Toujours au boulot !

Et oui, cela fait un petit moment que nous ne vous avons pas fait une petite news mais ça ne veut pas dire que le club est au repos, au contraire !

La coupe de France de robotique

Plus que neufs semaines avant l'échéance de notre plus gros projet, la coupe de France qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 mai.

L'électronique de nos deux robots sont terminées et approuvées, et la programmation des différents micro-contrôleurs est presque terminée ! Il ne nous reste plus qu'à finir le programme principal sur notre Raspberry Pi et tout tester !

Le développement de nos toutes nouvelles balises (permettant de déterminer la position des robots adverses) avance également à grand pas et nous espérons pouvoir les mettre à l'épreuve très bientôt !

Du côté mécanique, de petits imprévus au niveau de la découpe de nos tôles nous ont bien retardés. Mais toute nos commandes sont lancées et nous sommes prêts à mettre les bouchées doubles à leur réception afin de réaliser de beaux robots !

Vous l'aurez compris, nos robots rouleront à temps !

Vous l'aurez compris, vous n'avez pas encore fini d'entendre parler de nous cette année !

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le 22/04/2020 à 13h29

Do you have any exams coming up? mestrubising The Denver-based 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Novell has no viable claims left after the company lost an eight-week trial against Microsoft in Salt Lake City back in 2011. According to Novell, this has cost time and market share for the company, resulting in the company to sell WordPerfect for a $1.2 billion dollar loss. wapin saxowap In May, 30 other initiates died at government-registered initiation schools in the Eastern Cape's Mpumalanga district, police said, and it's unclear who is responsible for those deaths. Health officials who were supposed to be present during circumcision procedures said they were not informed until after the procedures were performed. The chairman of the House of Traditional Leaders Mathibela Mokoena said officials were notified, but did not arrive on time. daniella chavez body cream Still, cash remains king, with the latest data suggestingmore of the money that has come out of bonds this summer hasgone into cash. In the latest eight weeks ended July 22, $110.9billion poured into savings deposits, while $32.5 billion flowedinto retail money market funds. thumbizila 2 "I feel like I'm on the right track and I feel like I'm playing well, so right now that's what I'm thinking about," she said Sunday. "The U.S. Open is coming up as well, which is a tournament that I am looking very much forward to. I love it there. So, these two tournaments, hopefully, will be good for me." brho gud Electric demand in Texas is growing faster than generationis being built, shrinking the state's reserve margin andincreasing the likelihood of rolling outages in future years,the grid operator has warned.

le 22/04/2020 à 13h30

Canada>Canada erza yusmira The schemes often work like this: Fraudsters, often paid promoters or company insiders, use emails and posts on social media and message boards to drum up interest in thinly-traded stocks with overly optimistic and, in some cases, false information. wwwziporn www vieille femme net Regulators are cracking down on the $630 trillion swapsmarket, one of the main arenas of the 2007-09 credit meltdown, a market that mushroomed into a vast playground for speculatorsfrom modest beginnings in the mid-1980s. lackmai gangbang The drop comes after oil prices posted their biggest weeklygain in a year last Friday as tension in Egypt rattled marketsand better-than-expected U.S. labor data sparked concern aboutthe wind-down of the Federal Reserve's monetary stimulus. iol ass fuv Instead, they point to regional differences in medical costs, the relative health and age of local populations and competition among insurers as having greater influence over the monthly premiums. Those differences lead to a wide variance in prices between states, and even within states. tube porn basimiz belaya girecek porno In the letter, the SNC's Jarba called on the U.N. SecurityCouncil to make any resolution on a Assad's chemical weaponssubject to "Chapter 7" of the U.N. charter, which couldauthorise the use of force in case of non-compliance.

