Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 02/11/2019 à 18h38

Do you have any exams coming up? vardenafil Acrimony over the guns-and-coffee demonstrations peaked in August in Newtown, the Connecticut community that was the site of a December 2012 elementary-school massacre, where substitute teacher and part-time Starbucks barista Lauren Rousseau was killed. Some residents of the town were so upset by the prospect of a pro-gun rally that Starbucks closed the Newtown store early on the afternoon of Aug. 9. About two dozen people still showed up at the closed caf©. sildenafil China remains the only country in the world that still systematically uses organs extracted from executed prisoners in transplant operations, a practice that has drawn widespread international criticism. Many Chinese view the practice as a way for criminals to redeem themselves. cialis Greene, 39, had arrived in late June to hike and climb with friends. But when his Subaru blew a head gasket, they went on with their trip while he stayed behind at a campground in Mammoth Lakes, about 260 miles east of San Francisco, to wait for repairs. The last time anybody heard from him was July 16, when he chatted with his parents back in Pennsylvania, called the repair shop and traded text messages with a friend. levitra "We're arguing that the lack of financial resources itself can lead to impaired cognitive functioning," said Jiaying Zhao, who conducted the study as a doctoral student at Princeton University. "The very condition of not having enough can actually be a cause of poverty." levitra Stephen Karotkin, a lawyer for AMR, said Horton has agreedto strike the severance deal from the language of the plan inlight of the court's ruling. Lane has consistently voicedskepticism on the severance, saying it should be a matter forAMR's board rather than a bankruptcy judge.

le 02/11/2019 à 18h38

How much will it cost to send this letter to ? cialis "I watched [HUMA]up there," said Margulies, "and my first thought as that she had the same look I tried to capture in our pilot. Sort of a soul-less look, like her soul was empty and her body was somewhere else. kamagra Pakistan's election commission originally set the election date as Aug. 6. This week, the Supreme Court agreed to change the date to July 30 in response to concern by the ruling PML-N that lawmakers would be on the traditional pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia during the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. tadalafil A public announcement that a passenger was trapped prompted about 40 people to join train officials to push the carriage, whose suspension system allows it to lean to either side, according to the Yomiuri newspaper, Japan's largest daily. viagra Nairobi had long since become a vital destination for the talented, the ambitious and the nefarious from the country’s shattered neighbor, Somalia. Refugees huddled on the border and — as the 1998 bombings demonstrated — militant Islam had at least a foothold in the teeming shantytowns. viagra “We have heard from the Iranians a willingness to be more transparent, more open, to discuss, but obviously we have to continue discussions to see what it is they want exactly. Because at the moment the finer details are missing.”

le 02/11/2019 à 19h57

I've just started at vardenafil A combination of aggressive acquisitions and savvy politics has helped CGI Federal increase its annual revenue from the federal government to $300 million in the year ended Sept. 30 from $16.6 million in fiscal 2008, according to data from sildenafil This week, a Boston federal judge denied a request by HearstTelevision Inc's local station, WCVB-TV, that Aereobe prevented from providing WCVB programs to subscribers whilethe lawsuit there is pending. cialis Anna Jefferson had been named as one of three senior officials at the Care Quality Commission who were suggested to have backed the suppression of a damning internal review which highlighted its failure to investigate a spate of baby deaths at Furness General Hospital in Cumbria. levitra Intervening in the redistricting case would enable the federal government to seek a declaration that Texas's 2011 redistricting plans for the U.S. Congress and the Texas State House of Representatives were adopted in order to deny or restrict the right to vote on account of race, color, or membership in a language minority group. sildenafil "There were about 40 people involved in signing off the pay-offs - about one in 600 of the BBC's employees. The BBC knows who these people are but has refused to take any disciplinary action against them."

le 02/11/2019 à 19h57

Some First Class stamps tadalafil Although they were united for many years, the two Sudans were always very different. The great divide is visible even from space, as this Nasa satellite image shows. The northern states are a blanket of desert, broken only by the fertile Nile corridor. South Sudan is covered by green swathes of grassland, swamps and tropical forest. vardenafil Major U.S. banks reported big profit gains this month,leading critics to contend that new rules are not actuallyhurting their operations. However, the returns that shareholderscare more about have come down because they had to raise morecapital. Goldman Sachs, for example, reported a 10.5 percentreturn on equity earlier this week, just about making its costof capital. Before the crisis, that number was above 30 percent. vardenafil "We will continue to evaluate the threats to Sanaa and Lahore and make subsequent decisions about the reopening of those facilities based on that information," she said. "We will also continue to evaluate information about these and all of our posts and to take appropriate steps to best protect the safety of our personnel, American citizens traveling overseas and visitors to our facilities." cialis In northern Baghdad, a car bomb hit a restaurant in the Shiite area of Khazimiyah, killing five people and wounding 14, authorities said. Police also said that five people were killed when a car bomb exploded near a cafe in Baghdad's southwestern neighborhood of Baiyaa. tadalafil But that prognosis changes dramatically when you factor in Moto Maker. I'm almost confident that the Moto X would be a runaway hit ($199 price be damned) if Moto Maker were a standard option for all five US wireless carriers. That it isn't is troubling and, for now, only AT&T subs will have access to the NikeID-like customizations come launch. And then there are the wood-backed Moto X variants coming this Q4, the tantalizing promise of which could keep consumers from buying in now. I like where this new Motorola's going: the personalization, the few, focused user-friendly enhancements, the stellar battery life and crowdsourced design. If only its launch execution were a bit smarter like the Moto X, a bit tighter (that wood option should've been ready) and a bit more accessible (Moto Maker for all!), regardless of carrier. Motorola, let this butterfly fly free.

