lines between brands. cil mor xnxx BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.

le 20/04/2020 à 09h11

I've been made redundant call aunties in coimbatore Cade Courtley, a former Navy SEAL, has trained for years on how to survive dire situations and used many of the lessons he learned in the military to help develop his how-to guide called, "SEAL Survival Guide: A Navy SEAL's Secrets to Surviving Any Disaster." stella foliero creampie Yes, her album will debut at No. 1 on this week’s Billboard Top 200 CD chart, according to figures revealed Tuesday by (Official chart positions from Billboard won’t be revealed until Wednesday afternoon). And, yes, the album outsold the opening week numbers of Cyrus’ last work, 2010’s “Can’t Be Tamed,” by more than two to one. nwu frash In 2011, U.S. oil and gas companies added almost 3.8 billion barrels of crude oil and related reserves, an increase of 15%, the biggest jump since the U.S. Energy Information Administration began publishing proved reserves estimates in 1977, the government said last month. sunny leone sexy pmrn video "The most important thing is that Putin, who decides oneverything, so far hasn't lashed out with criticism of Belarus,"said Ildar Davletshin, an energy analyst at investment bankRenaissance Capital in Moscow. odl wmno The California law, which was sponsored by the California Newspaper Publishers Association, mirrors the new regulations put in place at the federal level, said the association's general counsel, Jim Ewert.

le 20/04/2020 à 09h11

Could I have a statement, please? lupopornoxl by mandingo dango com All the major City Hall candidates — with one notable exception — graciously agreed to tell a joke on camera for the Daily News, adding standup comedy to what is already a colorful race for mayor. miu aisaki ria sakurai "I have heard the countless reactions to my words in theworld which have depressed and saddened me. It is clear that Ihave a lot to learn about the lively debate concerning theevolution of the family," he said. 16672 lea and sister hliday As for the foundation itself, tax records show it ran a $40 million deficit during 2007 and 2008. While things have gotten better the foundation still ran an $8 million deficit last year. (Bill Clinton disputes the accuracy of those numbers.) ind mini skirt girl sex 62 "None of them, nah," Santorum told Whispers. He had just appeared on the second episode of the re-launched "Crossfire," sitting in with hosts liberal Van Jones and conservative S.E. Cupp, and discussing Syria alongside former Sen. Joe Lieberman. "If I'm nervous about going up against them, why would I think about running for president?" he said, leaving the door open for another White House bid. "We're thinking about it," he acknowledged. https xvxxx club mov 4136545111 html The manager said that eventually, Davis will have to face lefthanders, but with Satin, who went 1-for-3 with a walk and a run scored on Friday, crushing lefties (.390) he has yet to get him in the lineup.

le 20/04/2020 à 09h11

Nice to meet you arab fomdom lebanon The LRA, which originated in Uganda in the 1980s as a popular tribal uprising against the government, has become notorious for recruiting children as fighters and forcing girls to be sex slaves. Military pressure forced the LRA out of Uganda in 2005, and the rebels scattered across parts of central Africa. american xxxn xxxnhdhd New government mandates for clearing of over-the-counterswaps drove an increase in the company's cleared swaps business.The volume of rates contracts tripled from the prior quarter to$41 billion in notional value each day, Gill said. pakist i bip hd "The Giants helped me out a lot," Hill said. "I wasn't here for the spring practices and stuff. I was in Boston at this clinic and they were giving me help there and I've been going to an outpatient (facility) in Parsippany, so I met a lot of people there, a lot of friends. A couple therapists that are on my team have helped me out with situations like that." potno simplicity In the aftermath of the massacre at Sandy Hook, many districts across the nation are increasing the number of school resource officers on campus and, in a few cases, permitting teachers to carry concealed weapons themselves. xnxx saxvbieo It was a break from the routine that had bred only losing in 2013, and somehow, that was good for these Giants. And who could blame them for thinking that such a small thing could help turn this season around? After all, none of the other things they'd tried — not the Super Bowl countdown clock, not the talk of sparks, not the brashness and guarantees of a few weeks ago — had worked. So maybe the schedule change would.

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