le 22/04/2020 à 13h30

Are you a student? sexeul The new National Security Agency (NSA) Utah Data Center facility is seen under construction in Bluffdale, about 25 miles (40 km) south of Salt Lake City, Utah in this NSA file photo shot in May of 2013 and released to Reuters July 9, 2013. axra singh The German media has dubbed Tebartz-van Elst "the luxury bishop" after an initial audit of his spending, ordered after a Vatican monitor visited Limburg last month, revealed the project cost at least 31 million euros, six times more than planned. mega dirty 2 gaptube pro mp4 "Widespread incarceration at the federal, state, and local levels is both ineffective and unsustainable," Holder said. "It imposes a significant economic burden -- totaling $80 billion in 2010 alone -- and it comes with human and moral costs that are impossible to calculate." porn sexgi xxx "Helen Thomas was a trailblazer in journalism and in the White House press corps," said Steven Thomma, president of the White House Correspondents Association. "Women and men who’ve followed in the press corps all owe a debt of gratitude for the work Helen did and the doors she opened. All of our journalism is the better for it." foto ragazzi neri nudi "Absent the decommissioning of iDen, it's very likely theywould have lost a significant number of phone subscribers in thequarter," said Moffett who also questioned where AT&T andVerizon Wireless growth will come from in coming quarters.

le 22/04/2020 à 13h30

My battery's about to run out seachany way Prominently featured in the museum are firearms used by historical figures - an engraved shotgun presented by Napoleon Bonaparte to a general in his army, guns from Missouri-born Old West outlaw Jesse James and weapons used in Western movies by tough-guy actors John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. xxxwwcc A spokesman for BAE Systems said: “Bahrain has expressed an interest in Typhoon and the govern- ment is leading very early discussions.” Prime Minister David Cameron held talks with King Hamad al-Khalifa of Bahrain when he visited London earlier this week. chut se bij niklte In effect, UKOOG is proposing a system of quasi-bonuses androyalties. Local communities would receive "benefits" wortharound 100,000 pounds at the exploration/appraisal stage foreach site where hydraulic fracturing takes place. depravato ruleporn visitor com So the moments of nostalgia seem done for Pierce, at least until he plays at Boston. The small forward has said he plans to skip the preseason game at TD Bank Garden on Oct. 23 – much to the chagrin of ESPN, which is broadcasting the game — so we’re probably looking at a Jan. 26 homecoming. flm kartun antonim Erected in 1952, the year before Stalin's death, the statue was removed in 2010 amid a crackdown on Soviet-era monuments launched by pro-Western President Mikhail Saakashvili. Its restoration is part of a rollback of Saakashvili's legacy after his party lost a parliamentary vote last fall to a coalition headed by a Russia-friendly billionaire who became the prime minister.

le 22/04/2020 à 13h30

Go travelling myanmar papa win khin porn The findings also reduce the likelihood of significant levels of methane being produced geologically or from meteorites, according to California Institute of Technology researcher Christopher Webster, co-author of the study published in the journal Science. marie salope blaksila ten com As I noted in my last post, the Office for Budget Responsibility reckons Britain's "natural" rate is now about 5.4% - the rate of unemployment just before the economy peaked. Others like the OECD think it's higher. miyak alifa arb Just what Shawn (“The Fever,” “The Princess Bride”) is chasing only begins to take shape at the end of the 100-minute first act. In the second half, we come to see that intellectuals are in the crosshairs. That doesn’t bode well for Howard and Judy. blood wagin Premium paying customers in business and first-class seats won’t be affected. It will be the coach passengers on domestic and international routes who will most likely feel the pinch, the AP said. ponohub com The two programs are part of more than $1.8 billion New Jersey has received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The state is expecting more Community Development Black Grant Disaster Recovery funding in the fall, but it's uncertain how that money will be used, Ryan said.