le 02/11/2019 à 19h57

Where do you come from? sildenafil Sabrina Ouazani plays a tragedy-prone pregnant woman who ends up becoming radicalized. Though “Inch’Allah” — which translates to “God Willing” — has good performances and fine location photography, its irresponsible attitude towards terrorism goes too far. For a more nuanced view (and more interesting film), stick with the recent import “The Attack.” viagra The £21.96m contract is intended to bring high-speed fibre broadband to 97 percent of households and businesses across most of West Yorkshire, with the additional aim of supplying at least 2Mbps broadband to the remaining three percent. tadalafil While China only accounts for a small fraction of GSK’s global sales, the company’s third quarter results, released on Wednesday, "clearly bore the imprint of the corruption investigation", according to Deutsche Bank analyst Mark Clark. tadalafil Microsoft calls itself a devices and cloud company - but Windows on PCs, server operating systems tools, virtualisation tools and, of course, Office all bring home the bacon. Microsoft flogs its Xbox games consoles, but whether it likes it or not, the company is primarily a business and enterprise software company. Who could Microsoft bring on to run such an outfit? viagra Shares of China Shenhua jumped 5.6percent in Hong Kong to its highest in three weeks after postinga solid operating performance in the first half of the year ascoal sales grew 9.3 percent in June from a year earlier. ItsShanghai listing climbed 1.5 percent.

le 02/11/2019 à 19h57

Photography levitra * Shares of Apple Inc will be in focus aftertechnology blog AllThingsD reported the company was expected topresent a redesigned iPhone in September. Shares added 0.3percent to $455.99 in light premarket action. viagra Former U.S. Senator Richard Lugar, who helped establish a post-Cold War program to secure and decommission Soviet-era stockpiles of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, says the United States has recently developed a prototype for a mobile system that can eradicate chemical warfare agents on site. tadalafil The careful balance of guided sightseeing and independent discovery demonstrates APT’s knack of ensuring everyone gets what they want out of their holiday, enhanced by the convenient central location of the hand-picked hotels. viagra COPENHAGEN, July 11 (Reuters) - Danish brewer Royal Unibrew has entered into a 2.8 billion Danish crowns($482.71 million) deal to buy Finland's Hartwall from Heineken to strengthen its position in the Nordic and Balticregion. vardenafil Al Jazeera, a Qatar-based news organization that recently launched an American cable news network, has repeatedly broadcast video and audio messages from terrorist organizations including several from Osama bin Laden. The NSA called hacking into Al Jazeera’s communications a “notable success” and listed that target, as well as Aeroflot, as those with “high potential as sources of intelligence,” Der Spiegel reported.

le 02/11/2019 à 19h57

How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? cialis America Movil investors are concerned that the size of thedeal might squeeze the company's finances as it is alreadycommitted to a hefty investment plan. The deal is also perceivedas risky because Slim's flagship company has little experiencein Europe, where companies face tough competition and strictregulation. tadalafil And Castro, who turns 39 on Monday, may play a role in that acceleration. As well as seasoned war-horses like Biden, 70, and Hillary, 65, the Democrats have a number of relative youngsters gnawing at the bit. kamagra By the way, human instincts would have you pull back on the stick as soon as you can, because up is up, but pitching up quickly during landing will not increase the altitude quickly enough and will decrease speed too quickly. Pitch up, speed down. Pitch down, speed up. And when you're landing or taking off, the relative effects of these actions will differ too. cialis But now, as it prepares to become a public company with avaluation expected to exceed $10 billion, Twitter must figureout how to make money outside the U.S. International customersmake up more than 75 percent of Twitter users, but only 25percent of sales come from overseas. cialis As precedent, the majority cited the Supreme Court's 1969 and 1982 rulings in cases from Akron and Seattle. The high court struck down voter-approved initiatives that had blocked the cities' pro-minority housing and school busing policies. Opponents of the Michigan initiative want equal treatment.