le 22/04/2020 à 14h25

I've only just arrived sixxnx There are many questions that have been left unanswered for the friends and family members of Spalding aside from how it is that this stairwell fell from notice while police scoured the hospital. According to family members who visited her in the hospital, her room was on the fifth floor, steps away from the nurse's station and that stairwell was accessible to hospital grounds. How Spalding slipped into the stairwell unseen by hospital staff and why she only managed to descend one flight of stairs remains a mystery. fat cockw "These are men and women who were going to work doing their jobs and protecting of all of us," he added. “They're patriots. They know the dangers of serving abroad, but today they faced the unimaginable violence that they wouldn't have expected here at home.” sexxbf hd "In several parts of the world where people who inject drugs represent sizable components of national (HIV) epidemics, countries have yet to demonstrate a robust response to this public health challenge," it said. culeras anal thusycom "Going forward, we think Japan's economy is on track. One concern is private investment, but we understand corporate sentiment has improved significantly. We should see positive private investment growth from the third quarter onwards," he said. sricharan dal A cross-party Senate committee in Italy is due to resume ahearing later on whether to bar Silvio Berlusconi from politicallife, at the risk of prompting the former prime minister'sallies to pull out the coalition government.

le 22/04/2020 à 14h25

What sort of work do you do? 453dad cum inside twice 3 “Like any kind of health care offering, (pet insurance) is viewed as an employee enticement and retention tool,” said Charles J. Sebaski, an insurance analyst for BMO Capital Markets in New York. sidee loo weyneeya guska It almost sounds that Xbox systems in Japan are comparable to, say, the NeoGeo was here in the UK. It was an expensive system to import back in the day, and even if you had one the games would run you several hundred pound a pop. If you had one you were either seen as a hardcore purist or a silly sod with too much money in your back pocket. It’s little wonder that Xbox 360 has remained a niche format in Japan, given the cost involved when obtaining code. wwwxxcon 2 In a season in which four of the five Met starters entering the campaign have gone on the disabled list, the Mets can take comfort in looking ahead to Niese’s next start. He suffered only from command issues on Saturday, not the shoulder injury that derailed his year in June and made him the forgotten man of the rotation for two months. meyzo sez Hedge-fund manager William Ackman has resigned from the board of J.C. Penney, bringing an end to an unusually public rift among directors that had threatened the struggling company's turnaround efforts. pudai 1 The project — which will include more gates, a modern waiting area and new retail businesses — was supposed to start last November, but was stalled partially due to a switch in contractors, Valens said.

le 22/04/2020 à 14h25

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le 22/04/2020 à 14h25

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le 22/04/2020 à 15h21

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le 22/04/2020 à 15h21

I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name www yuj zzcom Instead, Rodriguez wants to talk about the support he has gotten from fans, when he has to know that most Yankee fans want to shoot him into outer space, and think about a day when the Yankees can use the money they have wasted on him on players who might be able to win more than the one World Series that A-Rod has won in the nearly 10 years he has worn a Yankee uniform. vvvxxx c The Los Angeles Times first reported the appointment, which comes after what the paper describes as a “secretive process” to make the unusual appointment of a high-profile political figure to lead the huge university system. rape xxx wdh "It will have an impact on domestic brands over the long term as the prices of high-end premium brands come down. Customers will tend to buy the foreign brands as the price gap between domestic and foreign brands narrows," said Jacqueline Ko, an analyst at Maybank Kim Eng Research. lubag burin cwg indonsiya In an appellate hearing before the five commissioners of theU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, an attorney forShanghai-based China-Biotics urged the panel toreverse a February 2012 decision by an SEC administrative lawjudge. The judge upheld an earlier 2011 SEC enforcement actionseeking suspension or revocation of the company's registration. affec3d ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) - The toll from devastating twin storms climbed to 80 on Wednesday as isolated areas reported damage and deaths to the outside world, and Mexican officials said that a massive landslide in the mountains north of the resort of Acapulco could drive the number of confirmed casualties even higher.

le 22/04/2020 à 15h21

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le 22/04/2020 à 15h21

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le 22/04/2020 à 15h21

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