le 02/11/2019 à 19h57

I'm happy very good site kamagra Police Chief Frank Straub identified the suspect still at large Friday as Kenan D. Adams-Kinard. Even though he is a juvenile, his name and photo were released because he remains a danger to the community, Straub said. tadalafil The North Carolina-born Travis is a traditional country purist who is a pivotal figure in the genre best known for his hits “Forever and Ever, Amen” and “Three Wooden Crosses.” His Warner Bros. debut album “Storms of Life” sold 3 million copies and helped return country music to its roots. kamagra The so-called Beaver Creek fire has destroyed one home and seven other buildings and forced the evacuation of thousands. It was sparked by lightning nearly two weeks ago outside Sun Valley, one of three tourist communities that make up a resort area in central Idaho valued at $8 billion. sildenafil BOSTON (AP) -- Lawyers for reputed gangster James "Whitey" Bulger have kicked off his defense by calling a former FBI supervisor who testified that Bulger told him he was not an FBI informant. kamagra Heidi Klum sure knows how to pamper herself on Mother's Day! The supermodel and mom of four looked to have had a relaxing day, posting a picture on Twitter of herself lounging in a pool with a drink in hand on May 12, 2013. "Happy Mother's Day! Best Mother's day ever...." she captioned the photo.

le 02/11/2019 à 19h57

One moment, please levitra Authorities and volunteers expanded their search of vacant and abandoned houses today in a Cleveland, Ohio, suburb for more possible victims after three bodies wrapped in plastic bags were found within less than 200 yards of each other. cialis But most of the aggression is on the track. Barry Sheene was a big fan of the Revival and won his final race at Goodwood in 2002 before succumbing to cancer the following year, aged 52. Freddie, a relative racing novice, won’t be among the front-runners but his presence adds a poignant note to this most nostalgic of events. His much missed dad would surely approve. tadalafil Lagarde, speaking during lunch on the first day of thetwo-day gathering, noted that concerns about taperingquantitative easing by the Fed had knocked emerging markets inrecent days, but argued that the exit would proceed slower than"feared." vardenafil Restructuring specialist Zolfo Cooper was appointed on 3 July to find a buyer for the business, which employed 75 staff across its retail network, and had another 44 staff employed at its headquarters in London. sildenafil The flu can also make chronic health conditions worse. For example, people with asthma may be more likely to experience asthma attacks while they have the flu, and if people with congestive heart failure get sick with the flu, their condition could become even worse.

le 02/11/2019 à 19h57

What do you want to do when you've finished? tadalafil Mr Clegg said he took a “hard-line” approach to any abuse of the law but added: “Tone is important. I think you can enforce the law effectively without instilling a tone which is unsettling to communities, particularly to mixed communities. viagra When away from their phones, a staggering 58 per cent of those surveyed said they were afraid of being 'tagged in embarrassing posts' and being powerless to do anything about it. 'Not being included amongst friends' was a fear affecting 41 per cent, and and 37 per cent simply missed out on ‘seeing what people were up to’. tadalafil It's often categorized as "bad" and "good," because "bad" (LDL) cholesterol deposits fat in your arteries, and "good" (HDL) prevents this plaque build up. tadalafil However, he and other opposition groups described a ferocious offensive on the eastern suburbs known as eastern Ghouta, saying "hundreds" of shells and rockets were unleashed by regime forces Wednesday on the region. cialis U.S. President Barack Obama, whose father was born in the east African nation, offered U.S. help, saying he believed Kenya - the scene of one of al Qaeda's first major attacks, in 1998, and a neighbor of chaotic Somalia - would continue to be a regional pillar of stability.

le 02/11/2019 à 19h57

Cool site goodluck :) tadalafil The world's largest online retailer has been spending heavily on order fulfillment, a strategy meant to help the business grow, but one that has also weighed on profit margins. The company said last week that it lost money in the second quarter, even as revenue increased. vardenafil "Essentially, the dollar has been falling after the payrollsnumbers were weaker than expected. But I think the dollar isjust testing the lower end of its range rather than entering afresh downtrend. Sentiment may change if upcoming U.S. data,such as retail sales, shows strength," said Minori Uchida, chiefFX analyst at the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ. tadalafil Rybolovlev, who’s worth $9 billion, has denied through spokesmen that he owns the properties — which were purchased by corporations and put into trusts for his children, Ekaterina and Anna. His aides have defended the right of the trusts to make the purchases. sildenafil Between August 23 and September 11, Sycamore affiliate Hummingbird LLC bought 6.25 million Aeropostale shares at prices ranging from $8.2723 to $8.7564 each, according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. levitra A Goldman representative was a member of the LME's boardbefore the Hong Kond takeover. The warehousing units of Goldman,JP Morgan, Glencore and Trafigura all remain members of theLME's warehousing committee.

le 02/11/2019 à 19h57

What line of work are you in? viagra The organizer of this year’s Miss Malaysia World contest, Datuk Anna Lim, was disappointed that the country could not be represented by Malays in an international beauty pageant, according to the Malay Mail report. levitra We’re now in the final stages of the permitting process, and a key meeting is fast approaching. The City Council meeting to consider the project is scheduled for October 15 at 5:00 p.m. It will be held at Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue. cialis Chinese state media reported that it military would conduct live fire drills for four days from Thursday in the East China Sea, though not close to Japan. Some Japanese media speculated this was timed to coincide with the Yasukuni visits. levitra The Syrian opposition coalition has not confirmed whether it will attend the Geneva talks, but the largest group within the coalition — the Syrian National Council — declared it would not take part. viagra Thompson's team has spoken openly of its hope to win decisively among black voters, yet Weiner has remained the most popular candidate among them. Weiner pulled in 24 percent of black voters in the Quinnipiac poll, and Thompson would seem poised to grab more of them than de Blasio or Quinn.

le 02/11/2019 à 21h15

Is this a temporary or permanent position? cialis A two-week auction held in the capital Naypyitaw in Junesold a record-breaking $2.6 billion in jade and gems. But jadetax revenue in 2011 amounted to only 20 percent of the officialsales. Add in all the "unofficial" sales outside of theemporium, and Harvard calculates an effective tax rate of about7 percent on all Burmese jade. cialis But the differences over culpability for the August 21 attack indicated the hurdles faced in turning the chemical weapons agreement into progress towards ending a civil war that has killed more than 100,000 people since March 2011. vardenafil The government intends to cut the list of bids down laterthis year, one source said, and in 2014 will compare the bestproposal with an alternative option known as 'DE&S plus', whichit has not provided details on but has described as an"improvement of the status quo." kamagra In the lawsuit, the NSSF accused Malloy and Connecticutlawmakers of abusing their power to quickly push throughlegislation and said the law should be declared invalid. Gunadvocates are seeking an injunction to stop its enforcement. viagra RENO, Nev. -- Two Northern California siblings caught in a sex-trafficking sting in Reno last week had been forcing their 14-year-old cousin to work as a prostitute since she was 11 years old, authorities said Wednesday.

le 02/11/2019 à 21h15

Excellent work, Nice Design kamagra Though Obama has focused on Iran outreach in recent days, his attention has been divided by the looming threat of a U.S. government shutdown just after midnight on Monday if a stalemate with congressional Republicans is not resolved. sildenafil Changing the system can allow states to cut the overly high payments to pharmacies, Fein said. States haven't saved as much money as anticipated from using generic medications, because of the way they reimburse pharmacies. vardenafil "It really doesn't fall down in any area, and it does a lot of things really well," Fisher said of the 2014 version. "The car rides better than a Lexus ES. It's quieter than many luxury cars. It accelerates and brakes better than, say a Volkswagen GTI. It's extremely roomy." cialis Business Secretary Vince Cable denied the government hadundervalued Royal Mail, whose red post boxes decorated with theRoyal Crest are a feature of landscapes from Land's End insouthwest England to John o'Groats in the far north of Scotland. viagra The Scot’s future in IndyCar is likely to be a subject of speculation following Sunday’s spectacular crash, which bore certain similarities to Wheldon’s fatal accident in Las Vegas on Oct 16, 2011 when the Briton’s car was launched into the air following a multi-car pile-up on the banked oval. Wheldon died after colliding with a fence post.

le 02/11/2019 à 21h15

Until August kamagra At 4pm on Tuesday, Tracy Mitchell drove Carole and Michael Middleton from St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, to Kensington Palace after they met Prince George of Cambridge for the first time. kamagra Ha Meem Sportswear denied that workers were forced to work 19-hour shifts or that they were locked inside. It said there was a second gate at the factory that was open and that there hadn't been a fire, just "some smoke". cialis “People within the bottom quintile [lower income households] are on average receiving more in benefits than they were at the start. Housing benefit and child tax credit are two of the ones [they benefit from].” kamagra But Bezos' bet is relatively small compared with his fortune of around $25 billion, and the chances of any buyer paying a premium like that for the Times are remote. The last blockbuster deal of that size for a prestigious newspaper was News Corp's deal to buy Dow Jones, the publisher of The Wall Street Journal, for $5.6 billion in 2007. The following year it took a $2.8 billion non-cash charge on the purchase. tadalafil Currency dealers said they suspected that South Koreanauthorities intervened in the foreign exchange market, buyingdollars to push the Korean won off what was its strongestlevel in more than eight months.

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